Vaccinations against chickenpox for a child: pros and cons (reviews)

Vaccinations against chickenpox for a child: pros and cons (reviews)
Vaccinations against chickenpox for a child: pros and cons (reviews)

Most parents prefer to stick to the government-regulated vaccination schedule for their children. However, in addition to mandatory injections, there are additional injections that responsible mothers and fathers can give their baby at their own request. Should my child be vaccinated against chickenpox? This question is asked by many adults, fearing a simple, seemingly, at first glance, childhood illness.

General information about the disease

Before you take care of the question of how much chickenpox vaccination is needed for a child, you should learn a little more about such a disease. Such information will help you weigh all the possible risks and make the most rational decision.

Chickenpox, or chickenpox, is considered an easily transmitted childhood disease, which can affect not only babies, but also teenagers, as well as adults. It is easily transmitted through the air and has the ability to completely infect others. The causative agent of this disease is the zoster virus (or herpestype 3), it can also cause shingles.

chickenpox vaccine for child
chickenpox vaccine for child

In childhood, the disease is tolerated quite easily and often proceeds without any specific complications. However, statistics suggest that in ten cases out of a hundred, the virus is accompanied by unpleasant consequences (damage to the central nervous system and other internal organs). An ill person develops immunity, in the future the child may no longer be afraid of such an infection. Cases of recurrence were extremely rare, in fact in isolated cases (for example, in immunocompromised individuals).

Possible consequences of the disease

Let's talk about what is the need for a chickenpox vaccine for a child? The standard course of the virus implies an incubation period, then the disease develops, bubbles appear on the baby's skin, an unpleasant itch begins to appear, a desire to comb the formations. The first few days there may be an increase in temperature. As soon as new pimples cease to form, and the old ones dry out, the problem subsides. Under the age of 12, side effects of the disease are extremely rare, but children in early adolescence carry the virus much harder than tiny babies.

chickenpox vaccine for children
chickenpox vaccine for children

Possible complications include pneumonia, varicella encephalitis, skin infections, damage to the eyes or facial nerve, herpes, shingles, and even death. Vaccination minimizes possible risks and ensuresmilder course of the disease.

Timing for injections

Another popular question that parents are interested in on this topic is: "When do children get vaccinated against chickenpox?". Babies are vaccinated when they reach 12 months of age. There is no upper threshold for the administration of drugs, injections can be given at five, ten, and twenty years old.

Vaccination against chickenpox for children can be carried out after contact with the diseased. It is advisable to visit a specialist within three days after a possible infection, in which case the injections performed will have maximum effectiveness. There is a significant chance that your child will be able to avoid or survive the disease without any outward signs or consequences.

chickenpox vaccine for children reviews
chickenpox vaccine for children reviews

Negative effects of vaccination

Does chickenpox vaccine cause side effects in children? The reviews of many parents contain information that one cannot do without the unpleasant consequences of vaccination. Of course, such a negative reaction is not manifested in everyone and not always, but of course, it is worth being prepared for it. So, standard side effects are usually represented by the following he alth changes:

  • Local redness of the skin in the place of violation of their integrity.
  • Puffiness, thickening under the skin.
  • Allergy, most often in the form of a superficial rash, accompanied by skin itching, temporary difficulty in breathing, swelling of the larynx.
  • Headache moderateexpression.
  • Drowsiness, lethargy, general malaise.
  • Cold symptoms, runny nose and mild cough, sore throat.
  • Convulsions.

Almost all unpleasant manifestations occur within a couple of days after vaccination, but there are also so-called delayed consequences. Most often, they occur after 15-20 days and consist in the appearance of a mild rash, low temperature and a change in the state of the lymph nodes. In people with strong immunity, these side effects are extremely rare.

chickenpox vaccine for children where to do
chickenpox vaccine for children where to do

As a rule, it is not required to treat the consequences of vaccination, any reaction of the body to the vaccine passes quickly enough and on its own. With the development of allergies, it is imperative to take antihistamines prescribed by a specialist.

How can a vaccine not be dangerous?

Many are afraid that vaccinating children against chickenpox can provoke infection and the development of the disease. Such opinions have nothing to do with the truth, after the introduction of the vaccine, your child does not become dangerous to others and cannot become infected himself. The introduction of the drug involves the transplantation of a weakened virus, which is simply not capable of provoking infection.

