Every day the human body is attacked by many microorganisms that at first glance seem harmless, but they are not. Pathogenic bacteria as well as viruses cause serious diseases. A favorable condition for their reproduction is a weakened human immunity. When the body does not have the strength to fight, then natural antibacterial substances come to the rescue - a special type of antibiotics for the treatment of various diseases that have a natural composition.
Few people realize that in nature there are products with antibiotic properties. Just like synthetic drugs, herbal antibiotics have their own spectrum of action.
What are antibiotics?
Antibiotics are substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogens that inhabit the human body. By origin, antibiotics are synthetic, semi-synthetic or natural. The main goal thatpursued during the period of taking antibiotics, - to suppress the reproduction of bacteria and their growth.
Phytoncides are biological substances that are formed by plants and have antimicrobial properties. That is, if a herb (plant) contains phytoncides, then it has antibiotic properties and is an antibiotic in nature.
Which types of antibiotics (natural) are the strongest?

The list of potent natural antibiotics that are available to absolutely everyone is given below:
- Garlic is the undisputed leader on this list. The concentration of phytoncides in the composition of the product is high, they are very active. The fragrant vegetable contains more than 400 compounds useful for the human body. Garlic is widely used not only as a medicinal product, but also as a prophylactic. Herbal antibiotics - natural substances found in garlic, help the body cope even with tuberculosis. Active ingredients and chemical compounds activate the cells of the immune system and fight free radicals. Additionally, garlic has an antioxidant effect on the body.
- Onions, along with garlic, can destroy many different pathogenic microorganisms. The action of the vegetable contributes to the normalization of the intestinal flora. Onion also fights boils and puffiness on the skin. Fresh onion juice contains many useful elements, the main properties of which are antibacterial and antiviral.
- Radish (including black) is a powerful antibioticvegetable origin. Fresh radish juice has a powerful antiseptic effect, effectively heals soft tissue injuries, as well as abscesses with purulent contents. Raw fresh juice is recommended for use in various diseases, from cough to cystitis. Moreover, radish juice favorably affects weak digestion and poor metabolism. Not everyone likes a medicinal drink, so it is allowed to add honey to it. People with stomach problems should consult their doctor before using radish juice.
- Turmeric is a seasoning, a type of antibiotic of natural origin, which came to us from India. For treatment, only the rhizomes of the plant are used. Turmeric has healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Effective in the fight against dermatological diseases. When taken orally, it has a beneficial effect on digestion and the functioning of the urinary system.
- Ginger is a herbal antibiotic. The root crop in the form of bizarre figures, mainly in the form of a dry powder, is used for the sanitation of the oral cavity, the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, as a general tonic during an epidemic of colds. It is consumed raw, as a seasoning, used for inhalation, rubbing, in the form of tinctures. Real ginger essential oil is in demand in aroma lamps.
- Propolis (aka bee glue) is the strongest plant antibiotic. Useful and medicinal properties of propolis cannot be described in a whole book. The range of use is very wide: colds, skin diseases, treatment of the oral cavity andetc.
- Honey is a powerful antibiotic given to people by nature itself. Available in every home. The product contains defensin-1 - a substance that has a strong antibacterial effect. The remaining components of honey multiply the action of defensin, making the beekeeping product the most useful.
- Echinacea is a garden plant with purple flowers. Its useful properties are very wide. Echinacea is used as an antiviral and antibacterial agent. It is effective for influenza, inflammation of the oral cavity, urinary tract diseases and even poisoning. Recent laboratory studies prove that echinacea is a plant with antibiotic properties. In ready-made forms, it is presented in the form of teas, tinctures and capsules.
Each product from the list of herbal antibiotics has a complex effect on the body, due to which they are often used to treat not only internal organs, but also entire systems.
Chamomile flowers
The most common medicinal plant in our climate is field chamomile. Sold in every pharmacy, grows in every field. Chamomile flowers are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Most used forms:
- tea;
- decoction;
- tincture.
Often, ointments and compresses are made from chamomile flowers. Flowers have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. External use guarantees an effective wound healing and analgesic effect. inside chamomilemainly used for colds and as a sedative in combination with other herbs.
Salvia officinalis
A fragrant plant that is rich in essential oils and tannins. Used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and for the treatment of respiratory organs. Sage is an antiseptic, in demand in the treatment of dermatological diseases, as well as burns and abscesses. Baths with the addition of herbs or essential oil of sage - an effective remedy for bleeding in hemorrhoidal disease.
Since ancient times, our ancestors used nettle - one of the antibiotics of natural origin. An infusion of nettle leaves is widely known as a wound healing agent and as a composition in demand for poor sputum discharge in respiratory diseases.

