"Nifedipine Retard": instructions for use

"Nifedipine Retard": instructions for use
"Nifedipine Retard": instructions for use

Vascular diseases are often referred to by doctors as a real scourge of the twenty-first century. Even young people face such a problem as high blood pressure, and if the disease is ignored, it often leads to a hypertensive crisis. If you do not help such a person in time, then there is a high probability of a fatal outcome. At best, a stroke will occur, the consequences of which in each case cannot be predicted even by doctors.

Therefore, it is very important to take immediate action when symptoms such as high blood pressure, chest pain, severe blackouts and excessive sweating appear. In such cases, you need to turn to drugs whose effect will be noticeable after fifteen to twenty minutes after administration. Doctors often call them "ambulance" and advise you to have it in your first-aid kit at home. Among these drugs, Nifedipine Retard stands out, which is considered one of the best drugs in this group. He receives a lot of positive feedback from patients of all ages. Medicsalso have a high opinion about it, so many users are often interested in the drug. From our article you will learn about the features of the drug, indications, side effects and all the information specified in the instructions for use. We will also definitely consider analogues of Nifedipine Retard, since often patients are looking for means that can replace the original medicine without loss of effectiveness.

indications for use
indications for use

Drug summary

Medics refer "Nifedipine Retard" primarily to hypothetical means, so it is widely used in vascular therapy and cardiology. In these industries, the drug has been used for almost fifty years. As a calcium channel blocker, it is very effective and is prescribed even for the elderly.

In recent years, judging by the reviews, "Nifedipine Retard" has found its niche in gynecology. It is often prescribed in the second trimester of pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of preterm birth. As it turned out, the drug is suitable for the rapid removal of uterine hypertonicity. Doctors also prescribe these pills in cases where a woman who is expecting a child suffers from high blood pressure. However, in gynecology, the drug is used very carefully, since the slightest excess of the dosage can cause significant harm to the baby.

Self-medication in the case of Nifedipine Retard is extremely dangerous. Tablets are considered very strong, they cause a large number of adverse reactions and must be taken strictly according to the scheme, so only a specialist can take responsibility and prescribethis drug.

Separately, I would like to note that there are quite a few analogues of Nifedipine on the medical market. The instructions for use indicate that its main active ingredient is quite common. Medicines based on it are produced in large quantities and under different brand names. Therefore, in pharmacies you can find absolutely identical products, but under different names. The cost of tablets also depends on the manufacturer.

Drug action

What is Nifedipine prescribed for? This question is often asked by patients, but having found out the whole range of indications, few people think about how high efficiency is achieved and how the drug works on the human body. But in reality, this information is important in order to understand the features of this tool and correctly apply it, for example, in an emergency.

The instructions for use of "Nifedipine Retard" indicate that even with the initial intake, it has a wide range of effects on the patient's body. Thanks to this medicine, the heart rate becomes less frequent, and blood flow, on the contrary, increases. This reduces the need for the heart muscle to supply oxygen. In parallel, the drug has a vasodilating effect and relaxes the smooth muscles of the vessels. This is very successfully used by gynecologists when prescribing a remedy for pregnant women.

Literally in the first paragraphs of the instructions for use for "Nifedipine Retard" it is indicated that it can be used for chronic diseases and acute attacks requiringimmediate withdrawal. Therefore, the medicine is equally often drunk as an independent remedy and in combination with other drugs. The use of Nifedipine Retard is also justified in cases such as chest pain and high blood pressure. Moreover, arterial hypertension can be chronic or caused by stress, weather changes and other factors.

A distinctive feature of Nifedipine Retard (this is noted in the instructions for the tablets) is its ability to restore cells after an ischemic stroke. Thus, the patient goes through the rehabilitation period much faster and returns to normal life.

remedy for pressure
remedy for pressure

Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics

Based on the information provided in the instructions for "Nifedipine" (analogues of the drug, produced under other trademarks, have properties identical to the original), we can say that it acts by blocking calcium channels in cell membranes. Due to this, their activity gradually fades away, and a natural consequence of this process is a decrease in the release of calcium ions into the vessels, muscles and arteries. Such an effect leads to the normalization of blood circulation in the heart muscle, a decrease in pressure and an increase in blood flow.

It is noteworthy that the accumulation of drug components does not occur in the body. When taking the pill orally, the result occurs within fifteen minutes, in rare cases, the waiting period for the effect can be increased to twenty minutes. Almost ninety percent of the components of the medicin althe drug is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug reaches sixty percent, but in order to increase this figure, it is necessary to combine the intake of tablets with food. In this case, the therapeutic effect comes faster and lasts longer.

