Such a pathological process as pyelitis in children is an inflammation of the renal pelvis. And in this case, the question of what it comes from is quite natural. Parents need such knowledge to minimize the likelihood of such a disease in their child.
Etiology and causative agents of pathology

Pyelitis in children is usually diagnosed before the age of 6 years. At the same time, the main proportion of young patients is represented by female children. In girls, the disease is detected more often for the reason that their genitourinary system has its own specifics.
Often, pathology is a form of complication of previous diseases. For example, it can be a sore throat, flu, and also caries.
The likelihood that pyelitis will occur in children is highest among babies under one year of age and pregnant women in the presence of appropriate provoking factors. In addition, men with impaired prostate function are at risk.
In addition to previously transferred pathologies, a number ofincentive factors:
- presence of congenital renal anomalies;
- postponed hypothermia;
- retention of urine in the pelvis during pregnancy;
- and, finally, exacerbation of severe chronic diseases.
Susceptibility to the development of this pathology is monitored in those people whose immune system is constantly impaired. Pathogens such as viruses, fungal bacteria Candida and other types of microorganisms can contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the renal pelvis.
Now that we know what it is - pyelitis in children, it is also important to understand that there are descending and ascending routes of infection. In the latter case, the infectious process develops towards the organ from the bladder. In the case of development along the downward path, the infection affects the organ through the bloodstream. Taking into account the structural features of the body of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, it should be noted that women and girls are characterized by a downward path of infection.
Classification of the pathological process

In addition to knowing what pyelitis is, it is also important to separate the types of this pathological process. If we take the affected area as a basis, then they distinguish:
- right-sided pyelitis;
- left hand;
- double-sided.
According to the nature of the course, the disease is classified as:
- acute form;
- subacute;
- chronic form when ailmentlasts six months or more;
- and, finally, a recurrent form of the inflammatory process in the organ of the urinary system.
It is very important to know what symptoms pyelitis causes in children and adults. Thus, it is possible to suspect something is wrong at an early stage and contact the appropriate medical specialist.
Signs of a pathological process in children

To begin with, it should be understood that pyelitis in children is a disease that, as in the case of any other inflammatory process, is characterized by a pronounced general intoxication of the body. In this regard, babies become capricious, cry and enter an apathetic-depressive state. Some children have retardation. Answering the question of what pyelitis is and how it is characterized, it should be said that when the body is affected by this pathology, eating behavior changes in children. Toddlers refuse long-loved dishes, drink less water and complain of bloating. If the child has a severe form of intoxication, then in this case the baby experiences nausea and vomiting.
The second no less important sign of the disease is a high body temperature, which varies from 37 to 39 degrees, which is accompanied by chills, severe headaches and convulsions.
A symptom of illness in adults

With the development of pyelitis in adults, the following clinical picture appears:
- urinationbecomes uncomfortable and is accompanied by cutting pains;
- the patient's body temperature rises;
- in the acute form of the disease, pain occurs in the lumbar region;
- the patient's urine turns light brown or dark shades.
Methods for diagnosing pathology
With the development of the specified disease, the designated organ continues to work, as before. However, during a visit to a specialist, the patient reveals a painful reaction in the lumbar region of the spine, as well as in the urinary tract. During the examination of such patients, a laboratory examination of urine to determine the level of leukocytes is mandatory.
In addition, the following diagnostic procedures are carried out:
- biochemical blood test;
- Ultrasound of the kidneys.
In medical practice, the most difficult in terms of diagnosis is the detection of a disease in infants.
Therapeutic interventions

After the answer to the question of pyelitis - what it is, how to treat the disease, you must also know. Treatment of the inflammatory process in the kidneys requires an integrated approach. As you know, there are conservative and radical methods of treatment.
In the first case, the patient is prescribed medication, a special drinking regimen, as well as a dietary diet. If we talk about taking medications, then in this situation, patients are prescribed:
- antibacterialmeans to eliminate the infectious process in the body;
- antimicrobials;
- drugs with antispasmodic properties;
- antipyretics.
During the rehabilitation period, patients are prescribed physiotherapy, as well as the use of alternative methods of treatment.
As for the surgical treatment of pyelitis, in this case, part or all of the affected organ is excised. The latter option is rarely used. It is for this reason that the attending physicians carry out the most sparing treatment in order to preserve as much of the organ as possible.
The key principles of pyelitis therapy are:
- removal of inflammatory puffiness;
- taking measures to prevent dehydration, as well as the development of cardiovascular insufficiency and shock.
If the pathological process was detected out of time, and the treatment was carried out incorrectly, then the following complications may develop:
- urosepsis;
- paranephritis;
- kidney failure.
If chronic pyelitis proceeds for a long time and complications worsen, then the child may experience septic shock, after which the organ will cease to function, which can lead to death.
Baby food regimen for pyelitis

The quality of food consumed by a child diagnosed with pyelitis is of great importance. This is due to the fact that tissue regeneration, energy restoration and the body's fight againstthe infectious process requires a lot of strength. For this reason, the parents of the baby should make sure that the body receives the necessary amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and with them minerals and vitamins.
You should also limit your child's intake of s alt and other unhe althy foods, including:
- chocolates and marmalade;
- cream baked goods;
- processed cheese;
- crackers and chips;
- packaged juices and carbonated drinks;
- and finally fast food.
Excluding the products listed above, it is necessary to enrich the child's diet with the following components:
- cereals and milk soups;
- cheese, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and sour cream;
- fresh, boiled and baked vegetables and fruits;
- natural juices and berry fruit drinks;
- lean meats and fish;
- and finally seafood.
Treatment prognosis

If the pathological process was detected at an early stage of development, then the treatment process can take from 1 to 3 weeks. If the disease becomes chronic, then therapy can be delayed for several years. As for women bearing a child, in their case, the disease will disappear after the birth of the baby.
In general, we can say that the prognosis of the patient's condition with pyelitis is favorable. And only in the most severe cases, death is possible due to blood poisoning.
Prevention measures
Why does pyelitis appear in children, of course, but how to prevent its development?Pyelitis is a rather unpleasant disease, and therefore, if its first signs are detected, you should make an appointment with a nephrologist as soon as possible. The sooner the necessary treatment is prescribed and received, the more favorable the outcome of the disease will be.
As for preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of pathology, here it is necessary to highlight the observance of the principles of personal hygiene, a he althy lifestyle. Hypothermia should also be avoided. In addition, do not forget about strengthening the immune system through multivitamin complexes in the autumn and spring periods. The child should go in for sports, this will strengthen the protective functions of the body.
Thus, pyelitis in babies can lead to the most serious consequences. Therefore, parents need to do everything in terms of preventive measures, and also not to postpone a visit to the doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Only in this case will it be possible to save the he alth and life of the child.