In the article, we will consider the use of neem oil and doses.
This is a strong antiseptic that has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, wound healing properties and is a highly effective treatment for a wide range of skin pathologies. This remedy cleanses the blood, stimulates the immune system, is a natural contraceptive that does not have side effects. Malo Neem is a powerful skin moisturizer that helps whiten skin. It can also be used as a soap base. The use of neem oil at home is advisable as an effective remedy for restoring and strengthening hair, which stops hair loss and eliminates dandruff.

In nature
This remedy is made from neem wood, which contains many useful substances. A remedy extracted from this tree has been considered a cure for any disease since ancient times. Oil applicationit is relevant in the manufacture of medical devices. The most interesting thing is that when received, everything is used: the roots, the seeds, the bark, the flowers, and the shoots of this tree. The resulting funds can be used without fear, because they are natural and do not provoke the development of side effects. The tree is drought-resistant, fast-growing and evergreen, reaching a height of 20 m. The leaves can change their color: in a young tree they have a reddish tint, and turn green with age. The fruits are similar in color and shape to olives.
Nim oil: composition
Neem oil is based on triglycerides and triterpene compounds, which give it a bitter aftertaste. In addition, the oil contains polysaccharides, proteins, sulfur-containing substances, polyphenols (coumarins, flavonoids, tannins, etc.). Among all the acids contained in the composition of neem oil, oleic acid is the most - about 53%. The second place is occupied by palmitic acid - 25%. The following acids are also contained in this oil:
- lauric;
- stearic;
- linoleic;
- arachidonic;
- linolenic.
In addition to acids, Neem oil contains natural antibiotics, copper, alkaloid margosine, sterols, vitamin E and other substances.

On sale this oil can be found in 150 ml plastic bottles.
Nim oil is viscous, heavy, dark, bitter tasting, brownish green. It has an unpleasant odor that resembles a mixture of garlic and peanut butter. This smell is given to the oil.sulfur constituents. In this regard, the use of neem oil is mainly limited to the production of soap, where the aroma is often masked by other oils - ylang-ylang, geranium, lavender.
At home, without the advice of a specialist, oil can only be used externally. It is a highly effective, fast-acting tool that can literally instantly fix the problems it is used to solve.
The use of neem oil is advisable for the following purposes:
- for garden pest control;
- as fertilizer;
- to repel blood-sucking insects;
- for pets in the fight against skin parasites;
- as an effective contraceptive;
- as medicine in medicine (for external and internal use);
- in cosmetology to eliminate skin and hair problems;
- in the soap industry;
- in industry as a lubricant.
For garden spraying, the oil is often available in the form of special sprays, which makes it convenient to use. In the case of pets, it is often used as an ingredient in soaps, shampoos and sprays.
Medical use. Features
The medicinal use of neem oil is due to its strong antibacterial, antiseptic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, moisturizing, antifungal, emollient, astringent, whitening and wound healing properties.

Therefore, it is used to treat various ailments:
- Highly effective remedy for a wide range of skin diseases, including serious ones (psoriasis, leprosy, eczema, ringworm, urticaria). It can be used for pustular rashes, boils, acne, blisters, parasitic infections, boils.
- Effective blood purifier.
- The strongest natural contraceptive.
- Cleansing the body of infections, used when weight loss is needed.
- As an antipyretic, Neem oil is effective for colds, inflammatory diseases, malaria, fever.
- As a remedy for pain in the joints and muscles, which is used for arthritis, rheumatism, sprains.
- For ear and headache relief.
- Helps with coughs and respiratory diseases.
- Used as an antiemetic.
- In the treatment of various tumors, diabetes (reduces blood sugar).
- As an additional remedy for liver diseases.
- Increases immunity.
In cosmetology
This tool is widely used in the cosmetology field. It combines the beneficial properties of tea tree oil and aloe - the famous natural moisturizers and antiseptics.
Where else is neem oil used? In cosmetology, it is used as part of various products - for oral hygiene, face and hand care, various tonics, washing gels, lotions, masks. Forstrengthening hair and caring for them, this remedy can be contained in shampoos, masks, balms, rinses. However, due to the unpleasant smell of neem oil in Ayurvedic cosmetology, it is replaced by an extract of the bark and leaves of the tree. Oil, obtained directly from seeds and fruits, is more often used in cosmetic and medicinal products to solve skin problems - in antiseptic ointments and creams, medical masks, oils, cleansers, against hair loss, lice, dandruff, from various parasites and fungi. In addition, neem oil can be used in soaps.

Use for skin diseases
Neem oil is popular in the treatment of skin pathologies due to its strong antibacterial and antiseptic effects. It successfully eliminates skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, leprosy, pustular rash, ringworm, acne, abscesses, tumors, acne. The oil helps relieve itching, irritation, redness, and is effective for rosacea, psoriasis and other diseases. It deeply cleanses the structure of the skin, removes dirt and excess oil, cleanses pores, regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, and provides antibacterial and antiseptic protection to he althy skin.