The maximum percentage of the drug in the blood is reached within three hours. Metabolism occurs in the liver, and decay products are excreted from the body through the kidneys. On average, the elimination process takes about a day, taking into account the intake of the minimum dosage.

Medication form

"Nifedipine Retard" is used quite widely. First of all, its demand in medicine is influenced by high efficiency and a short period of onset of a therapeutic effect. In addition, the manufacturer made sure that the drug was supplied to pharmacies in different forms of release. This also makes it more popular with professionals and patients.

According to the prescription "Nifedipine Retard" can be bought in the following forms:

  • Balloons. If you suffer from high blood pressure and the attacks happen suddenly, then you definitely need to carry Nifedipine dragees with you. It has a rather pleasant taste and dissolves almost instantly. This form is able to stop the attack in just ten minutes.
  • Solution. In this form, the drug is injected into a vein and is used only in medical institutions.
  • Composition in a syringe. This form is intended for intracoronary administration and is used by specialists in a hospital.
  • Gel. In pharmacies, a similar type of "Nifedipine" is foundinfrequently. The instructions for use of the gel indicate that it is indicated in complex therapy in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • Pills.

The last form of release is used as widely as possible, since it is much more convenient for patients to drink pills than to give injections in a course. To date, Nifedipine Retard tablets are available in two forms:

  • Standard. Similar pills are prescribed for those patients who suffer from high blood pressure from time to time. "Nifedipin" they need for urgent normalization of pressure and relief of pain. It is often accompanied by a hypertensive crisis.
  • Prolonged action. This type is suitable for those who are forced to take pills on an ongoing basis. They are usually prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease. It is quite easy to choose the right treatment regimen for the drug, since Nifedipine Retard is available in different dosages.

Since the pills are most often prescribed to patients, in the article we will talk about them.

Composition of the drug

"Nifedipine Retard" (we'll talk about the analogues of the drug a little later) has a rather complex composition. This is especially true of the tablet form of release, the list of its components exceeds ten items.

The main component of the drug is nifedipine. The chemical was synthesized artificially and is currently used in the manufacture of a large number of drugs intended for use incardiology.

Among the large number of auxiliary components, talc, povidone, magnesium stearate, milk sugar, starch, glycerol and macrogol can be distinguished. Before starting treatment, the patient should find out if he has lactose intolerance. Otherwise, milk sugar will cause digestive problems and an allergic reaction. Moreover, in both situations, the effectiveness of the drug will be reduced.

Nifedipine Retard tablets are round and convex on both sides. The color of the tablets is close to bright yellow, but other shades of yellow are allowed - from light to dark. The shell has a glossy sheen, has no marks for division.

If we talk about the dosage of the drug, it is quite diverse. Most often, doctors prescribe Nifedipine Retard 20 mg and 10 mg. On sale are packages of funds with five blisters. Each contains ten tablets.

I would like to add that the coated tablets have a prolonged action. If you need this drug for the relief of acute attacks, then give preference to the usual form of release or dragee.

medicinal product
medicinal product

Indications for use

How to take Nifedipine correctly, we will tell in the next section of the article, and now we will discuss the indications that may cause the appointment of this potent drug.

The main problem that the drug helps to cope with is arterial hypertension. But, in addition to the direct appointment, the drugIt is also effective in diseases provoked by high blood pressure or related to it. Patients should understand that they themselves should not start taking pills in any case. The fact of arterial hypertension should be established by the doctor, and this is done after a thorough diagnostic examination. It is strictly forbidden even to take a remedy for hypotensive patients at the stage of an attack. This can lead to dire consequences.

The instructions for use do not provide information on the indications of the tonometer for which treatment with "Nifedipine" is necessary. These are purely individual indicators and only a doctor gives recommendations on them.

In the instructions for the pills, coronary heart disease is also indicated. Also, the pills are good at relieving the symptoms of angina pectoris, cardiopulmonary insufficiency and Raynaud's syndrome.

Doctors have long outlined the range of problems, in identifying which Nifedipine Retard is prescribed. These include atherosclerosis, bronchospasm, vascular occlusion, cerebrovascular accidents, and pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, this is not a complete list of diseases, but only the most common of them.

How to take Nifedipine for hypertensive crisis and is it necessary? Patients often ask a similar question and this is the right tactic, because with high pressure, actions must be quick and well-balanced. In addition, patients suffering from arterial hypertension should take drugs that reduce pressure on a regular basis. Letting the disease take its course is life-threatening. Therefore, following the treatment regimenhypertensive crisis is unlikely to occur. But if this still happened - is it possible to take Nifedipine?

