What you poop with blood is scary and unpleasant. Is this condition dangerous?

What you poop with blood is scary and unpleasant. Is this condition dangerous?
What you poop with blood is scary and unpleasant. Is this condition dangerous?

If you suddenly notice that you are pooping with blood, the first reaction is fright, even if there are a few drops of blood. In the event that the consistency of the stool is not broken, is it necessary to see a doctor?

When can blood be observed in the stool?

If the presence of blood in the stool occurs when the temperature rises, and the stool is liquid, then the first thing that can be assumed is the presence of an infectious disease. Diarrhea with blood is a symptom of dysentery.

poop with blood
poop with blood

Loose stools with blood impurities occur during amoebiasis or balantidiasis. Both diseases occur if parasites, amoebas or balantidia have entered the body.

If you poop with blood, you need to pay attention to its color and quantity. Some conditions in which blood appears in the stool once are not dangerous.

In addition to infection with protozoa or manifestations of an infectious disease, blood in the feces appears with pathological changes in the intestine. It can be seen at:

  • fissures in the rectum;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • proctite;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • the occurrence of tumors and diverticulum in the intestine;
  • bleeding from the upper intestines and stomach;
  • after an injury to the rectal mucosa;
  • taking certain medications as a side effect.

Color of blood in stool

If you poop blood, what should you do first? Look at her color.

Black stools (unless the color change is caused by drugs or foods) indicates bleeding in the upper intestines and stomach. Also, black feces can occur with varicose veins of the esophagus. Black stool is called melena, most often it has a tar-like consistency. The presence of melena requires immediate medical attention.

if you poop blood what to do
if you poop blood what to do

Stools of normal consistency with blood streaks occur during Crohn's disease, with ulcerative colitis, in the case when diverticula or tumors have formed in the intestine, which can be either malignant or benign.

If you poop with blood and it is scarlet, we can assume the presence of cracks in the rectum or hemorrhoids. Blood is released during or immediately after a bowel movement.

Many people do not think that if you have a small amount of red blood, you need to see a doctor, especially with frequent constipation. In the case of one-time bleeding, you really do not need to go to the doctor. It is enough to remove constipation, and anal fissures will not bother. But when a stool with blood appears constantly, it is necessary to visit a proctologist. There are times when patients think that the bleeding is due tophenomena of hemorrhoids, and at this time, a tumor process develops in the rectum or large intestine.

When you systematically poop with blood, a consultation with a proctologist is a must. Bloody stools are not normal.

Baby has blood in stool

If a baby poops mucus with blood on the first day after birth, it is very likely that he swallowed blood during childbirth. An infant's stool is formed within 72 hours of birth.

baby pooping bloody mucus
baby pooping bloody mucus

If the child is older, then the causes of blood in the stool can be almost the same as in an adult:

  • infectious diseases;
  • intestinal ulceration;
  • anal fissures caused by difficult bowel movements;
  • pathology of the digestive system.

Blood in children's feces can also appear during dysbacteriosis.

If there is a lot of blood in the stool, the stool is foamy, the child is restless, lethargic, you should definitely consult a doctor.
