Liquid nicotine: scope, effect on the body

Liquid nicotine: scope, effect on the body
Liquid nicotine: scope, effect on the body

Everyone knows that smoking is a bad thing. Every fifth death, according to experts, is due to this addiction. However, many continue to smoke, poisoning themselves and others. The most important and very harmful ingredient in cigarettes is nicotine. Today, this substance is presented to the attention of smokers in various forms.

It is now available to the consumer in the form of patches, chewing gum and liquid extract. Judging by the numerous reviews, there is a great demand for liquid nicotine. This product is available in a variety of flavors. Learn more about liquid nicotine in this article.

Liquid nicotine for electronic cigarettes
Liquid nicotine for electronic cigarettes

Introducing the substance

Liquid nicotine is a special preparation that harmoniously combines various flavors, propylene glycol (as a solvent) and other additives. This mixture is designed to replace the nicotine contained incigarette. Invented liquid nicotine for electronic cigarettes. There is a misconception among some consumers that these cigarettes, unlike traditional cigarettes, do not contain nicotine.

In fact, it is in electronic smokeless devices, only it is much less. It all depends on what mixture to fill the cigarette. Mostly they are bought by those who want to use a smaller dose of nicotine in order to eventually quit the addiction itself. There are also e-cigarettes available with nicotine-free liquids. Such devices are for those who want to completely eliminate harmful effects from the smoking process.


Liquid nicotine is a flavored substance. For commercial purposes, manufacturers have created a line of these products with a wide variety of tastes. Available in flavors of chocolate, apple, melon, mint and more.

liquid nicotine harm
liquid nicotine harm

Where else is the drug used?

Liquid extract is also found in nicotine candies and special chewing gum. Their purpose is to reduce the desire to smoke. Judging by the numerous consumer reviews, the use of such chewing gum really reduces cravings for tobacco products.

You can also absorb nicotine through your skin. For this purpose, special patches were invented, which are completed with liquid nicotine concentrate. It is intended for heavy smokers who have not only psychological, but also physiological dependence on this harmful chemical element. According to experts, theseadaptations supply the body with the dose of nicotine it lacks. Patches come in a variety of sizes. If a person is used to smoking 20 cigarettes a day, he should purchase the appropriate patch.

On the use of liquid extract in hookahs

Many smokers wonder if there is liquid nicotine in hookah? This interest is due to the property of nicotine to cause dependence. There is an opinion that this substance is absent in the hookah. In fact, it is, and some harm is done to the body. Liquid nicotine at the wrong dosage can cause unwanted side effects. These devices are filled with a special smoking mixture containing this substance. In a hookah, liquid is poured into the cartridge. Further, after the battery is heated, fragrant smoke is formed.

Liquid nicotine in a hookah
Liquid nicotine in a hookah

There are also nicotine-free refills that contain other harmful substances. According to studies, scientists have found that smoking a hookah mixture for one hour is equivalent to smoking two dozen blocks of cigarettes. This is due to the fact that hookah smoke is drawn into the lungs deeper than cigarette smoke. It is also dangerous for passive smokers if there is no normal air circulation in the room.

In closing

According to experts, one typical cigarette contains approximately 9 mg of nicotine. Of these, 8 mg will leave with air. As a result, after smoking one standard cigarette, 1 mg of nicotine will enter the human body.

tobacco products
tobacco products

IfIf you use an electronic device, then you need to correctly calculate the dosage. You should know that an electronic cigarette, unlike a regular cigarette, delivers nicotine in its pure form, and therefore its concentration is much higher. Side effects from this use are convulsions and dizziness. In addition, the smoker may experience pain in the stomach and chest.
