Children's Clinic No. 125 (Bibirevo): photos and reviews

Children's Clinic No. 125 (Bibirevo): photos and reviews
Children's Clinic No. 125 (Bibirevo): photos and reviews

Children's Polyclinic No. 125 is an institution where parents of little patients can turn for any help, because all the necessary specialists work here. Today we will find out where this medical organization is located, what is its structure, and also what people think about the work of the institution.

children's polyclinic 125
children's polyclinic 125

A bit of history

In 1985, Polyclinic No. 125 (Children's) was established. Moscow is the city where this medical organization was built to help small residents of Russia. Until 1991, the structure of the polyclinic included 3 departments: pediatric, preschool and school divisions, where narrow specialists were admitted. In 1991 there was a change in leadership. Then the manager ordered the construction of a new building, which was erected in 1995. New address of the organization: Moscow, st. Kostromskaya, 14. Then again there was a change of leadership, and from 2008 to the present day, the clinic has been headed by the chief physician Vasilyeva T. M. She managed to find an excellent team of specialists: candidates and doctors of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category. AllThe staff of the polyclinic have excellent theoretical as well as practical training. They constantly improve their professional level, often travel or hold conferences in the field.

Address. Opening hours

In the capital of Russia there is a multidisciplinary children's organization called Children's Polyclinic No. 125. Bibirevo is a district and at the same time a metro station where you need to get off to get to the main institution. From this place you need to walk another 5 minutes on foot. Address of the main building of the clinic: st. Kostroma, 14.

Opening hours - from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 20:00. Saturday - from 9:00 to 14:00. To call a doctor at home for a child, you need to call on weekdays from 8:30 to 14:00, and on weekends from 9:00 to 14:00.

children's polyclinic 125 bibirevo
children's polyclinic 125 bibirevo


Children's City Polyclinic No. 125 includes the following departments:

- 1st pediatric.

- 2nd pediatric.

- Neurological.

- Ophthalmic.

- Otorhinolaryngology.

- Trauma.

- Surgical.

- Regenerative medicine.

- Functional, clinical laboratory, ultrasound and radiation diagnostics.

- In-home emergency department for small patients (24/7).

- Vaccination room.

- He alth Center.

- Office of a speech therapist, psychologist.

- Eye protection.

- Treatment room.

- Consultative and diagnostic department, which acceptssuch doctors: cardiologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, allergist-immunologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist-andrologist, neonatologist, dentist, endoscopist, hematologist, oncologist.

children's clinic of the municipality 125
children's clinic of the municipality 125

Paid services

Since 2014, the clinic has been providing medical care to young patients:

- Free under the government guarantee program.

- As part of voluntary insurance.

- At the expense of the money of the applicant (parents).

The desire of mothers and fathers for their child to receive quality medical care on a paid basis is the reason for the provision of paid services. Children's polyclinic No. 125 did not neglect this decision either. The paid department of this institution provides services under a license. Before providing assistance, representatives of the polyclinic enter into an agreement with citizens who represent the interests of the child.

Paid services in this clinic are provided from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 19:00, on Friday - from 8:00 to 18:00, on Saturday (by appointment) - from 9:00 to 15:00.

This medical organization has comprehensive programs for children (see table).

Age of child Program name Price
0 to 1 year "Snub-nosed" From 40 to 120 thousand rubles.
1 to 2 years old "Top, top, stomp baby" From 30 to 100 thousand rubles.
2 to 3 years old "Mynightingale" From 30 to 90 thousand rubles
3 to 5 years "I know the world" From 27 to 75 thousand rubles.
5 to 7 years old "School, I'm going" From 25 to 70 thousand rubles.
7 to 10 years old "I'm a prodigy!" From 23 to 65 thousand rubles
10 to 14 years old "Future astronaut" From 20 to 65 thousand rubles.
14 to 17 years old "Hello, adulthood!" From 16 to 55 thousand rubles.

This difference in the cost of programs depends on their type: basic, standard, optima or VIP. The basic program is the cheapest.

children's city polyclinic 125
children's city polyclinic 125

Moscow branches

In total, children's polyclinic No. 125 has 6 departments:

- Branch No. 1: st. Leskova, 8-b. You can get there from the Altufievo metro station, then transfer to one of the following buses: No. 92, 601, 259, 774, 705, 815. Trolleybus No. 80 also goes there. You can also get to the stop "House of Creativity" by taxi (No. 79m, 392m, 728m), there is also a children's polyclinic No. 125.

