Bowel prolapse: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Bowel prolapse: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment
Bowel prolapse: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

The anatomy of the intestine is quite specific. Its length is about 4 meters. And after the cessation of the functioning of the body, it increases to 15 m. The anatomy of the intestine is examined to identify various kinds of anomalies and pathologies. One of them is the downward displacement of the organ - ptosis. Let us further consider in detail the reasons for bowel prolapse. Symptoms and treatment of pathology will also be described in the article.

bowel prolapse
bowel prolapse


Intestinal prolapse, the symptoms and treatment of which are determined only after a comprehensive diagnosis, is caused, first of all, by an anomaly in the development of the organ at an early age. Genetic predisposition plays an important role in this. Given that the length of the intestine in an adult is quite large, the organ must be securely attached by connective tissue. However, due to some individual characteristics of the organism, its fixation is rather weak. This may be due to decreased muscle tone. In tall people, the connective tissues that hold the organ are rather weak. Intestinal prolapse can be caused by a low position of the diaphragm. It is a barrier betweenperitoneum and sternum. Often the anomaly occurs due to lordosis - a decrease in the bending of the lumbar. Bowel prolapse in some cases is acquired. Such an anomaly can occur in people involved in heavy physical work or sports. In such situations, there is an overstrain and overstretching of the muscles. Often, pathology is detected in people who were overweight and who lost extra pounds in a short time. The downward displacement of the organ can be caused by external interference. In particular, bowel prolapse is often diagnosed in people after removal of transudate, surgical excision of cysts and large tumors. Often, pathology appears in women who have repeatedly given birth, or who have had multiple pregnancies. In some cases, the displacement of the organ is associated with gastroptosis - prolapse of the stomach. In such cases, the normal movement and digestion of food is disrupted. Food stagnates, intestinal loops become heavier. As a result, pressure begins on the organ below.

bowel prolapse symptoms and treatment
bowel prolapse symptoms and treatment

Clinical picture

Intestinal prolapse is an anomaly that causes significant discomfort. Pathology manifests itself in the form of dull pain in the abdomen. It can be pulling or aching in nature. As a rule, painful sensations are localized in the iliac region on the right, lower abdomen, in the groin and lower back. Often, patients talk about discomfort in the abdominal cavity that occurs in a standing position. They usually disappear when taking a horizontal position. The pathology is characterized by frequent headaches,bouts of nausea, frequent fatigue. When the intestines begin to prolapse, accumulation of gases (flatulence) begins, constipation becomes chronic. In addition, men urinate more often, and women experience pain during menstruation.


The intestines of an adult, as well as a child with suspected pathology, are examined by complex methods. First of all, of course, the doctor talks with the patient, finds out the nature of the pain, localization. As part of the examination, palpation (palpation) of the abdominal cavity is performed. In addition, instrumental methods are also used. These include:

  1. Irrigoscopy.
  2. General survey radiography of the peritoneum. This study is performed first in a horizontal, then in a vertical position of the patient's body.
  3. Ultrasound.
  4. CT.

Many patients are interested in how intestinal irrigoscopy is performed, what is it? This study is performed using a radiopaque substance. The organ is filled with it and translucent. It is worth saying that among the most informative diagnostic methods, one of the leading positions is occupied by intestinal irrigoscopy. Almost all patients who have problems with the digestive system know what it is.

bowel anatomy
bowel anatomy


Treatment is carried out, as a rule, by a conservative method. In therapy, exercise therapy, massage are used, a special diet is prescribed. In some cases, the doctor recommends the use of a bandage. As practice shows, surgical intervention is prescribedin two situations. First of all, the operation is recommended if all conservative methods have been tried and failed, and the signs of the disease are getting worse. If we talk about the second situation, then we must first mention what threatens bowel prolapse. This pathology can provoke a violation of the blood supply to the organs of the peritoneum, complete or partial obstruction. In such complex cases, surgical interventions are performed. Meanwhile, even after a successful operation, doctors do not guarantee that the problems will completely disappear and there will be no relapse (recurrence). It is almost impossible to achieve a lasting positive effect without the participation of the patient himself, his efforts.


