Treatment of Kalanchoe: folk recipes

Treatment of Kalanchoe: folk recipes
Treatment of Kalanchoe: folk recipes

Many supporters of traditional medicine grow Kalanchoe at home - a houseplant that is as valuable in its pharmacological properties as aloe and ginseng. For the treatment of various diseases, plucked leaves are used, from which miraculous juice is squeezed out, tinctures and ointments are made.

The plant contains a whole bunch of organic acids: malic, oxalic, citric. In addition, it is rich in polysaccharides, tannins and trace elements. Being a natural remedy, it is often used to treat children with Kalanchoe. It also helps pregnant women, who should not use many synthetic drugs.

The plant is famous for its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound healing effects. Preparations made on the basis of Kalanchoe have all the properties of a biogenic stimulant. In this article we will tell you what diseases the plant helps with. Below are photos of Kalanchoe. Treatment with juice and ointments will be described in detail.

kalanchoe treatment at home
kalanchoe treatment at home

Kalanchoe therapy

In what case is this popular folk remedy effective? Probably, there is no such area in medicine in which Kalanchoe would not be used: treatment of the common cold, throat, eyes, ears, ulcers, wounds, problems of the stomach and intestines, gynecological ailments, prevention of tuberculosis. And this is not a complete list of those diseases that can be healed with the help of a plant.

It is known that Kalanchoe juice is able to destroy harmful microorganisms, actively fight bacteria, cleanse the skin of dead cells. The liquid is non-toxic. In most cases, it does not irritate the mucous membranes and human skin. Therefore, it rarely causes allergic reactions and complications. Virtually no side effects.

By the way, in folk medicine, not only the leaves of the plant are used, but also their processes - the so-called children. The concentration of nutrients in them is much less. Therefore, in this case, plant pulp should be taken an order of magnitude more, and the leaves themselves should be chewed longer if the therapy provides for just such their use.

Another option for getting Kalanchoe into the body is to use it with food. So, the finished pulp is added to a bowl of soup or a second course. For these purposes, one teaspoon of herbal medicine will be enough.

In order for the natural medicine to have the maximum effect, it must be prepared from fresh, freshly plucked leaves. Before this, the plant is not watered for 3 or 4 days. Cut leaves are placed in the refrigerator, where theykept for a week. After that, they are passed through a meat grinder or blender, squeezing the juice. To keep it longer, a little honey is added to it.

There is another popular way of preservation. Juice is defended for 3-4 days. Then it is diluted with alcohol (1/5 of the total volume of liquid) and poured into small bottles or special ampoules.

You can make another version of the tincture from the finished juice. It is easy to make: 4 tablespoons of plant pulp, crushed into small pieces, pour vodka (200 g) or pharmacy alcohol (100 g). The blank is placed in a dark, cool place and kept for three weeks.

An ointment can also be prepared from juice: 50 grams of anhydrous lanolin and 30 ml of plant juice are mixed in a ceramic bowl, then 50 g of petroleum jelly are added to the mass. In the refrigerator, you need to store an ointment made on the basis of Kalanchoe.

Treatment of runny nose and sinusitis

Juice is used for the treatment of rhinitis and its complications. It is squeezed out of the plant and instilled into each nostril: two drops three times a day. The liquid tickles the mucosa, causing a prolonged attack of sneezing. With its help, the nasal passages are cleared of accumulated mucus. Also, the juice kills bacteria and germs, reduces swelling of the inside of the nose.

The treatment of sinusitis is similarly carried out. Kalanchoe is instilled into the nose several times a day. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, since in large quantities this liquid can harm, causing a burn of the mucous membrane.

For the same reason, the treatment of rhinitis in children is carried out very carefully: Kalanchoe is not for babiesgive in its pure form, it is often diluted with boiled water (the required proportion is 1: 3). For preventive purposes, children are not instilled with juice, limiting themselves only to rubbing their nostrils with cotton pads or swabs soaked in a healing liquid.

The nasal mucosa in babies is very delicate. Therefore, before using any folk remedies, you need to visit a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist, after consulting with specialists.

treatment with kalanchoe leaves
treatment with kalanchoe leaves

Injuries and diseases of the skin

Kalanchoe is one of those rare medicinal plants that helps get rid of erysipelas. This is a very insidious skin disease: streptococci provoke inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and the skin itself.

