Vitamin E liquid: instructions for use, effect on the body

Vitamin E liquid: instructions for use, effect on the body
Vitamin E liquid: instructions for use, effect on the body

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is considered a vital element for the human body. It improves the condition of blood vessels, the process of blood flow, optimizes the functioning of internal organs and muscle tissue. One of the forms of release of vitamin E is an oil solution. Below we will take a closer look at the instructions for use for this drug.


Tocopherol, available as an oily solution, is for oral use.

According to the instructions for use of liquid vitamin E, the composition includes the following substances:

  • Vitamin E.
  • Auxiliary components - sunflower oil.


Tocopherol is a light yellow (sometimes with a greenish tinge) oily type solution that is odorless. It belongs to the fat-soluble vitamins, the effect on the body and the functionality of which has not yet been fully investigated.

Tocopherol oil solution has been proven to be a powerful antioxidant and preventsthe formation of peroxide, which negatively affects cell membranes in the human body. Tocopherol has a positive effect on the nervous and muscular systems. And in combination with selenium, it reduces the possibility of hemolysis of erythrocytes and inhibits the oxidation of fatty acids.

In addition, the substance belongs to the auxiliary elements of a number of enzymatic processes. After taking vitamin E, it is absorbed in the duodenum. This process occurs with the participation of s alts, fats and bile acids. For the full absorption of tocopherol, the correct functioning of the pancreas is required.

vitamin E liquid and capsules
vitamin E liquid and capsules

The absorption of liquid tocopherol is from 50 to 80 percent of the amount of vitamin that has entered the body and depends on the condition of the body. With the help of lipoproteins, it enters all tissues and systems of the body with the bloodstream. If protein metabolism is disturbed, the transfer of vitamin E is impaired. The highest concentration of vitamin E after ingestion is reached after four hours.

Vitamin has the ability to accumulate in tissues and organs. During pregnancy, about 30% of the accumulated substance enters the baby's blood. In addition, breast milk also contains vitamin E, which helps the child eliminate tocopherol deficiency during the feeding period. Provided that the mother receives the required dosage of the vitamin.


Tocopherol (10, 5 and 30 percent) has a diverse effect on the body:

  • Vitamin E makes blood vessels more elastic.
  • Protects muscle tissue (including cardiac) fromdystrophic changes.
  • The production of hemoglobin and blood cells starts, which positively affects the renewal of blood plasma.
  • Prevents premature oxidative processes.
  • Good for fertility and fertility.
  • Enhances libido and activates sperm.

When to drink?

Alpha tocopherol acetate
Alpha tocopherol acetate

According to the instructions for use of liquid vitamin E, the following cases are considered indications for taking:

  • prematurity or low birth weight baby;
  • parenteral nutrition;
  • chronic cholestasis;
  • abetalipoproteinemia;
  • celiac disease;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • malabsorption;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • diets high in polyunsaturated acids;
  • necrotizing myopathy;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking mineral oils, cholestyramine and colestipol.
  • lactation;
  • biliary atresia;
  • addiction.

Vitamin E is prescribed for low birth weight newborns to prevent the following diseases:

  • bronchopulmonary dysplasia;
  • retrolental fibroplasia;
  • hemolytic anemia.


vitamin E in liquid form
vitamin E in liquid form

Before use, you should study the contraindications of liquid vitamin E. Instructions forapplication does not recommend the use of the drug in the following situations:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • risk of thromboembolism;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • hypersensitivity to vitamin E;
  • cardiosclerosis.

The drug should be taken with caution in case of hypoprothrombinemia. In case of vitamin K deficiency, the problem may worsen (if the dosage of vitamin E is increased to 300 mg or more).

How to take?

Before you start taking it, you should figure out what the dosage should be and how to drink liquid vitamin E correctly. Instructions for use inside indicate a minimum daily dose of 10 mg. Tocopherol can be prescribed in liquid form with different percentages of the active substance (5, 10 and 30%). In this case, one milliliter of liquid will contain 50, 100 and 300 milligrams of vitamin E, respectively. By volume, one milliliter of the drug corresponds to 30 drops made from an eye dropper.

