Why do people moan in their sleep: reasons

Why do people moan in their sleep: reasons
Why do people moan in their sleep: reasons

Sleep is said to be a great gift to mankind, and to neglect this gift is not only unwise, but truly strange. After all, in a dream, our body rests, completely relaxing. We forget about the day's worries and can tune in to the next day. This is why sleep problems are so annoying. Someone snores, someone suffers from sleepwalking, and some people begin to moan. Sometimes it's downright scary to listen to. Why do people moan in their sleep? Are you afraid of something? Or, conversely, do they enjoy it?

What is sleep?

Surely everyone has heard that sleep is called a little death and a journey to other worlds. Our body remains amorphous, but the mind goes in search of the unknown. Otherwise, where would dreams come from? So people at all times believed that it was necessary to wake a person carefully, because an extraneous force could open his eyes. What if he doesn't wake up at all? Until now, we are afraid of sleepwalkers, although doctors popularly explained their behavior. But just in case, we will not wake up a sleepwalker, so as not to frighten him or, even worse, not to drive him crazy.

In fact, everyone understands that there is a fundamental difference between sleep and death, as sleeping people breathe, move, laugh and even talk. But this is clearly not the norm, and if our sleep is so restless, then there is a reason for this. So why do people moan in their sleep?

why do people groan in their sleep
why do people groan in their sleep

From history

In ancient times, it was believed that children, the righteous and the mad make sounds in their sleep. A very interesting but strange theory, since many mentally he althy people can smile, laugh and cry in their sleep. The reasons for these phenomena are basically similar, as these are vivid emotions. The opinions of psychologists and physiologists suggest various explanations for the reasons for such an emotional outburst. The great Sigmund Freud believed that a person laughs in a dream, as his body seeks to get rid of tension, including sexual tension. And here you can agree with him, especially if you listen to yourself. If in a dream you laugh, start crying or scream, then in most cases you wake up. That is, the release of emotions was so strong that the dream ended. After such a collapse, you fall asleep quickly and most often easily, as you relax and calm down.

why do people moan while sleeping
why do people moan while sleeping

Basic versions of the manifestation of emotions in a dream

There are two main theories that explain why people moan and make noises in their sleep.

Firstly, laughing or crying in a dream can be a reflection of those emotions that were held back inwaking state. For example, stormy daytime joy overtook you at work, and you limited yourself to a smile and gratitude? Your brain analyzed the experiences of the day and compensated for the suppressed emotions in the night dreams. Moreover, a dream can have an absolutely neutral plot, not related to the experience. But tears can shed at night if during the day you experienced a tragedy, severe stress, or were subjected to rough treatment from someone else. That is, your daily resentment, anger or pain is manifested in tears. Also, tears can be the result of serious stress. For example, in the afternoon you handed in a project that you had been preparing for several weeks and received a positive review. Or maybe they finally got their degree. Tears come out with your tension and you relax.

The second basic version, explaining why people moan in their sleep, refers to the plot of the dream. The nature of sleep and dreams is not fully understood, and there is speculation that superficial sleep can cause real emotions. For example, tears come from a nightmare, and a smile becomes a logical reaction to a vision with a positive context.

Both of these theories make it clear that emotions in a dream are not a pathology, but a norm. The only exceptions will be those cases when the surge of emotions is based on stress or obsessive nightmares. Many psychologists are convinced that it is stress and nerves that are the cause and answer to the question of why people groan and grind their teeth in their sleep. But there is also an opinion that this is a symptom of diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems.

why does a person groan and moan in a dream
why does a person groan and moan in a dream

From the bedroom

The question "why do people moan during sleep" can be answered in terms of rational and irrational. Moaning can be caused by sexual arousal. Many people choose to ignore their libido if there is no suitable partner, mood or place for contact. Agree that in about half of the situations all this is banal excuses. Sex is really necessary for a person. It is good for he alth, for the condition of our skin, for mood and for weight loss. If you replace sex with work, food or sleep, then over time, the lack of it will begin to manifest itself more and more. The dream multiplies our experiences and eventually becomes erotic and detailed. In a dream, many people experience a full-fledged sexual intercourse, with the only difference being that the discharge comes faster and becomes very bright. It is quite possible to wake up from strong experiences.

why does a person moan in a dream
why does a person moan in a dream

Come from childhood

Why do people moan in their sleep? The reasons may be quite obvious, but simply forgotten. For example, as a child, you were attacked by dogs and severely bitten. The pain was intense and you have been afraid of animals ever since. Years later, the situation was forgotten, but the meeting with the wandering pack stirred up the experienced emotions. In the dream, fear manifested itself, and you began to moan, unconsciously trying to escape from the boundaries of the dream.

If, in addition to moans, a person also smacks his lips in a dream, then he probably mentally returns to his childhood, when he was small and carefree under the protection of his parents. This state may return from time to time,when there is a sudden change of scenery in life.

why does a person scream and moan in a dream
why does a person scream and moan in a dream

Moaning and talking

If everything is in order with work and personal life, then why does a person moan and hum in his sleep? He may be prone to somniloquia, or sleep talk. This is common among children. The causes of somniloquia are not fully understood, but many doctors believe that such a tendency is inherited. Others think it's because of the sudden emotional swings.

Most often, the sleeper utters fragmentary phrases, groans or even howls, but sometimes he can join in the conversation, imitate dialogue and even answer questions. It is in a sleeping state, being defenseless, that a person can give out a personal secret.

If a person falls asleep not in splendid isolation, then he can frighten his partner with moans and nightly conversations. By the way, in some cases, somniloquia is supplemented by sleepwalking, and the sleeper can walk and talk with his eyes open, and remember nothing the next morning.

why do people moan in their sleep every night
why do people moan in their sleep every night

For prevention

If it is not possible to find out why a person screams and groans in a dream, you can at least take some precautions to make the rest more pleasant and calmer. Before going to bed, do not talk on the phone and step away from the computer for at least an hour. Do not raise your voice and try not to start squabbles. Take a warm shower or bath to relieve psychological stress. Don't drink lots of fluids and don't eat s alty foods. Good to ventilateroom or take a walk outside. Don't fall asleep to the sound of the TV, especially if it's a horror movie or crime news.

Why do people moan and make noises in their sleep?
Why do people moan and make noises in their sleep?

For treatment

There is a scientific medical reason why people moan in their sleep every night. This is parasomnia, that is, unwanted behavioral reactions. This is a current disease, and the moans produced can be long (up to 40 seconds or longer). The groan ends with a "moo" and can be repeated from a couple of minutes to an hour. At the same time, the sleeping person has a calm expression on his face, and the sounds made do not depend on the position of the body. But when you change position, the groans stop.

Such symptoms do not at all imply the presence of brain pathology or somatic diseases. And the dreams you see also do not affect the groans. But there is a dependence of a series of groans on the degree of daytime fatigue. Also, symptoms are expressed with poor-quality sleep. If you have an old bed and no orthopedic mattress, then the risk increases. Make sure to change bed linen in a timely manner, air pillows. For the treatment of a sleep disorder, the patient is referred to an ear-nose-throat specialist for a complete examination. The doctor will determine whether there are pathological prerequisites for the disease from the nasopharynx. There is no magic cure for moaning, but a doctor can help minimize annoying symptoms, establish a relationship with external stimuli and eliminate them.
