Chickenpox was experienced by many, if not sick themselves, then they saw the symptoms of the disease on relatives, friends or relatives. Abundant rashes, which are densely stained with brilliant green, are simply impossible not to notice. Pathology is considered a childhood infection and it is better to have chickenpox in school or kindergarten years. Adults tolerate the disease much worse and the likelihood of serious complications is high. But at present, there is an opportunity to avoid infection, for this, vaccination against chickenpox is being carried out.
What is chickenpox
The causative agent of the disease is the Zoster virus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. There is an incubation period of 10-14 days before symptoms appear. You can recognize chickenpox by the following signs:
- Skin rash appears. At the same time, you can see small red spots and bursting bubbles with the formation of crusts.
- The body temperature rises.
- There is increased fatigue.
- Loss of appetite.

If the disease develops in children, then complications rarely develop, which cannot be said about the adult population. Vaccinating adults against chickenpox will help prevent the disease.
The need for immunizations
This preventive measure helps protect the body from infection with the varicella-zoster virus. If an adult has not been vaccinated against chickenpox, then the following complications are likely to develop:
- Chickenpox encephalitis. The Zoster virus is capable of destroying brain cells, which leads to impaired sensitivity, loss of vision, and the development of paralysis.
- Skin damage. When bursting vesicles become infected, a bacterial infection joins and dermatitis develops, after which noticeable scars remain on the skin.
- Shingles. The varicella-zoster virus is able to penetrate the nervous tissue and infect the ganglia. With a decrease in immunity, the pathogen can become activated and provoke the development of herpes zoster.
- The virus can infect lung tissue, causing pneumonia.
- Blood poisoning is possible in severe disease. If you do not provide timely assistance, then a fatal outcome is possible.
In adults, the disease often causes complications, so vaccination against chickenpox is necessary for adults if the child did not get sick in childhood.
Vaccination in childhood
Children are vaccinated against chickenpox if the child has reached the age of one. This requires parental consent. Doctors recommend mandatory vaccination of children with chronic pathologies. The entry of the chickenpox virus into the body leads to a decrease in immunity and exacerbation of diseases.

Children need to be vaccinated before entering preschool. The introduced vaccine is able to protect the body from chicken pox throughout life. If the vaccine is given in adolescence, then the protection that is formed is not always 100% effective, so revaccination will be needed.
Which adults are recommended to get vaccinated
If an adult did not suffer from this disease in childhood, then vaccination against chickenpox is recommended without fail in the following cases:
- If pregnancy is planned. The virus can disrupt the development of the fetus, leading to birth defects. Vaccination is recommended 3-4 months before the planned conception.
- If immunocompromised.
- Medical workers who, by the nature of their work, are forced to contact sick patients.
- If leukemia is in remission.
- Persons working with children.
- Patients with severe chronic illnesses.
- With diabetes.
- When you have high blood pressure.
- After contact with the infectedhuman.

Vaccination against chickenpox is indicated at any age, two doses of the drug must be administered to form immunity.
Pros for vaccination
In many countries, vaccination against chickenpox is mandatory, in our country it is included in the vaccination calendar, but it is additional, and children are vaccinated only at the request of their parents.
There is still a heated debate about the need for vaccination, some believe that this is 100% protection against dangerous diseases, and there are those who are of the opposite opinion.
You can make the following arguments in favor of vaccination:
- Chickenpox at preschool age most often occurs in children easily and without complications, but how can you be 100% sure that your child will not have a disease with high fever, joint pain, stomatitis. There is a pattern: the older the child, the more severe the disease.
- The virus does not leave the body even after the illness, and after a few years it can lead to the development of shingles. Pathology is manifested by rashes on the skin, pain, which are difficult to eliminate even with the help of analgesics. Vaccination against chickenpox promotes the formation of antibodies, the virus itself does not remain in nerve cells.
- Chickenpox marks can disfigure a child's skin. Young children cannot stand itching and scratch the wounds, which leads to the formation of scars and scars that remain for life.
- Can not be ruled out even in childrencomplications in the form of pneumonia or encephalitis.
- Emergency chickenpox vaccination will save you from infection through contact with a sick person if done within 72 hours.
- Introduced vaccine in childhood ensures the formation of stable immunity in 95% of cases. In adolescence and adults, this figure is 75-80%, but revaccination can bring it up to 99%.
- Vaccination before planning pregnancy will protect the baby in the first six months of life from infection.