Vaccinations used

Vaccinations against chickenpox for a child in our country are carried out on the basis of several foreign vaccines. Depending on which agent was chosen for injection, the scheme for introducing the composition also differs. There are two main methods for preventing chickenpox:

  • Based onBelgian drug "Varilrix" (once up to 12 years, twice with a break of 2 to 3 months for adolescents and older persons).
  • Based on the Japanese Okawax squad (once in any case).

Introduction of drugs is carried out subcutaneously, however, in some cases, intramuscular administration of compounds is also allowed.

Are children vaccinated against chickenpox?
Are children vaccinated against chickenpox?

Where is the injection done?

Chickenpox vaccination for children is optional. Vaccination is possible both in the district clinic, as prescribed by a doctor, and in a paid medical center. Before injecting the drug, the specialist must examine the child and decide whether injections are possible at this particular moment.

Main contraindications

Now you know the answers to many questions about why the chickenpox vaccine is indicated for children, where to get an injection and what consequences the introduction of the vaccine may entail. It is time to talk about possible contraindications, conditions that make prophylactic injections impossible. So, babies are not vaccinated when:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Acute leukemia.
  • Elevated body temperature (from 37.5 and above).
  • Acute viral diseases, as well as in the recovery period after them (from 2 to 4 weeks), depending on the severity of the disease, the rehabilitation period can be reduced.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system, as well as the recovery period after them (up to 6 months, determined by a specialist).
  • Acute stage of chronicdiseases.
  • Planned or recent surgeries.
chickenpox vaccine for children
chickenpox vaccine for children

Experience of Western experts

Are children vaccinated against chickenpox in Europe? This question is also quite common. In our country, for a long time there was no vaccine against such a disease, but there was simply no increased need for it.

Unfortunately, over time, severe cases of chickenpox treatment have only become more frequent, which means that the need for a vaccine has increased significantly.

As for the experience of foreign specialists, the first studies on the creation of preventive drugs outside our country began to be conducted back in the 70s of the 20th century, vaccinations began to be carried out in the 80s, and mass vaccination - a little later, in the 90s.

Opinion and advice of domestic experts

Many parents are interested in the opinion of experts on the issue of how much the chickenpox vaccine is necessary for children. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, fully supports the idea of vaccinating babies against this disease. Among other things, a popular doctor advises to follow the following recommendations:

  • Reduce hygiene procedures, but do not cancel them completely. Swap a bath for a shower, don't forget to gently pat your skin dry.
  • Regularly put on clean underwear and clothes for your baby, preferably several times a day.
  • Use brilliant green not for treatment, but to fix the appearance of new formations on the skin.
  • Applyonly approved antipyretics to normalize elevated body temperature.
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which the child is located, it is desirable to ensure a constant flow of air into the room.
  • Be sure to fight fever and excessive sweating, such factors can provoke increased itching.
  • Be sure to cut your child's nails as short as possible, because he can comb the formation, which will lead to scars or scars, infection and inflammation.
When are children vaccinated against chickenpox?
When are children vaccinated against chickenpox?

Chickenpox vaccine for children: positive and negative reviews

Let's talk about the pros and cons of the chickenpox vaccine. To begin with, we list the positive aspects of vaccination, which are called by experts and parents in their reviews. So, injections:

  • Do not require an incubation period after injections. The child can contact with peers, attend educational institutions, go to the sea.
  • Viral and colds transferred after vaccination do not affect the formation of stable immunity to chickenpox pathogens.
  • An injection can be given after contact with an infected person, which will help to reduce the course of the disease or prevent it.
  • Vaccination against chickenpox is possible on the same day with the introduction of drugs for another disease (except for BCG, mantoux).
  • Drugs conditionally protect a child from chickenpox for up to about 20 years.

NegativeThere are certainly plenty of moments too. So, the disadvantages of administering drugs for this disease are:

  • Immunity is unstable (up to age 20) and incomplete (the child may get sick, but will suffer a mild illness). Most of the negative reviews about this vaccine are connected precisely with this moment, many parents consider it useless.
  • Risk of complications from vaccination.
  • Presence of a number of contraindications.
  • The need for repeated revaccination when using certain drugs for a certain category of patients (children from 12 years old, adults).

Whether it is worth vaccinating against chickenpox for a child, each individual parent decides, it is likely that your baby will be able to do without another visit to a specialist, calmly recover from the disease in childhood and, thanks to strong immunity, not have problems in the future. However, if you are at risk, you need to think about the possibility of vaccination. If your child doesn't get chickenpox before the age of 10-12, administering chickenpox medication can prevent serious side effects.
