Effective antiviral agent are candles "Genferon". Feedback from patients indicates an improvement in the condition and complete recovery after undergoing a course of treatment with this drug.

Pharmacological properties
The active components of the product are taurine, anestezin, alpha-2 interferon, due to which there is a local systemic effect on the immune system, antiviral and antibacterial properties are manifested. The drug activates the work of leukocytes, eliminates foci of inflammation, has antioxidant properties and blocks pain impulses. Candles "Genferon" (review of patients indicates this) can reduce subjective symptoms: burning, itching, pain.
Indications for use
The drug is prescribed for the treatment of urogenital chlamydia, chronic vaginal candidiasis, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis, as well as diseases caused by the papillomatosis virus. Candles "Genferon" (review of patients testifies to this) effectively cope with trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, female ailments (vulvovaginitis, bartholinitis, adnexitis, cervical erosion, cervicitis) andmale (prostatitis, balanitis, urethritis) genital organs. The tool is also used as an additional medication during the complex treatment of viral pathologies.

Drug "Genferon" (candles): instructions
Reviews of patients indicate that they were prescribed vaginal suppositories, 1 unit twice a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. With recurring chronic ailments, prolonged use of the drug is possible - up to three months. In this case, candles are used every other day.
Men should use suppositories rectally in a similar pattern to women.
Children with acute infectious diseases are prescribed an analogue of the drug "Genferon Light", which contains a smaller amount of interferon. The medicine is used rectally in the morning and evening for 5-10 days. Candles "Genferon" for children, the price of which is 200 rubles, can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy.
Side effects and contraindications

Allergic, autoimmune diseases occurring in the acute stage, drug intolerance are the main prohibitions on the use of the drug. Candles "Genferon" (review of patients indicates these manifestations) can provoke minor skin reactions that disappear after discontinuation of the drug. In rare cases, there is fever, headache, chills, arthralgia, myalgia, loss of appetite. During pregnancy, suppositories can be used with caution only in the later stages.timing.
Special conditions
It is most rational to use the medication with other antibacterial and antiviral agents, since the effect of this is significantly increased. An increase in the action of interferon occurs with the combined use of suppositories with vitamins C and E. It is undesirable to take anticholinesterase drugs, sulfonamides and NSAIDs during treatment, as they reduce the effect of the drug.