Which vitamins should not be taken together? Vitamin compatibility table

Which vitamins should not be taken together? Vitamin compatibility table
Which vitamins should not be taken together? Vitamin compatibility table

In recent years, vitamins have acquired almost the status of a panacea. Both acquaintances of the person and doctors can advise taking them in addition to the standard diet. The pharmaceutical market is filled with many multivitamin complexes that claim to be the most complete sets of nutrients. However, the question of which vitamins cannot be taken together is surprisingly rare. Whereas the issue is important and requires careful consideration.

How does the mutual influence of elements occur

Each vitamin can be isolated into a chemical substance, which is then mixed with other vitamins and compressed into multivitamin tablets. Being in one pill, substances can interact with each other both at the physicochemical and pharmacological levels.

Multi-colored additives
Multi-colored additives

There are several typesinteractions, each of which ultimately affects which vitamins should not be taken together. The main division that interests most patients is the synergistic (positive) and antagonistic (negative) interaction of vitamins with each other. Both the choice of the optimal vitamin complex and the feasibility of using such complexes in general will depend on this.

Positive engagement

Selection of the correct combination of vitamins among themselves for the manufacturer is often a problem. This entails additional spending and the addition of intermediate production operations designed to strengthen one interaction and weaken another. But if a pharmaceutical company knows how to combine vitamins, their products can be an order of magnitude superior to other similar supplements.

The positive combination of vitamins is also called synergism. This is a process of interaction in which the action of one vitamin is enhanced by the influence of another. As a result, either an increase in the effect for each of the substances in total, or an overall increase in the effect for all participating components can occur.

natural vitamins
natural vitamins

Negative interaction

But in addition to the positive effect of vitamins on each other, there is also a negative one. This phenomenon is called antagonism - the competition of substances among themselves. The interaction of the components was repeatedly studied in practice, after which lists were compiled explaining which vitamins should not be taken together.

BIn most cases, vitamin antagonism means the opposite effects of taking: a vitamin that stimulates the nervous system and a component that reduces its activity will be antagonistic.

Vitamins in a jar
Vitamins in a jar

Use of antagonistic vitamins

Incompatible vitamins should not be taken at the same time, which is often forgotten by manufacturers of such supplements. However, subject to certain rules of admission, antagonists can also be used and successfully affect the body without interfering with each other.

  • First of all, the antagonists must be in different pills. They must be taken strictly separately, completely excluding the possibility of interaction.
  • Since it takes time for the tablet to dissolve in the stomach and the subsequent assimilation of the substances contained in it, this fact must be taken into account when taking. Wait at least 4 hours between doses of antagonistic vitamins.
  • What vitamins should not be taken together is also affected by the form of their application. Drugs in ampoules enter the bloodstream much faster and spread throughout the body. In case of emergency, the use of one or another vitamin can be used with injections.
Vitamins in a spoon
Vitamins in a spoon

But in case of a lack of any vitamins and the need to use several incompatible supplements at once, it is better to consult a doctor for a more accurate and individual selection of the regimen.

Fat Soluble Vitamin Compatibility

Compatibility of vitamins among themselves for fat-solublethe elements are easy enough to remember as there aren't very many of them.

Positive engagement Negative interaction
Vitamin A (retinol) has a dose-dependent combination with vitamin E. This means that when retinol is ingested in combination with a small amount of vitamin E, the absorption of the former improves. As you increase the dose of tocopherol, the absorption of vitamin A is seriously slowed down. Therefore, it is necessary to control not only the intake of vitamins together, but also the ratio of their doses

Vitamin E (tocopherol) also reduces the intake of vitamin D, as it improves the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Vitamin D is also responsible for the same process, therefore, with an increase in the concentration of one of the substances, the second requires less absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Vitamin E is not compatible with iron.
With a decrease in the amount of vitamin D, the absorption of tocopherol increases.
To stimulate the antioxidant properties of vitamin E, it should be taken together with the trace element selenium. Therefore, if this element is added to the multivitamin complex, its presence improves the effect of vitamin E.
Vitamins A, E and C are fully compatible with each other. E and C protect retinol from oxidation.

Water Soluble Vitamin Compatibility

Since water solubleThere are much more vitamins than fat-soluble ones; it is most convenient to present their combination in the form of a vitamin compatibility table. It will more clearly show both the positive and negative effects of these substances on each other.

Positive Compatibility Negative Compatibility

B2 converts B6 into active form and increases zinc bioavailability.

Vitamins B2 and B3 destroy vitamin B1

Vitamin B6 reduces the excretion of certain minerals from the body: calcium and zinc. It also increases the bioavailability of magnesium, which in turn improves the penetration of B6 into cells.

B1 does not go to active form in combination with B6.

B12 – Vitamin absorption depends on the presence of calcium in the body.

B6 is destroyed by B12

B12 breaks down under the influence of trace elements, so you can not use them together.

It is also worth noting that, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, which have the effect of accumulation, water-soluble vitamins are successfully excreted from the body with an overabundance. Therefore, although it is safer to take them than fat-soluble ones (since it is almost impossible to get an overdose), the vitamin itself may not be absorbed, havingantagonistic effect on other components.

Rosehip decoction with vitamins
Rosehip decoction with vitamins

Combination of minerals

The combination of minerals is much more diverse than the combination of vitamins. The level of absorption of iron decreases in the presence of other minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium) in the incoming supplement. Also, calcium and copper reduce the absorption of zinc, and calcium, in combination with iron, inhibits the absorption and absorption of magnesium.

Vitamins in a wooden spoon
Vitamins in a wooden spoon

As you can see, it is extremely undesirable to take minerals in one tablet, since its composition will not be able to be properly absorbed due to the antagonism of minerals to each other. The best choice in this case is to purchase a vitamin supplement fortified with any one mineral. In this case, it will be most fully absorbed, and there will be no fear that another component in the composition will interfere with this.

Multivitamin complexes

Pharmaceutical manufacturers position their products as the most complete combinations of popular vitamins with adjusted daily doses for adults. But extremely rarely in the production process, the technology allows you to observe the nuances of the compatibility of all vitamins.

Several Additives
Several Additives

Currently, there are a small number of vitamin complexes, which include several tablets to be taken several times a day. But this approach is largely inconvenient for the consumer, and therefore supplements consisting of one tablet to be taken once a day continue to enter the market. When choosingmultivitamin complexes, it is better to give preference to those that contain a small amount of vitamins that are compatible with each other. In this case, it is more likely that the supplement will actually affect the body, and will not go unnoticed due to the antagonism of its components.
