IVF in Ufa: addresses of clinics, waiting list and features of the procedure

IVF in Ufa: addresses of clinics, waiting list and features of the procedure
IVF in Ufa: addresses of clinics, waiting list and features of the procedure

Becoming parents is the dream of many couples. After all, it is with the advent of the child that the family becomes complete, and life acquires meaning. It so happens that the numerous attempts of spouses to have children naturally turn out to be inconclusive. Fortunately, nowadays such families have the opportunity to use the method of in vitro fertilization. This article discusses the main definitions and aspects, as well as information on the implementation of the IVF procedure in Ufa: where it can be done, how to join the protocol for free, what documents and studies are required for this.

ECO. Only three letters, but a lot of hope

The extracorporeal method is the fertilization of an egg outside the body (in the external environment, that is, in a test tube) with subsequent cultivation and transfer of it inside the woman's uterus.

Fertilization in the external environment
Fertilization in the external environment

IVF is done according tomedical indicators, the main of which is infertility. However, most often couples with female infertility factor resort to this advanced method, for example, due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes (and if the patency cannot be restored).

The process technology includes several sequential manipulations:

  • Obtaining an egg. It is carried out by stimulating the maturation of follicles, under the control of ultrasound. The collection of mature germ cells is done under local anesthesia.
  • Getting a spermatozoon. Performed naturally or by aspiration biopsy of the testis and epididymis.
  • In vitro fertilization (that is, in vitro: seminal fluid is added to the egg and fertilization occurs with one of the sperm).
  • Growing the embryo. It stays in a special environment in an incubator for 25 days until it reaches the 46th degree of cell maturity.
  • Embryo transfer to the uterus (multiple embryos are transferred, after which the woman is prescribed corrective hormone therapy).

Many people know that in vitro fertilization is an expensive procedure, but now there is an opportunity to join the IVF protocol for compulsory medical insurance in Ufa.

When help is needed

If during a year (sometimes they take a period of one and a half years) of regular intimate life (without using any methods of contraception), the desired pregnancy does not occur in a married couple, there is reason to assume that the wife or husband has reproductive dysfunction.

First you need to visit a gynecologist at the clinic forplace of residence, so that the specialist appoints a complete examination. A woman should check the fallopian tubes for the fact of patency, the ovulatory and endocrine components, the endometrium and be tested for infections. A man needs to do a study of the ejaculate and exclude contagious diseases.

When diseases are detected, treatment is necessary.

Conditions for performing IVF under CHI in Ufa for free

The maximum list of conditions is described below. In order to get on the IVF waiting list in Ufa, you must:

  • the presence of a Russian passport;
  • have a CHI policy;
  • so that a woman's age does not exceed 47;
  • no children in common;
  • female (or male) infertility;
  • impaired reproductive functions of unexplained origin;
  • absence of restrictions and contraindications from the list of order No. 107n dated 2012-23-08.

The service can be used by a single woman if she pays for the use of donor sperm. Also, official registration of marriage is optional for a couple.

However, if a married couple has not passed the mandatory medical examination or has contraindications to assisted reproductive technologies, then they will not be able to take advantage of the IVF quota.

Clarification: if the IVF procedure was successful, the pregnancy occurred and ended in childbirth, artificial insemination is allowed again.


So, confirmation of the possibility of referral to a free in vitro fertilization procedure has been received. There are no contraindicationsThere is compulsory medical insurance, now you can apply for help to one of the clinics (at the choice of patients) that are included in the register of medical organizations in whose competence to carry out this activity.

IVF clinics in Ufa:

  • GBUZ Republican MHC - 8 (347) 251-20-19 (rmgcufa.ru).
  • Clinic "Mother and Child" - 8 (347) 293-03-03 (mamadetiufa.ru).
  • Family Clinic - 8 (347) 246-10-20 (medufa.ru).
  • Women's He alth Clinic - 8 (347) 248-13-56 (eko-rb.ru).

