Types of alcoholism: names and characteristics

Types of alcoholism: names and characteristics
Types of alcoholism: names and characteristics

In the article we will consider the types of alcoholism and encodings.

An alcoholic is always understood as a degenerate tramp in dirty tattered clothes. But absolutely anyone can come to an illness, from a successful businessman to a modest student.

The most common types of alcoholism are household, chronic, complicated.

The signs of this disease are not always clearly expressed. To distinguish a real addiction from a one-time alcohol abuse, you need to know what types of this disease exist. What types of alcoholism and encoding methods exist?

types of codes for alcoholism
types of codes for alcoholism

What do we know about this disease?

The causes and types of alcoholism are interrelated.

Alcoholism and the stages of this disease develop in people gradually similar to any habit or disease. The stages of such dependence are characterized, as a rule, by a gradual increase in the patient's need for alcohol. Such people have an inability to control themselves and adequatelyaccept any given situation. The development of such a disease as alcoholism in men and women is generally the same and has only some distinctive features. The type of treatment for alcoholism directly depends on the characteristics of the human body, and in addition, on the psychological state and stage of the disease.

It is worth emphasizing that alcoholism is an extremely serious disease that requires an immediate response, and in addition, help from relatives and friends of a sick person. Alcohol addiction, which was noticed at the first stage, can be cured quite quickly and prevent further progression of this serious illness in a person.

Now let's move on to the types of alcoholism.

Chronic appearance

This species is characterized by the regular use of alcohol, it does not matter at all whether it is a strong drink or not. The most important thing is to achieve the necessary state of intoxication. As a rule, this is typical for the second and third stages of the disease. People around know about the addiction of the patient, since it is impossible to hide the daily drinking.

Reception of alcohol is carried out in the form of a kind of ritual. For example, in this way, a reward is given for a hard day's work, and in the evenings a person believes that he deserves a glass or two. This can go on every day. At the weekend, a meeting with a friend is expected, with whom it is pleasant to talk over a bottle of vodka heart to heart. There are many such ritual occasions, and everything directly depends on the person himself. Chronic drinking of alcohol can cause certain changesin the reaction of the body:

  • Loss of control over how much you drink.
  • The development of a hangover syndrome in the form of tremors, sweating, heart rhythm disturbances, and, in addition, depression is observed.
  • Increased tolerance to alcohol. At the first stage of addiction, this is not so pronounced, but then gradually this factor becomes more and more pronounced.
  • Presence of signs of alcoholic psychosis.
types of treatment for alcoholism
types of treatment for alcoholism

What type of alcoholism treatment is used here? The chronic type of addiction can be treated with medication, through psychological effects, or in a complex way. In order to be effective in therapy, it is necessary to eliminate harmful rituals, and in addition, to protect a person from communicating with people with whom he traditionally drinks. At the end of the working day, you need to keep the patient busy with things that will be incompatible with alcohol.

We continue to consider the types of alcoholism and its stages.

Drunken look

Drunken alcoholism involves the use of alcoholic beverages for up to several weeks in a row without a break. Sometimes such a binge can last for several months. As a rule, something similar happens with people who do not have the opportunity to drink alcohol regularly. They can drink in the evening in small quantities, but in the event of psychological instability, they go on a drinking binge. It is extremely important in this case to determine the causes that lead to such a state in order to eliminate them.

When you get out of binge (it doesn't matter if it happened on your own or with the help of doctors)after some time, a person may again find himself in a similar situation. People around do not always know about the dependence of this type of alcoholic, and therefore, without therapy, the disease can develop into an even more severe stage.

For therapy, it is necessary to remove the patient from hard drinking. First of all, it is required to completely eliminate the use of alcohol and give the patient the opportunity to oversleep. It is far from always easy to put a person in a state of intoxication to bed. Sleeping pills are used for this, however, many of them are incompatible with alcohol, and therefore a doctor's consultation is required.

As soon as the state of sobriety is achieved, the body's water balance should also be restored. This can also be achieved by drinking plenty of fluids or using droppers in the event that, due to vomiting, the enrichment of the body with fluid becomes impossible. After the withdrawal of a person from binge, it is required to make a decision about his treatment, especially when he cannot cope with it on his own. What types of alcoholism are, interesting to many.

Secret view

The main feature of this type of alcoholism is that a person hides addiction very carefully. This is especially true for women and successful people who consider their addiction shameful. And besides, to public figures, whose reputation is at risk of suffering in case of publicity.

