Bates eye exercise: technique, indications and contraindications

Bates eye exercise: technique, indications and contraindications
Bates eye exercise: technique, indications and contraindications

Today, a large number of people around the world have vision problems. How to avoid such a problem when so many electronic gadgets (PDAs, tablets, etc.) are concentrated around us? In this regard, the number of vision correction surgeries is only increasing every year. However, there is a way to bypass surgery with Bates eye exercises. What is this system and who can benefit from it?

The essence of the technique

The name of William Bates is widely known. This is an ophthalmologist from the USA, who, with the advent of the 20th century, developed his own exercises for the organs of vision. Their goal is to correct common ailments such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism without the use of medication. As a rule, these exercises allow you to get rid of myopia.

Exercises to Improve Vision
Exercises to Improve Vision

According to Bates' theory, the muscles that surround the eyeball function in the same way as the lens. It is psychological overstrain and stressful situations that are the main provoking factors for the loss of visual acuity and the development of eye diseases. The type of pathology is largely determined by the type of stress. As a result of performing exercises for the eyes according to the Bates method, the psycho-emotional mood of a person improves, which has a positive effect on the organs of vision.

Important rules

Here you should follow certain rules:

  • Do not wear glasses when exercising! As the creator of the program notes, these corrective devices, on the contrary, prevent the return of vision. There is a need for glasses, then it is worth stopping at lenses with lower diopters (1-1.5 lower than necessary).
  • In no case should you strain your eyesight. Due to increased focusing, the result will be the opposite of the restoration of vision.
  • Exercise should be gradual. To begin with, it is worth doing the simplest movements and only after getting used to them make complex ones. Otherwise, overstrain of the eye muscles cannot be avoided.

On the territory of the USSR, the first follower of the Bates method was the physiologist of Soviet origin G. A. Shichko. For this reason, the system began to be referred to as the “Shichko-Bates method”. Today, Professor W. G. is responsible for promoting the restoration of vision using eye exercises according to the Bates method. Zhdanov.

Indications for exercise

In what cases can exercise help the organs of vision? The list of indications for performing a set of exercises according to Bates includes the following clinical situations:

  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • strabismus.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of exercise will be high only in the initial stages of the disease.

William Bates vs Glasses
William Bates vs Glasses

If the case is already running, then you should not expect any results from the execution of the complex.

A number of contraindications

The Bates Method is versatile and practical. Despite the fact that the system of the American ophthalmologist is completely safe for human he alth, there are a number of contraindications. There are not many of them, but everyone should know about it:

  • After eye surgery.
  • Retinal detachment.

Bates eye exercises for farsightedness or nearsightedness are not allowed for those people who underwent eye surgery. It is necessary to wait a certain period of time. As a rule, 6 months is enough. After such a long rest, you can begin the implementation of the complex.

As for retinal detachment, this is a serious pathological condition in which the retina separates from the choroid. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. But in any case, people with such a disease should not be given exercises to restore their vision.

Most expertstends to believe that the technique of William Bates does not help to fully restore vision. In addition, the system of this ophthalmologist is not recognized by the scientific community. In this regard, a reasonable assumption arises: it is up to you to decide whether to use it or not.

The effect of muscles on visual acuity

As you might guess, visual impairment is caused by improper functioning of the eye muscles. Therefore, they should be taught to function properly. Bates eye exercises help with myopia or hyperopia. But first, it is worth understanding what can cause disruption of the muscle structures.

Bates, while working as an ophthalmologist in various clinics, had the opportunity to observe many patients. Based on this, he made one important discovery: the proper functioning of the eye muscles is hindered by their tightness. For them to function properly, a person must be in a relaxed state.

It's all about the muscles
It's all about the muscles

What happens to us when we feel insecure or afraid? That's right, we shrink. The emergence of a feeling of compression binds akin to pain. If the muscles are relaxed, then we can move easily and freely. In this case, vision may improve.

Features of exercises

Currently, there are many ways to eliminate ophthalmic defects. But unlike the use of medications and surgery, performing the Bates exercises for the eyes with myopia does not require large financial investments. This is precisely one of the mainbenefits.

In addition, the Bates complex has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision:

  • blood circulation improvement;
  • restoring the tone of the eye muscles;
  • relieving pain of the organs of vision, including strain.

As the main provoking factor, the American ophthalmologist highlights the stress of a psychological nature. This kind of load inevitably leads to a loss of control, which ends in noticeable discomfort. As a result, the risk of ocular pathological conditions increases significantly.

Formation of positive

Before you start the Professor Bates complex, you should tune in a positive way. Otherwise, it is impossible to relax and get what you want. Here various wordings will help only in a positive way. For Shichko Bates' eye exercises, this is very important.

If a person is overcome by negative thoughts, then it is very difficult to enter a relaxed state, and sometimes it is impossible. How to do it when the body itself is in tension?

Unpleasant thoughts cause fear, which generates tension, and first the mental state is affected, and only then it affects the muscles. People who are full of positivity live happier and longer lives. And this applies not only to the eyes, but also to the body as a whole. So, before starting the exercises, you need to remove all your negativity.

