"Hollywood smile" today is an integral part of the image of a successful person.

Due to this fact, dentists are constantly looking for new methods of whitening. Professional teeth whitening, unlike home whitening, is carried out in the dentist's office using high concentration components and special devices.
The quality of the result achieved depends on the characteristics of the structure of the teeth of each patient, the skill level of the dentist performing the procedure, and compliance with the rules of oral care after the procedure.
Professional teeth whitening involves the selection in each case of means and methods of whitening that are most suitable for a particular situation.
Note that there are contraindications for this manipulation!Not all teeth can be whitened, but a dentist may suggest artistic restorations using veneers (plates that are glued to the teeth) and crowns as an alternative.

Professional teeth whitening is possible only after special training. To do this, first, the teeth affected by caries are treated, the installed seals are checked for strength, if necessary, new ones are installed, the enamel is cleaned, polished, polished and fluoridated.
After the whitening procedure, do not eat foods that can stain the enamel and smoke.
Professional teeth whitening has, as already mentioned, a number of contraindications, which include diseases of the oral cavity or teeth, for example, cracks in the enamel, caries, stomatitis, periodontitis. This should also include allergies to the components that make up the whitening systems, breastfeeding or pregnancy.
Professional teeth whitening, reviews of which indicate the effectiveness of this method, can be carried out in several ways.
Chemical bleaching. For this type of bleaching, a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide is used. The result is noticeable almost immediately and lasts for quite a long time. Often this whitening can also result in increased tooth sensitivity.

Another way of whitening is the use of air-abrasive systems. In this case the enamelcleaned mechanically (using an aqueous mixture of cleaning powder and compressed air). So the enamel is lightened by several tones.
Another way is ultrasonic whitening. The enamel is polished and cleaned using ultrasound and some preparations.
Laser and phototeeth whitening involves applying a special solution to the enamel, which brightens it under the influence of a laser or halogen light.
For very dark enamel, the mixed whitening method is used, which includes complex whitening in the hospital and at home.
Professional teeth whitening, prices for which vary and depend on the method of exposure to the enamel, may not always be effective. Unfortunately, there are teeth that are practically not amenable to influences, the purpose of which is to whiten the enamel. As a rule, these include teeth with enamel defects, with increased transparency, exposed to resorcinol, formalin. Many years of regular exposure to coloring products (eg coffee, green tea) on tooth enamel can also cause a lack of results from the whitening procedure. In any case, before the procedure, it is better to contact an experienced specialist who will objectively assess the situation.