"Krynon": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Krynon": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
"Krynon": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Krynon" is a progestogen used in gynecology. This medicine is actively used in relation to those women who have decided on IVF. It is also used for uterine bleeding and postmenopausal women. Today we will find out what is the price of "Krynon" - a drug that is a real salvation for many women, as well as how to use it correctly. And let's find out what the women themselves think of him.

crinon instructions for use
crinon instructions for use

When can it be prescribed?

Krynon medicine, instructions for use of which must be included in the packaging, can be used in such cases:

  • Hormonotherapy in postmenopausal women.
  • Secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).
  • Uterine bleeding associated with a lack of the hormone progesterone.
  • Maintaining the luteal phase - the period that begins after ovulation and lasts until the next period, in the process of using additional methodsreproductions.

How is it produced?

The drug "Krynon", the instructions for which are quite clear, is a vaginal gel. Its composition is as follows:

  • The main substance is progesterone.
  • Auxiliary components - glycerol, carbomer, liquid paraffin, sorbic acid, palm oil glyceride, sodium hydroxide, polycarbophil, water.

The gel is packaged in special disposable plastic containers.

crynon reviews
crynon reviews


"Krynon" (gel) is assigned to girls, women in the following quantity according to the prescriptions:

  • As a substitute for postmenopausal hormone therapy - 1 dose (90 mg) 2 times a week.
  • To maintain the luteal phase - 1 applicator daily, starting from the day of embryo transfer. And when the long-awaited pregnancy comes, then you need to continue to administer the medicine intravaginally until 12 weeks.
  • For uterine bleeding due to progesterone deficiency, with secondary amenorrhea, 1 dose is prescribed every other day, from the 15th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. If necessary, the gynecologist can either reduce or increase the dose of this remedy.

Rules for the use of the drug

The use of "Krynon", a drug that solves serious problems, is not difficult. For ease of use and hygiene, this drug is packaged in disposable containers, which must be used as follows:

  1. Take the plastic device with the medicine, shake it.
  2. Holding the applicator by the upper end of the container, remove the cap by turning it sharply.
  3. You can administer the product in two positions: sitting or lying with your legs bent.
  4. Introduce the applicator slowly.
  5. To get the medicine completely into the vagina, you need to squeeze the container.
crinon gel
crinon gel

Unwanted manifestations

Negative effects may occur when using this medication:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Drowsy.
  • Headache.
  • Vaginal irritation.
  • Soreness in the mammary glands.
  • Rash on the body.


Crynon Gel, the instructions for use of which clearly indicate the situations in which the remedy can be prescribed, has the following contraindications:

  • Malignant growths in the breast, uterus, vagina.
  • Incomplete abortion.
  • Impaired cerebral circulation.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Vaginal bleeding for no apparent reason.
  • Acute porphyria (pigment metabolism disorder is a hereditary disease).
  • Increased drug sensitivity.
  • Acute thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

With forethought, this drug should be used for renal, heart failure, arterial hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, migraine, depression, bronchial asthma.

after krynon
after krynon

Need to use medication for artificial conception

Gel "Krynon" for IVF (in vitro fertilization) is often prescribed by gynecologists. With such artificial conception, the woman's body does not have time to quickly respond to changes. And it turns out that the shell that envelops the uterus cannot accept a fertilized egg. As a result, spontaneous miscarriages in the early stages. Doctors have solved this problem, and in order to reduce the risk of abortion, they prescribe the Crinon gel. Progesterone, which is the active element of this drug, enters the mucous membranes and helps the endometrium prepare for the implantation of the fetal egg. And this is done quite successfully.

What should I do if the gel leaks?

If a woman uses this remedy every day, then, of course, the medicine accumulates in the vagina. In some girls, even after 5-6 days after the end of use, transparent or white discharge may be observed. This is not scary, because it indicates that a special progesterone carrier is coming out of the vagina. And it is transported because the hormone itself has already moved from the medication to the uterus. This is how the drug "Krynon" works. Allocations may disturb a woman, but in fact, you should not worry. Although, for greater certainty, it is still better to contact your doctor.

Doubts of the fair sex

Many women have a completely logical question: is it necessary to lie down for some time after "Krynon" - a drug that embodiesdreams of many girls to become mothers? The answer will be simple and clear: no. The whole uniqueness of this medication is that its components quickly attach to the walls of the vagina, and therefore there is no need to lie down, even for half a minute, after the introduction of the gel.

Also, some women do not know, and therefore doubt, the question of whether it is possible or not to have sexual intercourse during treatment with Crinon. Gynecologists unequivocally advise women to approach partners. Sex life will in no way interfere with the transport of progesterone to the uterus. Therefore, this gel should in no way interfere with your sex life.

crinon with eco
crinon with eco


The price of Crinon, a drug that reduces the risk of miscarriage, is quite high. Depending on the manufacturer of this drug, the cost of 15 applicators can range from 2.5 to 4 thousand rubles. It is expensive, but still many people buy this medicine.


Popular substitutes for "Krynon" can be considered such medicines as "Progestogel", "Utrozhestan", "Progesterone". Price-wise, they are in the same category as the drug in the article.

crinon secretion
crinon secretion

Women's opinions

Medication "Krynon" reviews of the girls who used it, receives only approval. So, users of this medicine note that it is easy to use, there is nothing supernatural and complicated. It is a mobile tool that can be used in any situation,wherever the girl is: at work, at a party, on a train or plane. Women also note that the procedure for introducing this gel is absolutely painless, unlike progesterone injections, which were previously prescribed to people. And of course, the effect of this medication is amazing: those women who decide on IVF note that an important factor in their pregnancy is the use of the Crinon gel. Also, many girls who used to have problems with menstruation, the cycle became regular. Such positive reviews about this medication indicate only one thing: the drug really has an effect, because it is no coincidence that many gynecologists prescribe it.

krynon price
krynon price

Rules of storage, leave. Manufacturer

You need to save the medicine at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees. The drug should be kept away from children. The shelf life of the gel is 3 years. After the expiration of this period, the product must be disposed of.

Prescription medicine for sale.

Producer country - United Kingdom.

Interaction with other tools

The drug "Krynon" should not be used simultaneously with medicines that are also intended for intravaginal administration. This may lead to undesirable consequences.

Special Instructions

  • Women should be aware that the composition contains sorbic acid, which can cause contact dermatitis. This happens extremely rarely, but still, patients should be aware of this.
  • If a girl uses this medication for a long time, then she definitely needs to undergo gynecological examinations in order to exclude the possibility of endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Women who experience depression while using Crinon Gel should discontinue treatment if blues and despondency increase.
  • If a girl has diabetes, then treatment with this medication should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor. The fact is that the components of the drug can reduce glucose tolerance. It is for this reason that diabetic women using the gel need to be supervised.


Now you know everything about the Crinon gel. Instructions for use during treatment must be followed strictly. You realized that this drug helps women with various gynecological diseases. Although the price of this medication is high, no one feels sorry for the money for the effectiveness. In addition, the Crinon gel has many advantages, including ease of use, painless administration, and high efficiency.