Doctors, despite the absence of such an indication in the instructions for use, strongly recommend that you immediately take a pill of the drug at the slightest suspicion of a hypertensive crisis. The minimum dose should be ten milligrams, the maximum - thirty. The time interval between taking the tablets can not be less than thirty minutes. Moreover, the patient should be in the supine position and regularly measure the pressure.

List of contraindications

As well as side effects, the drug has a lot of contraindications. With a large number of diseases, the drug is incompatible and can cause serious harm to the body.

For example, children and adolescents are strictly prohibited from taking Nifedipine Retard tablets. They are too aggressive for a fragile body, so the minimum age for prescribing the drug is eighteen.

It is worth giving up this medicine to people with a history of diabetes, tachycardia and low blood pressure. Obvious contraindications are such he alth problems as a heart attack or pre-infarction condition, kidney and liver failure, high blood pressure caused by malignant neoplasms. In case of violations of cerebral circulation, the drug should not be used either. It can aggravate the disease.

side effects
side effects

Several side effects

Treatment with "Nifedipine Retard" cancause the most unexpected reactions of the body. Therefore, during the course reception, it is necessary to undergo examinations as often as possible, take tests and listen to your feelings. They are the best way to talk about the problems that arise during the treatment process.

The very first symptoms indicating that Nifedipine is not quite suitable for the patient are nausea, lethargy, drowsiness, digestive problems and any allergic reactions. These side effects may include regular headaches, swelling, loss of orientation in space and the development of joint diseases.

Doctors also refer a sharp decrease in pressure to negative reactions. This can happen after a single dose and already in the middle of a course of treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously monitor blood pressure indicators.

Side effects include kidney problems, bowel problems, tremors and angina pectoris.

use by pregnant women
use by pregnant women

Features of taking the drug while waiting for the baby

Pregnancy is a special time when you need to be very careful about your he alth. Therefore, before taking each drug, it is worth weighing the pros and cons several times. And especially when it comes to strong drugs that affect the development of the fetus.

In the first trimester, Nifedipine Retard is categorically contraindicated. But in the second and third trimesters, he can be appointed based on the testimony. Moreover, only a gynecologist who observes a woman withfirst weeks of pregnancy.

Indications for taking these pills are such problems as high blood pressure, increased uterine tone and various diseases of the heart and blood vessels that require constant medical support.

The treatment regimen in all these cases is worked out by the attending physician, who also writes out a prescription for Nifedipine Retard in Latin. It usually looks like this:

recipe in latin
recipe in latin

It is necessary to understand that the prescription for analogues of the original drug may look the same. This is due to the fact that almost all of them have an identical active ingredient - nifedipine. "Corinfar Retard", for example, is an absolute analogue of the drug described by us. Therefore, the doctor writes a prescription for it in the same way. But back to pregnant women.

If the future mother is prescribed "Nifedipin Retard", then most often she is placed in a hospital. Since she must be under medical supervision.

Instructions for use

In the recommendation enclosed in the medicine package, it is noted that usually the treatment regimen is made by a doctor. He focuses on the condition of the patient, but still adheres to the minimum and maximum dosage. The maximum concentration is thirty milligrams of the active substance.

Take the pill with plenty of water. In this case, the medication must be combined with food. It is better if it is something light and liquid. For example, soup or porridge.

It is impossible to drink the drug with juice or soda, as the substances contained inlisted liquids are able to completely dissolve the tablet shell ahead of time.

Regardless of the disease, the minimum dosage of "Nifedipine Retard" should be twenty milligrams per day. Moreover, this amount must be divided into two doses.

how to take pills
how to take pills

The average course of treatment lasts about two months. The doctor can extend it or shorten it, focusing on the patient's tests. However, it is worth remembering that the remedy has a withdrawal syndrome. You can’t stop drinking pills right away, as the patient will notice a sharp deterioration in he alth. Cancellation should be gradual and imperceptible to the body.

Analogues of the drug

"Nifedipine" is a fairly affordable drug. Its price usually does not exceed one hundred rubles per pack. But it is not always possible to buy this particular drug in pharmacies, so patients have to look for its analogues based on nifedipine.

"Corinfar Retard" is used by doctors no less than the original drug. It has identical composition, indications and a list of contraindications. Calcigard Retard is also effective (nifedipine is its main active ingredient). Often, cardiologists prescribe "Adalat" and "Nifebene" as an analogue.
