Hypochondriacal syndrome was mentioned by Hippocrates. And he got the name thanks to the ancient Roman doctor K. Galen, who believed that the causes of the painful condition lie in the hypochondrion region. So what is hypochondria?
Is hypochondria an independent disease?
From the beginning of the 19th century in France, psychiatrists came to the conclusion that astheno-hypochondriac syndrome is still not a disease of the organs, but a mental disorder. In addition, since the beginning of the 20th century, domestic doctors have reasonably established that this disorder manifests itself more often against the background of neurosis: hysteria and neurasthenia, or as a component of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Our doctors believed that hypochondria was a syndrome and not an independent disease. At a time when, for example, German and English authors defined hypochondria as a neurosis, that is, a separate unit.
Clinical manifestations of the syndrome
Hypochondriacal syndrome is a painful focus on your well-being. As a rule, the dominant manifestation of this syndrome is the fear of beinga carrier of a disease and the resulting constant anxious listening to one's feelings.

In this case, the patient can easily develop painful symptoms depending on the disease that he attributes to himself. And the fact that doctors do not detect pathology in the organs, the patient perceives as their dishonesty.
What causes hypochondriacal syndrome?
Constant fear for one's he alth occurs, as a rule, in people with a special temperament. These are anxious and suspicious individuals or asthenic, very worried about their he alth. Often in this state of affairs, upbringing is to blame: the child is instilled with excessive attention to his well-being, which can also subsequently lead to hypochondria.
The reason for its occurrence may be a story about someone's illness or death, one's own past illness or vegetative disorders, such as sweating, weakness, tachycardia, etc. All these experiences in people prone to hypochondria naturally cause the constituent emotions of fear: dry mouth, nausea, indigestion, sleep disturbances. And this, as a rule, becomes an occasion for another hypochondriacal processing.
Link between depression and hypochondria
If a person knows that he is seriously ill, he usually has a feeling of longing. And arising physiogenically, this feeling revives the idea that the disease already exists. Therefore, for a depressive state, hypochondriacal ideas are as characteristic as thoughts about one's ownuselessness, guilt, etc.

Hypochondriacal syndrome: treatment
Hypochondria is not cured in a short time. Therefore, it is very important to learn to live with it. To do this, you should admit to yourself that you are a hypochondriac. Don't be ashamed of it! It's not crazy. You are a normal person, it's just that fear has settled in you. They can and should be managed:
- don't beat yourself up for being a hypochondriac;
- don't let disturbing thoughts take over completely. This, of course, is not easy, but you can think of some ways for yourself to switch. And, most importantly, strictly adhere to this rule;
- once you succeed, don't forget to praise yourself!
Hypochondriacal syndrome lends itself well to psychotherapeutic influence. A psychotherapist with the help of hypnosis, auto-training, and sometimes medication will help you get rid of the constant anxieties and fears that poison your life. Good luck!