- Branch No. 2: st. Novgorodskaya, 23a. Get off at the Altufievo metro station near the Perekrestok store, take any bus that passes through Cherepovetskaya Street (No. 284, 601, 92, 705, 815, 98, 836).

- Branch No. 3: st. Leskova, 22a. All from the same station as in the first two cases, go to the street. Leskov. Then take the bus number 815, 601, 259or 774 and get to the stop "Cinema "Budapest"".

- Branch No. 4: st. Korneichuk, 40a.

- Branch No. 5: st. Pskovskaya, 11, building 2.

- Branch No. 6: Dmitrovskoe highway, 165, building 7.

polyclinic 125 children's moscow
polyclinic 125 children's moscow

Doctor appointment

The practice of online appointments with doctors in Russia is widespread, and children's polyclinic No. 125 is no exception. You can make an appointment with a doctor from this clinic in the following directions:

- pediatrics;

- pediatric gynecology;

- urology, andrology;

- surgery;

- dentistry.

To get advice from other specialists, you only need a referral from the local pediatrician.

Make an appointment with the above doctors through:

- Moscow portal of public services.

- Special mobile applications.

- By phone.

- By personal appeal to the registry.

children's polyclinic 125 branch 2
children's polyclinic 125 branch 2

Fight against drug addiction

The administration of polyclinic No. 125 is strenuously struggling with the problems of drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking by minors. To do this, together with other organizations, lectures, thematic lessons, various competitions, and surveys of school students are held in this institution. The polyclinic specialists also work with parents: they hold meetings at which they discuss the problems of children's unhe althy lifestyle.

Specialists of the institution even conduct traveling seminars in schools. There they show posters, brochures, booklets, videos to children. It plays a big role in raising a he althy mind in children.

Quality Assessment Questionnaire

On the official website of the clinic, anyone who has ever applied for help to this organization can evaluate the quality of the institution's work. To do this, the administration has created a special online questionnaire that anyone can fill out anonymously. It asks the following basic questions:

  • What was the wait time to see a doctor?
  • Did the doctor see him at the appointed time or not?
  • Was the person satisfied with the quality of services provided or not?
  • Did the parent thank the doctor and how (thanks in writing, flowers, gifts, money, etc.)?

Thus, the head physician of the institution finds disadvantages in the work of doctors, and also does everything possible to eliminate various negative aspects in the organization's activities.

Positive ratings from parents

Children's Polyclinic No. 125 has different reviews: someone praises this medical institution, and someone criticizes it. Those parents who were satisfied with the work of doctors note the following positive points:

- Doctors always meet the needs of patients. They accept even when a person applies without an appointment.

- There are doctors of all specializations: audiologists, nephrologists and even pediatric gynecologists and immunologists. You can get tested in one place.

- Parents note that the clinic has a swimming pool, an office for medicalphysical education, in the state - masseurs. This is very cool, because immediately after the conclusion of a neurologist or orthopedist, you can go for therapeutic swimming, massages, physical education.

- Many people note that the clinic building itself is clean and tidy. The cleaners do an excellent job: the garbage in the buckets does not stay for a long time, everything is quickly carried away, the floors are washed several times a day.

children's clinic 125 reviews
children's clinic 125 reviews

Negative ratings from parents

Unfortunately, children's polyclinic No. 125 also has negative reviews. So, there are people who were dissatisfied with the following points in the work of this institution:

- Parents note that before the arrival of the new manager, there were more free services. After the appointment of a new leadership, it became the other way around. It turns out that people now need to shell out more money for the examination and treatment of children.

- Some of the rules are just "you can't pull on your head." For example, parents write on forums that in order to enroll a student in a nephrologist, you need to come to the pediatrician with your child. That is, a son or daughter needs to be torn away from lessons only in order to take a referral, and the next day to go to a narrow specialist.

- Parents note that children's polyclinic No. 125 has deteriorated due to the fact that doctors began to devote more time to writing and entering information about small patients into the computer. And instead of listening carefully or looking at the child, they spend more time typing and writing.

- Another dissatisfaction with this organization is due to the fact thatthat the time indicated in the coupon does not coincide with reality. Parents have to sit with their children for 20-30 minutes to get to the doctor. There is a time mismatch.


From the article you learned what the structure of the children's polyclinic No. 125 in Moscow is, what kind of doctors work there. Despite the fact that qualified doctors work in this organization, people still have comments about the activities of some specialists. In this clinic, you can get both free and paid help.

It must be said that not only residents of Moscow have the opportunity to receive qualified medical care. Little patients of Chelyabinsk are waiting for the 14th city children's polyclinic (Communy, 125). In this institution, babies are also received by various specialists.
