Medical termination of a miscarriage in the early stages

Medical termination of a miscarriage in the early stages
Medical termination of a miscarriage in the early stages

In the article, we will consider how medical termination of a missed pregnancy is carried out.

Such pregnancies are conditionally divided by experts into early (they happen in about 1 case out of 5) and late (they are considered abnormal). It is worth noting that the earlier the fading occurred, the faster the woman's body recovers. The occurrence of pathology suggests interruption. The least traumatic for a woman is medication. On the territory of Russia, it is legally allowed only up to the 7th week.

medical termination of a miscarriage
medical termination of a miscarriage

Interruption Methods

Missed pregnancy can be terminated in several ways. Usually the method depends on how long the pregnancy stopped.

For example, if the fetal egg or embryo stopped developing before the 7-8th week, then medical abortion is preferred. Whenfading at a later date, specialists prefer this method of interruption as scraping.

Under the medical termination of a missed pregnancy, it is customary to understand the evacuation of the embryo with the help of special spasmodic drugs.

Medicated abortion

Regardless of the type of pregnancy (abnormal, life-threatening, complex), its termination is always stressful for the female body. Medical abortion is considered to be the least traumatic option.

medical termination of a missed pregnancy in the early
medical termination of a missed pregnancy in the early

The fading of the development of the fetal egg or fetus is determined by ultrasound. The specialist carries out a control study and, if the results of the analysis indicate a decrease in the concentration of hCG, prescribes a medical or surgical abortion.

Preparing for the procedure

Before an abortion of any kind, a woman is scheduled for an examination:

  1. Laboratory testing of blood samples for blood type, Rh factor, syphilis, hepatitis, HIV.
  2. Visual gynecological examination. It is necessary to identify pathologies of the reproductive system, if any.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. With the help of ultrasound, the exact gestational age is determined, the possibility of an abortion.

So, how is medical abortion of a miscarriage carried out?

Manipulation technique

Under medical cleaning it is customary to understand the process of terminating a pregnancy whenthe help of medications if the fetus has stopped developing at an early stage. This procedure is mandatory: without an abortion, a full recovery of the body is impossible, a woman has a risk of developing infertility.

Medical termination of a missed pregnancy is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions. A woman after a gynecological examination and examination takes the first pill under the supervision of a specialist. Under its influence, the remnants of the tissue exfoliate inside the uterus. After that, the woman takes a second pill to cause uterine spasm. After some time, tolerable pain of a cramping character occurs, as a result of which the fetal egg is completely evacuated from the uterus.

how is a medical abortion of a missed pregnancy
how is a medical abortion of a missed pregnancy

After spotting occurs, the woman undergoes a second ultrasound examination to control the procedure - to assess the condition of the uterine cavity.

If a woman feels normal, and her he alth does not cause concern to the doctor, she can go home. The maximum period of stay in the gynecological department is 8-12 hours. In some cases, a woman is prescribed a gynecological examination the next day. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the uterus.

Benefits of medical abortion

It is worth noting that medical termination of a miscarriage in the early stages has a number of advantages:

  1. No anesthesia or anesthesia required.
  2. Abortion with the help of medicines is easier for women withpsychological point of view, since the process of fetal evacuation is more like menstruation than abortion.
  3. There is no contact with the uterine tissues, which significantly reduces the likelihood of an inflammatory reaction.
  4. The effectiveness of the procedure reaches 99%.


It is important to find out in advance how a medical termination of a missed pregnancy occurs. Pharmacological agent for home use is not issued. It can be taken only under the supervision of a specialist in the gynecological department. The two most commonly used medications are:

consequences of medical termination of a missed pregnancy
consequences of medical termination of a missed pregnancy
  1. "Mifepristone" (200 mg). Increases the contractility of the myometrium, resulting in the removal of the fetal egg.
  2. "Misoprostol" (400 mg). It helps to expand the cervix and increase its tone, as a result of which the remains of the fetal egg, together with the blood, are removed from the organ.

Also can be used:

  1. "Pencrofton". This drug is of synthetic origin, it is prescribed only to nulliparous women.
  2. Mifeprex is a domestic drug used in the early stages.
  3. "Mifolian" is an imported medicine made in China.
  4. "Mifegin" - a steroid drug that provokes an early miscarriage.

The main active ingredient in almost all means for medical termination of missed pregnancy is mifepristone. It contributes to the rejection of the embryo fromuterine walls. In some cases, if the interruption was negative, in order to cleanse the uterine cavity, an additional procedure is used, which involves curettage or removal of the embryo by vacuum aspiration.

In many cases, medical abortion causes menstrual irregularities, the onset of menstruation is delayed, the ovulation period is shifted, and bleeding is not ruled out. Therefore, experts recommend refraining from sexual intercourse for several weeks. In addition, it is allowed to plan the next pregnancy no earlier than 3 months after the interruption of a missed pregnancy by medical means.

Patients who have experienced severe fetal loss may develop depressive states, neuroses. To prevent such conditions, it is recommended to consult a psychologist.

in case of a frozen pregnancy, a medical interruption is made
in case of a frozen pregnancy, a medical interruption is made

Contraindications for medical abortion

Does everyone get a medical abortion with a missed pregnancy? Despite the fact that it is considered to be a gentle method, this procedure has certain contraindications that are associated with ectopic pregnancy, impaired blood clotting, pathologies of the reproductive organs, diseases of the digestive tract.

If the body did not get rid of the wrong pregnancy on its own at an early stage (there was no arbitrary miscarriage), then the gynecologist decides on the need for medical interruption.

Miscarriage when stoppedpregnancy

Statistics show that almost every woman who has a regular sex life has had an arbitrary miscarriage at least once. An abnormally developed egg is fertilized. The body reacts to this feature immediately, provoking uterine contractions, as during menstruation. Together with the blood, the defective zygote is evacuated. At the same time, the woman herself may consider that there was simply a delay of 7-10 days.

frozen pregnancy drug interruption reviews
frozen pregnancy drug interruption reviews

Involuntary miscarriage rate

The freezing of an egg or embryo at certain stages can be due to many factors:

  1. Infectious lesions, viruses that lead to mutations or stop the development of the fetal egg.
  2. Thick blood. In this case, a blood clot forms, as a result of which the fetus dies from exhaustion.
  3. Rejection (maternal autoimmune reaction).
  4. Abnormal formation of the placenta due to malnutrition.
  5. Genetic mutations.

The female body is genetically programmed to produce he althy and full-fledged offspring, in connection with which all conditionally defective embryos are brought out - developmental stagnation or arbitrary miscarriage occurs. According to statistics, such situations occur in 10-12% of pregnancies.

Consequences of medical termination of a miscarriage

In some cases, negative consequences are likely that develop after the proceduremedical interruption:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Temperature increase.
  3. Pressure drops.
  4. Headache.
  5. Vomiting.
  6. Bouts of nausea.
  7. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  8. Uterine bleeding.

In this case, the gynecologist prescribes medicines for the patient to help her recover quickly.

Full rehabilitation, during which a woman fully recovers from hormonal shock and stress, can take different times. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

medical termination of a missed pregnancy in the early stages
medical termination of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

Reviews on medical termination of missed pregnancy

Reviews about this procedure abound. Most often, women tolerate it well. However, this is a lot of stress for the body, so after such an interruption, it takes time to recover. Patients report that nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are very common while taking medication.

We looked at how medical abortion of a miscarriage works.
