The principle of kinesitherapy is the principle of movement. In other words, kinesitherapy is a synthesis of various types of physical treatment, which are based on movements, as well as the formation of a complex method of treatment based on them. It includes medical massage, therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, exercises on simulators, exercises in water, mechanotherapy (treatment with medical devices) and many other types of physical activity.
When this science began to develop

Recently, kinesitherapy has been given great importance. This is explained primarily by the fact that medical science is developing rapidly and there is more and more evidence of the relationship between the principles of movement and other areas of medicine (biology, neurophysiology, biophysics, psychology, cybernetics, the latest technologies, and many others). Another development factor is the relationship between domestic and foreign methods of kinesiology treatment.
Basic concepts
Kinesitherapy is exercise therapy (therapeutic physical culture). Due to the use of physiological methods for correcting morphological and functional disorders in the human body, its valueincreases. Thanks to these methods, complex treatment of diseases of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system with kinesiotherapy becomes possible.
Over the past decade, a huge number of methods have been developed for both complex and individual treatment of disorders of the body due to a specific disease.
Basic forms and tools
Kinesitherapy is a science where it is possible to achieve high results in treatment only with a creative approach to innovative methods of treatment by a specialist working in the system of rehabilitation and physical recovery. Each specialist must understand that it is necessary to dose both active and passive forms and means of therapeutic physical culture.

Active means of therapeutic physical culture include muscle relaxation (postisometric - postreciprocal relaxation), corrective (morning), differentiated therapeutic exercises, exercises on simulators and in water.
Passive means of therapeutic physical culture are those forms when the movements are made not by the patient, but by a massage therapist or exercise therapy instructor. During this time, the patient must be at rest. These types include medical massage, shiatsu, acupressure (impact on a certain part of the body pointwise), positional mobilization (when, with the help of an assistant, the patient takes a forced position and stays in it for a certain amount of time). It is passive kinesitherapy that leaves more than positive reviews.
Most types of physicalloads can be done at home. These include passive and active methods of kinesitherapy.

One of the most popular active methods is physical therapy, namely corrective gymnastics. This kinesitherapy at home is carried out not only for adults, but also for children. It can be done at any time of the day. It takes 15-30 minutes.
Kinesitherapy: exercises
A set of exemplary exercises for performing gymnastics at home is divided into an introductory (warm-up part), the main and final parts. When performing exercises, it is important to follow the basic rule of training. Of the 100% of the exercises performed throughout the day, 75% can be repeated (they are the basis), and 25% must be different in order to achieve the tone of all muscles.
Introductory part, or warm-up
- Standing up on your toes and reaching up, at the same time clench both hands into a fist (30-50 times).
- Make circular head rotations. They are allowed to be performed only for those patients who do not have a cervical hernia and osteochondrosis.
- Tilt your head forward, to the sides, trying to pull your ear to your shoulder.
- Rotate (turn) the head (look right and left).
- Repeat all head movements 4 times in each direction.
Main part
- Lie on your back and stretch your arms forward, then bend them at the elbows. Straighten your arms in turn, trying to tear the shoulder blade off the floor as high as possible (8–12 times).
- Legs bent at the knees. Feet and knees are brought together. Breed andbring the knees together, leaving the feet pressed to the floor (9-14 times).
- Bend your knees and arms at your elbows. Leaning on the feet and elbows, lift the pelvis up as high as possible, making a half bridge. Simultaneously with raising the pelvis, it is necessary to straighten the right and left legs alternately, while trying not to raise the heel high. The leg must be kept parallel to the floor (6-12 times).
- Put your hands behind your head and fasten them into a lock. Bend your legs at the knees. Raise the body up, tearing the shoulder blades off the floor, taking a short superficial breath, sink to the floor, relax and exhale long (10-14 times).
- Do the same exercise, but while lifting the body and taking a short breath, lower your bent knees to the floor to the right. During exhalation, relax and lower the body to the floor, at the same time raise the legs. Repeat the same exercise, lowering your legs to the left. Relax and raise your legs. Do a bunch of movements 7-9 times.
- Straighten your legs and put your hands along the body. Turn your head to the right, and lift your feet and hips off the floor and turn to the left. Repeat the same on the other side (20-30 times).
- Legs must be bent at the knee and hip joints. Resting your feet against the wall, lift your pelvis up, trying to straighten your lower back as much as possible. Lower the pelvis, relax (6-8 times).
- Stretch your arms forward. Raise your arms and legs at the same time, trying to reach up as high as possible (7-10 times).
- Stretch your right hand forward and raise it up along withbody. Lower your arm and raise your left leg. Stay in this position for 6-8 seconds. Lower your leg and relax. Do the same with the left arm and right leg (4-8 times).
- Lying on your side, take your straight leg forward and back. In this case, the foot should be slightly turned inward (10–12 times).
- Do the same exercise, but with a circular rotation (10-12 times).
- Leaning on the elbow, bring the thigh of the bent leg as close as possible to the chest, then straighten the leg as much as possible (4-10 times).
- Get on all fours. Cross your legs and raise your legs, and turn your fingers towards each other. Do bench press from the floor. It is very important to watch your back during this exercise. The spine should be straight.
- "Cat's back" - on the inhale round the back, on the exhale bend (5-8 times).
- Stretch both legs back and raise your head, shoulders up and back. Stretch. Then return to the starting position (6–9 times).
- Sit on your heels, straighten your back and lift your chin up. Make slow turns of the body to the right and left, putting your hands behind your head (10–12 times).
- Spread your arms out to the sides. Make circular rotations in the shoulder joints, first forward up to 6 times, then back.
- Rising to your knees, lower your head and bring your chin to your sternum. Slowly turn the body to the sides and pull the cervical spine (8-14 times).

Final part
The last part, when kinesitherapy is performed at home, involves relaxation of the whole body. It is necessary to carry out a generalmuscle relaxation combined with the principles of proper breathing.

This complex helps to develop the strength and elasticity of the muscles of the whole body, creating a muscular corset around the bones and joints. The nutrition of the cells of internal organs and systems improves due to the expansion of blood vessels in the systemic and pulmonary circulation.
Kinesitherapy: reviews
You can do therapeutic exercises in groups of he alth and treatment of a specific disease. In the he alth group, there is an acquaintance with such a science as kinesitherapy, the exercises here are selected general. They can be performed every day to keep the body in good shape. The load for some patients may seem weak, while for others it is optimal. There is no individual approach here.
In the treatment of a specific disease, the load is selected individually.
Kinesitherapy centers
In Vladikavkaz, Moscow, Armavir, Kazan and in many other large cities of Russia there is a kinesitherapy center. Reviews of patients who come for treatment to kinesitherapy clinics are very good. From the very first steps you find yourself in an atmosphere of attention and care of the medical staff. According to patients, all the exercises used by the instructors are carefully selected. For each specific disease, different exercises are used. Every day there is overcoming oneself, one's physical abilities to achieve a result.

Kinesitherapy is the medicine that can replace many pharmacologicaldrugs, but no drug can replace movement.