Alkali burns: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment

Alkali burns: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment
Alkali burns: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment

Alkali burn is in many ways similar to the injury from acid exposure to the skin and is considered one of the most dangerous. Let's explain in more detail. Contact with this substance on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane leads to its penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis and fiber. The larger the affected area and the concentration of the composition, the more severe the injury.


Most often, burns with acids and alkalis are obtained in the conditions of industrial work or in the household. Injury received in the domestic way, as a rule, does not cause serious harm to he alth due to lower concentrations of reagents. Workplace injury often has serious consequences, including death. Since high concentrations of toxic components are used in production, they cause severe burns upon contact. The use of such substances requires increased attention and safety.

Signs of injury

With a chemical burn with alkali, there is immediately a feeling of a soapy coating at the site of the lesion. This is dueemulsification of sebum on the surface of the epidermis. Almost instantly, redness and irritation of the skin exposed to the chemical occurs.

The longer the effect of the reagent on the skin, the more pronounced the symptoms of the burn. There is swelling, burning sensation, numbness and sharp pain. It should be noted that the alkali is able to diffuse into the tissues, as a result, the pathological process proceeds in the subcutaneous layers and the damage is not immediately detected on the surface.

Damage level

The severity of the resulting burn depends on the following factors:

  • composition, volume and concentration of alkali;
  • contact duration.

Alkali attack is subdivided as follows:

  1. I degree. Only the top layer of the skin is injured. Of the symptoms of a first-degree alkali burn, there are: slight swelling, redness, burning, moderate pain.
  2. II degree. Small blisters with watery contents form on the skin. The burn affects the deeper layers of the dermis, otherwise the symptoms are similar to the previous ones.
  3. III degree. The subcutaneous fat layer is often injured. The active substance penetrates into the deeper layers, due to which the pain is felt more acutely. Large watery blisters appear on the surface of the dermis, less often with bloody patches.
  4. IV degree. The most dangerous type of alkali burn. It affects not only the skin, but also muscles, tendons, bone and adipose tissue. This degree of injury poses a great threat to the life and he alth of the victim. Treatmentperformed through surgery to remove dead tissue and chemical.

First Aid

Proper and quick delivery of it after getting a skin burn with alkali significantly reduces the risk of developing negative consequences. It is necessary to immediately remove clothing from the place where the substance has got. Then the reagent must be removed. The injured area is washed with water and its reaction is neutralized with acid. At home, this can be done with vinegar or lemon.

It is important to note a few features of skin cleansing:

  1. Wash the affected area for 15-30 minutes.
  2. If the reagent was in powder form, first of all, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the chemical from the skin, and only then proceed with rinsing.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to clean with wet wipes or towels. This contributes to the accelerated penetration of the substance under the skin.
  4. If the burn was from quicklime, it is strictly forbidden to wash with water. This enhances the reaction of the chemical.
  5. If the injury is caused by contact with slaked lime, a standard wash is performed followed by treatment with a sugar solution (1 tbsp per glass of water).

To dull the pain, you can apply a cold compress to the wound. In the presence of blisters, it is recommended to consult a specialist for appropriate treatment.

Vision damage

Rarely, but still there are cases of eye burns with alkali. In this situation, it is urgent to call an ambulancehelp. This type of lesion is distinguished by the following features:

  • lacrimation;
  • acute reaction to light;
  • sting in the eye;
  • not only the eyeball is affected, but also the area around it;
  • in severe cases, complete or partial loss of vision is possible.

In anticipation of an emergency, the mucous membrane of the eye must be thoroughly rinsed:

  1. The eyelid of the injured eye is pulled back and gently washed for 20 minutes with a thin stream of cool water.
  2. The patient is taken to a specialist.
  3. alkali eye burn
    alkali eye burn

Chemical damage treatment, drugs

Depending on the size of the chemical burn with alkali, the severity and location of the injury, medication is prescribed. It consists of a combination of the following drugs and procedures:

  1. Painkillers are used for acute pain. Among them: Ibuprofen, Nise, Nurofen, Analgin, Ketorolac.
  2. ibuprofen for burns
    ibuprofen for burns
  3. To prevent infection of the wound and its possible suppuration, antibacterial procedures are carried out using a Novoimanin solution in a ratio of 1 to 5 or Dioxysol.
  4. The following water-soluble ointments are applied to the affected area of the skin: Levomekol, Levomisil.
  5. In grades II and III, the doctor, using antiseptic drugs, opens the blisters and treats the site of injury.
  6. At IV degree of burns, surgical intervention is performed, during which necrosis is eliminated. They often resort toplastic surgery for aesthetic correction of defects.