Neem oil can be found in creams for acne, rashes, boils, blackheads, often in combination with turmeric, which in this case enhances the antibacterial effect of this remedy. The oil is added to the composition of facial cleansers - cleansing milk, washing gels, masks, creamsfor various purposes, such as nourishing cream, bath foam, shower gels and others. By adding a few drops of a pure, high-quality product to creams and other cosmetic products, you can significantly enhance and improve their effect. Often the use of neem oil for dermatitis is advisable to soften the skin and get rid of peeling.
Nim oil is often used neat in the treatment of nail and foot fungus. It perfectly replaces expensive antifungal drugs, especially in the early stages of the development of the pathological process. The tool effectively stops the development of the fungus, stopping the production of pathogenic toxins by microbes. Neem oil is included in the content of antiseptic and antifungal foot creams, nail polishes.
Use for facial rejuvenation
Neem oil contains vitamin E, known for its rejuvenating effect on the skin. It removes toxins and free radicals, tones the skin, renews its cells, improves complexion and blood circulation, gives the face a fresh and he althy look.
Carry out the use of neem oil in cosmetology. This is a product that smoothes wrinkles, saturates the skin with moisture, restores water balance, elasticity and firmness of aging skin. The moisturizing properties of this oil are important in combination with its antiseptic and cleansing properties. After cleansing, the skin remains hydrated for a long time. The oil is suitable for very dry skin care.

Hair Care
Nim oil is a highly effective component forhair care for all types. It helps eliminate excessive dryness, flaking of the scalp, itching, various fungi and skin diseases, dandruff.
Nim oil helps restore thinning, thinning, dry hair that has lost moisture due to negative external influences or frequent dyeing. It prevents premature hair loss, strengthening them, restoring their he althy shine and silkiness.
This oil is especially recommended for dry, thin and brittle hair. When applying the product, a rather strong unpleasant odor is felt. In this case, you can add a small amount of oil to the shampoo or wash your hair after the mask with shampoos with a strong smell or treat with conditioner.
Nim oil for colds
This remedy helps to get rid of some symptoms of SARS and flu. This is due to its antibacterial properties and the ability to destroy harmful microorganisms. This remedy is very effective for coughs that occur with colds such as bronchitis, tracheitis, and sore throats. For example, with purulent inflammation of the tonsils, neem oil is used for rinsing. For this, a solution is made - 2-3 drops of oil in a glass of water. Such procedures help eliminate sore throat, wash plaque from the tonsils, and achieve a disinfecting effect.
The use of neem oil for colds should be careful. It is better to consult a doctor.
Like a natural contraceptive
According to the masters of Ayurveda, this oil is an effective contraceptive. It does not callside effects, protects against diseases that are transmitted during sexual intercourse. It is safe, cheap and affordable. Traditional healers advise: in order to protect yourself from infection after unprotected sexual intimacy, you can douche with neem oil solutions. To do this, add a few drops of this product to a glass of water.
Neem oil as a contraceptive can be used by both women and men. Women use before and after intercourse. The results of studies have shown a rather high efficiency of this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Healers claim that the effect of the oil lasts for about 5 hours, immobilizing spermatozoa, but without causing discomfort and irritation. In addition, the product can serve as an additional lubricant and have an antibacterial effect if applied directly during sexual contact.
But this method, of course, does not give a guarantee. Doctors recommend using classic contraceptives - only they reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy. And in the case of sexual intercourse with a random partner, a condom is required.

When used externally for skin diseases, neem oil is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas. It can also be used diluted with other oils such as coconut, sesame or olive oil.
For internal use of this drug, the dose should not exceed 500 mgin a day. The most commonly used is 250 mg of the oil orally twice a day. This is the most suitable dosage for people who use it in the treatment of pathologies such as diabetes or hemorrhoids.
The continuous course of internal use of neem oil should not exceed a period of 6 weeks. Then a month break is made, and treatment can be resumed.
Benefits and harms
The benefits of neem oil, as can be seen from this article, are very high. With this tool, you can treat not only skin diseases, but also various diseases of internal organs.
If we talk about the dangers of this remedy, then the negative effect of oil on the body is practically not observed, but only if it is used in appropriate dosages and not exceeded. In large quantities, this oil can cause functional digestive disorders, and during pregnancy, provoke the occurrence of spontaneous abortion. In addition, there is always the risk of allergies. Test on a small area of skin before using.
Oil, judging by the information from the responses, is most often used to eliminate skin diseases, in the fight against problem skin, as well as in hair care. Judging by the reviews, the use of oil by him inside is much less common, since not every person can tolerate its smell. People who used it note that the remedy has a positive effect only when used systematically, it helps well to heal the skin with dermatitis and eczema. In addition, reviews on the use of neem oilconfirm the effectiveness in hair loss - patients note that the hair becomes stronger and thicker.