All people get used to the rhythms of modern life, adhere to a busy schedule and sometimes there is no time left for their own he alth.
Any person can suddenly experience painful spasms that occur in the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Cramps can occur as a result of headaches, with uterine contractions, with periodic menstrual pain. It is unpleasant when something hurts and does not allow to work normally. Spasm is easy to remove if effective and fast-acting antispasmodics, such as No-shpa or Papaverine, are in the medicine cabinet. The two drugs are similar in a wide range of applications. Which drug is more effective, which is better, and what is the difference in "No-shpa" and "Papaverine"? Find out the answer further.
Drug "No-shpa"
"No-shpa" is a drug that has been holding leadership qualities for more than 35 years in the pharmaceutical market. With it, you can eliminate stomach cramps, renal colic, headaches.
Its advantage is that the drug helpseliminate pain quickly, within 10 minutes after ingestion or intramuscular injection. The drug is available in different packages: 40 mg, 10 pcs., 24 pcs., 64 pcs., 100 pcs. and others. Tablets are small, yellow. "No-shpa" is sold at an affordable price and sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription because it is a high and the safest remedy for the human body.

Like any other drug, there are contraindications and side effects.
The drug is not recommended for sick people if it prevails:
- Significant sensitivity to constituents.
- Liver or kidney failure.
- Heart failure (decreased cardiac output).
- Lactose intolerance.
- Presence of arterial hypotension.
In addition to the above, "No-shpa" has practically no side effects on the human body. Gynecologists often prescribe this drug to their patients to prevent the threat of miscarriage. "No-shpa" is universal, this allows you to combine it with others with drugs that relieve spasms.

Side effects
Among the side effects list the following symptoms:
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Constipation.
- Irregular heart rhythm.
"No-shpa" is well tolerated by patients of any age. For many years there was not oneserious adverse reaction, as confirmed by experts.
If, nevertheless, an overdose of the drug has occurred, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for a long time, if necessary, in this case, perform a gastric lavage, cause an emetic reaction.

Drug Benefits
"No-shpu" can be praised endlessly, as it is popular all over the world and combines excellent performance. The spectrum of indications for the drug is huge.
To date, it is hardly possible to find a drug more popular, safer, more reliable than "No-shpa". Just taking one pill - and the spasm is gone.

Drug "Papaverine"
"Papaverine" is a drug that helps relieve spasms in the human body. "Papaverine" in Latin means the word "poppy", this name is not accidental, since earlier the drug consisted of opium contained in the poppy. The drug effectively reduces muscle tone and relaxes smooth muscles. It should be noted that this drug well anesthetizes the pain.
The drug relieves spasms with urethritis, cystitis, menstrual pain, flatulence and other diseases.
The release of the drug is carried out in 40 mg. It is recommended to use it 3 times a day. The medicine has a bitter taste. The drug enters the blood, is actively distributed through the tissues, the drug is excreted in the urine."Papaverine" is sold in pharmaceutical departments at an affordable price and is available without a doctor's prescription.
The negative point is slow absorption in the body, so its action is not as fast as other antispasmodic drugs. With the elimination of severe pain, "Papaverine" will only partially cope, so it is recommended to use it with other drugs, for example, with "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol".

Drug contraindications:
- children under six months;
- older people;
- liver failure;
- having glaucoma;
- with intolerance to medicinal components.
Use the drug with caution:
- when receiving a traumatic brain injury;
- in the presence of hypothyroidism.

Side effects of "Papaverine"
A person may have minor side effects:
- lowering blood pressure;
- constipated;
- hepatic enzyme activity increases;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- diarrhea,
- sleep disorder;
- fainting;
- headaches;
- palpitations;
- arrhythmia;
- swelling of the nasal mucosa;
- skin rash allergy;
- allergic dermatitis.
During pregnancy and lactation, the safety of the drugnot installed. Although before childbirth "No-shpu" and "Papaverine" are prescribed quite often. After all, it helps to remove pain and relax the muscles a little.

"No-shpa" and "Papaverine": which is better?
After a short review of two antispasmodics, we can safely say that No-shpa is better than Papaverine. What are the benefits?
No-shpa tablets have many positive characteristics:
- High efficiency.
- High bioavailability.
- Having rapid absorption.
- Fast action within 12 minutes.
- Possibility of use during pregnancy.
"No-shpa" in many ways surpasses the drug "Papaverine" in its effectiveness, high bioavailability (up to 100%). When taken orally, it is rapidly absorbed within 12 minutes. The medicine does not mask the symptoms of an "acute" abdomen. The drug works quickly.
"Papaverine", on the contrary, has a slow absorption, so it does not act as quickly as "No-shpa". In addition, "Papaverine" will not cope with severe pain, it must be used with other drugs. But if you need a quick effect from "No-shpy" or "Papaverine", injections will come to the rescue.
"Papaverine" is a good drug, but significantly inferior to "No-shpe":
- Firstly, the drug, unlike No-shpa, has many side effects for the human body.
- Wo-secondly, it does not allow women to use during pregnancy, which is a big minus.
- Thirdly, Papaverine does not have fast absorption, the drug does not immediately relieve spasms, it only partially eliminates them.
Which drug to choose?
After we found out which is better, "No-shpa" or "Papaverine", we should sum up and say the following. Both drugs do their job well, only the first drug does it a little faster.
"Papaverine" eliminates the cause of pain, therefore, unlike "No-shpy", it can help in case of pain caused by spasm of muscles or blood vessels, and in other situations its use is useless, so it cannot be considered universal. "Papaverine" has been tested and verified by experts, so doctors consider it a reliable and familiar remedy that is difficult to refuse. In addition, the advantage of this drug is the minimum price when compared to other analogues. Anyone can buy such a drug.
"No-shpa" has proven itself as an effective and safe remedy for spasms. The drug has a high safety profile, so it can be taken by pregnant women. The safety of using Papaverine during pregnancy has not been established.
How to choose an antispasmodic?
What is important to pay attention to? Many patients ask similar questions. It is worth stopping the choice on one thing. It is not recommended to use "No-shpu" and"Papaverine". The following is required:
- First of all, read the annotation attached to the drug. Pay attention to the efficacy and safety of the drug.
- The second condition - it is important to consider the minimum side effects.
- The third condition is to pay attention to the range of indications of the drug.
- Price category.
The cost of the drug should be affordable for the elderly, so it is important to consider the minimum cost of the drug.
Marketing company "Business Credit" ranked the best antispasmodics, and "No-shpa" occupies the first position among similar drugs produced without a doctor's prescription. Thus, it justifiably takes a leading position in the pharmaceutical market.
If there is no "No-shpa" remedy in the first-aid kit and the pain is not strong, you can use the medicine "Papaverine", which will also help to cope with unpleasant spasms. Many say that "No-shpa" and "Papaverine" are one and the same. This is not true. But they have almost the same effect. In any case, both drugs are safe, effectively reducing muscle tone and relaxing the smooth muscles of organs.