Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Unfortunately, hearing loss is often accompanied by problems with the speech apparatus. Problems with the ability to communicate, in turn, lead to difficulties in communicating with other people. And they are one of the significant negative manifestations of hearing loss. A considerable number of people suffer from this disease, not only adults, but also children. The problem manifests itself for various reasons - from changes in the structure of the eardrum to pathologies of the inner ear.

One type of hearing loss is bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. In the article, we will deal with the causes of this condition, its characteristic symptoms, diagnosis of the disease and possible treatment options.

Disease types

What is the ICD-10 code for sensorineural hearing loss? H90.6. Under this designation is "mixed bilateral sensorineural and conductive hearing loss." Therefore, the disease has two varieties.

In the case of conductive hearing loss, the main problem is the poor conduction of sounds in the middle and outer ear. This type of disease does not affect the patient's speech recognition. However, there is only one way to treat this hearing loss - only surgical intervention. Hearing is improved here in two ways: by performing myringoplasty or by correcting the position of the auditory ossicles.

As for sensorineural hearing loss (ICD-10 code - H90.6), the cause of this disease is different. In damage to nerve cells in the inner ear or in the eardrum, damage to the auditory nerve. The causes of unilateral and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss are manifold.

Illness can be a side effect of taking antibiotics. Often it becomes a consequence of infectious diseases. If the patient has been exposed to industrial noise for a long time, this can also provoke sensorineural hearing loss (bilateral or unilateral).

Do not forget about such a reason as a hereditary predisposition to hearing loss. It is dangerous because the disease does not disturb a person for a long time, does not manifest itself in any way, and then hearing loss sharply sets in. Often, a genetic predisposition does not appear in the direct descendants of the patient, but after a generation.

sensorineural hearing loss symptoms
sensorineural hearing loss symptoms

About the neurosensory variety

According to medical statistics, hearing problems are not uncommon. In varying degrees, 2% of the world's population suffers from them. And the most commonly diagnosed diagnosis is sensorineural hearing loss.

Most often the disease is determined in the elderly. But suchthe diagnosis is not uncommon among young people (including due to the fact that a hereditary predisposition to the disease may appear). Other names for this disease are perceptual or sensorineural hearing loss.

In the course of the development of the disease, a certain area of the sound-perceiving department of the hearing analyzer is affected. They can be the following:

  1. Sensory structures and individual cells of the inner ear.
  2. Middle ear.
  3. Cortical region of the temporal lobe of the human cerebral cortex.

The sensorineural form of hearing loss also develops when the nerve cells of the inner ear, the auditory nerve or the center of the nervous system are damaged. The disease is dangerous because in case of its incomplete, incorrect treatment (or complete lack of therapy), it can lead to complete deafness. Moreover, such a pathological state of hearing is achieved in a short time. What is dangerous, deafness in this case will have an irreversible character.

Degrees of disease

What does the diagnosis of sensorineural bilateral hearing loss of 1 degree mean? The disease, accordingly, additionally differs in degrees:

  1. First (or mild hearing loss). In this state, the patient can distinguish a whisper at a distance of 1-3 meters, and a conversation of people at a distance of about 4 meters.
  2. Second (or severe hearing loss). With this pathological condition, a person can hear a conversation and a whisper only from a closer distance.
  3. Third. The patient does not hear the whisper at all. Loud speech can only be recognized from a distance of 1meters.
  4. Fourth. This degree of hearing loss is comparable to absolute deafness. The patient can barely hear anything.
sensorineural hearing loss code for mkb 10
sensorineural hearing loss code for mkb 10

Causes of pathology

Note that sensorineural hearing loss can be both acquired and congenital. If you have a hereditary predisposition to this disease, then increased noise load can provoke its progression. For example, in the industrial premises where you work. This factor can lead to deterioration and even loss of hearing even at working age.

The disease is often found in an acquired form. In this case, the following can provoke its development:

  1. Various common infectious diseases. Among them are the flu, scarlet fever, syphilis, etc.
  2. Bacterial lesions of the auditory organs, as a result of otitis, labyrinthitis, meningitis.
  3. Injuries to the external and internal structures of the ear.
  4. Various toxic damage to the body.
  5. Vascular diseases.

The provoking significance of all these factors is that their impact leads to impaired blood circulation in the auditory organ, damage to the vessels that feed the auditory analyzer. And this already leads to hearing loss.

Symptoms of the disease. How to recognize?

Let's imagine the main symptoms of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Warning signs are as follows:

  1. Hearing loss. You note that you no longer hear sound in the headphones, from the TV onusual volume. Not the first time you understand what the interlocutors are saying to you. Or the voices of talking people merge into a monotonous noise, and you cannot make out individual words.
  2. Feeling full in ears for no reason.
  3. Frequent dizziness.
  4. Tinnitus.
  5. Disturbance of coordination of movements and other problems with the vestibular apparatus.
  6. Unreasonable nausea.
congestion in the ears
congestion in the ears

Disease forms

First of all, acute and chronic forms of sensorineural hearing loss are distinguished. The first is determined if the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves within one month. Chronic form of pathology - if the patient notes that the disease has developed for more than 30 days.

