Treatment of gardnerella in women: drugs, regimens. Overview of effective medicines for gardnerella

Treatment of gardnerella in women: drugs, regimens. Overview of effective medicines for gardnerella
Treatment of gardnerella in women: drugs, regimens. Overview of effective medicines for gardnerella

Bacterial vaginosis, or gardnerellosis, is an infection of the genital tract, which is characterized by a violation of the normal composition of the microflora. As a result, this leads to the predominance of pathogens, which is not observed normally.

The causative agent of the infection is an anaerobic bacterium. It is very important to recognize the symptoms in time and treat them in order to get rid of the disease.

Features of the disease

In the microflora of the vagina live lactic acid bacteria that keep pathogens, including gardnerella, in a weakened state. The deterioration of immunity provokes the mass reproduction of fungi, bacteria and anaerobes. As a result of a violation of the microflora of the vagina, women experience unpleasant symptoms.

Main symptoms
Main symptoms

The anaerobic bacterium gardnerella is found in small amounts in the vagina of even a he althy woman. Only its rapid reproduction and the acquisition of aggressive properties leads to the onset of the disease.

Causes of occurrence

BecauseGardnerellosis is a bacterial infection that can be contracted through sexual contact. However, it should not be attributed to venereal infections. Despite the fact that the most common route of infection is sexual, other provoking factors should not be excluded. The occurrence of bacterial vaginosis is possible for reasons such as:

  • decreased immunity;
  • prolonged antibiotic therapy;
  • hormonal failure, menopause, pregnancy;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • diabetes and other endocrine diseases;
  • not good enough intimate hygiene;
  • frequent douching with antiseptics.

Bacterial vaginosis mostly occurs in women who frequently change sexual partners and do not use condoms. In this case, there is a very serious risk of simultaneous infection with several infectious agents.

Main symptoms

The incubation period of gardnerellosis in women is 4-10 days. The first symptoms of the disease are the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina and slight discharge.

The first signs of the disease
The first signs of the disease

The smell causes significant discomfort and forces you to wash 5-6 times a day. However, the alkaline environment of the soap only exacerbates the situation. The smell becomes more pungent, and the periods of cleanliness become shorter. All this is caused by the breakdown of amines. This is a waste product of gardnerella.

Beginning of occurrencebacterial vaginosis is associated with the development of many other infections. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. The development of gardnerellosis leads to symptoms such as:

  • itching and burning in the perineum;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • appearance of creamy discharge;
  • signs of cystitis.

Symptomatology increases significantly after sexual intercourse, since semen, which has an alkaline reaction, creates an environment for the reproduction of bacteria. It is impossible to diagnose the disease only on the basis of the available signs. Often, bacterial vaginosis develops along with candidiasis and often with gonococcus and trichomonas.


Before starting the treatment of gardnerellosis, the doctor must conduct a diagnosis for an accurate diagnosis. Initially, the doctor collects an anamnesis, and then takes a vaginal secret for research.

Smear helps to identify gardnerella and count its number. An assessment of the pH of the vagina is also required, since it rises during the course of the disease. Isonitrile test detects large numbers of bacteria.

Features of treatment

To eliminate all the symptoms of gardnerella, treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis. It is important to carry out therapy before the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. The basic course is based on the elimination of bacteria using antibiotics. To obtain a faster result, the use of systemic and local drugs is required. They're getting picked upstrictly individual, it all depends on the available indications and contraindications.

Then, it is imperative to restore the microflora of the vagina and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

Steps of therapy

Only a doctor can say exactly where gardnerella appears in women, and he selects the treatment taking into account the existing symptoms and the course of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, as bacteria are resistant to most antibiotics.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment

It is important to carry out such stages of therapy as the elimination of infection in the genital tract and the restoration of normal microflora. To remove pathogens, you need to use antibiotics. They are used in the form of gels, ointments, tablets or vaginal suppositories. The course of therapy is generally 10 days. Restoration of the microflora of the vagina is carried out with the help of bacterial preparations. For this, suppositories with lactobacilli are prescribed. Additionally, during therapy, drugs such as:

  • immunomodulators;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vaginal suppositories to eliminate inflammation.

Together with bacterial vaginosis, there may be intestinal dysbacteriosis. In this case, probiotics are prescribed. When recovery occurs, it largely depends on the type of therapy. It is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and not self-medicate.

Treatment regimens

In order for the treatment of gardnerella in women to be effective, regimens and drugs for therapy should be selected onlydoctor, as it is important to combine medicines correctly. This largely depends on the course of the disease.

When treating gardnerella with drugs in women, the treatment regimen should include Clindamycin cream 2%. Enter it 5 g at night deep into the vagina. You can also use 5 g of Metronidazole gel.

Vaginal suppositories
Vaginal suppositories

The regimen for the treatment of gardnerella in women with drugs necessarily includes antibacterial agents. Metronidazole tablets have proven themselves well. You need to take 500 g twice a day. Some doctors prescribe 300 mg of "Clindamycin" 2 times a day.

Bacterial treatment begins with the use of local remedies. If they do not give the desired result, then tablet preparations are prescribed.

What drugs are used?

