Protein is necessary for our body every day, regardless of the level of physical activity. Of course, the higher your activity, especially if it is associated with power loads, the more protein is spent on muscle growth. It would seem, what is easier, eat meat, eggs and everything will be in order. However, all foods, in addition to protein, also contain fats, which is not always desirable. In this sense, protein powder is a unique product. Just a few scoops gives you a serving of complete protein, without the extra fat or carbs. It helps to maintain the strength of the body during a strict diet, after operations and during intense training in the gym. Today we will talk about how to choose a protein powder and how it affects your body.

What do we want to use it for?
This is the main question you shouldgive an answer. Protein powder is not only a dietary supplement that can be consumed at any time at will. Excess protein can seriously harm your he alth. Therefore, before ordering a fashionable cocktail, read the article to the end. So, there are several reasons to start taking protein powder.
First of all, such an idea comes to the mind of those who dream of gaining muscle mass. Indeed, such cocktails are very effective for recovery and muscle building. If you intend to visit the gym regularly, then it does not hurt to add it to your diet. However, we must remember that this mixture should not completely replace protein sources. This is just an addition.

Protein shake for weight loss
Girls, this is good news for you. It turns out that these mixtures will be useful not only for fit and pumped up men to become even stronger, but also for you - with their help you will be more beautiful. Protein powder for weight loss is gaining more and more popularity among those who decide to follow a diet for weight loss. Enough protein will create a feeling of satiety and help you keep your appetite under control. If, against the background of a diet, you also decide to sign up for a gym, then it will provide sufficient nutrition to the muscles.
Food supplement
Modern nutritionists come to the conclusion that most of our citizens suffer from protein deficiency. Therefore, even if you are not going to the gym, you can use protein powders. Reviewsexperts say that the regular introduction of such a composition into the diet will help you in reducing cholesterol, blood pressure and excess weight. As a food supplement, cocktails can be consumed by vegetarians, people after major operations. Such mixtures can even be administered through a tube if, due to a disease, the intestines have partially lost the ability to absorb nutrients.

How much protein powder can I have per day?
This is a difficult question. First of all, the answer depends on the level of physical activity. However, even if you lead a passive lifestyle, protein must be consumed daily, otherwise the body will begin to use its own reserves. In this case, the muscles will suffer first. However, if your diet is already rich in proteins, then you need to consult with a nutritionist: is it worth adding an additional protein supplement. Despite the difficulties in calculating the protein norm, the researchers offer us an approximate formula. You need to consume 0.8 grams of regular proteins for every kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh 90 kg, you will need 72 g of protein. And this is the norm for people leading a passive lifestyle. Physical activity requires exactly twice as much protein.
To calculate the optimal dosage, you need to know something else. Only 15% of calories consumed should come from protein. The average calorie content of the diet is 2 thousand kcal. Therefore, it is recommended to consume 75 grams of protein. With high physical activity, this figure should be doubled. However, we are nowWe were talking about a normal diet. If you plan to gain weight or, conversely, lose weight, then you need to increase your protein intake by 40%. These extra calories should replace refined carbohydrates. Thus, in order to achieve your results, you need to consume from 1.6 to 2.5 grams per day per kilogram of weight. If you have kidney problems, then limit your intake to 1.6 g. However, we still have one more task - to figure out which protein to choose.

Egg white
Protein shake powder is different. The source of the protein contained in it can be soy, eggs, milk. Each of them has differences that you need to be aware of. If you are not allergic to egg white, then it will be an ideal option for those who decide to build muscle. It contains a complete set of essential amino acids. Depending on the quality, such a powder may include a fairly large amount of cholesterol. However, egg white is great for athletes to build and strengthen muscles. Professionals often choose this protein, as it provides good muscle growth.

Milk protein
This is a versatile protein that will help you both lose weight and gain muscle mass. It is the most nutritious of all animal proteins. It has a very high acceptance rate. Studies show that milk proteins are ideal for weight loss, as well as beneficial for muscle recovery and helping to synthesize new muscle.masses. One disadvantage is the lactose content. In people with lactose intolerance, milk protein can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Studies have proven that milk proteins are the best option for post-workout recovery and weight loss. Protein powder in the pharmacy is found only in the form of ready-to-drink cocktails with various flavors. However, judging by the reviews, in specialized sports nutrition stores it can be purchased much cheaper. And additives - fruit or berry puree - you can make yourself.
Whey protein
Perfect if your goal is post-workout recovery. This protein dissolves very quickly and is absorbed by the entire body. Since it contains many useful elements, it is recommended to take it as a dietary supplement. The high price of this type of protein is fully justified by the quality of the product itself. But keep in mind that it will be effective for muscle growth only with high physical exertion.

Vegetable Proteins
Most often the basis is soy. It is processed in a special way, and protein powder is obtained. Its composition is very close to animal protein. However, it is not recommended for men. At least for regular use, as soy contains phytoestrogens. It is these proteins that are the cheapest in the first place because of their price. Judging by the reviews, the pluses include low calorie content, which is important for an athlete. And to the cons– insufficient amount of essential amino acids.
There are many protein manufacturers on the market. However, the world-famous Nutrilite company stands out among them. Protein powder was launched into production in 2012. It is expensive, and therefore the question immediately arises: why not take something cheaper? In fact, this product has a number of advantages. It contains two types of protein: animal (from milk) and vegetable (from soy). It has a very fine, floury texture. Thanks to this, it dissolves easily not only in water, but also in kefir.
This protein comes unflavored, which is great. Any flavor gets boring faster than you finish the jar. And here you can add honey or cocoa yourself. The package comes with a very handy measuring spoon. One dose contains a third of the daily protein requirement and only 36 kcal - about as much as a beetroot salad. Plus to all that has been said is the name of the company itself. The production does not use chemicals, dyes and preservatives. Judging by the reviews of nutritionists, this is the best option, as it combines the advantages of all the others.

Reverse side
Protein intake has two sides. Today it is not only sports nutrition, but also a food supplement that enriches the body with essential amino acids. However, do not think that taking the powder is enough for you to lose weight or build muscle. Without enhanced training, there will be no effect. For lovers of passivelifestyle, there is an option - to take protein instead of dinner, thereby adjusting your calorie intake. That is, the product acts as a means of drowning out hunger and making it possible to adhere to a diet.
But the amount of protein that you can eat should be strictly regulated by your doctor. An excess of protein leads to the fact that the kidneys and liver suffer, and the result is a general intoxication of the body. In order for the protein not to cause harm, you need to have a good understanding of what effect you want to get.