Techniques and basics of massage for beginners and practitioners

Techniques and basics of massage for beginners and practitioners
Techniques and basics of massage for beginners and practitioners

We are all well aware of how beneficial massage is for the body, which is a certain system of action on the surface of the skin. It makes a significant contribution to the treatment of various diseases, and also prevents their development. The basics of massage in the form of various techniques and techniques are widely used not only in medicine, but also in sports, cosmetology, as well as in everyday life. How to perform the necessary manipulations? To do this, you will need to learn the general principles of massage and correctly apply its rules in practice.

A bit of history

The foundations of massage began to be laid at the dawn of the formation of human society. In ancient times, to get rid of pain, people pressed on those parts of the body that caused them anxiety and rubbed them.

It's hard to say exactly where the doctrine of the basics of massage originated. After all, methods for rubbing painful zones arose simultaneously among the peoples of different continents.

From extantdays of documents, it is known that in ancient times there were special medical schools, whose students, among many disciplines, were taught massage. Such institutions existed in China in the 6th century BC

Confirmation that in 4 c. BC. massage was used by the Egyptians, Assyrians and Persians, there are records in ancient papyri and inscriptions on sarcophagi. Such a procedure was revered in antiquity for its excellent analgesic effect. It was also studied by such famous physicians of their time as Hippocrates and Avicenna.

Somewhat later, Christianity began to fight massage in every possible way, considering it a product of paganism. And only about 300 years ago this procedure was again elevated to the rank of the most beneficial for he alth. Since that time and up to the present day, massage has found its description in the works of famous scientists. And today, modern medicine recognizes and widely uses the healing properties of this unique procedure.


It is not easy to separate different types of massage. To date, the techniques used to carry out this healing procedure have much in common and are often used to achieve several goals at once. The opposite also happens. Several different techniques can be used by specialists for the same result.

massage for a girl and a guy
massage for a girl and a guy

Initially, the different types of massage were divided into two categories. According to this classification, general and local procedures were distinguished. The first of them implied a massage of the whole body, and the second - only a certain part of it.or zones.

Currently, such manipulations are classified according to the method of implementation. In this case, massage can be performed with the feet or hands, using special tools or devices.

These procedures are also grouped depending on the tasks to be performed. In this case, the massage happens:

  1. Classic. Its main purpose is to increase the overall tone of muscle tissue.
  2. Healing. This type of massage is used to get rid of certain ailments, and also allows you to restore the body during the rehabilitation period after an illness.
  3. Gynecological. A similar procedure involves working with the pelvic area to improve blood circulation in it.
  4. Sporty. This massage allows you to restore muscles after overexertion and training. It is also used to prepare athletes for upcoming competitions.
  5. Self-massage. The use of such techniques allows you to perform the necessary techniques at home, without outside help.
  6. Childish. With the help of this massage, the tasks of eliminating various he alth problems of babies are solved. Manipulations for newborns are a separate direction in this group. With their help, a small person is tempered from the very first days of his life.
  7. Cosmetic. Such a massage allows you to eliminate the flaws in appearance. When it is applied, the skin is strengthened, which becomes more elastic and elastic.

Based on the method of influencing the body, massage can be manual, hardware and mixed. ATwhat are the differences between them, it is clear already from the name. The first of these types of massage is performed manually, and the second - with the help of special devices. Mixed massage is a procedure using manual and hardware type.

Shown to whom?

In what cases are massage techniques used? The indications for performing such procedures are both various diseases and the pursuit of preventive goals in order to prevent the development of pathologies.

Knowing the basics of therapeutic massage is useful to eliminate headaches, discomfort in the back, spine, neck. The implementation of such a procedure should be part of a set of measures to get rid of hypotension and hypertension, arthritis and neuritis, neuralgia, ailments of the stomach and respiratory system. Massages help with bruises and sprains, as well as with fractures at any stage of healing of the bone apparatus. Such procedures allow the development of injured limbs and joints, which a person sometimes has to learn to move again.

Massage will help with angina pectoris, static or flaccid paralysis, myositis and myalgia. It is also carried out for people in the period of rehabilitation after a heart attack.


Despite the benefits of massage, in some cases it can further aggravate the disease, causing unpredictable consequences. Do not carry out such procedures for inflammation of the lymphatic and blood vessels, blood diseases, as well as for allergic rashes. Massage is contraindicated for any purulent diseases, malignant tumors, fungus andcomplications after operations. Such procedures are strictly prohibited for tuberculosis, syphilis, gangrene, lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis and acute myocardial ischemia.

