The burning sensation in the feet, which sometimes occurs in people, is quite unpleasant. In the event that this symptom occurs regularly, causing a person tangible discomfort, it is necessary to establish the reasons why the soles of the feet are burning. This is extremely important in order to start the correct complex therapy with medication and folk remedies.

Main reasons
Such malaise is never an independent pathology. In the event that a person's feet regularly burn, the cause should be sought in systemic pathologies. Consider what kind of diseases this symptom accompanies.
The appearance of allergies
Feeling as if the soles are on fire may be an allergic reaction to the material with which the skin of the feet interacts. This, first of all, may be of poor quality insoles along with synthetic socks and foot care creams. A new washing powder, and sometimes a regular floor covering, can also lead to allergies.
Whenthe presence of an allergic nature of uncomfortable sensations, in addition to a burning sensation, a person can also notice obvious manifestations of the corresponding reactions on the skin. For example, it may become covered with red spots or a rash, which will be accompanied by itching in parallel. When an allergic reaction turns out to be the culprit of a burning foot, then in order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, it will be enough just not to allow more skin contact with one or another irritant.
Vascular problems
The vascular pathologies that occur in the lower extremities can also lead to a feeling that the feet are burning. Varicose veins are often accompanied by a burning sensation in the legs. Such a feeling can begin from the calves, and end with the feet. Patients may also complain of heaviness and cramps in the lower extremities, which torment at night.
Also, the presence of obliterating endarteritis, which occurs due to infection of the vessels, may be accompanied by a burning sensation in the feet, causing them to become numb. The presence of severe calf cramps during walking results in episodic lameness. Patients may feel that a kind of goosebumps run down their legs, this sensation can suddenly change to a burning sensation in the lower extremities.
Thrombophlebitis is usually characterized by inflammation of the vascular walls on the lower extremities, while blood clots settle on their surface. The skin over the veins may become red and the tissues visibly swell, and the entire limb may start to burn as a result.

Atherosclerosis of vessels can also be accompanied by the formation of blood clots. In addition to burning feet, patients usually complain of sudden cramps that cause lameness. These signs are localized mainly below the knee, but sometimes they are also noted in the buttocks. Atherosclerosis has recently been diagnosed not only among the elderly, therefore, regardless of age, it is worth considering the development of this disease when it becomes necessary to determine the reasons for why the feet are burning.
All of the above problems require complex treatment from a person, which should be carried out under the guidance of a vascular surgeon. The doctor will prescribe a course associated with blood thinning and strengthening of the vascular walls. During this treatment period, people are encouraged to walk as much as possible.
Why the feet are burning is interesting to many.

Fungal diseases as a provocateur of burning sensation
Fungal infections can also cause burning of the feet. Mycosis is the most common cause of burning feet. A person can easily become infected with a fungus in any public places, for example, in a pool, bathhouse or sauna. This is why men's feet burn.
At first, such a disease is located in the interdigital folds, in which it causes peeling. Further, fungal infections spread to neighboring areas. Because of this, the skin begins to itch and burn. It is necessary to treat the fungus under the supervision of a dermatologist. This specialist, relying on laboratorytests will determine how to treat the disease. Thus, the doctor will select all the necessary medicines that can overcome the microbial colonies that have affected the skin.
Also why are my feet burning?
Diseases of the nervous system
It is noteworthy that diseases of the nervous system can also cause such a symptom. This mainly applies to vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such a syndrome is characterized by certain signs that manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, regular pre-syncope, sudden tachycardia and pressure surges, and, in addition, there may be a burning sensation in the legs.
The cause of burning feet may be different.

