What do dill seeds treat: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to use, reviews

What do dill seeds treat: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to use, reviews
What do dill seeds treat: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to use, reviews

Practically all people living in private homes and gardening grow dill. This variety of greens is used in cooking for preparing various dishes. It gives food a special taste and aroma, giving them a special flavor. But few people know that the seeds of this plant have been used in folk medicine for many centuries to fight various diseases. They were taken both in their pure form, and various medicines were prepared from them. Let's see what dill seeds treat, how to take them correctly and what contraindications they have. Also, the article will present recipes that help well with many pathologies of various etiologies.

Chemical composition

what cures fennel seeds
what cures fennel seeds

Let's take a closer look at this. Before we talk about what can be treated with dill seeds, let's firstLet's see why they are so valued by traditional healers. Greens are rich in esters, giving it a pronounced taste and aroma. In addition, it contains many nutrients:

  • vitamins: A, B, C, E and K;
  • organic acids: linoleic, oleic, hexadecanoic, nicotinic;
  • amino acids: aliphatic, alpha and histidine;
  • minerals: calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, selenium;
  • saccharides;
  • glucosides;
  • phytosterols;
  • phytoncides;
  • fiber;
  • ash.

100 grams of the product contains about 300 kilocalories. Not only leaves and stems are rich in nutrients, but also dill seeds. What heals movra (seeds) will be discussed in one of the following sections. The best time for harvesting them is the end of summer or the beginning of September. It all depends on the climatic features of a particular region.

Benefits for the body

This aspect should be given special attention. The medicinal properties of dill seeds (application and reviews will be described in detail later) were discovered by people a very long time ago. Among the most valuable are the following:

  • has a diuretic and laxative effect;
  • soothing and helping to cope with stress;
  • normalize blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • help with various diseases of the respiratory system;
  • increase the protective functions of the body;
  • relieve inflammation and pain;
  • favorablyaffect the he alth of the epidermis, providing a rejuvenating effect;
  • improve digestion;
  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • reduce stress on the liver.

This is not all that dill seeds help. The medicinal properties of the plant are almost limitless. Decoctions and infusions prepared on their basis help to cleanse the blood and intestines from toxins and toxins, which has a positive effect on the general well-being and condition of the whole organism.

For men

what can be treated with dill seeds
what can be treated with dill seeds

The medicinal properties of dill seeds (how to take, you can read a little below) are especially useful for the stronger sex. Grains improve potency, normalize erectile function, increase sexual activity and prevent premature ejaculation. To do this, take an infusion, which is prepared from dried seeds. Take a tablespoon of grains, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and leave to brew for 3-4 hours. Then the resulting remedy is filtered and drunk 100 milliliters with honey several times a day.

It is worth noting that men suffering from hypotension should refrain from such self-treatment. This is due to the fact that dill knot helps to reduce pressure, so it can lead to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Also, the decoction is not recommended for people who have problems with allergic reactions.

For women

Many girls are interested in the treatment of dill seeds. They help men with various problems withgenitourinary system, but for lovely ladies, the plant is no less useful. It contributes:

  • improve brain activity;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • Maintain normal calcium levels in the body during menopause;
  • stress reduction;
  • normalize sleep.

With all the problems listed above, a decoction of seeds helps well. But if you have any contraindications to taking, which will be discussed later, then it is better to refuse it. If there are none, then during PMS, the remedy will allow you to cope with irritability.

Seeds can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Various anti-aging face masks are prepared from them. With regular procedures, after a short time interval, you will notice that the skin has become more elastic and silky, and wrinkles have disappeared on it. They will also allow the epidermis to return to a normal he althy color. For bleaching, you need to take fresh herbs, rinse thoroughly, chop and mix with 100 grams of sour cream. This mask is applied to the face for 30 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

During pregnancy

what diseases are treated with dill seeds
what diseases are treated with dill seeds

We propose to study this aspect in more detail. Many expectant mothers are wondering what can be treated with dill seeds during gestation. Many pregnant women have problems with the functioning of the digestive system. Gradually increasing in size, the uterus compressesother internal organs and intestines, disrupting its peristalsis. As a result, women develop long-term constipation. You can cope with them and normalize the stool by consuming dill seeds daily. They will also relieve the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and heartburn.

Expectant mothers are useful to use plant seeds for the treatment and prevention of colds. They are rich in various vitamins and minerals that the immune system needs to function properly. However, it is critically important to follow the dosage. The seeds contain a substance that stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to the following:

  • nausea and gagging;
  • preterm birth.

Dill decoction is considered one of the most effective and safe remedies for toxicosis. Severe intoxication not only negatively affects the well-being of women, but can also lead to the development of many serious problems. It will also reduce gas formation, improve appetite and relieve swelling from the legs. The medicinal properties of dill seeds can even be compared with some medications. But they are safer, so they do not pose any threat to the baby.

As medical statistics show, many pregnant women suffer from inflammation of the bladder. With this disease, it is not necessary to take medicines at all. You can cure it with a decoction of dill seeds. In terms of its effectiveness, it is not inferior to antibiotics, but it does not harm the intestinal microflora. To prepare the product, two tablespoons are poured with 200 milliliters of water, brought to a boil andboil for 10 minutes. After that, allow to cool and pass through gauze or a fine sieve. The decoction is drunk 50 ml shortly before bedtime. The same remedy will be very useful for young mothers who have poor breast milk production.