It is important to note that with insufficient treatment or its absence, the acute form of sensorineural deafness quickly becomes chronic. In some cases, you can even talk about sudden deafness. When the symptoms of the disease appear in full intensity for several hours.

In the medical environment, it is also popular to divide sensorineural deafness into unilateral and bilateral. The first is noted when one ear is affected, the second when both ears are affected.

Disability Assignment

As for disability, it is always assigned when diagnosing a patient with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Also, the patient acquires the status of "disabled" when he has a fourth-degree hearing loss. As for child patients, they are assigned a disability,if either the third or fourth degree of the disease is diagnosed.

bilateral sensorineural hearing loss
bilateral sensorineural hearing loss

Diagnosis of pathology

The diagnosis of this disease is carried out by a qualified otolaryngologist. To establish the patient's neurosensory bilateral hearing loss, the specialist conducts a series of examinations.

The most important of these is the hearing test. The patient is offered to listen to the whisper and normal conversation of people from different distances. Based on when he was able to recognize individual words, the degree of hearing loss is assigned. As you remember, there are four of them.

Main areas of treatment

Like any other disease, sensorineural hearing loss is easier to treat if it is detected at an early stage. Therefore, it is so important when self-diagnosing her symptoms in oneself not to postpone a visit to the ENT.

Therapy is systemic. It is most effective for the 1st and 2nd degree of hearing loss. If the patient carefully follows the instructions of his doctor, takes the necessary medication, the likelihood of hearing recovery is quite high.

In the case of sensorineural hearing loss, drug therapy is prescribed. The doctor prescribes drugs that can improve blood microcirculation both in the area of the inner ear and the brain as a whole. Medicines have a beneficial effect on the rheological composition of the blood, and also improve the metabolism in the tissues of the auditory organ.

In some cases (depending on the cause of hearing loss), diuretics are prescribed andhormonal agents. The following are used as supportive, adjunctive therapy:

  1. Vitamin complexes, essential macro- and microelements.
  2. Electrophoresis.
  3. Magnetotherapy.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Acupuncture.

If the disease is in a neglected, severe form, all of the above methods are not enough. The patient requires constant wearing of a hearing aid, an implant. Don't know which one to choose? Today, Siemens hearing aids are the leader in quality and popularity here. Those suffering from hearing loss note their quality, reliability, ease of use. But devices from a German manufacturer in Russia are relatively expensive.

siemens hearing aid
siemens hearing aid

Early Detection Therapy

Is it possible to successfully treat bilateral sensorineural hearing loss? Experts compare it with dental therapy. So, even if you have partially lost your hearing, restoring it is much more difficult than making and installing dentures. If we talk about the disease in two ears, then the chances of a complete cure are even smaller.

With bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, in contrast to the conductive form of the disease, it is possible to successfully apply conservative therapy. In particular, this is the use of medications prescribed by the doctor, the use of electrical stimulation, the use of physiotherapy methods. Often used and popular today manual therapy. But it should be understood that all of the above methods of treatmenteffective only at the initial stage of disease detection.

Treatment for late detection of disease

In the event that two ears are damaged or a severe degree of hearing loss is detected during the diagnosis of hearing, the therapy consists of hearing aids. Which device to choose? In particular, Siemens hearing aids are widely used today. The above methods of treatment for severe hearing loss are no longer effective.

Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss in order to recognize the disease in time. Recall that the main ones are constant tinnitus, causeless dizziness, problems with the vestibular apparatus.

In order to avoid buying expensive hearing aids, before registering for disability for sensorineural bilateral hearing loss, you need to visit an otolaryngologist at the first "alarm bells". It is important! Indeed, with partial hearing loss, it is possible to restore it, cure hearing loss.

sensorineural hearing loss bilateral treatment
sensorineural hearing loss bilateral treatment

Prevention of hearing loss

The defining component of preventive measures in relation to any disease is an attentive attitude to one's he alth. Refusal of bad habits, active lifestyle, balanced diet, protection from constant stress, control of physical activity.

As for the prevention of hearing loss, here we can highlight the timely treatment of common infectious diseases, pathologies affecting the hearing aid. It is important to monitor the noisesituation in your life. If you work in a noisy environment, don't forget to wear earplugs. At home, try to listen to music, watch TV, use headphones at a moderate volume.

sensorineural hearing loss bilateral symptoms
sensorineural hearing loss bilateral symptoms

Sensory hearing loss, especially bilateral, is fraught with absolute deafness with inadequate or no treatment. Therefore, it is important to contact a qualified otolaryngologist as soon as possible at the first symptoms of pathology.