At first, such patients manage to hide their condition, so those around them really do not suspect anything. But with the passage of time, the mystery is revealed, because the symptoms of the problem become veryexpressed. There are various diseases and behavioral perversions. A change in appearance also betrays a person's secret about his alcohol abuse, especially in women.

With this form, patients adhere to two options: regular intake of low-alcohol drinks in small quantities or large strong dosages, but at a certain time. Often secret alcoholism is accompanied by hard drinking or chronic addiction.

types of alcoholism and its stages
types of alcoholism and its stages

Beer view

It is characterized, like the chronic type, by some traditionality, for example, in this case a person drinks beer in certain certain situations. Many people think that drinking beer will not cause the same harm to the body as other alcoholic beverages. Such a misconception against the background of regular consumption of beer in an amount of at least a liter per day leads to a persistent addiction.

Types of alcoholism and its stages are not known to everyone. A long-term addiction to a foamy drink leads to no less consequences than the love of alcohol. Often, chronic or drunkenness is added to beer alcoholism. A person can supplement their daily consumption of beer with drinks with an even higher alcohol content, thus going into a binge.

Separately, we can also highlight the female form of alcoholism. This species is especially dangerous, as it develops very rapidly.

Female look

Usually, in this case, psychological dependence occurs at the initial stage. With the help of alcohol, a woman can drown out the disorder of her personal life along withproblems at work and pain due to the loss of a loved one. Gradually, this dependence turns into a physical form. It is at this moment that the use of alcohol becomes a necessity. Women's alcoholism can develop very rapidly, and often has a secret form. In this regard, others can notice the problem only by the appearance of a change in appearance, which usually occurs in the second and third stages. At this time, it becomes very difficult to get rid of the problem on your own, and the treatment takes longer. To a greater extent, the liver and pancreas suffer from alcohol abuse in women.

Often this type of human alcoholism leads to promiscuity, which, combined with lack of hygiene, can cause venereal diseases. It is very dangerous to drink excessive alcohol during conception or pregnancy. This leads to premature birth, and, in addition, to pathologies in the development of the unborn child. Often children who are born alcoholics have a bunch of diseases and lag behind in development. Such a mother is not able to take care of the baby and often gives the child into public custody.

Below, consider the types of encodings for alcoholism, the pros and cons.

narcology alcoholism types of stage
narcology alcoholism types of stage

Household appearance

Household alcoholism is a way of life, which is based on the wrong attitudes associated with alcohol. That is, in this case, it is not so much a disease as a bad habit. Household alcoholism rests on the traditions that exist in society. In addition, heis based on the attitudes adopted in a close team among colleagues, relatives and friends. Domestic alcoholism is characterized by the presence of a number of the following features:

  • A person does not have a painful addiction to alcohol and, in fact, he can refuse alcohol at any time.
  • The need to drink alcohol dictates the occurrence of any situation that involves the use of alcohol, for example, at a holiday, party, and so on. In the event that there is no reason, then there is no reception of strong drinks.
  • In he althy people, after drinking alcoholic beverages, aggressiveness does not increase.
  • The appearance of shame with a sense of remorse for loved ones immediately after drinking.

Types of encodings for alcoholism

Now let's move on to coding. There are several variants of coding from alcohol, for example, hypnosis or in another way hypnotherapy, acupuncture, suggestion and others. Next, we will dwell on these types in more detail.

Hypnotic sessions

Neurocoding of a sick person from addiction is carried out by a hypnologist. With the help of this method, a person is specially instilled with a different worldview, he is helped to develop a completely new life plan with an absolute absence of alcohol. In addition, the specialist is trying to develop in a person a persistent aversion to certain toxic substances.

As a result, a person refuses to drink forever. Finding a real professional hypnologist in the city is quite difficult. It is necessary to contact specialized centers in whichthe patient will choose the appropriate method of treatment. Coding alcohol addiction through the use of hypnosis involves various methods. The most common, and at the same time, the most popular among them are:

  • Specially developed Dovzhenko method.
  • Performing psychotherapy.
  • Performing the method of hypnosuggestive psychotherapy.

What kind of addiction is alcoholism, now it's clear.

types of encodings from alcoholism reviews
types of encodings from alcoholism reviews

Injection coding

Coding for addiction with injections into a muscle or vein is another form of drug treatment for this disorder. The use of this method is aimed at ensuring that a person has special reflexes for the absolute rejection of alcohol.