For kids

what treats dill seeds reviews
what treats dill seeds reviews

So what do you need to know about this? Doctors prescribe decoctions from the grains of the plant even to infants from the first days of life. What do dill seeds treat? Based on them, some water is prepared, which contributes to the following:

  • reducing the effectiveness of intestinal muscle spasms;
  • improve digestion and eliminate long-term constipation;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora.

If babies refuse to drink dill water, then it is mixed with mother's milk. To prepare the product, take 1/2 tsp. dried raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for about half an hour. The resulting remedy is given to infants three times a day for a teaspoon. It is important that the water is constantly fresh. Its shelf life is 24 hours, after which the beneficial properties are significantly reduced.

Indications and contraindications

who treated nerves with dill seeds
who treated nerves with dill seeds

This aspect needs to be read first. Many are interested in what diseases are treated with dill seeds. They have shown their effectiveness in many pathologies of various etiologies, but most often doctors advise taking grains and decoctions for the following problems:

  • obesity;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • parasites;
  • sleep disorder;
  • children's urinary incontinence;
  • bronchitis.

But when using dill seeds for medicinal purposes, it is very important to strictly adhere to the optimal dosage. Its excess can lead to many negative consequences and complicate the course of existing diseases. Pregnant women should be especially careful. Dill water stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to preterm labor. Therefore, the intake of the decoction must first be agreed with the attending physician.

Seeds in any form are contraindicated for people with chronic low blood pressure and any pathologies of the gallbladder. You should stop taking them if you experience dizziness, nausea and pain in the abdominal region. These symptoms are a sign of individual intolerance.

Folk recipes

Above, it was described in detail that a decoction of dill seeds treats. But for each disease it is prepared differently. Some recipes do not even require any heat treatment. They are based on the use of fresh or dried grains in ground form. The resulting powder is simply washed down with warm drinking water. Best of all, it helps with diseases of the stomach.

Infusions and decoctions are used to combat various problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They quickly eliminate muscle spasms, increased gas formation and colic, and also help to establish a chair. The preparation is very simple. Take 1 cup of dried raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes. Take 1/2 cupthree times a day.


Many people wonder how dill seeds treat pressure. Let's now dwell on this in more detail. Most patients prefer to take medications, but in addition to their benefits, they also harm the body. There is a better solution to the problem. With hypertension, you can drink 100 milliliters of dill broth three times a day. To prepare it, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Next, the var is filtered and allowed to cool.

After a few days, you will notice how headaches have become less frequent, and your general well-being has improved significantly. That, in fact, is the whole answer to the question of how to treat pressure with dill seeds. A very simple decoction recipe can completely replace drug therapy. But it is strictly forbidden to drink it with arterial hypotension, which occurs in a chronic form. With this pathology, the remedy will not only not bring a positive result, but, on the contrary, will aggravate its course, and can even lead to the development of many serious complications.


what do dill seeds help with medicinal properties
what do dill seeds help with medicinal properties

There are many recipes that help in the fight against excess weight. To prepare one of the best remedies, you will need:

  • dried grains - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • licorice root - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.

The raw materials are crushed in a blender, poured into a metal bowl, poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked onwater bath for 20 minutes. For effective fat burning, a decoction is taken in 75 ml half an hour before each meal. It increases the production of bile and improves metabolism, which has a positive effect on fat burning. Yes, the effect will be slow, but a positive result is guaranteed.

With kidney pathologies

What do you need to know about this? The medicinal properties of dill seeds for the kidneys are valued not only by folk healers, but also by many modern doctors. On their basis, various decoctions and infusions are prepared, which can be taken both independently and used as an additional measure in conjunction with drug treatment.

Decoction is brewed as follows:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of grains into 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cover the bowl and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the broth.

As a rule, the remedy is drunk 3 times a day, 100-150 milliliters shortly before meals. But the exact dosage and duration of treatment depends on the specific disease. Therefore, it is advisable to first consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

For problems with the central nervous system

Those who treat nerves with dill seeds claim that they help to cope with insomnia and stress. With regular use of the decoction, people increase their physical and emotional state, strengthen immunity, and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. The essence of the treatment is very simple. Every day you need to eat a few seeds of the plant or drink dill broth. To prepare it, you need to fall asleep a tablespoondried grains in a thermos, pour 200 milliliters of boiling water and let it brew. Then the drug is filtered and drunk one glass every evening before bedtime. Alternatively, add a few drops of dill essential oil to an herbal tea such as linden, raspberry, or chamomile.

For parasites

If a child or an adult has worms, then mix castor oil and crushed dill seeds in equal proportions. The resulting remedy is taken for three days every evening three hours after the last meal. According to people who have personally tried this recipe on themselves, the parasites completely disappear in just 4 days. Moreover, this tool is completely safe. It not only does not cause intoxication, like medications, but also helps to strengthen the intestinal walls and restore microflora.


As mentioned earlier, the healing properties of dill have been discovered for a very long time. The plant was used by many generations of our ancestors to combat a wide variety of he alth problems. At the same time, despite the high level of development of modern medicine, greens continue to be used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of many drugs.

What do dill seeds treat? Reviews of real people claim that they are effective for many pathologies of the digestive system, sleep disorders, nervousness, loose stools and constipation, obesity and many other problems. The first improvements become noticeable after a few weeks after the start of treatment. A completerecovery can be achieved in just 1-2 months without taking any medication.


dill seeds medicinal properties and application reviews
dill seeds medicinal properties and application reviews

This article described in detail the beneficial properties and harms of dill grains, and also told what diseases they help against. If you do not trust traditional medicine, then if you suspect any pathology, you should go to the hospital. And dill water or decoction can be used exclusively for preventive purposes. There will be no harm from them, but the benefits are simply enormous.
