Everyone knows how sensitive men are to the subject of their male pride. When this important organ functions in a normal predetermined mode, its owner experiences great confidence and considers himself a cool, full-fledged person who can easily justify the expectations of the fair fairer sex. This confidence extends not only to the sexual sphere, but plays a very important role in career ambitions. Sexual he alth for men is by no means an empty phrase, but a powerful generator of energy to achieve its global goals.
Just like general human he alth, sexual he alth is also subject to failures, as a result of which some processes of the male body cannot perform their intended functions in full, and sometimes even stop working altogether. Problems of reduced potency and erectile function in men are not uncommon today. And with timely access toin most cases, specialists can quite successfully deal with them.
But for men to make such a decision and admit their male failure can be very difficult psychologically, so many are in no hurry to see a doctor, giving the disease time to progress. In the early stages of sexual dysfunction, a sexologist, urologist, andrologist can help you. Even at later stages, there is a chance to return to duty - depending on the severity of the pathology and the reasons that caused it. But when conservative treatment does not give the expected results, men give up. And they think their lives are over, they get depressed and give up everything.
But you can always find a way out. It exists in this case too. A high-quality penis prosthesis will help you regain confidence and become a full-fledged man (a photo of some models will be presented in the article for clarity). What is a penile prosthesis and how does it work?
What is a penile prosthesis
Modern medicine does not disregard men's problems and offers new opportunities to return lost functions. Impotence is no longer a sentence.

The disease is gradually losing ground, giving way to drug therapy and radical methods of surgical intervention. Today, highly qualified specialists can already make a high-quality penis prosthesis and perform penile prosthesis at a high medical level. Prosthetics are carried out when triedall methods of drug treatment: pharmacology, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, but it was not possible to obtain a positive result. The essence of this procedure is to introduce a silicone prosthesis of the penis into the cavernous bodies of the male penis.
In our time, penile prosthesis has become one of the safe and effective ways to return rigidity to the genital organ. This technique is very popular in the treatment of persistent erectile dysfunction. The rapid development of new technologies gave impetus to the introduction of interesting developments with a qualitative composition of various implants, as well as giving them very important parameters and characteristics. Today it is possible to choose for each patient his own prosthesis with those characteristics that best correspond to his individual anatomical features.
Such a serious approach to solving the problem allows you to install a similar penis prosthesis, which practically does not differ from native flesh either in appearance or in its functions. It exactly repeats the anatomical structure of the patient's penis, and high-quality materials and thorough computer diagnostics allow a man to experience excellent sensitivity, maintain excitement, ejaculate, and even experience a full delightful orgasm. The dentures are impeccably designed and incredibly strong.
Operation results
According to statistics, 95% of operated men can lead a free sexual lifestyle. However, fans of large dimensions should be upset - inAs a result of penile prosthetics, the penis cannot be enlarged in size, so you will have to make do with the sizes that nature has provided for you. But not everything is so sad - there is a special type of surgical intervention for this, and if you want to increase your dignity, modern medicine is ready to provide you with such an opportunity. Phalloprosthetics is not shown to everyone and is carried out only for those categories of men for whom there are medical indications.
Phalloprosthetics: indications for prosthetics

The use of prosthetics of the penis is very important today. The essence of the operation is to give the weak penis elasticity and hardness sufficient to perform the functions necessary for a normal sexual life. Operations of this kind using an artificial material in the form of an implant are indicated in such cases:
- if you have Peyronie's disease;
- for cavernous fibrosis;
- with endocrine impotence - diabetes mellitus;
- with penile hypoplasia;
- if the sexual organ is artificial;
- for diseases of the reproductive system;
- with obvious erectile dysfunction;
- for congenital anomalies of the penis;
- with complications after surgery on the pelvic organs, prostate, bladder, rectum;
- with ineffective conservative treatment and other conditions.
In addition, for prosthetics, it is necessary to make a thoroughmedical examination of the patient in order to establish the true picture of this pathology, as well as to assess the feasibility of surgical intervention, assess the risk of complications and the presence of contraindications to such a radical method of treatment.
If the case falls under the above reasons and there are no contraindications to the operation, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable prosthesis.
How to choose a penile prosthesis? Species
The patient is offered several types of prostheses to choose from. They differ not only in the material of manufacture, price, functions. In addition to all this, a very important point when choosing a model is the individual specific characteristics of the prosthesis of the penis. Today, prosthetics of the genital organs have stepped so far that the patient has the opportunity to choose the most comfortable and advanced prostheses among different offers.

Today, men are offered the following types of penile prostheses, differing in the type of structure:
- hard (rigid);
- semi-rigid (plastic);
- hydraulic (inflatable).
By configuration, prosthetic systems are divided into ono-, two- and three-component.
Rigid (rigid) dentures
The most simple and unpretentious models are hard (rigid). Accordingly, they are the most inexpensive and inconvenient. Their characteristics include low physiology, since they are fixed in a constant erectile position, which creates a lot of inconvenience for a man and makes it difficult for him tosocial adaptation in society. The owner of such a prosthesis, in addition to moral inconvenience, also feels physical - a rigidly fixed implant exerts constant pressure on the organs of the penis closest to it, which disrupts the normal movement of blood and impoverishes the nutrition of the organ. As a result, rejection of the implant may occur. These models are now very rarely used and almost never produced.