Due to diabetes, people have low levels of insulin or it is not produced by the endocrine system at all. Because of this, the concentration of glucose in the body can increase. An excess of sugar can affect small peripheral vessels, which damages their structure. The feet may initially be sore immediately after walking, and then they may feel a burning sensation.
As the vessels are further damaged in this disease, such sensations begin to manifest themselves in a state of rest. Affected capillaries begin to die, the skin on the feet turns pale, and on the periphery it turns blue. In the event that the development of this process is missed and the diabetes therapy is not corrected, then ulcers may subsequently appear on the lower extremities, due to which the tissues will gradually begin to die.
Violation of metabolic processes in the body
Feeling that the feet are burning can cause such metabolic disorders as gout. It is accompanied by an increased level of uric acid in the blood. Crystals of this acid are deposited in tissues and organs. Most of all, due to gout, small peripheral vessels, which are located on the lower extremities, suffer. The appearance of a feeling that the feet are burning at night is the very first sign of the development of gout. Feeling something like this, a person should immediately contact a rheumatologist.
Development of beriberi
Deficiency in the body of vitamins from group B often manifests itself in a burning sensation of the feet. It is in this way that small vessels located in the lower extremities react to a deficiency of components important for metabolic processes.
In addition to this specific symptom, against the background of a deficiency of B vitamins, evening cramps are noted along with a deterioration in the condition of nails and skin. The course intake of multivitamins along with the adjustment of the nutritious diet helps to solve this problem. The diet requires the presence of fresh vegetables, meat and offal.

Why do women's feet burn?
Pregnancy period
Burning sensation in this area of the legs can also occur in pregnant women, which occurs mainly in the third trimester. An increase in weight, along with an increase in the load on the region of the lower extremities, leads to an increase in pressure in the vessels and the occurrence of edema. All this reduces blood flow to the feet. treatingthe doctor in response to such complaints will recommend restraining oneself from excessive consumption of fluids. You should also lie down more often with your legs up.
Why the feet burn at night, it is better to check with the doctor.
In the event that the feeling that the feet are burning occurs sporadically and mainly in the evening, then the reason for this may be the banal overwork of the legs. Tight shoes along with long walks lead to vascular fatigue. Clamped veins with capillaries on the background of evening rest begin to expand, and this, in turn, causes a burning sensation in the feet.
When the legs of the foot burn, the treatment must be selected based on the cause.
What should be the treatment?
In the event that a person notices that his feet are burning, then you should first listen to yourself in order to understand what other symptoms are bothering you. Thus, it is possible to approximately determine which disease the burning sensation indicates. After such a preliminary self-diagnosis, you need to make an appointment with a specialist. If it is not possible to attribute this symptom to any systemic disease, and it continues to disturb daily, then it is best to go to the local therapist.

The doctor will examine the patient and collect an anamnesis, providing a referral to the specialist who will be able to determine exactly what causes the feet to burn and what should be done about this problem. And until a doctor's appointment is expected, you can try to alleviate your condition by eliminating the unpleasantsymptoms in the following ways:
- Contrasting procedures help a lot. To do this, in the shower for twenty minutes, you need to alternately pour cool and warm water on your feet.
- Warm herbal baths should be prepared. Calendula has proven itself well along with wormwood and linden. Such a decoction is made at the rate of two tablespoons per liter of water. The cooled infusion is filtered and heated to a comfortable temperature.
- Among herbal baths, the use of a decoction of willow branches is also considered effective. With the help of this infusion, you can make useful compresses. For this, a cotton cloth is wetted, which should be wrapped around the feet for at least half an hour.
- After carrying out water procedures, it is useful to lubricate the feet with a cooling cream containing menthol. Apply such a tool in the direction from the fingers up.
- Excellent lifting of the lower extremities against the background of vascular causes of burning helps. To do this, you need to put a couple of pillows at the foot of the bed, on which you should place your legs.
- Excellent massage improves blood circulation in the feet, which helps to get rid of the feeling of burning. To do this, gently, and then intensively rub the foot from the toes to the heel.
- The usual warm-up will help to disperse the stagnant blood in the vessels. This method is especially convenient if the feet began to burn not at home, but at work. To do this, you need to bend and unbend your toes, and your feet can be twisted in a circle in various directions.
- In order to improve blood flow, people use hawthorn tincture withhorse chestnut flowers.

Using these techniques, a person will be able to temporarily stop unpleasant symptoms. And already directly together with the doctor it will be possible to find the root cause, and solve this problem with the help of drug treatment.
Preventive measures can bring positive results if the following rules are constantly followed:
- Legs should not be overstressed.
- Do not use tight shoes.
- Carry out regular shoe care, which will protect the feet from fungus.
- Buy products made from natural materials.
- Go barefoot more often.
- Eat a he althy diet.
- Timely treat diseases that are symptomatic of burning feet.
- Use essential oils, sea s alt, medicinal herbs for baths, contrast showers.
- Massage your feet regularly before going to bed.
- Keep personal hygiene.
- Do not overload your legs with physical activity.
If the feet are on fire, now we know what to do.