Many colds, viral or allergic diseases are accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, runny nose and watery eyes. This often causes severe discomfort to the patient and causes problems in the form of shortness of breath. Nasal congestion interferes with sleep, eating and working. Therefore, in addition to the treatment of underlying diseases in such cases, local preparations are often used to reduce swelling. To choose the best remedy for nasal congestion in each case, you need to consult a doctor. After all, all such drugs have a different composition and have a different effect. It is very important to take into account the cause of a runny nose, because without its elimination, congestion will not disappear, on the contrary, the patient's condition will only worsen.
What is nasal congestion
Rhinitis is one of the most common pathologies. It can appear with viral or bacterial infections, colds, allergic reactions. At the same time, swelling of the nasal mucosa develops and mucus is abundantly secreted from the sinuses. If you can still put up with the current snot by removing them with a handkerchief or washing your nose, thencongestion causes serious inconvenience. The patient at the same time breathes through his mouth, he cannot eat normally, sleep and talk a lot. His voice changes and becomes nasal.
And the body experiences a lack of oxygen, which especially affects the functions of the brain. Headaches appear, memory worsens. At night, such a patient does not sleep well, does not get enough sleep. Children with stuffy noses have it even harder because their airways are narrower and shorter. And if the baby’s nose is stuffy, it’s generally a disaster: the baby will not be able to eat normally. It is very important to fix this problem as soon as possible. It is impossible to choose the best remedy for nasal congestion in children, there is no panacea. Therefore, it is not recommended to be treated on your own, you need to consult a doctor who will help you choose the right drug. It depends on the cause of this condition and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Causes of stuffy nose
Most often this condition appears with a common respiratory viral infection. The cause may also be an inflammatory process due to hypothermia and a cold. In this case, in addition to nasal congestion, other symptoms occur: headache, sore throat, weakness, fever.
The second common cause of congestion is allergies. Swelling of the mucosa may be a reaction to the flowering of some plants, animal hair, cigarette smoke, chemical odors. At the same time, the eyes often water, itching occurs, the person sneezes a lot.
Other causes of nasal congestion include:
- get foreignobject in the nasal passage;
- sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
- injuries to the nose;
- congenital pathology of the structure of the nasal septum;
- dryness of the nasal mucosa.

How to deal with congestion
Many people are trying to find the best remedy for nasal congestion, which would quickly ease breathing. It is difficult to do this on your own, since different drugs help with a viral infection and allergic rhinitis. Usually, such a problem is eliminated by local means. It can be nose drops, sprays, ointments. Their advantages include faster action due to direct contact with the nasal mucosa, ease of application, the possibility of correct dosing and few side effects.
Sprays are often considered the best remedy for nasal congestion, as they allow you to distribute the medicine over the entire surface of the mucous membrane. But they are not used to treat children, drops for babies are safer. Ointments are used mainly to protect against viral infections or externally as a warming agent.
It's hard to know which remedy for nasal congestion is the best. The doctor will help you make the right choice, as there are several groups of drugs. All of them are different in composition and principle of action:
- vasoconstrictors;
- moisturizers;
- antihistamines and allergy medications;
- antiviral;
- antibacterial;
- hormonal;
- herbal preparations;
- homeopathic.
These are all medicines that can be freely bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. But in addition, you can use folk remedies, which can also help to cope with congestion.

Vasoconstrictor drugs
When doctors are asked the question "what remedy is best for nasal congestion", this group of drugs is most often recommended. These drugs eliminate swelling by constricting the vessels of the nasal mucosa. At the same time, the excretion of mucus is facilitated, breathing is restored. They act almost immediately, and the effect lasts from 5 to 12 hours. But not everyone can use such drugs. They are contraindicated during pregnancy, at an early age up to 1-2 years, with diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, vasoconstrictors can cause dependence, desiccation of the mucous membrane. As a result of their prolonged use, the runny nose becomes chronic.
Therefore, it is recommended to use such products strictly according to the instructions - no more than 3-5 days. It is advisable to use them only as an emergency aid to ease breathing before going to bed or if you need to talk a lot. It is also better not to use such drugs immediately, first you need to try to eliminate the swelling by other means. And you need to stop using them after the condition is relieved.
But, despite these shortcomings, vasoconstrictor drugs are often considered the best remedies for nasal congestion in adults. These include 3 groupsmedicines produced in drops and sprays. They are divided according to the main active ingredient:
- The best remedies for a runny nose and nasal congestion are drugs based on xylometazoline. This substance begins to act within 10-15 minutes, and the effect lasts for 5-8 hours. Such drugs have few side effects, so they are very popular. These are "Xilen", "Xymelin", "Dlyanos", "Galazolin", "Rinonorm". They are available in the form of drops and spray. You can use xylometazoline-based drugs for no more than 7 days.
- Naphazoline is a fairly popular basis for such drugs, used in medicine for a long time. Its disadvantages are that it is quickly addictive and the effect lasts no more than 4 hours. But on the other hand, this group includes the cheapest drugs: Naphthyzin and Sanorin. They have been popular for a long time, although they are contraindicated for children under 2 years old. Based on naphazoline, a more modern remedy "Tizin" is now being produced, which has fewer side effects.
- Oxymetazoline is part of another group of vasoconstrictors. They have the longest effect - up to 12 hours, so it is good to use them at night. Oxymetazoline-based drugs include Nazivin, Nazol, Fazin. These are the best remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion for people who do not have contraindications to their use.

