Acceleration is a ubiquitous phenomenon. The accelerated sexual development of adolescents today worries psychologists and physicians. Premature maturation can lead to unforeseen consequences. Outwardly, a teenager may seem quite mature - this is the anatomical features of the puberty period in boys and girls. However, high growth or a magnificent bust are not evidence of the stabilization of the hormonal background and the final maturation of the brain. Let's try to figure out how the physical and sexual development of children normally goes, as well as what their parents should pay attention to.
What is puberty
In the body, each of us has his own biological clock. This abstract concept explains the timeliness of the growth and development of the body, the appearance and withering of reflexes and functions. In infancy, babies suck their fingers and learn to walk, but after a few years, having acquired many skills, they go to school to explore the world. Women get wrinkles over the years, and old people get gray hair. Allthese and many other natural changes are a consequence of the normal functioning of the endocrine system, as well as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. These glands are located in the brain and secrete hormonal substances necessary to start the biological processes of age.

Each transitional period has its own characteristics. But the greatest stress to the body brings the course of puberty. There are countless changes that occur with a fragile child's body, but right now we will try to sort everything out.
The development of germ cells and organs in both sexes takes place in three stages. In girls and boys, they do not occur at the same time:
- Prepuberty. In boys, it begins at age 8 and ends closer to eleven. Girls begin 1-2 years earlier.
- Puberty. The age at which children can be considered adolescents also differs. In boys, it is observed at the age of 11-17, in girls it usually ends by the age of 15.
- Growing up. Girls are considered sexually mature at the age of 15-18 years. The formation of young men is completed by the age of 19-20.
How boys grow up
Puberty in boys begins with the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, the impetus for which is an increase in the concentration of testicular androgens in the body.
The process of maturation of the male reproductive system starts with a change in the size of the genitals. First, the longitudinal diameter of each testicle increases, acquiring pigmentation and folding of the scrotum. By 11-12years, a teenager develops pubic and axillary hair growth. In rare cases, vegetation in intimate areas occurs before the testicles increase in volume. This is not the norm, such a violation is caused by excessive production of androgens. In medicine, this phenomenon is called accelerated adrenarche.
As the testicular volume increases, the size of the penis becomes larger. First, its length increases, and then the diameter. Pigmentation (darkening of the skin) continues to grow.

Approximately by the age of 13-14, a young man develops hair on his face, neck, and chest. At this age, the genitals may well correspond to the size of adult men, but it is too early to talk about the onset of puberty. This should be evidenced by spermatogenesis. The first ejaculations and wet dreams come closer to 16 years. Puberty in boys continues until the age of 19-20, but they become fertile, that is, able to fertilize a female egg, they become earlier.
Another change that occurs under the influence of increased secretion of male hormones is the acquisition of a characteristic architectonics by the body: an increase in the shoulder girdle, growth of bones and muscles.
How teenage girls are changing
Puberty in girls also begins with the appearance of secondary signs, and its completion is indicated by the establishment of a regular menstrual and ovulatory cycle. The first noticeable changes are expressed by breast enlargement: glandular tissue is compacted under the areola area, andthe peripapillary zone darkens. The growth of the mammary gland is provided by the secretion of estrogen - at the age of 10-11 years, they are produced in sufficient quantities. Often girls are afraid of asymmetry (one breast seems larger), which disappears only during the formation of a mature gland.

The next secondary sign of sexual development in the fairer sex is pubic and axillary hair growth. Most often, hair growth in the armpits indicates the approach of menarche - the first menstruation. Despite the fact that the process of formation of sexual characteristics most often occurs in this sequence, approximately 1% of girls develop hair first. The abnormal course of puberty is caused by the increased presence of male hormones in the body.
In parallel with the development of the reproductive system, the architectonics of the body changes. In girls, an increase in body weight occurs due to the buildup of predominantly adipose tissue. It begins to “accumulate” in the body from the age of six. In early puberty, adipose tissue is redistributed and deposited in the hips and pelvis.
Several stages of maturation of boys and girls
So, each of the periods of sexual development can be briefly described as follows:
- A kind of preparation for the upcoming changes is the prepubertal period. Within 2-3 years, the body accumulates enough strength to make a big leap in growth and sexual development. Then comes the teenage period, with the features of which it is necessaryto face every person.
- Adolescence (pubertal) age is characterized by intensive growth, increased work of the gonads, significant changes in the figure. In both sexes, the voice also changes: in boys, due to a mutation, it becomes low and deep, in girls, it loses its ringing.
- Growing up. Fixation of acquired sexual characteristics, growth arrest, the beginning of an active sexual life and reproduction of offspring.
Negative manifestations of puberty
In addition, with the onset of puberty, girls and boys have similar he alth problems. Often teenagers suffer from inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the spread of acne on the face, back, shoulders, and sometimes the buttocks. Glossy oily skin at the age of 12-16 is prone to acne.

