Allergic vasculitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Allergic vasculitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Allergic vasculitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Allergic and toxic vasculitis are pathological conditions that are types of systemic manifestations. This pathology is based on generalized damage to the walls of blood vessels with inflammatory and necrotic foci. As a result, normal blood circulation in the tissues of the human body supplied by them is disrupted.

Seeing such a diagnosis in the medical history as allergic vasculitis, many people do not even understand what it is about. The disease belongs to a subspecies of the primary systemic response, which is associated with increased reactivity of the immune system in response to contact with allergic and other toxic factors.


Not everyone knows that vasculitis is a pathological condition that is characterized by pronounced external changes in the structure of the skin, mainly of an inflammatory nature. A distinctive feature of the disease is that such patients suffer from allergic diseases or have hypersensitivity to certain substances.

Symptoms of vasculitis
Symptoms of vasculitis

The presence of a hereditary factor is also taken into account. For thisa variety of the disease is characterized by a symmetrical lesion of the skin in the form of rashes of a hemorrhagic nature, to a greater extent in areas around large joints.

Toxic-allergic vasculitis

Is the result of ingestion or exposure to toxic substances from outside. For example, various industries, contact with household or industrial poisons and other chemical components.

Toxic-allergic type of vasculitis is characterized by damage not only to the surface areas of the dermis, but also to the mucous membranes. For example, by inhaling chemical fumes or by ingestion.

Infectious-allergic vasculitis

As a rule, it develops against the background of a previous disease. This type of pathology is considered to be a specific complication. Another feature of the pathology is considered to be a complex lesion not only of the skin, but also of the mucous membranes, internal organs, and articular bags can also be involved in the pathological process.

Etiological factors in the development of the disease

Varieties of allergic vasculitis can be triggered by a wide variety of etiological factors, but the basis of all these pathologies is the mechanism of a systemic immune response.

Signs of vasculitis
Signs of vasculitis

In simple and understandable language, the immune system of a person with a burdened allergic condition is prone to hypersensitivity to common factors affecting the body.

A distinctive feature of vasculitis from dermatitis isthe nature of the skin lesions. Since the pathogenetic basis of the first is the defeat of the vascular wall, the rashes take on a predominantly hemorrhagic character.

The main causes of allergic vasculitis include:

  • increased sensitivity to food, pollen and other natural ingredients;
  • contact with chemicals, whether domestic or industrial;
  • contact with patients with infectious diseases, especially from the group of streptococcus or staphylococcus.
  • frequent recurrence of external manifestations of herpes infection in the form of herpes labialis.

Symptomatic signs of allergic vasculitis

The most important symptoms of vasculitis are local manifestations. Skin changes are immediately visible to the naked eye. They appear after a person comes into contact with an allergenic component.

Manifestations of vasculitis
Manifestations of vasculitis

The main external symptoms of allergic vasculitis include the following:

  • redness of the damaged area of the dermis with an accompanying sensation of unbearable burning sensation;
  • rashes may take the form of blisters filled with red liquid (streaks of red and even purple may appear);
  • as a result of disturbed trophism, a zone of ischemia and even necrosis is formed in the affected tissues, which is externally manifested by the formation of ulcers that are prone to difficult healing;
  • since a pronounced inflammatory process progresses in the tissues, such symptoms of an allergicvasculitis as an increase in body temperature, while the patient feels a pronounced general weakness.

As the disease progresses, joints and internal organs may be involved in the pathological process, since a feature of the pathology is damage to the vessels that can take part in their blood supply.


Complicated allergic vasculitis manifests as the following symptomatic signs:

  • sharp loss of appetite, lethargy, fatigue and general weakness;
  • abdominal pain, sometimes a small amount of fresh blood in the stool can be found in children;
  • pain and swelling in the joints, mostly large;
  • cardialgia, attacks of anginal pain as in coronary heart disease.

Symptoms can be different, it all depends on where the main lesion is located. If the choroid plexuses, which are localized in the brain, were damaged, pronounced neurological symptoms will be visible.

Disease vasculitis
Disease vasculitis

The defeat of the central nervous system is characterized by confusion, sometimes coma, twitching or, conversely, lethargy of any limb. There may be other typical symptoms as well.

Basic measures for making a final diagnosis

Like all systemic vasculitis, this pathology requires a series of diagnostic measures to confirm the diagnosis and decide on further treatment tactics.