The disease is severe. The patient's temperature rises high, lymph nodes increase. In this case, the inflammatory process extends to extensive skin areas. Antibiotics help get rid of erysipelas. Doctors also recommend the treatment of Kalanchoe. At home, the patient lubricates the skin with ointment or just juice. The procedure should be carried out at least three times a day.

In addition, the plant helps with eczema and dermatitis. The procedure is similar - applying three times a day a few drops to the affected area. If a person suffers from furunculosis, then it is worth lubricating not only the formation itself, but also the areas adjacent to it. Do this twice a day for a week.

Helps Kalanchoe and eliminate warts. The procedure is simple: a bandage with crushed fresh leaves is applied to thoseplaces where formations regularly appear. They change it twice a day. If the weekly course did not help, continue the treatment of Kalanchoe for several days.

Recipes also provide assistance in healing wounds and ulcers. You will also need juice for this. The liquid is drawn into the syringe (1-2 ml) and the damage is irrigated with it. Then a bandage is applied. It is made from several layers of gauze, richly dipped in juice. Above is a clean napkin that absorbs excess moisture, and a bandage.

If the wound is purulent, then an antibiotic is often added to the juice. But here you already need a consultation with a doctor who will tell you the necessary drug and its correct proportions. When a strong burning sensation appears, the bandage is removed. In this case, the juice is diluted in equal proportions with one percent novocaine. The bandage is moistened with juice twice a day.

kalanchoe treatment recipes
kalanchoe treatment recipes

Therapy of diseases of the mouth, throat and ear

In these cases, Kalanchoe is also used. Treatment of various inflammations in the mouth area - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis - is carried out either with the help of applications on the mucous membrane or gums, or aerosol inhalations. The procedures, the duration of which is 20 minutes, are repeated four times a day. Thanks to them, with periodontitis, bleeding gums and itching decrease, suppuration completely disappears after two weeks. By the end of the therapeutic course, the gums acquire their he althy pale pink color, becoming firm and he althy.

Otolaryngologists advise their patients to use Kalanchoe for tonsillitis. For example, if the disease is chronic, then in a dayelectrophoresis of plant sap is carried out on the submandibular zone. In case of inflammation of the middle ear or damage to the eardrum, a cotton swab dipped in Kalanchoe tincture is inserted into the auricle.

For the prevention and treatment of any inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, the following recipe is used: juice and boiled water are diluted in proportions of 1:5. Two drops of liquid are instilled into each nostril five times a day. Patients with tonsillitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis also gargle with this solution.

How to treat eyes?

Ophthalmologists also recommend the treatment of Kalanchoe at home. The plant effectively copes with burns and other traumatic injuries of the eye, erosive and inflammatory processes of the cornea. It is often used to combat degenerative mutation of the elements of the visual organ.

The method of treatment is simple: Kalanchoe juice is instilled into the conjunctival sac. You can take a clean liquid or dilute it with novocaine (0.5%), isotonic sodium chloride solution. Proportions - 1:1. These procedures are best done under medical supervision.

kalanchoe treatment for children
kalanchoe treatment for children

Female Assistant

In obstetric practice, treatment with Kalanchoe leaves is a common thing. Juice quite effectively fights against birth breaks, heals wounds of the perineum. It helps with cervical erosion, inflammation of the mucous membrane of its canal - endocervicitis.

The last disease requires drug therapy. But if the inflammation is non-specific, that is, caused by a non-viral infection, then women are recommendeddouche with anti-inflammatory herbal remedies. For example, Kalanchoe juice.

First, the plant acts directly. It eliminates the inflammatory process. Secondly, it also works indirectly - it enhances the effect of various healing procedures: mud therapy, electrophoresis. For the treatment of diseases of the female genital area, the juice of the plant is used. So, two or three drops are applied to the affected area. The course lasts 5 days.