The state of he alth of those patients who use special devices is much better. The principle of operation of the bandage is compression. To keep the intestine in a normal position, external pressure is used on the peritoneal wall, which is created artificially. The bandage should be selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, the clinical picture. It is put on in the morning in a horizontal position. To do this, the patient lies on his back and slightly raises the pelvic area. The bandage should also be removed in the supine position in the evening before going to bed. It should be remembered that even after wearing the device and a fairly stable remission, an increase in new symptoms is not excluded.

what is intestinal irrigoscopy
what is intestinal irrigoscopy

exercise therapy

Therapeutic gymnastics helps to strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum. Exercises for ptosis are aimed at increasing the tone of the lateral and anteriorparts of the muscles. In the process of training, the rectus and oblique external, internal, transverse, square lumbar and iliopsoas muscles are involved. Also, with ptosis, it is necessary to perform exercises that strengthen the diaphragm and striated muscles of the pelvic floor. At the initial stages, for 2-3 weeks, gymnastics is performed on the back, on an inclined plane (raised in the lower extremities).


Each movement should be repeated 5-6 times:

  1. A book should be placed between the navel and ribs on the stomach. The arms are extended along the body, the legs should be straight. Breathing begins using the diaphragm. In this case, the book should rise on inhalation, and fall on exhalation.
  2. Legs straight, arms along the body. The lower limbs are raised one by one.
  3. Arms are also along the body, legs are straight. Both lower limbs on exhalation rise above the floor, are held in this position for about 5 seconds. Lowering the legs is carried out slowly on the exhale.
  4. All previous actions are repeated, but after raising the limbs, "scissors" movements are made left-right, up-down.
  5. Legs bend at the knees, arms along the body. You need to lean on the back of the head, elbows and feet. The pelvis slowly rises up and also returns to its original position.
  6. Legs are straight, arms along the body. The right lower limb bends on inspiration at the knee and is pulled by the hands to the body, then returns to its original position. A similar movement is performed with the left foot.
  7. Starting position as in the pastexercise. On exhalation, both legs are bent at the knees, pressed against the stomach. Then you need to return to the original position.
  8. Movement "bike".
length of the intestine in an adult
length of the intestine in an adult

Standing gymnastics

After 2-3 weeks of lying down exercises, you can move on to more difficult exercises:

  1. Walking in place. In this case, you need to raise your hips high. The duration of the exercise is 1 min.
  2. Legs are put together, hands go down. The upper limbs rise up as you inhale. At the same time, the leg is pulled back. The toe of the foot touches the floor. As you exhale, take the original position.
  3. Hands along the body, legs together. On inspiration, the upper limbs are bred to the sides, at the same time the leg is retracted back. The toe of the foot should touch the floor. As you exhale, take the original position.
  4. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only the leg is moved to the side. Repeat five times.
  5. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of about 35 cm. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. Body turns are performed with the palms touching the wall with a delay in this position for 10 seconds.
  6. what causes bowel prolapse
    what causes bowel prolapse

Gymnastics should be done every day, after eating after 2 hours. The duration of classes is 10-15 minutes. After exercise, it is recommended to lie down on an inclined plane elevated at the legs for 25 minutes.


Of course, a person cannot correct his anthropometric parameters. Allpreventive measures, in this regard, can only be reduced to maintaining a he althy lifestyle. It is necessary to eat right, not to be physically overloaded. If we talk about the prevention of acquired ptosis, then here you also need to monitor the loads, your own weight, you do not need to try to lose weight quickly. During pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a special bandage.

bowel loops
bowel loops


Intestinal prolapse is quite a serious problem. In case of untimely access to a doctor, delay in treatment, the risk of complications is high. In men, due to constant pressure on the bladder, as well as the prostate, incontinence, adenoma, and prostatitis can develop. In women, the uterus and ovaries suffer. Problems with these organs threaten infertility, inflammation in the pelvic organs. In addition, ptosis is accompanied by problems with digestion. High risk of life-threatening intestinal obstruction.