Serious reasons not to think about the need for children to be vaccinated against chickenpox.
What anti-vaxxers say
Those who oppose vaccination have their own reasons:
- Children of preschool age easily tolerate the disease. Some parents even specially take their baby to visit those whose child has chickenpox in order to recover from pathology. In this case, vaccination after chickenpox will protect against re-infection in adulthood.
- Due to chickenpox vaccine being optional, parents must pay for it.
- Some mothers believe that the vaccine does not protect the baby 100% from infection. This is possible, but the number of cases does not exceed 1%.
Judging by what has been said, the arguments for vaccination are much more weighty. It is not worth risking the he alth of your baby, it is better to get vaccinated.
Vaccination contraindications
The benefits of vaccination have been considered, but there are contraindications for vaccinating. To theminclude:
- Infectious disease at the time of vaccination.
- Chronic pathologies in the stage of relapse.
- Intestinal or respiratory infections. Vaccination is allowed only after full recovery.
- You can't get vaccinated for meningitis.
- Severe stage of immunodeficiency. This often happens with AIDS, cancer pathologies, or while taking drugs from the corticosteroid group.
- If you have surgery and immediately after it.
- In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- If blood products or immunoglobulins were administered prior to vaccination.

These are categorical contraindications, but there are situations when vaccination is allowed, but strict medical supervision is required:
- There are diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- There was a history of convulsive readiness.
- Reduced immunity.
- I was allergic to other vaccines.
These conditions require monitoring of the child or adult for several days after vaccination.
Features of vaccination
Where to get the chickenpox vaccination for adults, you can ask your local doctor. The vaccination is done using foreign-made drugs. The following medications are used:
1. Varilrix. A Belgian-made drug made on the basis of weakened viral particles. The vaccine is great foremergency vaccination after contact with a sick person. For the formation of stable immunity, it is recommended to administer a double dose with an interval of 2-3 months. Cannot use vaccine:
- For leukemia and AIDS.
- When exacerbating chronic diseases.
- Against the background of colds.
- For pregnant and nursing mothers.

The vaccine cannot be combined with rabies and BCG shots.
2. Vaccine "Okavaks". French drug based on live viruses. The vaccine has a minimum of side effects, is used for vaccination of children and adults. Do not inject:
- Pregnant women.
- When exacerbating chronic diseases.
- If there is an individual intolerance.
After the introduction of the vaccine, immunoglobulins or blood products should not be administered for a month, if this cannot be avoided, then a second revaccination is required in a month. You can not combine "Okavaks" with BCG vaccination, the time interval between them should be at least a month.
The reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine
Most often, children and adults tolerate the vaccine well, local reactions may occur:
- Slight puffiness.
- Itching.
- Redness of the skin.
After vaccination, the injection site may rise slightly above the skin, hurt, but these reactions are within the normal range and are not considered complications.
Post-vaccination symptoms requiring medical attention
Quite rare, totalin 0.1% of cases, general symptoms can also be observed, which are most often associated with the individual characteristics of the body of a child or adult:
- Increased body temperature.
- Chickenpox-like skin rashes, but they disappear quickly.
- Severely itchy skin.
- Weakness.
- Swollen lymph nodes.

Such symptoms may appear 7-20 days after vaccination.
Vaccination complications
Vaccination complications are very rare. The drug does not pose a danger to the body, so the appearance of problems is often due to a violation of the storage conditions of the vaccine or improper administration. Complications can also develop if the existing contraindications have not been taken into account. Consequences can be:
- Encephalitis develops.
- Shingles.
- Inflammation in the joints.
- Polymorphic eczema.
- Inflammation of the lungs.
Such complications are extremely rare, therefore, they cannot serve as a justification for refusing the procedure
Possibility of infection after vaccination
Infection with chickenpox after vaccination cannot be 100% excluded. But statistics show that only 1% of those vaccinated were re-infected. But even in this case, the disease proceeded easily and without complications.
Some people consider the appearance of a characteristic rash for chickenpox after vaccination to be an infection, but this is wrong. This is just proof of the active work of the immune system onthe production of antibodies against the virus.
Where to get the chickenpox vaccination
You can get vaccinated against chickenpox at a medical institution at your place of residence. You can also contact a private clinic about this (for example, in Moscow you can contact ON CLINIC, Miracle Doctor, K-Medicine) or a vaccination center. But before vaccinating, it is better to visit a pediatrician with a child, if an adult is vaccinated, it is recommended to visit a therapist to exclude contraindications.
Vaccinate or get sick? Medical opinions
Answering this question is difficult, it requires considering the pros and cons of immunization. Doctors highlight the following benefits:
- Minimum risk of infection.
- Vaccination can be combined with other vaccinations, with the exception of BCG, Mantoux and rabies.
- Emergency vaccination available.
- Prevents the development of complications.
- Builds immunity for 20 years.
But we can't help but mention the disadvantages:
- There is a small chance of infection after vaccination.
- Required revaccination.
- Since the vaccine contains a live virus, after vaccination, a person can infect others.
- There are contraindications.
- There is a risk of complications after vaccination.
Every adult has the right to make a decision regarding vaccination. When it comes to children, such a responsible decision falls on the shoulders of the parents. Need to listento the recommendations of doctors who strongly advise those who are at risk to be vaccinated. This will avoid dangerous complications, and, sometimes, save from death.