Folk remedies

When treating alkaline burns using alternative medicine methods, it is recommended to abandon recipes that do not involve heat treatment of plants, as this increases the risk of infection in the wound.

alkali burn first
alkali burn first

You can use the following recipes:

  1. A strong decoction based on bay leaf effectively relieves the inflammatory process. It is enough to pour 5-7 medium leaves with a glass of boiling water and treat the place with infusion after cooling.
  2. Purulent wounds are useful to treat with freshly squeezed aloe juice. A gauze swab is soaked in it and applied to the lesion.
  3. Celandine juice contributes to the rapid drying of an open wound. It is diluted with boiled water at room temperature in proportions of 1 to 1.
  4. Essential oils help reduce inflammation, including: eucalyptus, cedar and tea tree.
  5. You can speed up healing with the help of lotions on wounds. They are made from golden mustache leaves, mummy and propolis.
  6. Useful washing with herbal decoction (the recipe is presented below).

Decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Prepare herbal collection from several medicinal plants, such as: St. John's wort, Potentilla, plantain, celandine, calendula.
  2. Add 2 tsp to a glass of water. herbal collection and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Let it brew for 3 hours and treat the wound every timebandage change.


First of all, the assessment of a burn involves an examination of the affected area, the larger its area, the more serious the problem. As a rule, the severity is determined on the third day after the injury.

alkali burns
alkali burns

For most patients, the diagnosis of alkali burn is associated with damage to the outer skin. The doctor is aware of the likely severity of the injury and its consequences. He tries to prevent all possible complications, such as infection of the wound, sepsis, intoxication, etc. With existing pathologies, the specialist will help to take timely measures and prescribe treatment. Since the chemical tends to penetrate tissue, this type of burn is considered severe.

Some types of alkali, in addition to external influences, penetrate the bloodstream, increase the natural pH level, which leads to the development of pathological processes in the heart and kidneys. If we talk about eye burns, the diagnosis is carried out using special tools and equipment, after which the ophthalmologist prescribes therapy.

First aid

First aid for alkali burns:

  1. Urgently wash the affected area with running cold water for 20 minutes.
  2. Then the injured area is treated with an acidified solution. Prepare it as follows: dissolve 0.5 tsp in a glass of water. boric or citric acid or stir 1 tbsp. l. vinegar 6 percent with 3 tbsp. l. water.

In case of a burn with a powdered composition of alkali, it is cleaned from the skin with a dry paper or fabrictowel and only then washed with water and treated with an acidified solution. The substance reacts with water, so it is important to remove it carefully before rinsing to avoid further damage.

alkali burn first aid
alkali burn first aid

If the burn is caused by contact with quicklime, it must not be washed. The reagent is removed from the skin with a dry cloth and treated with vegetable oil, then a bandage is applied.

First aid for burns with slaked lime consists in thoroughly washing the affected area and treating it with sweetened water. You can also make lotions with it.

The burn of the organs of vision is one of the most severe types of injuries. After washing with water, the eyes are treated with a weak acidified solution, and then immediately seek help from an ophthalmologist.

Help for burns with acids and alkalis in the hospital

A mild form of damage is treated with the well-known Panthenol in the form of an aerosol, Oxycyclozol spray, Prednisolone corticosteroid, Dioxyzol or Novoimanin local antiseptics. Let's describe the preparations in more detail.

help with alkali burns
help with alkali burns
  • "Panthenol" - relieves inflammation, restores tissue and cell function, is quickly absorbed.
  • "Oxycyclozol" - has an antibacterial, anti-allergic effect. Used to treat small lesions (up to 20 cm2).
  • "Prednisolone" - antiexudative, antipruritic agent.
  • "Dioxysol" contains the antimicrobial component dioxidine anddesensitizing lidocaine. The drug is effective in fighting infection, stimulates the regeneration process, is used once a day. Treatment with the drug is accompanied by a slight burning sensation, long-term use is not recommended, as it causes side effects. Before use, you must read the instructions for contraindications.
  • "Novoimanin" is a 1% alcohol extract of St. John's wort. Effective against pustular wounds, quickly relieves inflammation. Before use, the drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 5 to 1.

Prevention, prognosis

In order to prevent when working with alkalis, it is important to observe safety precautions, protect your hands with gloves, your eyes with special glasses, and your body with closed clothes.

acid and alkali burns
acid and alkali burns

Rehabilitation prognosis mainly depends on the extent of the burn. A mild lesion usually heals fairly quickly with proper treatment. A severe form of alkali burn requires longer therapy. Scars and age spots remain on the body, articular mobility in the affected areas may be limited.

The article discusses the types of alkali lesions, describes the severity. It also describes the steps to provide first aid to the victim, medications for treatment, folk methods and recipes.