One of the best remedies fornasal congestion in children from one year old and adults are drugs that moisturize the mucous membranes. They are designed to soften it with dryness, the growth of crusts, sinusitis or sinusitis. This is an aid in the treatment of various diseases accompanied by a runny nose. They are recommended to be used in addition to regular drops to protect the nasal mucosa.
Most often they are made on the basis of s alt water. Such drugs have almost no contraindications and do not cause side effects, they can be used in conjunction with other drugs. Some of them have additional bactericidal properties or strengthen the immune system.
It is preparations with a moisturizing effect that are among the best remedies for nasal congestion for children from one year old and adults. These drugs are:
- "Salin".
- "Aqua Maris".
- "Physiomer".
- "Marimer".
- "Aqualor".

Allergy Remedies
If the runny nose is caused by non-infectious and non-inflammatory processes, you need to choose other drugs. Usually such a problem is associated with an allergic reaction to pollen, chemicals, plant hair, drugs. If a person has hypersensitivity to certain substances, his body produces special enzymes - histamines. They cause swelling of the mucosa. Therefore, drugs to eliminate it must necessarily contain antihistamines. Usually they have a complex composition and, in addition to blocking histamine receptors, havevasoconstrictor action.
The best remedies for nasal congestion for allergies in adults include several antihistamines:
- "Vibrocil" - has a complex composition and is available in different forms. This drug is easily tolerated even by babies, so it is most often used in pediatric practice. Many doctors consider it the best remedy for nasal congestion.
- "Rinofluimucil" is a vasoconstrictor spray. In addition, it has an antihistamine effect and thins mucus.
- "Sanorin Analergin" has a complex effect - it constricts the vessels of the mucosa and has an antihistamine effect. But this drug can cause drowsiness.
- "Koldakt" is a drug for the common cold in the form of tablets.
In addition to antihistamines, hormonal preparations are sometimes used to eliminate nasal congestion in allergic reactions. They are available in spray form. The most common are "Nasonex", "Baconase", "Nasobek". Such funds should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Often, a runny nose with severe nasal congestion occurs with infectious diseases caused by bacteria. At the same time, such drugs eliminate the cause of nasal congestion, so breathing is easier. Although they act at the same time more slowly. For various bacterial infections in an adult, the best remedies for nasal congestion aredrugs that contain an antibiotic in their composition. But agents based on an antiseptic or other antimicrobial substances can be used. It is best to use external agents, so they will have fewer side effects. There are several antibiotic-based drugs:
- "Isofra" is a nose drop based on the antibiotic framycetin. Used to treat and prevent bacterial infections in the nasal cavity.
- "Polydex" is a combination drug in the form of a spray. Contains antibacterial components, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor. Therefore, it not only treats a bacterial infection, but also fights nasal congestion.
- "Bactroban" is an ointment based on an antibiotic active against staphylococcal infections. Used for purulent discharge from the nose.
- Bioparox is a nasal spray based on fusafungin. It is used to treat sinusitis, sinusitis and other infectious diseases of the nasal cavity.