The most important thing in diagnosing allergic vasculitis is to conduct general laboratory tests. Along with this, measures are taken to identify specific complications:

  1. Common blood and urine tests are necessary to detect an inflammatory process both in the systemic circulation and in the urinary system. In the blood, an increase in the level of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate will be detected - these are specific markers of inflammation, an increase in the level of eosinophils will suggest an allergic origin. The urine may show white blood cells and elevated protein levels, and may change to a more cloudy color.
  2. Biochemical blood test shows how actively the liver, kidneys and pancreas function. This research method is considered one of the most important, since with allergic vasculitis these organs can be affected in the first place.
  3. A specific laboratory test is an immunological method, with allergic vasculitis, the amount of Ig E in the blood serum will increase.
  4. Angiography is an instrumental research method necessary for visual assessment of the state of arterial vessels, which can accurately determine the extent and localization of allergic vasculitis in adults and children.
  5. X-ray methods are optional. They are carried out in order to identify concomitant pathology, which could worsen against the background of a relapse of allergic vasculitis.

A very common problem in patients with this disease iscardiac complication, which may be multiple. Timely diagnosis is carried out using electrocardiography, which is one of the standard diagnostic procedures for any pathology.

Carrying out medical activities for adults and children

As already described above, the main role in the pathogenesis of the development of allergic systemic vasculitis is assigned to the increased activity of the body's immune response to common stimuli.


Today, doctors prescribe drugs that depress the immune system. Due to modern advances in the medical field, it has been proven that long-term use of immunosuppressants has an adverse effect on the healing of inflammatory changes in the human body.

Rash with vasculitis
Rash with vasculitis

Given the possibility of using immunosuppressive therapy during periods of remission of the disease, it may have a beneficial effect. The interictal period increases, but on the other hand, the risk of morbidity with infectious diseases increases.

Despite all the pros and cons of therapy, this method is still actively used in medical practice, but with extreme caution and periodic monitoring of the patient's condition. Children and adolescents are not recommended to use such treatment tactics, since the immune system in this category of the population is not yet fully formed. And interference in its development may have a negative impact in the future.


Mandatory drugs for symptoms of allergic vasculitis is the use of systemic glucocorticosteroids. The most widely used are Prednisolone and Dexamethasone.

The drug "Dexamethasone"
The drug "Dexamethasone"

Steroid hormones can be used topically, orally, parenterally and even inhaled, it all depends on where the main lesion is located and what is the goal of treatment.

Parenteral administration of glucocorticosteroids is carried out only in a specialized therapeutic hospital, since constant monitoring of the human condition is necessary. These drugs are allowed to be used in pediatrics, they do not create any particular danger.


If the disease was provoked by a bacterial infection, or it developed against the background of a severe allergic reaction, antibacterial drugs should be taken.

Antibiotics can be given either orally or parenterally. They are able to destroy the pathogen and at the same time prevent the development of septic shock.

Symptoms of allergic vasculitis
Symptoms of allergic vasculitis

Antibacterial components can act as a complex component in various ointments and solutions for external use. Thus, there is a local antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

In pediatrics, antibiotics are not prohibited, but the dosage should be selected strictly based on 1 kilogram of the total weight. And along with them, a dietarynutrition and probiotics. The group of antibacterial agent is selected depending on the type and sensitivity of microorganisms, bacterial cultures from the skin are used to determine.


Fortifying therapy in the form of a constant intake of vitamin preparations is necessary for symptoms of allergic vasculitis, since with prolonged wound healing, the human body needs to replenish its energy balance.

As a topical application of drugs, antiseptic solutions for the treatment of superficial elements of the rash, wound healing and complex drugs can be used.


Few people understand that vasculitis is a disease that belongs to the category of chronic skin pathologies with periodic recurrence of the inflammatory process.

It is almost impossible to completely recover from this pathology, but there is a possibility to completely eliminate the factors leading to recurrence.

Very important is the timely treatment of allergic vasculitis in order to avoid the development of specific complications that can result in death or profound disability.

In addition, it must be remembered that self-administration of drugs is strictly prohibited, since only a specialist, based on the results of tests and examinations, has the right to prescribe appropriate therapy.

Many people ask: "How to treat allergic vasculitis in children?" Treatment approachalmost the same in both adults and children, only dosages may differ.