Pounded plant seeds in powder form - an antibiotic of natural origin, used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and kidney disorders. In the form of a leaf compress, folk healers use nettle for sciatica and pulling pains in the muscles.
Not on the list of herbal antibiotics with potent effects, although the antiviral properties of horseradish help to quickly cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Horseradish contains nutrients in large quantities:
- potassium;
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- ascorbic acid;
- keratin.
From crushed horseradish, allyl mustard oil is obtained, which haspronounced volatile effect.
Small blue berries are used as an analgesic and antipyretic in folk medicine, as well as a natural antibiotic in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

The active components of the composition of blueberries block pathogens, reducing the possibility of their reproduction. It is highly recommended to use it fresh during inflammatory processes in the body. And fruit drinks and blueberry jam are an excellent remedy for kidney diseases.
Natural broad-spectrum antibiotic known worldwide for its disinfectant and antibacterial properties. Often used as a prophylactic against infections in the gastrointestinal tract. Effective during colds to relieve phlegm, reduce coughing fits.
Basil helps to eliminate problems with sleep and nervous tension. It must be remembered that exceeding the established daily dosages leads to a lower body temperature. As a rule, basil is used as a seasoning for the bulk of meat dishes, and also freshly added to salads. The great advantage of basil is that the herb does not lose its qualities during heat treatment, unlike other potent natural antibiotics. But freezing is detrimental to the medicinal qualities of basil.
Fruit, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, is used for anemia and indigestion. Juice is used for treatment. In cases with increased acidity of the stomach, the juice is diluted with water. Serves as an adjuvant in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory infections. The astringent properties of the fruit can speed up the excretion of sputum.

Tannins - substances that are contained in pomegranate in large quantities, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body. Pomegranates are also known to improve pancreatic function when consumed in moderation. Just one pomegranate or a glass of pomegranate juice a day is the most effective blood purifier.
Raspberries are not only one of the most delicious, but also the most useful. Harvested for the future, they are an indispensable product for the inhabitants of Russia in the winter. Raspberry jam with antibacterial action is often used during colds as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Raspberry is a natural type of antibiotic for children, which has no restrictions and contraindications.
Gives good results in the fight against respiratory infections and colds. Reduces pain in the joints. Most useful raw. In addition to berries, leaves are also used, which have antimicrobial activity. Raspberry leaves are used to make infusions.
This wild berry is a rich natural antibiotic. Lingonberries are used as a bactericidal agent for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Berries and berries have the same useful qualities.plant leaves.

It contains more than 70 substances, and benzoic acid, which is contained in large quantities, has the same antibacterial properties that turn the berry into an antibiotic. A powerful antioxidant prevents the cells of the body from aging. Lingonberry is the record holder for the content of vitamin A in the composition. It has the second highest content of vitamin C, second only to lemon.
Fresh cranberry juice is a natural antibiotic. Its antiviral and antibacterial properties allow the berry to be used in the fight against bacteria on the walls of the bladder (cystitis). Therefore, cranberries are included in some preparations for the treatment of cystitis based on herbal antibiotics. Along with lingonberries, cranberries have antioxidant properties and are a source of ascorbic acid.
Cranberries are very fond of representatives of traditional medicine in China, where the berry is recognized as the best natural antibiotic. Cranberries are widely used as an independent remedy for treatment. The list of restrictions is minimal.
Altai Shilajit
The action of the Altai Shilajit is similar to propolis. There is an opinion that the mummy is a product of the vital activity of the Altai bees, but there is still no reliable information regarding its origin. The implementation of the Altai mummy is carried out through pharmacy chains. Before ingestion, the mummy is diluted with water or taken in the form of capsules, and for external use it is combined with creams or ointments.
Iceland moss
The composition of the moss is enrichedsodium usninate, which is considered a natural herbal antibiotic. It has pronounced antibiotic properties even when diluted with water in proportions of 1:2,000,000. The effect of moss at such a low saturation is considered phenomenal. In addition, a higher concentration of the product can easily overcome even a tubercle bacillus. The high content of vitamin B12 in moss greatly enhances the work of sodium usninate. Often used to treat infectious diarrhea.
It is known from history that during the years of the Second World War, gangrene was successfully treated with moss in hospitals.
Meadowsweet meadowsweet
Recent studies by the Institute of Naturopathy have confirmed the antiviral properties of the herb. Meadowsweet is able to destroy the influenza virus and stimulate the body's own immunity. It is also known that the timely use of meadowsweet leads to the cure of herpes, including genital herpes.

