Throughout life, people are exposed to all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Some of them can cause serious and sometimes very dangerous diseases, most of which are characterized by the appearance of a rash. One such disease is mononucleosis. What is its causative agent and what kind of rash with mononucleosis occurs in children and adults, we will consider in the article.

Mononucleosis is an infectious disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Children under the age of 10 are most affected. The incubation period depends on the state of the immune system and the individual characteristics of the person. Signs of the disease may appear on the 5th day after infection, but sometimes the incubation period is extended for up to two weeks. The virus greatly weakens the immune system, so often additional pathological conditions occur during the course of the disease.
Infectious mononucleosis has two forms of development.
- Acute, which is characterized by severe symptoms. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications.
- Chronic. The most common form of the disease. Symptoms are almost completely absent, but the person is a virus carrier and remains contagious. Under the influence of reduced immunity, some signs of the disease may appear.
A large number of people are carriers of this virus, without even knowing it, because many cases of infection are in a chronic form, without showing characteristic symptoms. In some cases, signs may appear that many confuse with SARS.
The virus, getting on the mucous membranes, affects the cells of the immune system, starting to multiply actively in them. These cells then spread the virus throughout the body, settling in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and tonsils, causing inflammation and, as a result, an increase in them.
The virus dies fairly quickly in an open environment, so infection is only possible through close contact.
Methods of infection

The virus can be transmitted in the following ways:
- by contact: for example, through saliva;
- vertical: during pregnancy from a carrier woman to a fetus;
- airborne during blood transfusion.

If the disease is acute, the first signs are easily confused with SARS. Asdevelopment of mononucleosis, the following symptoms appear:
- fatigue;
- irritability;
- weakness;
- sleep disorder;
- puffiness;
- prolonged rise in temperature to high levels;
- chill;
- pain in the abdomen;
- darkening urine;
- pain in the liver area;
- swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck, despite this, they remain painless;
- nausea, vomiting, stool disorders;
- nasal congestion;
- enlarged liver and spleen;
- sore throat accompanied by plaque (may be confused with a sore throat);
- rash.
Features of the rash

Rash in mononucleosis is its characteristic feature. Occurs, as a rule, on the 3-12th day of the disease. A feature of the rash in this case is the absence of itching and burning. The rash of infectious mononucleosis is not specific and can spread throughout the body, but most commonly affects the limbs, face, neck, back, and abdomen. In more advanced cases, it may appear in the sky in the mouth. Rashes are spots up to 1 centimeter in diameter, which can be of the following types:
- hemorrhagic;
- in the form of papules;
- blisters;
- roseola.
Also, rashes can have the following features:
- wrong shape;
- do not itch;
- may be exudative;
- pale pink or red;
- mainly localized on the face.
They do not leave peeling and any traces. Often, a rash with mononucleosis is confused with manifestations of other infectious diseases, therefore, diagnostic measures are taken to clarify the diagnosis.
The number of rashes depends on the state of human immunity and the timeliness of treatment. In most cases, the rash after mononucleosis disappears along with other manifestations of the disease after a few days, leaving no traces. But it happens that this symptom of the disease remains for a long time.
Below is a photo of a mononucleosis rash in children.

Rash as a reaction to antibiotics
Despite the fact that a specific relationship could not be established, it is believed that the occurrence of a rash in mononucleosis is influenced by the use of antibacterial drugs. They are prescribed for the treatment of concomitant diseases in the event of complications or in case of an incorrectly established diagnosis. In this case, an itchy, scaly rash occurs, the elements of which, in severe cases, are combined, covering large areas of the body. It is not recommended to scratch itchy areas, as deep scars may remain.

But many experts do not support the theory that antibacterial drugs cause allergic reactions.
Since a rash indicating mononucleosis does not always appear, and many signs can easily be confused with manifestationsother diseases, a set of diagnostic measures is prescribed to establish an accurate diagnosis. These include the following.
- Blood test. The presence of Epstein-Barr virus will be indicated by increased values of leukocytes and lymphocytes, and the presence of atypical mononuclear cells is also observed.
- Biochemical blood test. Mononucleosis has a negative effect on the liver, therefore, with this disease, an increase in bilirubin and liver fractions is observed.
- PCR diagnostics. For research, saliva or discharge from the throat and nose is used.
- Ultrasound examination of the liver and spleen for enlargement.
- Detection of antibodies to the virus.
In the chronic stage of the development of the disease, only a specific blood test can indicate infection.
The choice of therapy directly depends on the symptoms that have arisen. Treatment of a rash with mononucleosis in adults and children will not differ. But in most cases, specific therapy is not required for this, since the rashes do not bring discomfort and disappear quickly enough. But if, with mononucleosis, the rash on the body is very itchy, antihistamines and antimicrobials may be prescribed to prevent infection when combing the rashes. For severe rashes, strong gels and ointments may be recommended, but this is rarely needed.
The following drug categories may also be recommended.
- Antiviral drugs. For example, Isoprinosine, Acyclovir.
- Immunomodulators.
- Vitamin therapy.
- Antibiotics for the treatment of concomitant diseases. If a rash appears after taking it, you should consult a doctor who will change the drug.
- choleretic.
- Hepatoprotectors.
- Antipyretics for symptomatic treatment.
- In especially severe cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs.
- It is very important to follow the drinking regimen and diet recommended for diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
If symptoms worsen, pain in your side or a rash spreads, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, because with mononucleosis there is a risk of developing dangerous complications.
Preventive measures

Prevention of mononucleosis will be the observance of elementary rules of hygiene. These include:
- personal hygiene;
- refusing to contact sick people;
- strengthening immunity;
- avoiding the transition of diseases to the chronic phase;
- get vaccinated in time: this will allow you to transfer mononucleosis in a mild form;
- good nutrition;
- timely visit to the doctor.
With untimely treatment or its absence, dangerous conditions can develop. These include:
- anemia;
- rupture of the spleen (this pathological condition requires immediate medical attention, wheresurgical treatment);
- encephalitis;
- pathologies of the respiratory system, such as pneumonia;
- disorders of the cardiovascular system - pericarditis, myocarditis;
- if there is an itchy rash with infectious mononucleosis in children, it is possible to attach a third-party infection due to scratching and damage to the rash.
With timely treatment, the prognosis in most cases is positive. But due to the fact that often the disease does not have pronounced symptoms, therapy is belated. This may contribute to the development of complications that require more in-depth treatment with antibacterial agents. Therefore, it is very important to be able to listen to your body or the body of your child. One of the symptoms that indicates the development of mononucleosis is a characteristic rash. Knowing the features of its course will allow you to identify the disease at an early stage of development and start timely therapy.
Infectious mononucleosis is a dangerous disease that mostly affects children. Timely vaccination and implementation of preventive measures will reduce the risk of developing the disease or reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. The disease can proceed in different forms, and characteristic symptoms may be absent. Therefore, if infection is suspected, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe diagnostic measures. The appearance of rashes can speak of both mononucleosis and the body's reaction to antibiotics. ATIn this case, you need to pay attention to the nature of the rash. With mononucleosis, itching and discomfort are absent. Timely vaccination will reduce the risk of infection or contribute to a mild form of its course.