In the process of space exploration, mankind managed to change a lot in the Earth's biosphere. These changes showed that all transformations are possible only up to a certain state. The human body, like the biosphere, can also undergo changes only up to a certain state. If the natural balance is disturbed, then these processes can lead to irreversible and sometimes deplorable consequences. In the age of computer technology and robotic technology, the human body is less and less exposed to physical stress, which is why some muscles atrophy. The human nervous system is more susceptible to stress.
Putting the body in order
First of all, this is necessary for urban residents who need mental and physical training to improve the general condition of the body and increase efficiency. Physical training brings to work previously dormant corners of the whole body, reviving them and improving biochemical processes. Breathing becomes more even and, as a result, gas exchange normalizes.

Properly designed set of physical exercisesimproves physical, biochemical and even nervous processes in the body. If they work harmoniously, then the body responds faster to impulses sent by the muscles, joints, vestibular apparatus and other body systems. Therefore, the benefits of therapeutic and preventive gymnastics can be discussed for hours.
Romberg's pose: what is it?
If there are any neurological disorders in patients, then doctors identify them with a special test. This is the Romberg pose. What is it and how to do it?
This is a setting in which the patient is in an upright position with arms extended forward. If you wait a while, then the person may sway, his fingers begin to tremble, and in some cases there may be strong shocks from which you can fall. This is the main indicator of nervous system disorder.

If the patient in the Romberg position is stable, then this indicates the absence of any diseases of the central nervous system.
Romberg test
Romberg's pose is widely known all over the world. What is it for a he althcare professional? This is primarily the simplest way to detect violations in the work of the central nervous system. It allows you to determine the patient's ability to balance and shows whether he can maintain balance at rest. Unsteadiness in the Romberg position means that the patient has a cerebellar lesion or there are any processes associated with changes in the central nervoussystem. When doing the Romberg test, the patient is asked to stand up with closed eyes, firmly moving the feet and stretching the arms forward.
Romberg symptoms
If the use of the Romberg position did not give a clear positive or negative answer, then the patient is offered to complicate it. To do this, the legs are placed along a straight line, so that the toe of one foot is pressed tightly against the heel of the other. If in this position staggering or pushing the body in different directions is already noticeable, then this is a consequence of the development of ataxia.

Romberg's symptoms are manifested if there are violations of the cerebellum, as well as its relationship with other parts of the brain and with a disorder of the vestibular apparatus, impaired sensitivity due to damage to the spinal cord, or with polyneuritis. It is important to determine the direction in which the patient is staggering, since this is most often diagnostic. If there is a disease of the cerebellum, then the patient leans towards the affected hemisphere.
It is important to note that it is impossible to speak unequivocally about the disease of the central nervous system, only relying on this study. Since the Romberg position is the simplest method that can only suggest diseases of the central nervous system in the early stages. If deviations are observed when performing this method, then it is worth conducting an additional complete medical examination.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that wiggles inRomberg's position indicates not only neurological diseases, it may indicate the presence of neurosis.
Syndromes in which the cerebellum and its connections are affected
The cerebellum in the human body is responsible for orientation in space. Its neurons instantly respond to the impulses sent, which are responsible for changes in the environment or changing tasks. If the damage to the cerebellum occurs at an early age, when the child has not learned motor skills, then it will be extremely difficult to learn movements.
If the defeat occurred when the necessary motor skills were obtained, then the implementation of already known exercises will occur with significant violations. There may be deviations relative to the trunk, as well as limbs. To identify these violations, the Romberg position is suitable. Ataxia is a consequence of a violation of the proper functioning of the cerebellum.

Symptoms of cerebellar dysfunction
The main indicator of cerebellar dysfunction is the development of symptoms such as:
- cerebellar ataxia;
- muscle atony;
- asynergy.
Cerebellar ataxia is a deviation from the correct execution of any movements, a decrease in coordination. From the side, such movements can be regarded as unstable, clumsy or sloppy. They seem to be completely unrelated. In this case, absolutely any part of the body can be affected by ataxia.
Vestibular test in the Romberg position helps to detect ataxia. These violationsaccompanied by severe dizziness, vomiting and nausea.

With muscle atony, the patient's range of motion increases, the muscles become flabby and lethargic, and because of this, it is difficult for the patient to perform any physical exercises, and sometimes even just move.
In violation of the coordination of various muscle groups involved in individual movements, a symptom such as asynergy develops. For example, with normal limb movement, the patient cannot crawl on all fours because they do not understand how to coordinate the alternating movement of the arms and legs.
Romberg Pose Workout
Romberg's pose - what is it for a he althy person? This is an indicator of the state of the whole organism as a whole. Correct posture in this posture is a state that a normal, he althy body should have.
This is exactly the posture that any person should have in his youth, when his muscles are still in good shape. Unfortunately, after a hard day at work, as well as with age, it is already more difficult for the muscles to keep the body in the correct position, and for this it is necessary to make some efforts. In order to help the body cope with the load placed on it, it is necessary to constantly train it. If you periodically perform exercises, then the body will “remember” the correct setting, and you will feel better at the end of the working day, and the years will not affect your he alth. Here's what the Romberg pose means for your body.