Semi-rigid dentures
Semi-rigid prosthesis for the penis is in much greater demand, in the reviews about them they say that they are more perfect and comfortable. Such a model has a memory of the material, can bend and take on various shapes without losing its original volume. People write in reviews: a semi-rigid prosthesis for the penis is made of silicone cylinders, inside of which there is a metal rod with a fabric braid. It can be brought into an erect state with simple manipulations and its appearance is more natural and physiologically similar to a living prototype than in a hard version. It is quite affordable, and quite acceptable in quality, and there are much fewer complications when using it. Plastic prostheses with an internal metal rod have a plastic memory, so they can maintain the desired position given to it. They have a very aesthetic appearance and a rather high cost - much higher than average.

More perfect hydraulic and inflatable penis prosthesesmember. Hydraulic prostheses are very similar to real organs. The most complex systems are three-component, which include cylinders filled with hydraulics, a reservoir with filler and a pump. A liquid circulates inside the structure, which, when the pressure rises, gives the organ an excited volume, and at the end of sexual intercourse and a decrease in pressure, returns it to a calm state. They restore sexual functions very qualitatively and in full, but financially they often turn out to be unaffordable for the bulk of people who need penile prosthetics. In addition, the complexity of the design causes this expensive prosthesis to fail frequently.
High quality inflatable penis prostheses very accurately reproduce the shape of the penis - both at rest and extremely erect. After such an operation, men often return to their full sexual function and they can easily lead an active and fulfilling intimate life. This model does not create excessive pressure on the penis and any discomfort. Blood circulation is normal and mimics a natural erection. True, the operation stage is technically complex and quite expensive.
Before proceeding directly to the operation, it is necessary to decide on the choice of design and implants - it depends on how effective the prosthesis of the penis will be after installation. Preparation for the operation must be carried out. At the first stage, the doctor must familiarize himself with the analyzes in detail, study the patient's history - sexual,medical, surgical, make a careful examination of the patient, conduct testing.
The patient should discuss with the doctor before the operation what medications he can take. You may need to stop your medication the week before your surgery and not eat or drink the night before your surgery. It is quite a difficult matter to install a penile prosthesis. Preparation for surgery includes the selection of anesthesia.
How is the operation to install the prosthesis
For such a serious operation, general anesthesia is intended, which is injected into a vein in the arm, and the patient falls asleep, or spinal, when the patient is conscious, but the lower part of the body loses sensation. Spinal anesthesia is injected into the back. After completing the preparatory procedures, the surgeon treats the genitals with an antiseptic to prevent infection and begins to implant the penile prosthesis.
The operation is performed taking into account the individual anatomical features of the patient and the specific characteristics of the selected prosthesis. The operation begins with an incision in the skin of the scrotum or along the coronal sulcus. This is how access to the cavernous bodies is achieved. A drainage catheter is inserted into the penis to drain urine from the bladder. According to its anatomy, the penis has two cavernous (cavernous) bodies on the right and left sides of the body of the penis. Having gained access to them through an incision, the doctor expands the internal space and installs a prosthesis there - two cylinders that imitate a natural organ.
In case of severe fibrosis, cavernousbodies are enlarged with special tools. If an inflatable model of the prosthesis is placed, then a pump is placed in the scrotum, connected to a reservoir containing a special liquid, and penile cylinders. This reservoir is placed near the bladder in the pelvic area. The solution is pumped into the tank and the system is tested. The incisions are closed with absorbable sutures that do not require removal. Already on the 10-14th day, you can inflate and deflate the daily installed system, which will increase the maximum length and volume of the prosthetic penis.

In the postoperative period, attention should be paid to protection against infections in order to avoid complications. If after 8 weeks the wounds heal normally and there is no feeling of discomfort, you can gradually begin to accustom the penile prosthesis to sexual life. Complications can be intra- and postoperative. The first case includes:
- perforation - urethral, cayous, septal;
- hematoma;
- bleeding;
- crossover and others.
Postoperative complications include:
- prosthetic infection;
- erosion;
- migration of prostheses;
- hematoma;
- lymphostasis;
- Glanuloptosis;
- deformation of the penis and others.
Prosthetic infection is considered the most serious complication.
How to use the prosthesis
Using dentures is very easy:
- if it is a semi-rigid prosthesis, then it is necessary to achieve an erectionfold up;
- if inflatable - just press a couple of times on the pump, which is located in the scrotum, and the solution from the tank will instantly bring it into a stable erect state.

It's important to understand that erectile dysfunction should in no way discourage you. It can be quite effectively de alt with by prosthetics of the penis with certain implants. After that, you can continue to enjoy life in all its glory, including sexual.