How often can I get an MRI? Feedback from people about the procedure

How often can I get an MRI? Feedback from people about the procedure
How often can I get an MRI? Feedback from people about the procedure

Modern medicine is developing rapidly, and for several years now diagnosticians have been offering to conduct a special detailed study of parts of the body on a special MRI machine. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to scan any organ. As a rule, such diagnostics are carried out in case of emergency, when other diagnostic methods are not effective. Based on the study, doctors confirm or, on the contrary, exclude suspicions about the alleged disease. Sometimes it becomes necessary to re-analyze on this complex apparatus or scan another organ after a short time. And a natural question arises about how often you can do an MRI, is it dangerous?

How often can an MRI be done?
How often can an MRI be done?

How does the machine work?

Recently, everyone is talking about magnetic storms and their negative impact on human he alth. The manifestation of this phenomenon in the atmosphere can cause a headache in humans. radiation that producestomograph, also magnetic. Therefore, people who are scheduled for an examination are worried – is it harmful to have an MRI in principle?

It's no secret that this device is one of the most informative diagnostic methods. And although MRI creates a high-frequency magnetic field, it does not emit X-rays that cause more significant harm to the human body. The tomograph is safer in this respect than the mobile phone that people use every day. Experts, when asked how often an MRI can be done, have an opinion: “Everything that is too much is not useful.” However, this device does not cause any changes in a person either during the procedure or after it. And if for some reason a second examination is scheduled, you can undergo diagnostics without fear for as long as it is required.

mri reviews
mri reviews

Necessary precautions

Before carrying out this procedure, the doctor always specifies the factors that may serve as a contraindication, both absolute and relative:

  • First trimester of pregnancy, as possible negative effects on the fetus.
  • Metal objects present in the human body. These can be orthopedic structures, organ clips, artificial joints, a pacemaker or a defibrillator.
  • The procedure can be scheduled in an open machine if the person is claustrophobic.
  • If at the time of diagnosis a person suffers from ENT diseases.
  • Severe condition of the patient.
  • Tattoos Includingmetal elements - earrings, balls.
  • Electronic or metal implants.
  • Clamps on the vessels of the brain.

A patient cannot prescribe a procedure on his own. All these factors are considered by the doctor, and only he can decide how often an MRI can be done and whether to prescribe a second diagnosis. Perhaps it is strictly prohibited even once.

When and how many times can an MRI be done?

There are no restrictions for tomography, unless there are special contraindications. For example, diagnosing multiple sclerosis requires repeated MRI scans to monitor its spread to the spinal cord and brain. More than once in a short period of time, the study can be performed after surgery or at the stage of preparation for surgery. It is often necessary to scan organs in the process of treating cancer, chemotherapy, in order to detect metastases, tumors. It is also recommended to undergo a second examination after spinal injuries or injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

is it bad to have an mri
is it bad to have an mri

How MRI works

A person changes into a change of clothes that they can take with them. All things, metal objects must be removed, put out of pockets too much.

The patient goes into the control room and is positioned correctly in the tomograph. During the procedure, the person must lie still. Sometimes it is this condition that causes slight discomfort to the patient. But it's not a whimdoctor, but a necessity. Any, even a small movement, can adversely affect the quality of the picture.

The inside of the device is illuminated, a fan is built into the device so that the patient does not feel stuffy in an enclosed space.

Regular preparation before scanning is not required. An exception is those cases when a contrast agent is used during the examination. Special training is needed in the diagnosis of the abdominal and pelvic organs. A few days before the procedure, you should start a carbohydrate-free diet. Before an MRI, do not drink tea and coffee, and 5-6 hours before the start, stop drinking and eating. You should drink an activated charcoal tablet if there is flatulence, and take medicine to relieve spasm.

how many times can you do an mri
how many times can you do an mri

Opinions about the MRI procedure, people's reviews

As a rule, many of us are afraid of something new and unknown to ourselves. Some people who have been assigned a tomography are cautious for the first time for an examination. But as a result, it turns out that there is nothing terrible in this procedure. So what do people say about MRI? Reviews of patients who have undergone this procedure boil down to one thing - there is nothing terrible and dangerous in it. Especially when it comes to your he alth. The only nuance that can become an obstacle to conducting a study is the question of how often an MRI can be done. After all, if a person needs repeated repetitions of procedures, then you should know about it for sure.