Drugs for viral diseases
If the swelling and congestion of the nose is caused by a viral infection, treatment should be directed primarily to its elimination. After the destruction of the viruses, the swelling will disappear on its own, the mucus will stop being produced and the nose will breathe. Antiviral agents are made on the basis of interferons. These are synthetic analogues of the body's immune cells produced when they encounter viruses. Such funds are produced most often in the form of drops. There are few of them, for example, "Grippferon" or"Ingaron". In addition, oxolinic ointment has an antiviral effect.
These remedies are used both for the treatment of the common cold and for its prevention. They have the greatest effect if applied at the very beginning of the disease, when the first symptoms appear. Additionally, for the destruction of viruses, you can use similar preparations for oral administration: Tamiflu, Arbidol, Remantadin, Viferon. These remedies help to overcome nasal congestion by addressing its cause.
Natural based products
Many believe that the best remedy for nasal congestion during pregnancy is drops based on natural ingredients. They really have a mild effect, but they can only be used if there are no allergic reactions. Preparations based on essential oils or plant extracts have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and moisturizing effects. They relieve swelling, thin the mucus. Such funds are designed for long-term use, but you should still consult a doctor before using them.
Most often, these products include essential oils: mint, fir, eucalyptus. Components can be aloe juice, menthol, camphor, plant extracts. Often, along with natural ingredients, the preparations include vasoconstrictors or antibiotics. One of the most popular natural remedies for nasal congestion is Pinosol. These are drops based on essential oils of fir, mountain pine and eucalyptus. The drug eliminatesnasal congestion and helps in eradicating the infection. "Sinupret" is available in tablets and drops for oral administration. This is a complex preparation based on extracts of gentian, primrose, elderflower and verbena plants. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the outflow of mucus from the sinuses and thus makes breathing easier.
In addition, homeopathic remedies are often used to treat runny nose and nasal congestion, if they are caused by colds. They include plant extracts, minerals, s alts. There are homeopathic remedies in the form of nose drops or sprays, such as Euphorbium Compositum or Edas-131.
The best remedy for nasal congestion in children
Reviews of similar drugs note that vasoconstrictors are the fastest way to ease breathing. But not all of them can be applied to children. Usually they are prescribed only after 6 years. In rare cases, when a stuffy nose prevents the baby from sleeping and eating, the doctor may prescribe him "Xilen" or "Nazol", but only the children's release form. But usually, with a runny nose, moisturizing solutions based on sea water are used to alleviate the condition of the baby. They wash the sinuses well, eliminating mucus and nasal congestion.
One of the best remedies for nasal congestion in children from 2 years old is the drug "Tizin". It relieves swelling, inflammation and makes breathing easier. And its form "Alerji" contains antihistamines, which help to eliminate allergic rhinitis. In addition, it has long been for the treatment of childrenuse a safe antibacterial agent based on silver - protargol. These drops have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Folk remedies
Pharmacy preparations effectively relieve nasal congestion. But it is not always worth starting with them, especially when treating children. After all, such drugs can cause side effects. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is recommended to try folk recipes. For some people, there is not even such a problem - which remedy is better for a runny nose, nasal congestion or a cold. They immediately wash their nose with s alt water, do inhalations over steam, acupressure. You can try warming ointments on the bridge of your nose, iodine mesh or mustard plaster on your feet. It is also effective to steam your feet with mustard.
It cleans the sinuses of mucus well and restores breathing by instilling 1-2 drops of Kalanchoe plant juice into the nose. It causes frequent sneezing, but after that the nose breathes freely. Sometimes it is recommended to drip beetroot juice, diluted onion juice or ordinary s alt water into the nose. Aromatherapy can be used to ease breathing. You need to breathe essential oils of eucalyptus, mint or lemon. You can use the Golden Star balm for these purposes.
Additionally, with nasal congestion, it is recommended to drink more. Especially useful are decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants, which accelerate the release of mucus. Raspberries, sage, chamomile, oregano, calendula, St. John's wort are often used. Helps restore breathing Warming up the sinusesa bag of heated s alt, a boiled egg, or a blue lamp. But this procedure cannot be used for a bacterial infection.
Reviews on the best remedies for nasal congestion
There is no such drug that everyone would speak positively about. The fact is that the effectiveness of such remedies is highly dependent on the cause of the common cold and the individual characteristics of the patient. Someone with congestion is more helped by antihistamines, since the cause of this condition is an allergy. Others with such goals most often use vasoconstrictors. Judging by the reviews, more modern drugs in the form of a spray are most often popular - Dlyanos, Tizin, Nazol, Snoop. They are easier to dose, the medicine spreads throughout the mucous membrane and it is not necessary to lie down to use the drug.