In other words, injections make it possible to code an alcoholic, and at the same time develop in him a stable intolerance to taste, smell, sight, and even the thought of alcoholic beverages. The patient is given a special medication. Against this background, a person completely loses the desire to drink alcoholic beverages.


This is one of the most efficient anonymous encoding methods for this dependency. This method involves sewing a pill, spiral or ampoule under the skin of the arms, legs, or under the shoulder blade using surgical intervention.

The sewn-in tablet immediately begins to dissolve little by little, the process of drug circulation through the circulatory system starts. Thanks to this peoplequickly begin to simply not perceive alcohol. This is a huge plus of this method, besides, the cost of such encoding is quite moderate.

Treatment of alcoholism by this method is the most demanded in the field of modern medicine today. The fact is that the medicine is absorbed rather slowly, and the process itself continues for a long time. During this time, the patient can develop not only physical, but also psychological dislike for alcohol. In addition, the overall he alth and appearance of the patient improves. As a rule, only one such procedure is enough for an absolute refusal to take alcohol.


One of the best coding methods currently used in medicine is a special drug called "Torpedo". It can block alcoholism for a long time. The patient is given this medicine intravenously or intramuscularly, and then the body is completely incompatible with the corresponding drinks.

types of alcoholism household chronic complicated
types of alcoholism household chronic complicated

The human body simply ceases to perceive alcohol. But this can bring a person to absolute despair and a serious stressful state. Thus, after the introduction of this drug, psychological neuroses will begin to form in the patient. Against this background, people abruptly stop drinking, as they seriously begin to fear for their lives. Sometimes the consequences of such treatment can be unpleasant, since a person may need psychological help, it depends on the type and stagealcoholism in narcology.


In another way, this procedure is also called reflexology or acupuncture. Coding from alcoholism through acupuncture came to us from the ancient medicine of the eastern peoples. Such methods have been practiced by peoples for thousands of years. Therapy of alcoholism with acupuncture needles involves influencing bioactive points.

Such techniques are effective only if acupuncture or massage is done by a person who has experience in psychoenergetic practice. Most people do not believe that this method will help get rid of alcoholism, exactly as long as they themselves do not see it.

What other types of encodings for alcoholism are there?

Photo coding

Today, coding is very popular, which is carried out from a photograph. This coding method is good because a person who is addicted to alcohol does not even know that he is getting rid of this addiction. The fact is that many people suffering from alcoholism do not want to seek help, so they try in every possible way to avoid it. In addition, this coding method does not have the slightest side effects, and it does not bear absolutely no harm to he alth. No less important is the fact that a person does not have to get tired of inpatient treatment in the hospital.

The only disadvantage of such therapy is that its effectiveness has not yet been confirmed, and for many it raises doubts and mistrust. Thus, there is no guarantee thatthat this procedure will give results. Based on this, people resorting to this technique agree to it, being prepared in advance for the fact that it will not help. It is best to use this technique in combination with drug and psychotherapeutic coding. In this case, the results will be unambiguous.

types of encodings from alcoholism pros and cons
types of encodings from alcoholism pros and cons

Coding with laser treatment

Hardware laser coding for alcoholism is another way to get rid of this addiction. The procedure is carried out with a special laser device that can affect the biologically active points of the body. It is important to understand that the laser device affects exactly the same points as with acupuncture. Immediately before treatment, a special gel is applied to the skin, after which laser treatment begins.

Under the influence of a laser beam, the patient's alcohol memory is completely erased. It should be noted that this procedure is not an easy one. With the help of laser treatment, energy flows are cleansed. Laser coding is quite effective, but very individual for each patient. Thus, before proceeding with this procedure, preliminary work is carried out with the patient.

It should be noted that this medical procedure is not cheap, besides, it has a number of various contraindications, and not every clinic has the necessary equipment. In this regard, you should not abandon alternative methods in the form of acupuncture or massage. ActuallyIn fact, whatever method is chosen to get rid of alcoholism, the main thing is to get the desired result.

Reviews on the types of encodings for alcoholism

According to reviews, the most popular coding methods are torpedo and injection coding. But these methods of getting rid of alcohol addiction do not always work. Here, the desire of the person himself to give up his addiction is also very important.

There are other reviews about the types of coding for alcoholism. What else are people saying?

Few people believe in photo coding, because now there are a lot of charlatans and scammers who call themselves healers. All other methods are rarely used.

We examined the types and stages of alcoholism in narcology.