Commission decision

After reviewing all the submitted documents, the commission makes a decision either to register the needy couples in IVF under compulsory medical insurance in Ufa, or a justified refusal. Next, a referral is made to a medical clinic, which the patient has chosen from those indicated in the register, for the implementation of the artificial insemination procedure. The commission forms a waiting list (in electronic form, with online access).

You can find out the order of the queue in the IVF list (Ufa) either by calling the clinic where the couple is going to have the procedure, or online, on the website of the Ministry of He alth of Bashkiria (the data is encrypted, the patient's code is the insurance policy number).

A bright example

Let's consider the detailed sequence of actions for registration of the procedure using the example of the medical clinic "Mother and Child" Ufa, IVF for employees of which is a regular procedure that has given the happiness of parenthood to many couples, not only in Bashkiria.

Conditions for getting a referral

So, the couple passed the necessaryexamination at the clinic at the place of registration, received a conclusion on the infertility factor, the approval of the commission and chose a clinic for a free IVF procedure in Ufa (in our case, "Mother and Child").

To get a referral for registration in the register of couples awaiting IVF, in addition to the doctor's opinion on the factor of infertility, you need to submit:

  1. Testing for RV, HIV, hepatitis B and C (take both in pairs).
  2. Blood from a vein for AMG (a woman donates).
  3. Spermogram and MAP - test (passed by a man).

Further, the issued referral is delivered by the applicant to Polyclinic No. 1 (Tsyurupa St. 4, room 218).

Required documents for data submission:

  • passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • statement (a sample can be taken from the doctor);
  • referral from a gynecologist or reproductologist.

What is included in the CHI program?

The following manipulations are carried out at the expense of public funds:

  • Inducing controlled superovulation (all necessary medicines and medications included).
  • Folliculometry (observation of the attending physician through ultrasound of the growth of follicles and endometrium).
  • Transvaginal puncture of follicles (general anesthesia is used and is also included in the program).
  • Fertilization of collected eggs by IVF.
  • Staying embryos in the culture incubator (development phase 72 or 120 hours).
  • Transfer of 1-2 embryos into the uterus under ultrasound control.
  • Cryo-freezing and storage of gametes and embryos, if required in a particularcase (maximum 2 embryos can be stored on one carrier);
  • Thawing of preserved embryos with their subsequent transplantation into the uterine cavity (a single transfer within a year is allowed from the moment the quota is issued).

What is not included in the IVF program under compulsory medical insurance

The following activities, procedures and drugs (if necessary) are paid for by the patient separately:

  • Ultra-fast freezing of quality embryos at the request of the patient (if there are no medical indications).
  • Storage of frozen embryos.
  • Providing donated sperm.
  • Diagnosis of the state of the uterus before transfer.
  • Medicines to maintain pregnancy.
  • If hCG has started to rise and corresponds to a certain gestational age, all additional consultations are also paid separately.
Embryo freezing
Embryo freezing

List of studies for queuing for IVF in Ufa for CHI

A woman needs to do the following studies (their validity period is indicated in brackets):

  • fluorography (12 months);
  • UAC (2 weeks);
  • biochemical blood test (2 weeks);
  • OAM (2 weeks);
  • hemostasiogram (2 weeks);
  • therapist's conclusion with data on the possibility of bearing a fetus (12 months);
  • flora smears (2 weeks);
  • analysis for oncocytology (12 months);
  • colposcopy protocol (12 months);
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid and mammary glands (12 months);
  • bacteriologicalculture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics from the cervical canal (6 months);
  • smears - by PCR for chlamydia, herpes simplex viruses I and II types, cytomegalovirus, microscopically for candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomonas (6 months);
  • blood test for syphilis, antibodies to hepatitis B virus antigen, immunoglobulins to hepatitis C proteins.
  • blood for rubella antibodies (12 months);
  • HIV and herpes simplex virus DNA in type I and II blood (3 months);
  • hormonal studies of biological fluid - AMH, TSH, T4fr, FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, testosterone, progesterone - all in accordance with the monthly cycle (12 months);
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, kidneys (6 months);
  • electrocardiogram (1 month);
  • blood for Rh factor, group (doesn't matter).
Ultrasound procedure
Ultrasound procedure