Meadowsweet is able to reduce the period of SARS to three days. The use of hepatitis and pancreatitis of viral occurrence brings the body into a positive trend. Meadowsweet tincture has been found to be particularly effective.
The action of the herb when ingested is due to the bacteriostatic effect that can destroy:
- white staphylococcus aureus;
- proteus;
- enterobacteria.
The composition of grass flowers is enriched with vitamin C, phytoncides and tannins.
Lemon, grapefruit and other citruses
In addition to the high content of vitamin C, citrus fruits haveIn its composition, a considerable amount of essential oils that have antibacterial properties and have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. Citruses are an excellent prevention during the flu and colds epidemics. A good remedy for hypovitaminosis.

What's more, grapefruit seed extract contains the most powerful plant antibiotics that can resist 800 strains of bacteria and more than 100 types of fungi.
Traditional seasoning for sweets and meat dishes. Gives a special taste and aroma to freshly brewed coffee.
Fragrant cinnamon has antimicrobial properties. A natural product originally from India contains antibiotic properties. Widely used as an immunomodulator and tonic.
Kalina red
Autumn-winter berry that acquires sweetness after the first frost. Powerful natural antibiotic.

The substances contained in viburnum effectively cope with the following diseases:
- angina;
- flu;
- pneumonia;
- bronchitis.
A good remedy for beriberi, is antipyretic. Use by adding dried or fresh berries to tea.
Natural antibiotics on pharmacy shelves
Most people make the mistake of believing that pharmaceuticals are all synthetics and chemicals. Antibiotics from the penicillin species group are obtained through biosynthesis, in other words, duringpurification and stabilization of waste products of microorganisms.

Benzylpenicillin is a waste product of mold fungi. Streptomycins are derived from a bacterium that lives in the soil. This implies the conclusion that tablets from pharmacies may have a natural origin. As a rule, the synthetic composition is the drugs of the latest generations.
Elixir "Shuang Huang Lian"
Natural immunomodulator with antiviral effect - elixir "Shuang Huang Lian", herbal antibiotic. The drug is complex, developed as a prophylactic during the cold season, intended for the treatment of various diseases. The elixir has a gentle, but highly effective effect on the body, fighting various viruses and bacteria. The natural composition allows you to use the elixir not only for adults, but also for children, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. Testing confirmed that the drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the active components of the drug. The herbal antibiotic in its composition has only three active ingredients:
- Forsythia hanging - a plant similar to Japanese sakura. A natural stimulant of the body's immunity, which has antibacterial activity. It has shown high efficiency in influenza, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as in urological and gynecological problems in the body.
- Japanese honeysuckle is a plant growing on the land of eastern countries. Used as a standalone remedycompresses, tinctures, add dried herbs to teas. It has a good diuretic effect, fights bacteria, eliminates sore throats, heals wounds in the mouth, and has a general strengthening effect on the body during colds. Considered a natural aspirin.
- Baikal skullcap is a plant from Northeast Asia. Contains flavonoids, which have a pronounced antithrombotic and antiviral effect. The action of the herb is aimed at lowering blood pressure, relieving attacks of convulsions and nervous tension, and eliminating insomnia. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory tract. Especially widely used in the treatment of asthma, allergies and cardiovascular system.
A natural preparation from the type of antibiotics has a complex effect on the body, fights infections and pathogenic bacteria. After drinking the Shuang Huang Lian elixir, the intestinal microflora does not suffer, as in the treatment of most other antibiotics, and therefore there is no risk of dysbacteriosis.
Essential oils
Many essential oils have antibacterial properties, for example:
- tea tree;
- sage officinalis;
- carnation;
- rosemary and more
Essential oils are obtained from plants that are naturally strong antibiotics. The spectrum of action of antibiotics from the type of essential oils is very wide, the actions are not only antibacterial, but also antimicrobial. Oils are used in aroma lamps to disinfect the premises and enhance the protective properties of the body, to takebaths, added to food (high-quality oils), as well as enriching cosmetics in skin care, used to treat dermatological problems.