Therapeutic norm for treatment and prevention:

  • Hypovitaminosis: prevention - 10 mg per day, 5% solution, treatment - from 10 to 40 mg per day, 10% solution.
  • Muscular dystrophies, lateral sclerosis, CNS diseases - from 50 to 100 mg per day, 10% solution. The course lasts 1-2 months, then there is a break of two to three months.
  • Spermatogenesis, impaired potency - from 100 to 300 mg per day, 30% solution. Vitamin E is prescribed in combination with hormone therapy.
  • Threatened miscarriage - 100 to 150 mg per day, 30% solution. The course lasts a couple of weeks.
  • vitamin E
    vitamin E
  • After abortion or in case of disturbances during fetal development - 100 to 150 mg per day, 30% solution. The course is two weeks or once every two days the entire first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the skin - 50 to 100 mg once or twice a day, 10% solution. Duration of application - 20-40 days.
  • Peripheral vascular disease, atherosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy - used with retinol 100 mg per day, 30% solution - 10 drops, 10% solution - 30 drops. The course is 20-40 days, then a break is made, which is from 3 to 6 months.
  • Hypotrophy of infants, reduction of capillary resistance - from 5 to 10 mg per day, 5% solution. Duration of admission - from 7 to 21 days.
  • Treatment of heart diseases and eye pathologies - 50-100 mg per day, 10% solution. The course lasts from 7 to 21 days.

Side effects

According to the instructions for use of liquid vitamin E, allergic reactions to the active ingredient may occur during administration. An overdose is possible if you take 330-660 mg per day. Signs:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • asthenia;
  • vision deterioration;
  • dizziness;
  • tired.


If you take more than 600 mg over a long period, the following deterioration in he alth is possible:

  • thromboembolism;
  • bleeding (appear due to lack of vitamin K);
  • violation of metabolic processes in thyroid hormones;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • sexual problemssphere.

Special Instructions

Instructions for the use of liquid vitamin E describes all the requirements regarding the rate and method of taking the substance. But there are a number of other important indications:

  • The substance is found in oils (peanut, soybean, corn and others), green plants, milk, fat, eggs and meat. This should be taken into account when calculating the dosage.
  • In infants, hypovitaminosis of vitamin E is possible due to the small permeability of the placenta.
  • During a diet with an increased intake of selenium and amino acids, a reduction in the daily dose is allowed.

When not effective?

vitamin E oil solution
vitamin E oil solution

Tocopherol treatment is known to have no effect in the following cases:

  • hair loss;
  • infertility;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • burns;
  • peptic ulcer and other pathologies.

Besides this, the use of tocopherol does not bring a positive effect on the growth of sexual activity.

How and how much to store?

According to the instructions for the use of vitamin E in liquid form, the drug can be stored for two years, observing the following conditions:

  • room temperature - 15-25 degrees Celsius;
  • no high humidity and light;
  • inaccessible to children;
  • in original packaging.

Use in cosmetology

liquid vitamin E in cosmetology
liquid vitamin E in cosmetology

Often liquid vitamin E is used incosmetology for the treatment of body and face skin, reducing signs of aging, including wrinkles.

Tocopherol solution can be used both internally and externally as face and body masks.


  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Acceleration of recovery processes in cells.
  • Smooth wrinkles and prevent new ones.
  • Stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
  • Pull-up effect.

In addition, liquid vitamin E has the following protective functions:

  • Removes toxins.
  • Strengthens cell membranes.
  • Combats skin inflammation.
  • Removes dangerous free radicals.

Liquid tocopherol in combination with masks is used for:

  • Acne treatment.
  • Prevention of skin aging.
  • Removal of pigmentation caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays or hormonal failure.
  • Skin toning.
  • Elimination of wrinkles, sagging, skin atony.

"Solgar" (liquid vitamin E): instructions for use

Image "Solgar" vitamin E
Image "Solgar" vitamin E

One of the most popular drugs based on tocopherol is "Solgar" (a dietary supplement). The drug helps to maintain normal levels of vitamin E.

The instructions for the drug indicate that "Solgar" does not contain: wheat, gluten, yeast, sugar, dairy products, sodium and sweeteners. Alsoit is noted that the product is made without dyes, preservatives and fragrances. Great for vegetarians.

Terms of use:

  • shake the drug before use;
  • then take 15 drops before meals (1 time per day).


Tocopherol helps maintain youth and he alth. The main thing is to follow the instructions for using liquid vitamin E, and also not to exceed the prescribed dosages and take into account contraindications.