Kalanchoe is the best helper for nursing young mothers. The juice of the plant eliminates irritation of the skin, heals cracks formed on the nipples. For this purpose, the liquid is applied to the desired area. For the procedure, a pipette is used. Apply two to three drops at a time after each feeding.

kalanchoe juice treatment
kalanchoe juice treatment

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

As you can see, Kalanchoe helps with many ailments. Plant treatment is also effective for diseases of the intestines and stomach: gastritis, colitis, enteritis, ulcers. The therapy has a combined effect: it relieves inflammation from the mucous membrane, stimulates the regeneration of epithelial tissues. The spectrum of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is too wide. Therefore, in each individual case, the doctor determines the specific dosage and duration of the course.

At the same time, ordinary heartburn can be de alt with at home. Here you should apply the following recipe of traditional medicine: if you experience discomfort, burning and itching in the stomach, you should eat a small leaf of the plant, chewing it thoroughly. Feelings of relief come within five minutes.

Varicosevein expansion

In this case, an alcohol tincture or ointment based on Kalanchoe will be an effective medicine. Treatment involves rubbing medication into the skin. Both the ointment and the tincture will relieve inflammation and have a resolving effect.

Start the procedure with the feet, gradually approaching the knee. Pay the most attention to the calves: wrap your fingers around them, move your hand slowly, avoiding strong pressure on the veins and muscles.

After the end of the massage, put on a special stocking. Being elastic and durable, it will return the correct shape to the vein. As a result, the effect of the procedure will be enhanced.

kalanchoe cold treatment
kalanchoe cold treatment

Other states

Surprisingly, Kalanchoe juice treatment is carried out in case of not only physical ailments, but also psychological ones. So, the plant helps with depression. If you suffer from this problem, simply plant a Kalanchoe in a pot and place it on a windowsill. Inhaling its aroma all year round, you will feel much better: your emotional state will stabilize, your working capacity will increase, your mood will rise. Even a headache will cease to remind of itself.

The plant is often used to treat tuberculosis. The patient is given a tincture: a teaspoon of juice is diluted with a third glass of water. The medicine is drunk half an hour before meals for 3-4 months. A similar tincture will serve for the prevention of tuberculosis. It should be drunk by all household members who are in contact with the patient.

What else does the plant heal? It helps with bed sores. yes, juicetreat the affected skin. The bandage is changed regularly for the first three days, then every three days. During the break, the diseased parts of the body are lubricated with petroleum jelly, zinc ointment and other softening preparations.

As for burns and frostbite, the technique is simple. The juice of the plant is dripped onto the affected area. You will need no more than three drops. The procedure is repeated several times a day for five days.

kalanchoe treatment of the common cold in children
kalanchoe treatment of the common cold in children

For skin beauty

Treatment of Kalanchoe is effective not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. With a leaf of a plant, after removing the skin from it, they wipe the face - this is a skin cleansing procedure. The juice is quickly absorbed. To enhance the effect, tap on the face with the pads of your fingers. Then apply regular cream.

By the way, many cosmetics have been produced based on Kalanchoe. So, there is a Kalanchoe skin cream, which contains 15% of the plant's juice. It is designed to prevent aging, restore aging skin.

If you have dilated capillaries on your face, a similar procedure will help. After the first such beauty session, a slight burning sensation, tingling may appear. Do not worry - after the third procedure, the discomfort will pass. The number of sessions is at least 12. They are carried out in a day or two.

What else can Kalanchoe? The plant is able to fight wrinkles, acne and dark circles under the eyes. For this, a healing potion is prepared: 2 tablespoons of finely chopped leaves are poured into a glass of warm water. Insist for several hours in a cool place, protected fromsun. After the medicine is filtered - a natural lotion is obtained. They smear the skin of the face, hands, décolleté. Such a drug is able to give he alth to the skin, eliminating all cosmetic imperfections.

So, we have described both the diseases themselves and the treatment of Kalanchoe. The photos in the article clearly demonstrated the plant itself. You can always use the advice of traditional medicine. They only enhance the effect of the main therapy, help the patient recover faster, and in some cases serve as an excellent prevention of the development of a number of ailments. But before starting therapy, in any case, it is necessary to consult a specialized doctor. Only doctors can give the right recommendations so that such alternative treatment does not have negative consequences.