Possible pain in the muscles and joints, dizziness and fainting, impaired coordination. In girls, the chest and lower abdomen can often hurt, and before the first menstruation, they can strongly pull the lower back.
The complex nature of a teenager
Sexual development of both sexes is accompanied by another important aspect - psychological. Parents know firsthand about the difficulties of adolescence. Changes in character and rebellious behavior are predominantly hormonal in origin. A clear sign of "internal breakdown", provoked by the ingestion of a large amount of testosterone and estrogen into the blood of a teenager, are sudden mood swings. More sensitive tohormonal changes in girls. They can become violent for no particular reason, and after five minutes they can become pitiful and tearful.
It should be noted right away that such mental phenomena in adolescents are not treated. A well-chosen diet can help a child overcome puberty. To mitigate a teen's hormonal storm, it's important to minimize your daily calorie intake by cutting out fast carbs, chocolate, caffeine, energy drinks, and fatty foods in the first place. It is better to give priority in nutrition to animal products containing calcium and protein, which are especially necessary during the period of active growth. Girls, in addition, it is important to constantly replenish iron deficiency. It is found in beef liver, pomegranate juice, apples, red meat.

If a teenager is having a hard time going through puberty, you should contact a neurologist or psychotherapist. Boys and girls are usually advised to drink vitamins, homeopathic sedatives and adaptogens (echinacea extract, lemongrass, succinic acid).
What diseases do teenagers get
As already mentioned, the age-related development of germ cells and the reproductive system in general is not the most favorable period for the body. Adolescence is a kind of "trigger" for the activation of a number of diseases and pathological conditions. In the pubertal period, gastritis is often exacerbated, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus are found. The first attacks of migraine in most girls suffering from thisproblem, arose just in adolescence. Myopia, decompensation of congenital but not diagnosed heart diseases in time, scoliosis, flat feet - in children aged 10 to 16 there are enough chances for such manifestations. In severe cases, juvenile schizophrenia or oncology develops.
On the other hand, active growth during the formation of boys and girls allows many to "outgrow" asthma, enuresis, adenoids. It happens that the child's allergic reactions weaken or disappear altogether.
Disturbances in the reproductive system
There are specific diseases that are typical only for teenagers. The most common ones are:
- Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which is manifested by abundant acne rashes. By the age of 17-18, as a rule, it passes on its own.
- Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the mammary glands in boys. Occurs in young men suffering from overweight and testosterone deficiency in the body.
- Hirsutism is excessive hair growth in girls. Dark fluff above the upper lip, hairs around the nipples and along the white line of the abdomen are a reason to consult an endocrinologist who will prescribe hormone tests and appropriate steroid treatment.
- Menorrhagia is menstruation that lasts longer than 6 days. Menorrhagia is characterized by profuse discharge. The intensity and duration of menstruation often leads to anemia. During the first year of the cycle, metrorrhagia may occur - untimely menstrual bleeding.

Too early: reasons for acceleration
Speaking of violations of sexual development, they mean two options: premature maturation and its delay. Sometimes in the internal system of the body, which determines the rhythm of its life, a failure occurs, and natural processes occur earlier or later than the due date.
So, acceleration is premature sexual development, which begins in boys before the age of 9, and in girls - before 8. At such an early age, the body is not yet ready for pubertal changes. In the future, premature sexual development leads to early extinction of reproductive functions. In addition, accelerated children often begin early sexual life, which is dangerous for he alth, especially in case of unplanned unwanted pregnancy.
Pathological causes of acceleration are disorders in the endocrine system, benign and malignant tumors of the brain, pituitary gland, diseases of the adrenal glands and malfunction of the sex glands. If the first signs of acceleration occur, you should consult a doctor. To prevent early onset of puberty, doctors recommend that parents do not overfeed their children, limit carbohydrate intake and give them to the sports section.
Five-year-old mother from the Guinness Book of Records
The most famous case in the history of a girl with early puberty is simply shocking. Peruvian Lina Medina was only 5 years and 7 months old at the time of her son's birth. Despite the fact that the origin of the pregnancy remained unclear, in 1939 her son was born absolutely he althy with a weight2700 The doctors who performed the caesarean section published a report in which they noted that Lina had menarche at 2 years and 8 months, and by 4 years her mammary glands were almost formed.
Early growing up is caused by either natural or pathological causes. Today, many doctors believe that the cause of premature puberty is hormonal additives in the feed of the livestock whose meat we eat, substances released from plastic packaging and plastics. Prematurity does not go consistently: for example, a boy may suddenly have a sexual desire and a full erection, and only then develop body hair.
Delay of secondary sexual characteristics
It occurs in adolescents and another situation - a delay in sexual development. This disorder is characterized by the absence of secondary sexual characteristics by the age of 14-15: girls have no vegetation on their bodies, their breasts are practically not developed, and the size of the penis does not increase in a boy. Sometimes such a delay in development is considered normal. You should not panic ahead of time if the teenager has an asthenic physique.

Also, the cause of the delay may be a serious illness, anorexia (in girls) or professional sports. But if secondary sexual characteristics do not appear even by the age of 16, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor: there may be genetic abnormalities.
Girls with male-type hair, formed breasts andlack of menstruation - such symptoms can be caused by an abnormal absence of the uterus with functioning ovaries.
Advice to parents
The he alth of a child in transitional puberty must be carefully monitored. It is important that a teenager eats properly and rests. For preventive purposes, it is advisable to take laboratory and clinical tests of urine and blood every year - this simplest type of examination is a fairly effective way to detect inflammatory processes in the body.
Also, parents are responsible to their children for their sex education. Lessons in the form of explanatory conversations about the rules of hygiene, the dangers of early sexual activity and contraception should be held with every teenager, no matter how adult and omniscient he may consider himself.