A mole can be found on the body of any person. They may be congenital or acquired. The first type is also called a nevus, while the second is a birthmark. Normally, they do not pose a danger, however, if a mole is peeling, you should pay close attention to it.

On the skin, you can count about 30 formations of different sizes, having a dark color. This amount is quite normal. Such moles do not pose a he alth hazard. The nevus differs from the surrounding skin by a high content of melanin - this determines the color of the formation. Normally, the color of a mole can be black, red, beige or even bluish.
They can occur due to hormonal disruptions, genetic predisposition or a large amount of time spent in the sun.
It is very important to remember that over time, nevi can be reborn. Therefore, they need to be monitored and, in case of any suspicion, contact a specialist.
So, if before education did not cause any trouble andsuddenly began to itch, peel off - a mole requires observation. If other changes are found, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Why does a mole peel off?
There are several reasons why education may itch:
- increased dryness of the skin;
- insufficient amount of vitamins in the diet;
- the beginning of degeneration into melanoma: if the surface of the mole from smooth and soft has become rough, it is better not to delay going to the doctor.
A reason to see a doctor
If you have a lot of moles, you need to keep an eye on them anyway, as this is no longer a common situation. In addition, the “bell” may be the occurrence of the following signs:
- suppuration or bleeding formation;
- burning or tingling in a mole;
- the appearance of a seal on the surface of the nevus and in its middle;
- soreness when touched or even at rest;
- rapid growth of a mole in a relatively short time;
- unexpected color change;
- change in structure - bumps, roughness, shape may appear.
If you notice any of the signs, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.

Reasons why a mole may be reborn
Doctors warn that if a mole peels off on the body, this may indicate the beginning of its rebirth. The reasons why this happens may be as follows:
- Mechanical impact on the nevus. ToFor example, a mole under the hair is easy to touch with a comb. With active massage, it is easy to damage the formation on the back. Often, nevi are injured by clothing if they are in places where it fits snugly: in the cuff area, on the lower back, neck or ankles. As a result of an injury, blood may appear. When healing, the nevus sometimes increases in size. If he turned red, changed shape, gives discomfort - it is likely that he was injured.
- Hormonal failure. Taking drugs that have a high content of hormones can lead to changes in the formations. This option is typical for adolescence or pregnancy.
- Removal of hairs by pulling. Pulled hair is not just an injury, but also a great door for germs. You can’t pull out the hairs from the moles - you should carefully cut them near the skin using a clean tool.
- Heat burns. These include exposure to high temperatures in the bath, burns from the sun or chemicals. If, after visiting the sauna, itching began in the mole, then such activities should be avoided.
- Ultraviolet exposure. This is the main reason for the division of diseased cells, so this reason should be considered in more detail.

Danger to the skin occurs in the summer - the season when the skin is exposed to prolonged exposure to the sun's rays. The harm is underestimated, but completely in vain. Every year, the ozone layer over the planet becomes thinner, so the rays of the sun penetrate deeper into the atmosphere, more activelyaffecting the skin. It's much easier to get burned now than it was a few years ago.
If a benign formation remains exposed to ultraviolet for a long time, it can start to hurt, change color, itch, increase. If such signs are observed on the skin, we are talking about oncogenic changes. Sunburn should be avoided, especially for those who:
- has fair skin;
- has a large number of moles, freckles, age spots;
- has uneven springs with non-uniform color - especially with a darker central part;
- has a relative with skin cancer.
It is very difficult to understand on your own whether a change in a mole is normal. Moreover, do not self-medicate. Consultation with a doctor is very important, as delay or lack of treatment can be very costly. All formations are examined in the hospital (even if you have many moles).
If changes are found even in only one of them, this indicates a violation of the body's functions. In this case, one speck can be completely safe, while the other can be threatening. The most dangerous consequence of changes in the structure of a mole is the formation of melanoma, which is otherwise called black cancer.
If a mole on the cheek begins to itch, as in any other place, an oncologist's consultation is necessary. He will find out at what time the nevus itself appeared, when changes were noticed, and so on. Research is needed to determine if change is dangerous.
Veryit is important to understand that the mole should not be injured during the study, as this can cause the formation of a low-quality tumor.

Reveal the nature of education using the following tests:
- Histological studies. To do this, a swab is taken from the bleeding surface. It is examined, after which the formation, for example, a mole on the cheek, can be removed surgically. The resulting material is examined in more detail.
- Computer diagnostics. The safest way to find out why a mole is peeling. The camera transmits an enlarged image of the nevus to a computer that processes the data and makes a conclusion.
- Epiluminescence microscopy. The most modern way - optics is attached to the mole without damaging it. The decision is made by defining the structure.
How to remove moles with modern methods
Indications for removal are cosmetic problems or suspicions of oncology. In any case, it is up to the doctor to decide whether it is possible to remove moles on the body.
Very important to know: if melanoma is suspected, it is removed completely, including about 5 cm around.

Cosmetic method
It is possible to remove a mole with a laser. This is the most popular way. The small diameter of exposure and the possibility of pinpoint removal make it possible not to affect the surrounding tissues. This technique does not leave scars and scars.
Cryodestruction. This techniqueinvolves the use of extremely low temperatures. Apply only on those spots that do not rise above the surrounding tissues.
Surgery. It is difficult to remove a mole with a laser if it is large and has penetrated into the deeper layers of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Unfortunately, this situation leaves quite large scars.
Radiosurgery. Such an operation is done in a non-contact way, radio waves are used. As a result, there are no scars, so the method is in demand.
Electrocoagulation. The method is based on the use of current. Prior to the procedure, it is necessary to make a histological examination. After the procedure, an inconspicuous scar remains.
Regular dermatological examinations are essential to minimize the risk of moles turning into melanoma.