Men, respectively, the following studies:

  • bacteriological seeding for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics from the cervical canal (6 months);
  • spermogram and MAP test (3 months);
  • smears - by PCR for chlamydia, herpes simplex viruses I and II types;
  • blood test for syphilis, antibodies to hepatitis B virus antigen;
  • cytomegalovirus, microscopically for flora (6 months);
  • immunoglobulins to hepatitis C virus proteins, HIV and herpes simplex virus DNA in type I and II blood (3 months);
  • analysis for Rh factor, group (doesn't matter);
  • conclusion of an andrologist (if there is a maleinfertility factor).

If there is a financial opportunity…

There are families in which the money issue is not so acute, and they do not need IVF services at the expense of the state. Or it happens that a couple simply does not want to wait and waste precious time, using all methods: someone borrows money from parents or relatives, others take a loan, and some decide to use their accumulated savings for these purposes. It is not worth judging anyone, everyone has their own path to happiness. So, if there is a financial opportunity, then below is a list of clinics where you can carry out the IVF procedure in Ufa at your own expense as soon as possible and without queues.

Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child" Ufa
Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child" Ufa
  • Clinic "Mother and Child" - st. Academician Koroleva, 24, tel.: +7 (347) 216-03-19.
  • Clinical hospital "Mother and Child" - Lesnoy proezd, 4, tel.: +7 (347) 216-03-19.

Medical Center "Family" - Oktyabrya Ave., 73, building 1, tel.: +7 (347) 246-10-20

Family Medical Center in Ufa
Family Medical Center in Ufa

The network of clinics "Women's He alth" - st. Kirov, 52 (branch addresses - 15/1 Generala Kusimov St. and 75 Zorge St.), tel.: 8-800-775-69-69

  • Republican perinatal center (hospital) - st. Avrory, 16, tel.: +7 (347) 250-78-16.
  • Republican perinatal center - st. Majita Gafuri, 74, tel: +7 (347) 272-40-67.
Republican perinatal center in Ufa
Republican perinatal center in Ufa

There is a choice, and you can choose an IVF center in Ufa, counting on satisfying the maximum number of your requests.

Probability of success

Information that IVF fails the first time is a myth. There are many factors to consider. There is a generally accepted success rate for the procedure - 35-40%. This is because a woman under 30 may only need one IVF attempt, especially if she has a common cause of infertility. Then the probability of fertilization and the fact that the embryo "take root" in the uterine cavity is about 70%.

Network of clinics "Women's He alth", Ufa
Network of clinics "Women's He alth", Ufa

Women over the age of 35 with concomitant diagnoses such as endometriosis may need several attempts, which reduces the chance of conception to 10-20%. From here the average indicator is taken.

What people say

Reviews are different about IVF in Ufa. Nevertheless, this is such a procedure, where not everything depends on the doctors, there are a lot of individual moments. After all, all couples come with different factors of infertility, they may have genetic abnormalities that prevent pregnancy.

The main task of doctors is to correctly identify what exactly is the reason and make every effort to help spouses become parents.

Very good reviews about the ROC: most consultations and visits to doctors are free, there is an opportunity to get high-quality pre-gravity training, there are geneticists on staff, and there is also the opportunity to go to the hospital for a comprehensiveexamination and treatment for men.

GC "Mother and Child" position themselves as medical institutions with innovative equipment, the specialists in them know about all the latest innovations regarding obstetrics and gynecology. Many note the high cost of procedures, but the quality, like that of a private clinic, is at its best, and it’s hard to argue with that. In addition, there are examinations that a couple can only get here, as "Mother and Child" has exclusive diagnostic methods and medical equipment of the latest generation.

When planning to enter the IVF protocol in Ufa, the spouses should understand that this process is not fast, but in order for it to be as comfortable as possible, one must be very careful in choosing the attending physician, who will not only be a professional with a capital letter, but also will be able to support the family morally throughout the path to parenthood.
