Ethmoid labyrinth of the nose: description, structure, possible pathologies, treatment

Ethmoid labyrinth of the nose: description, structure, possible pathologies, treatment
Ethmoid labyrinth of the nose: description, structure, possible pathologies, treatment

A paired formation, located on both sides of the vertical plate of the ethmoid bone, which in turn belongs to the paranasal sinuses, is called the ethmoid labyrinth. It is formed by different-sized air cells limited from the cranial cavity with the help of the orbital frontal bone, which have different sizes and shapes. In the article we will consider what this labyrinth is, what diseases are possible and whether it will be possible to protect ourselves, is there any prevention.

labyrinth thickening
labyrinth thickening

Description and structure

The ethmoid labyrinth is a complex communication system that is located inside the nasal cavity. At birth, it consists of the anterior and posterior sections, and only after the first year of life begins to be clearly visualized. By the age of eight, the labyrinth in size reaches about 24 millimeters in length and only at 12 years old acquiresformed size of an adult. At this time, it is a pyramid with a truncated top located in a transverse cavity.

There are cells of the lattice labyrinth inside. Arranged in several tiers. All of them communicate with each other and the nasal cavity. A person has from eight to ten cells on both sides. All components of the labyrinth for each person are located individually and are divided into anterior, posterior and middle.

ethmoid thickening
ethmoid thickening


The sinuses of the ethmoidal labyrinth are distinguished by a complex structure. They are still the subject of scientific research. This is explained by the fact that scientific knowledge, unfortunately, is not enough to fully determine the origin and their gradual development.

The ethmoidal labyrinth of the nose performs the following functions:

  • protective - since there is air in the cavity of the sinuses, then upon impact it dampens the negative impact on the skull;
  • baroreceptor - thanks to this function, signals are transmitted to the body, indicating changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • moisturizing - provided due to the fact that in the process of air circulation inside the sinuses it is heated, and then after contact with the mucous membranes, they are moistened;
  • thermal insulation - prevents hypothermia and smooths out sudden temperature changes during breathing.
ethmoid labyrinth thickening
ethmoid labyrinth thickening

Among other things, the sinuses greatly lighten the weight of the bonesskull, but the necessary volume is maintained.

Causes of diseases

Since the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth are lined with mucous membrane from the inside, they provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes. The development of inflammation is explained by the impact on the human body of pathogens. Most often, this condition provokes rhinitis, which is chronic. In addition, the following diseases can provoke inflammation:

  • flu;
  • staph;
  • streptococcus;
  • scarlet fever.

Also, excessive narrowness of the middle nasal passage can be considered among the provoking factors. In such situations, even a slight swelling can provoke a difficult or complete cessation of the outflow from the sinus of the separated mucus. This condition can also be observed in the presence of adenoid growths.

Features of Etmoiditis

If acute or chronic inflammation of the mucosa develops in the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, then the patient is diagnosed with ethmoiditis. This disease rarely develops initially, but is a complication of other infectious pathological processes. Among other things, it can be provoked against the background of intrauterine, umbilical or skin sepsis. The main factors that lead to the development of pathology include:

  • structural features of the nasopharynx;
  • allergic diseases;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • acquired or congenital immunodeficiencies.

First, the inflammatory process develops on neighboring organs. Only then does it spread to the cells of the lattice labyrinth. As soon as pathogenic microorganisms enter the mucosa of the cells, they multiply and penetrate deep into the tissues. In such a situation, signs appear that indicate the development of the inflammatory process.

As a result of changes occurring in the body, there is a violation of the outflow of fluid. Left untreated, pus can spread through the cranial cavity and cause serious complications.


Inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth is characterized by a different course. Depending on the characteristics and nature of the pathology, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • catarrhal;
  • edematous-catarrhal;
  • polypous;
  • purulent.

As medical practice shows, edematous-catarrhal and polypous types are characteristic of the chronic form of the pathological process. Depending on which side of the ethmoidal labyrinth mucosa is affected, inflammation can be left-sided, right-sided or bilateral.

Clinical signs

Inflammation of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth in an acute form is characterized by pronounced symptoms. Signs of pathology can occur suddenly and manifest with strong intensity. Most often, patients complain of the appearance of intense headaches, which manifest themselves mainly in the orbit and nose. When the head is tilted, the pain intensifies. Besides,a person may be disturbed by shortness of breath, as well as discharge from the nose of a mucous or mucopurulent consistency. In some situations, the patient may show symptoms of intoxication, weakness, fatigue, and an increase in body temperature.

As for the course of the disease in childhood, compared with adults, the condition is much more difficult. The manifestation of pathology begins with an increase in body temperature. The child becomes restless, completely refuses to eat. If you do not seek qualified medical help in a timely manner, the child may develop signs of neurotoxicosis, as well as dehydration.

lattice labyrinth
lattice labyrinth

When the first signs of inflammation appear, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Otherwise, ethmoiditis can go into a chronic stage, the treatment of which is very difficult.


If a person has symptoms that indicate inflammation in the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, then in this case, you should immediately seek medical help. To make an accurate diagnosis, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and tell him about the symptoms. After that, the doctor will assess the patient's condition and prescribe a number of additional studies.

The patient will be required to undergo an X-ray examination. According to the results, the resulting images will show the darkening of the cells. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and select the mosteffective treatment.


When the ethmoid labyrinth becomes inflamed, most often the patient is prescribed conservative treatment. At the initial stage, the patient is recommended vasoconstrictor drugs that help reduce swelling and increase the outflow of separated mucus. Also, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and painkillers for use. After a few days, physical therapy begins.

If a patient is diagnosed with a chronic form, then the treatment is no different from the acute one. In remission, surgery may be recommended.

sinus ethmoid labyrinth
sinus ethmoid labyrinth

Possible Complications

The ethmoid labyrinth is a complex and very important organ, so its condition must be monitored especially carefully. With advanced disease and ignoring the symptoms, the patient may begin to spread purulent masses that provoke the following complications:

  • phlegmon of the orbit;
  • empyema;
  • retrobulbar abscess;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • meningitis;
  • brain abscess.

All of the above complications are considered very serious and can lead not only to irreparable processes in the body, but also to provoke a fatal outcome.


The ethmoid labyrinth and its mucosa should always be in a he althy state. But, unfortunately, inflammatory processes can provoke other pathological processes occurring in the body.

If inflammation is diagnosed in a timely manner and rational treatment is carried out, then the disease disappears without a trace and the person recovers completely. When symptoms are ignored or treatment is prescribed incorrectly, then the ethmoid labyrinth is subjected to serious stress, thickening of the sinuses provokes mucus stagnation, often the disease becomes chronic. In this case, the prognosis is less encouraging. Full recovery is almost impossible. The best option with proper treatment is to introduce the disease into a stable remission stage.

ethmoid labyrinth mucosa
ethmoid labyrinth mucosa


Since inflammation of the ethmoidal mucosa can be caused by various microorganisms, there are no specific preventive measures.

To avoid provoking factors as much as possible, it is necessary to try to prevent the occurrence of diseases that can provoke inflammation. In addition, you need to monitor your immunity, give preference to a he althy and balanced diet, give up bad habits, and also take immunomodulatory drugs in autumn and spring. Also, if signs appear that may indicate the development of an inflammatory process, immediately contact a medical institution and clearly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.
