Pain always occurs unexpectedly and most often indicates pathological processes occurring in the body. In some cases, when the pain is caused by a minor injury, no medication is required. Unless the doctor prescribes mild analgesics. And sometimes the suffering of a person is so strong that only strong means - painkillers drugs - can cope with them. Let's talk about them in more detail in this article.

Narcotic analgesics
This group of painkillers includes drugs that are highly active in relation to the opioid receptors of the brain. When using painkillers, the patient's suffering gradually subsides, the feeling of waiting for the next exhausting attack disappears. However, the patient continues to be conscious and does not lose tissue sensitivity toexternal influence. The peculiarity of painkillers in comparison with other drugs intended to eliminate human suffering is the occurrence of euphoria and the formation of dependence as a result of prolonged use.
Narcotic analgesics for the following types:
- agonists;
- antagonists;
- agonists-antagonists.
Let's explain. Opioid receptor agonists and agonist-antagonists differ in their targeted action on the focus of pain, while antagonists also contribute to the recovery from the state of overdose from the effects of opiates.
Classification of drugs
All known painkillers are divided into three main groups:
- Natural origin. These include opioid drugs produced from the hypnotic poppy (morphine, codeine).
- Semi-synthetic substances - Ethylmorphine, Omnopon. This group of drugs is obtained by changing a substance of natural origin at the molecular level.
- Synthetic drugs. This group includes all man-made analgesics that have nothing to do with opiates created by nature. Among them are Promedol, Sufentanil, Fentanyl and others.
Narcotic painkillers are classified not only by the source of occurrence, but also by the chemical formula:
- Derivatives of morphine. This group includes the widely known, most powerful painkillers of natural origin, morphine and codeine, as well as their syntheticderivatives: "Nalorfin", "Nalbufin", "Butorphanol", "Pentazocine".
- Acyclic substances. Currently, only Estocin is used from this category of funds.
- Piperidine derivatives. This group includes Promedol, Fentanyl, Dipidolor, Sufentanil, Imodium.
- Cyclohexane derivatives. This is a group of agonist-antagonists, which indicates less addiction to them in comparison with the previous categories of drugs. These drugs include Tramadol, Valoron, Tilidin.
The mechanism of action on the body
The process of pain is quite complex. The human body is full of many nerve endings. Each of them reacts to internal or external stimuli. Pain signals travel along the nerve endings to the spinal cord. Here the sensitivity increases. The increased pain impulse travels further to the brain. That, in turn, processes the information received and develops a response.
It is important to note that a person reacts differently to pulling, sharp or prolonged pain. Let's explain in more detail. Acute pain occurs unexpectedly, it is accompanied by an instant reaction. For example, a person abruptly pulls his hand away from a burning fire. Dull pain is accompanied by painful sensations and various kinds of reactions, such as nausea, increased sweating, dizziness, tachycardia. The human body is designed in such a way that it is able to stop an unpleasant syndrome on its own with the assistance of opiate receptors. Their activation stimulates a powerful throw-in intoblood substances that reduce sensitivity. Thus, the incessant aching pain is soothed.
Narcotic substances, interacting with opiate receptors, awaken them and cause reactions that directly depend on the analgesic taken:
- endow the body with the ability to endure acute pain;
- blunts fear and emotional stress before emerging seizures;
- reduce the body's response to pain.
It is worth noting that receptors are located not only in the spinal cord and brain, but also in nerve endings throughout the body. Opiates are able to penetrate even through complex barriers, which explains another of their effects - euphoria. By taking painkillers-drugs, the patient is pacified, can see hallucinations, ceases to feel the feelings and fears generated by pain.
Development of Addiction
At least once feeling a sense of euphoria and absolute relaxation, a person wants to experience it again with all his might. As a result, he starts taking drugs again. Thus, a psychological addiction is formed.

With regular use of strong painkillers of the opium group, the body gets used to the dosage that has recently helped, it becomes insufficient. In order to fall back into a state of rest, a person has to take an increased dose. As a result, over time, the body stops producing endogenous substances that relieve pain, which leads to a withdrawal syndrome. Thus, it developsphysical drug addiction.
Indications for use
Because there is a high risk of drug addiction as a result of taking drugs in this category, they are indicated for pain relief only in exceptional cases:
- prolonged pain syndrome in a malignant tumor;
- dulling pain in severe burns;
- pain relief during childbirth;
- Providing antitussive action in chest trauma;
- pain relief for myocardial infarction;
- predication during anesthesia;
- pain relief in the postoperative period.
When is it illegal to take painkillers?
Based on the mechanism of action of analgesics, some patients are prohibited from taking these drugs.