Simple warm-up movements

Now it's time to get acquainted with the most common exercises that help both withfarsightedness as well as nearsightedness. Let's start with simple movements. Every athlete knows perfectly well that any physical exercise should only be started with a light warm-up to prepare the muscles of the body for the upcoming load.

Bates eye exercises - is there an effect
Bates eye exercises - is there an effect

The same goes for Batesian vision and eye exercises. They affect the muscle structure. To warm up, do the following movements:

  • Alternately look up, down, then close your eyes.
  • Use your muscles to turn the eyeballs either to the left or to the right, then close your eyes.
  • Draw a square with your eyes, for which their translation from one corner of the room to another will help. First - in the direction of movement of the clock hand, then - in the opposite direction (for example, from the left corner: right, down, left, up; then from the right corner: left, down, right, up).
  • Perform circular movements, as if drawing a circle. First in one direction, then in another.
  • The same, only with eights.

If classes begin for the first time, then you should start with 3-5 repetitions. For a start, this will be enough. Subsequently (when the muscles get used) each movement can be done 10 times.

Features of palming

This is already the beginning of the main set of exercises for the eyes according to the Bates system. Its essence is to close your eyes with your palms. This causes them to relax. The execution technique here is as follows:

  • To begin with, you should give your hands a cross-crosswise.
  • After that, you need to form a kind of cup or boat with your palms. At the same time, light should not penetrate through them. You don't have to close your eyes completely.
  • Now it remains to imagine complete darkness before your eyes and relax.
  • Heat will produce a greater effect, so you should first rub your palms together before warming up. Such a "bath" helps to relax the eye muscles.

As for the duration of the exercise, you should do it for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day. The more often, the better it will affect the organs of vision. Optimal - at least 4 times a day.

Sun bath for the eyes

In another way, this exercise for the eyes according to the Shichko-Bates method is also called solarization. According to Professor Bates, a metered portion of sunlight helps strengthen the eyes and, accordingly, vision.

Palming Features
Palming Features

But not only he thought so: even in ancient times, the wise men knew about the miraculous effect of our luminary. This, one might say, is an inexhaustible source of vitamin for our organs of vision. Not without reason, many of us like to watch the glow of a fire or a solar disk at sunset.

Three simple exercises:

  • Light-shadow. When the time comes, you should go to the window, relax, close your eyes and expose them to the sun's rays. After a certain period, retreat behind the wall, “hide”. Then come out of the "shelter" and again expose your closed eyes to the sun. This exercise can be performed on the street, but as a temporary "refuge"any tree should be chosen.
  • Face the sun. Stand at the window, turning your gaze to the solar disk. The eyes must be closed. Now alternately turn your head to the left and to the right. The advantage of this exercise is that you can stretch the cervical vertebrae.
  • Dawn and sunset. It is useful to look at the sun in the morning and evening hours. If there is such an opportunity, you should definitely use it.

During the first exercise for the eyes according to Bates, the muscles have a reflex reaction to a change in light intensity. They compress, then unclench. Due to this, the muscles become elastic, elastic and trained. After taking a "sunbath" it is worth doing palming.

Important warning

In no case should you look at the sun's disk when it is already turning from red to a bright yellow hue. Otherwise, retinal burns cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is useful to use while the luminary only rises or sets. Then its color is favorable for contemplation.

For this reason, solarization should not be done between 11 am and 4 pm. As a substitute, you can use an artificial source: a candle or a light bulb with a power of no more than 150 watts.

Total Recall

No, this is not a good old movie with a famous foreign actor (he obviously needs no introduction), although there is another version of it. This eye exercise according to Bates resembles palming, but there are still slight differences.

Sun bath for the eyes
Sun bath for the eyes

The starting position is assumed to be the same as forperforming palming. Only now it is necessary to present to the eyes not darkness, but some pleasant and bright image that evokes the corresponding sensations. For example, you can remember something pleasant from your past.

Then, when performing the exercise, a person will feel comfortable - his psychological state will begin to return to normal. The body, like the mind, relaxes, which has a beneficial effect on the eyes, improving vision.

This exercise can be done for 5-10 minutes, which will be enough. At the same time, it can be combined with others or it can be done separately when you need to quickly remove fatigue from the eyes and relax.

Eye patch

To restore vision, a special bandage will help, which can be seen in many films about pirates. You can buy it or make your own. In this case, a material that is completely opaque to light should be chosen. An elastic band is suitable for fixing.

The essence of this Bates eye exercise is to put it on one eye and quietly do household chores for 30 minutes. Eyes under a pirate bandage should not be closed. After half an hour, it is worth doing palming, and then repeat the complex with the other eye.

People's opinion about the Bates system

About the system of the American ophthalmologist, many doctors and patients have a double opinion. On the one hand, there are many negative reviews, but on the other hand, there are also positive ones.

A number of people who have already experienced the effects of these exercises mention thatthere is no proper effect on vision. Many experts in the field of ophthalmology criticize the Bates technique due to the lack of direct evidence of its effectiveness. Moreover, some of them generally have a misconception about the causes of eye diseases.

Ophthalmologist William Bates
Ophthalmologist William Bates

However, according to other reviews, Bates' eye exercises are really effective. A considerable number of patients were completely able to completely abandon glasses and contact lenses. Today, most doctors recommend safe exercises for use, including palming, dynamic movements, and some others.
