There is a widespread belief that blood as an unchanging genetic trait can tell a lot about its owner. It is said that people with the same group have similar temperament, character and physiological characteristics.
There are both supporters and opponents of this opinion. Be that as it may, this topic is of some interest, so now it is worth considering it using the example of the third blood type.

Rh+ B(III): character
Perhaps we should start with him. People, through whose veins flows the blood of the third group with a positive Rh factor, have an amazing ability - they quickly adapt to any life situation. In addition, they have the following qualities:
- Activity. It is so high that it is difficult for them to sit in one place.
- Craving for everything new and unknown.
- Self-confidence and peace of mind for the future.
- Non-conflict, flexibility shown in interpersonal relationships.
- The ability to find different ways to solve problems.
- Sociability, sociability.
- A certain selfishness. They always put their interests first.
- Increased emotionality and sensitivity.
- Wisdom and cunning.
- Emotional instability and increased nervousness.
- Tolerance and empathy.
- Strong sense of justice.
They have more positive qualities than negative ones. These people are loved by many for their openness, optimism and confidence.
Rh- B(III): character
People with the third negative blood type are distinguished by the following qualities:
- Calm.
- Romanticism.
- Delicate attitude towards others, somehow combined with exactingness. It is important for them that the people around them be cultured, hardworking and clean.
- Always ready to help and finish a job someone else started.
- Measurement, correctness, susceptibility to others.
- Hard work.
- Courtesy and correctness.
- Perfectionism.
- Critical and strict, both at home and at work.
It should be noted that people with blood of the third group and a negative Rh factor are less common than those with Rh+ B(III).

Rh+ B(III): he alth
And this topic should be noted with attention. People with a third positive blood group, according to some experts, do not face significant problems regarding their he alth,if there are no provoking factors.
They have good immunity and often elevated levels of sex hormones. They also have a strong digestive system, strong central nervous system and the ability to quickly adapt to dietary changes.
But the presence of strong immunity does not mean that the owners of the third blood type with a positive Rh do not have he alth problems at all. They are susceptible to the negative effects of rare viruses, are prone to type 1 diabetes, are at risk of getting an autoimmune disease and multiple sclerosis. Also, these people often experience chronic fatigue.
Rh- B(III): he alth
People with type 3 blood and Rh negative have more he alth problems. They are prone to these diseases:
- Intestinal tumors.
- Infectious lesions of the genitourinary system.
- Inflammation of the lungs.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Allergy.
- Depression and stress.
In addition to the above, they also have a predisposition to frequent colds and viral infections. They also often have problems with the endocrine system.

Rh+ B(III): nutrition
Many naturopathic experts believe that in order to maintain he alth, people need to follow the diet shown to them by blood type. Everyone who has blood of the third group, Rh positive, is recommended to build their menu based on the following products:
- Lamb andrabbit meat.
- Cabbage, eggplant, peppers, broccoli, carrots and other root vegetables.
- Cod, mackerel, halibut, flounder, pike, sturgeon, salmon.
- Caviar of various fish.
- Rice, oatmeal, rice flour pasta.
- Eggs.
- Beans, beans, soybeans.
- Low-fat cheeses, yogurt, cottage cheese.
- Wheat bread, rice cakes.
- Pineapple, apricot, banana, plum.
- Curry, ginger.
- Olive oil.
- Green tea.
- Juices from grapes, cabbage, pineapple and cranberries.
- Decoctions of ginseng or raspberry leaves.
But it is recommended to refuse such products:
- Alcohol and tomato juice.
- Pomegranate, coconut, pear.
- Corn, lentils, chickpeas, tomatoes.
- Rye, barley, millet, corn and buckwheat porridge.
- Sunflower and soybean oils.
- Perch, crustaceans and seafood.
- Ice cream.
- Pork and poultry meat.
Foods not listed should be consumed in limited quantities. Eating forbidden food, according to naturopaths, will lead to weight gain and he alth problems.

Rh- B(III): nutrition
The list of allowed foods for people with a third negative blood type looks something like this:
- Veal, beef, lamb, beef liver.
- Eggs.
- Low-fat fish - sardine, tuna, flounder, cod.
- Cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cheese, yogurt.
- Vegetables other than corn,potatoes, radishes, tomatoes, radishes, pumpkins, olives.
- Green.
- Groats, except for buckwheat and semolina.
- Pulses, excluding lentils.
- Pumpkin, sunflower, olive and linseed oils.
- From drinks: cocoa, green tea, juices listed earlier, black coffee, sauerkraut pickle (it stimulates metabolism).
Prohibited items include peanuts, seafood, sodas, mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces, persimmons, avocados, pomegranates, olives, and coltsfoot or linden tea.
Transfusion problems
It is impossible not to touch upon this topic. There are two types of antigen proteins - A and B. There are also anti-agglutinins - alpha (α) and beta (β).
So, if a person with a third negative blood of the same group, but with a positive Rh, will begin an irreversible process. Plasma β-agglutinin will destroy erythrocytes with β-antigen. Therefore, only identical blood is suitable for people with B (III) Rh-. And the first negative.
People with a third positive luck a little more. She has not two, but four donors. For people with this blood, the third and the first with any Rh factor will do. But others will elicit a rejection reaction. The fourth, second and third blood types do not match at all.

Rh negative pregnant women
Something worth telling about women with the third blood type. It is very important during pregnancy to take into account the characteristics of the Rh factor. Because as it showsmedical practice, there are always troubles if it is different for parents.
If the egg of a "negative" woman combines with the spermatozoa of a "positive" man, then two options are possible:
- The fetus develops paternal Rh. Then the woman begins to produce antibodies against him, the embryo. And there is a possibility of a rejection process, which is dangerous both for her he alth and for the fetus. A miscarriage is possible, it occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy.
- The fetus develops maternal Rh. In this case, the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and after birth, the third blood group in the child is registered.
Doctors say that the first pregnancy of a woman with B (III) Rh- has every chance of ending safely. Because antibodies are formed slowly. They can show aggression only at the end of the last trimester, but doctors know how to deal with this.
But in subsequent pregnancies, a woman will enter with an increased antibody titer. Accordingly, the risk of miscarriage increases. Girls with B(III) Rh- who have an abortion may remain childless, as antibodies accumulate, regardless of the outcome of the pregnancy.
But there is a way out anyway. After childbirth or abortion, a woman is injected with a special antiviral globulin, which becomes a deactivator for antibodies.

Rh positive pregnant women
They usually have a calm pregnancy. If a man and a woman who took part inconception, there is no blood type compatibility, then in this case the third positive dominates.
However, there may be problems in another case. That is, if a woman has the first blood type, and a man has any other, including the third. What is the point? A woman with blood of the first group does not have the notorious agglutinogens. And the fetus inherits the A and B antigens from the father, as they are present in any other blood.
As a result, the so-called conflict according to the ABO system develops. In this case, observation by a doctor who will prescribe preventive measures is strictly indicated. This is necessary in order to avoid elevated levels of bilirubin in the fetus.

A last word about them. In order for people with the third blood group to always have excellent he alth and not experience discomfort, they need to stop eating harmful foods, as well as get more positive emotions. Physical activity is highly recommended. After light workouts, there is always a so-called feeling of muscle joy.
What about leisure time? All people need proper rest. But the leisure of people from the third blood group should not be reduced to spending free time on the couch and gatherings with comrades. A more active holiday is recommended, moreover, in the fresh air, as well as a regular change of scenery.
Yes, beta-antigen carriers may be somewhat whimsical, but everything will be fine in their life if they regularly receive positive emotions.