Contraindications include:
- Using drugs by children under the age of ten. Paralysis may occur.
- Impaired functioning of the respiratory system. This is due to the fact that analgesics directly affect the inhibitory centers of the brain that provide gas exchange.
- Removal of pain in surgery (much complicates the diagnosis) in the state of "acute abdomen" of unknown origin.
- Pathologies of liver function.
- Kidney failure.
- Opiates tend to tone the blood vessels of the brain, so they are taken by patients with traumatic brain injury or increased intracranial pressureprohibited.
- Drug addiction in any form.
- Advanced age. If we talk about the age category of patients, then they usually suffer from renal and hepatic insufficiency, which is aggravated by the action of analgesics.
- Carrying a child and the period of breastfeeding. Even at the lowest dosage, opiates cross the placenta, causing harm to the baby.
The last two groups are patients to whom drugs can be used only in cases of emergency.
Side effects
Regardless of which drug is administered as a pain reliever, the following side effects are observed:

- Problems related to the gastrointestinal tract.
- Toxic megacolon.
- Retention of urination.
- Disturbances in the work of the central nervous system.
- Lower blood pressure.
Symptoms of acute poisoning and overdose
Exceeding the permitted dose when taking strong painkillers can cause intoxication, which is expressed by the following symptoms:
- overexcitement;
- uncharacteristic talkativeness;
- hyperreactivity;
- thirst and dry mouth;
- itchy feeling on face and neck.
After 30 minutes, the person feels weak and exhausted. The effect of drug poisoning is expressed by dizziness, confusion, drowsiness.
It should also be remembered that painkillers in injections have a stronger effect on the body and have pronounced side effects.
Overdose in most cases is the result of deliberate actions aimed at obtaining euphoria. In cases where the excess was significant, the person may fall into a coma. A severe overdose is expressed by the following symptoms:
- pupil constriction;
- convulsive state;
- impaired breathing;
- bluish complexion;
- lowering pressure and body temperature.
Treatment of acute poisoning and overdose
People with pronounced drug intoxication must be immediately taken to a medical facility. Among the most effective drugs for the treatment of opium poisoning is Naloxone.

Its action is based on the displacement of morphine from opium receptors. As a result of the action of the drug, the respiratory function returns to normal, consciousness returns. If there is no improvement, then the poisoning is caused by other reasons.
Along with the use of Naloxone, the patient is given a gastric lavage and prescribed analeptics, neoanthropes, vitamin complexes and antibacterial drugs.
Non-narcotic analgesics: differences
The following important warning must be remembered. Due to the nature of the action and danger, narcotic drugs can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. And only in a hospital setting.
An alternative to them can be non-narcotic analgesics that affect the peripheral nervous system. They are often used to eliminate acute pain. There are good enough painkillers for oncology, but not drugs. These drugs are just as effective, but safer. True, they are used to relieve not too intense pain.

The principle of their action is to reduce the production of prostaglandin. This substance is responsible for the occurrence of inflammation of a different nature. In addition, such drugs have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effects.
Analgesics are produced in the form of injections, suppositories, ointments, sprays, patches, tablets. They contain various active ingredients.
Such drugs are widely used in dental and household practice. They must be used in accordance with the attached instructions.
The advantage of painkillers over drugs is that they do not have a psychotropic effect, do not cause addiction, euphoria and dependence.
Is vodka a drug?
Everyone knows the historical events when the dry law was introduced, and the negative reaction of society to this. Most people are convinced that alcoholic products cannot be equated with narcotic substances, considering it a part of Russian culture. At the same time, regular consumption of vodka in large volumes has been observed only since the beginning of the last century.
Given the effect of alcohol on the bodyhuman, it can be compared with narcotic drugs. In small doses (up to 50 ml), vodka has a mild analgesic and sedative effect. In large quantities (from 250 ml) it acts as a psychotropic drug, namely: a person loses self-control, personal qualities are destroyed, a withdrawal syndrome develops.

Consequences of drinking vodka
Sometimes you can hear the question: “Which is better to anesthetize: vodka or drugs?” It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. It all depends on the specific situation. But it can be argued that the consequences of the systematic use of alcohol are no less dangerous than those of drugs:
- Deterioration of fine motor skills. Addiction to vodka contributes to the degradation of the nervous system. This leads to trembling of the limbs, erratic and incoherent speech, slow reactions.
- If a person regularly consumes moderate amounts of alcohol for five or more years, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases significantly.
- Dissociation of neural connections, which affects the brain. A person does not perceive new information, memory deteriorates.
- Alcoholism causes atrophy of blood vessels and deterioration of the cardiovascular system.
- In some cases, urolithiasis appears. It affects men and women equally. It is manifested by acute bouts of pain. Not all types of stones can be removed, therefore, recurrent pain can accompany a person throughoutlife.
- Alcohol abuse contributes to the development of cirrhosis of the liver, which is fatal.
The article provides information about narcotic painkillers. The mechanism of action, contraindications and indications for admission are described. A comparison of these drugs with non-narcotic analgesics and alcohol is given.