Prosthetic legs - high-tech devices

Prosthetic legs - high-tech devices
Prosthetic legs - high-tech devices

The modern field of prosthetics is developing rapidly, which allows to improve the standard of living of people who, for certain reasons, have lost limbs.

leg prostheses
leg prostheses

Today, prosthetic legs are becoming high-tech devices. Biomechatronics has become an important breakthrough in prosthetics. With its help, bioelectric prostheses of a new generation began to be made. They register electrical signals during the contraction of the muscles of the injured limb, which allows for a wide variety of movements. At the same time, their functionality may even exceed the possibility of he althy legs.

Some of them can be programmed for individual movements. In addition, prosthetic legs can have a special silicone coating that perfectly masks the defect, which helps to hide the absence of a limb and reduce unwanted attention from others.

The latest achievement in the field of prosthetics is osseointegration (implantation of the prosthesis into the bone). This technique allows to significantly reduce rubbing or trauma to the stump, as well as to fully control the artificial limb. Such leg prostheses at the points of exit from the bone tissue are covered with a specialmaterial that not only imitates the presence of tissues, but also perfectly protects against various infections.

leg prostheses
leg prostheses

The most popular lower limb prostheses are models with electric motors. They are hydraulically driven, include a microprocessor and special software.

These prosthetic legs have been in production since 1997, but have already become classics. They are more functional than mechanical models, have three modes of operation, as well as remote control. This allows a person to forget about the artificiality of his leg, because it allows not only to walk, but also to climb stairs or ride a bicycle.

In 2006, an electronic module with artificial intelligence was created. Thanks to the efficient operation of sensors and microprocessors, it takes into account the characteristics of a person's gait, and also regulates the level of fluid in the artificial joint, which allows you to get additional comfort when moving the body.

leg prostheses price
leg prostheses price

It is worth noting that the key problem in the development of artificial limbs was the creation of an optimal fulcrum for the full functioning of the foot. Modern leg prostheses are designed with this feature in mind. So, they are equipped with sophisticated hydraulic systems that mimic the position of the foot when walking, standing or running.

I must say that high-quality prosthetics are necessary for the effective restoration of motor and support functionslost limb. Leg prostheses, the price of which varies widely, avoid many problems, including helping to maintain balance. In addition, modern artificial limbs make it possible not only to walk, but also to run, climb, surf, ski or skate, so it can be argued that there are only insufficiently effective prosthetic technologies, and not people with disabilities.
