Why you shouldn't smoke: reasons

Why you shouldn't smoke: reasons
Why you shouldn't smoke: reasons

In today's world, smoking is an integral companion and one of the most common bad habits for more than one third of humanity. Many scientists put nicotine addiction on the same level as drug addiction. The harm that a cigarette smoker brings to the body is simply colossal, although it may not be noticeable in short life spans. In this article we will try to answer the question of why you can not smoke?

why can't you smoke
why can't you smoke

What is cigarette smoke?

They say a drop of nicotine can kill a horse. And this is not a sarcastic expression, because if you look at the composition of cigarette smoke, you can understand how a cigarette destroys the body. According to average estimates, tobacco smoke contains more than 3,000 chemical compounds. And one pack of cigarettes contains about 130 mg of nicotine. There are also poisons, among which: cyanide, arsenic, hydrocyanic acid. But that is not all. In addition, tobacco smoke contains radioactive substances such as polonium, lead and others. And this is not to mention the fact that up to 80 kg of tar passes through the lungs of a smoker every year, settling to some extent in the organs themselves.


Why can't you smoke? This question can only be asked by those who have not yet realized the full harm of smoking.

Cigarettes stimulate the development of severe chronic diseases. The damage that smoking causes to humanity can only be compared with the damage from wars and major man-made disasters. According to the World He alth Organization, one in five human deaths per year worldwide is caused by smoking.

why can't you smoke after
why can't you smoke after

You can often hear that every cigarette you smoke takes 5 minutes from your life. In fact, this is not an invention of fighters for a he althy lifestyle, since the harmful substances in tobacco smoke activate the process of biological aging of the body.

Tobacco negatively affects the human central nervous system. Those who smoke will understand. After all, when nicotine hunger begins, a person experiences a severe nervous breakdown.

Smoking can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Many people go blind due to frequent smoking.

It would seem that a pack of cigarettes, which is sold on every corner, is not capable of causing such diseases, but is only a kind of familiar sedative. Why can't you smoke from time to time for your own peace of mind? Because tobacco smoke can cause much more serious diseases. A person who constantly smokes narrows blood vessels, has problems with the heart, which becomes decrepit. The brain undergoes changes from a constant lack of blood and oxygen. All this affects not onlywell-being of the body, but also can affect its physical condition.

And most importantly, smoking is a cause of cancer that cannot be cured. Daily inhalation of tobacco smoke increases the risk of malignant tumors by 10 times, especially in those places where nicotinic acid accumulates - the oral cavity, lungs, stomach. All these diseases in 99 cases out of 100 end in death.

Why shouldn't you smoke before having a baby?

Everyone knows perfectly well that smoking during pregnancy will not lead to anything good. However, the fact that smoking before conceiving a child is by no means harmless is rarely thought about.

Firstly, the chances of conceiving a child are reduced significantly. In a smoking man, the number of working spermatozoa is reduced by 17%, and those that remain have a low viability.

why you shouldn't smoke before
why you shouldn't smoke before

Secondly, a bad genetic history can be passed on to the child. Under the influence of negative substances contained in tobacco smoke, the genetic material in the sperm is damaged. And this can subsequently lead to an abortion or the birth of a child with painful pathologies.

Thirdly, if a woman smokes, her chances of getting pregnant tend to zero, due to infertility.

Why can't you smoke while breastfeeding?

Every woman who is breastfeeding her baby and wants to enjoy smoking at the same time should know that nicotine is a drug loaded with hugeamount of toxic substances. He, like the harmful components of alcohol, can accumulate in mother's milk, turning it into poison. That's why you shouldn't drink or smoke while breastfeeding. The child of such a mother loses sleep and appetite. Disturbances occur in his autonomic nervous system, which can subsequently lead to developmental delays. The baby's immunity decreases, various allergies appear. And the worst thing is that the child can simply die.

Therefore, you should always remember that it is unlikely that your whim and momentary weakness is worth a prosperous life and good he alth of the child.

Sports and nicotine

Why can't you smoke after training? Sports and smoking are incompatible things. It seems that the judgment is unambiguous and unconditional. But not everyone understands and realizes the degree of poisoning of the athlete's body with tobacco smoke. And some naively believe that they compensate for their harmful addiction with physical activity. So, the heart of a person involved in sports experiences certain stresses, and nicotine increases them many times.

why can't you smoke time
why can't you smoke time

As mentioned earlier, a smoker's blood vessels constrict, which causes a person's tissues to become oxygen deficient, and blood pressure rises. Muscle tone decreases, protein synthesis levels drop, and muscles stop growing and developing.

The central nervous system under the influence of harmful tobacco substances is in a depressed state, which reduces coordination and dexterity.

Specialistscalculated that 1-2 cigarettes smoked per month will negate all the efforts of an athlete to develop their own achievements.

Harm from passive smoking

Passive smoking or breathing in air that contains tobacco smoke has almost the same effect on the human body as a smoker.

why you can not drink and smoke
why you can not drink and smoke

With a single and short inhalation of tobacco smoke, all harmful substances are removed from the body, but prolonged exposure provokes coughing, shortness of breath, and weakness. In addition, passive smoking contributes to the development of lung cancer. The development of this disease in a non-smoker who lives next to a smoker increases by 20-30%. In Russia, more than 3.5 thousand people die every year from lung cancer. And the cause of the disease is passive smoking. That's why you can't smoke and live next to a smoker.