Answering the question of how to get rid of gardnerella forever, I must say that it is impossible to do this, since it is present in the microflora of even a completely he althy woman. However, its pathogenic reproduction can be reduced. Antimicrobials are required. However, you should first undergo a complete examination to determine all available bacteria and check their sensitivity to antibiotics. Only in this way can you recover very quickly and prevent a relapse. Good antibiotics are:

  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Tinidazole";
  • Clindamycin;
  • McMiror.

Metronidazole destroys bacteria. This medicine is prescribed in courses. The daily dosage of 500 mg should be divided into two doses. Treatment continues for 10 days.

Antibiotic "Tinidazole" has a very good result. Side effects with its use are observed quite rarely. These include an increase in the sensitivity of the body, dizziness, as well as a slight disorientation in space. It is prescribed 1 tablet twice a day. The course of treatment is basically 7 days.

The drug "Tiberal" is aimed at the destruction of gardnerella. For complex therapy, 1 tablet is prescribed twice a day. The therapeutic course is 7-10 days. This drug may cause allergic reactions, nausea, lethargy, or increased sleepiness.

Macmirror from gardnerella is quite effective. It destroys the accompanying pathogenic microflora and prevents the occurrence of thrush. For 8 days, the medicine must be injected into the vagina.

Many doctors prescribe Clindamycin against gardnerella. It is a broad spectrum antibacterial agent. Available as topical capsules, vaginal cream and solution.

The drug "Vilprafen" from gardnerella is an antibiotic from the group of macrolides. It is quite effective against many bacteria. It is used if gardnerellosis occurs against the background of other infections, in particular, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. Before using it, a doctor's consultation is required, since the composition of the medicine is very toxic.

The drug "Trichopol"
The drug "Trichopol"

Many are wondering what "Trichopol" is from and does it treat bacterial vaginosis? This drug is considered a good antimicrobial agent, aimed at eliminating many infections and many other diseases provoked by protozoa.

What is "Trichopol" from? He treats bacterial vaginitis quite effectively. Penetrating into the DNA structure of the pathogen, the active substance easily destroys it, stopping the growth of microorganisms. The use of the drug requires strict adherence to all doctor's prescriptions. In addition, you need to consider that there are certain contraindications.

Almost the same properties are possessed by "Klindacin" from gardnerella. It helps to quickly destroy bacteria and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

In some cases, complex remedies may be required. They contain in their composition a combination of substances from various pharmaceutical groups, each of which helps to effectively cope with the disease. Of all the medicines, doctors prefer the drug "Terzhinan" from gardnerella. It consists of:

  • ternidazole;
  • neomycin;
  • nystatin;
  • prednisolone.

The drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets. Before use, they need to be held in water for 20-30 seconds. Use 1 time per day at night. The therapeutic course is 1.5 weeks. Among the side effects, it is necessary to highlight allergies, as well as burning immediately after the administration of the pill.

Local antiseptic agents have a pronounced antimicrobial activity, but at the same timedo not affect body tissues. The treatment regimen for gardnerella in women with drugs involves the use of vaginal suppositories.

hexicon candles
hexicon candles

Hexicon is successfully used in therapy. It destroys pathogens, and also has a bacteriostatic effect, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria. This remedy has a good result in acute and chronic vaginitis. Assign "Hexicon" 1 candle 2 times a day. The course lasts 3 weeks.

In addition, funds regulating local immunity are applied. The use of such vaginal suppositories speeds up the treatment process, stimulates protective processes, and increases the body's resistance to pathogenic microflora.

"Genferon" stimulates the immune system, promotes the restoration of cells damaged by fungi. The anesthetic included in the composition eliminates discomfort. It is used for bacterial vaginitis, provoked by various pathogenic microflora. For the treatment of the acute stage of the disease, the administration of 1 suppository twice a day is prescribed. Treatment lasts from 1.5 weeks to 3 months.

If thrush is additionally observed, then an ointment from gardnerella "Pimafucin" is prescribed. This is a very easy-to-use and effective tool that helps to quickly get rid of the problem.

When dysbacteriosis requires funds that restore the normal balance of microflora in the body. These include such as Laktozhinal, Bifidumbacterin, Lactacid.

Treatment during pregnancy

Gardnerellosis can be provokedpregnancy or weakening of local immunity. Treatment of the disease can be carried out no earlier than the second trimester. This is because antibiotics that act on bacteria are very dangerous for the developing fetus. In the first trimester, the laying of organs and systems occurs, so the negative effect of drugs becomes more pronounced.

Gardnerellosis during pregnancy
Gardnerellosis during pregnancy

During treatment, the doctor may prescribe Clindamycin cream, gel, or Metronidazole tablets. Douching is contraindicated during the treatment period, as it washes out the normal microflora and worsens the condition even more.


To prevent the onset of the disease, it is imperative to carry out comprehensive prevention. It includes:

  • proper hygiene;
  • preventive checkups twice a year;
  • good nutrition;
  • avoiding stress;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases and hormonal disorders;
  • use of condoms during casual sex.

It is important to wash twice a day with neutral pH products, to abandon intimate deodorants. Tight pants and synthetic underwear are not recommended.

Gardnerellosis is a very serious disease that must be treated in a timely manner. The drugs used help to normalize the microflora of the vagina.