Cabinet equipment

Let's get acquainted with the hygienic basics of massage, the knowledge of which is necessary not only for beginners, but also for practitioners. This procedure is carried out on a special couch. On its surface there should be a thin layer of foam covered with leatherette. It is necessary that this couch has a certain size. Its length should be 2 m, width - 0.6 m, and height - approximately 0.7 m. It is also necessary that the leg and head sections of such a couch can rise and fall on hinges. The length of each of them is 0.5 m. It is desirable to additionally have rollers and sandbags sewn from oilcloth. During the massage, they are placed under the shins, back, arms and head.

The massage room should have a cabinet designed to store equipment and a first aid kit. There should be a washbasin with hot and cold water taps in such a room. The hygienic basics of massage also provide for a certain area of \u200b\u200bsuch an office. When one specialist works, it should be at least 12 square meters.

The room should maintain a comfortable air temperature (20-22 degrees) with a humidity of no more than 60%. To protect the masseur's eyes from fatigue, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of light sources in it.

Specialist requirements

The hygienic basics of massage contain some rules thatmust be followed by the person conducting the procedure. This should be a specialist who is well acquainted with the anatomy of the body, as well as with the physiological effects of not only individual techniques, but also their combination. Before the start of the first session, the massage therapist will need to learn the basics of physiotherapy exercises and traumatology. It is permissible to carry out manipulations only with clean hands, the nails on which should be cut short. Before the procedure, the specialist needs to remove the outer watch and rings. After all, these items can damage the patient's skin.

Before starting a session, it is important for a massage therapist to talk with his client and find out his mood, complaints and features of the course of the disease that bothers him. This is necessary to develop the correct tactics for the procedure and dosing the strength of movements.

Requirements for the patient

Before the massage, the client needs to wash the body, taking a warm shower. During the session, he must relax as much as possible those muscles that are affected, and fulfill all the additional requirements of the specialist.

Using lubricants

To get the best effect from the procedure, the patient's skin must be protected from injury and irritation. To do this, the specialist uses tools that make it slippery. Most of all, talc is suitable for creating a similar effect. This substance is able to absorb sweat without causing irritation. The skin after the application of talcum powder becomes smooth, which allows you to work with it without hindrance.

Key facts about hygiene basicsmassage using various techniques indicate that often experts use vegetable oils as lubricants, for example, peach, cedar, olive, burdock and some others. They are well absorbed by the skin and provide an excellent sliding effect. This, in turn, helps to reduce the inflammatory process and pain in the area of pathology.

Knowledge of the structure of the body and the processes occurring in it

A novice specialist needs to study the anatomical and physiological foundations of massage well. Only in this case, the procedure will have the maximum effect and will not cause harm to he alth.

So, during the procedure, the specialist makes a direct impact on the skin. However, different parts of it have different sensitivity. The smallest is observed along the midline of the chest, abdomen and back. The forehead is most sensitive.

Knowledge of the anatomical and physiological foundations of massage allows you to have an idea about the function of the skin and its significant role in thermoregulation, respiration, blood circulation, immunity, metabolism and the secretion of some biologically active elements. Mechanical irritation of the integument of the body is transmitted to the proprioreceptors of the joints, muscles and tendons, as well as to the interoreceptors of blood vessels and internal organs. Then it turns into nerve impulses and enters the central nervous system. Similar signals are sent to various tissues and organs, activating or inhibiting their activity.

Studying the general basics of massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the topography, structure andmuscle functions. They make up almost 40% of the human body weight, and 80% of them are located on the limbs. The muscle has a spindle shape. One of its ends is called the “head”, and the second, the one that is longer, is called the “tail”. The middle part of the muscle is called the abdomen. Both ends pass into tendons, which are fibrous thick connective tissue, usually attached to bones. Muscles in motion actuate blood and lymph circulation. In a relaxed muscle, such processes are reduced up to 30 times.

Studying the basics of massage, you need to get the concept of the lymphatic system. It also plays an important role in the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. Lymph is a liquid tissue that is an intermediate medium between tissues and blood. Its movement through the vessels is slow and always in the direction of the heart. It is provided by muscle contraction. Lymph nodes are located along the path of this intermediate environment. They are protective barriers. When learning the basics of massage for beginners, it becomes clear that the lymph nodes should not be exposed.

Procedure steps

When learning the basics of massage for beginners, it becomes clear that the whole session should consist of three parts. Among them:

  1. Preparatory. At this stage, the basic techniques of classical massage are carried out, namely rubbing, stroking, and also kneading the main muscles. The duration of such time manipulations is 1-3 minutes.
  2. Main. This part is the implementation of special techniques of segmental impact. Its duration is 5-20 minutes.
  3. Final. In this part of the procedure, stroking, stretching, and shaking the muscles are used. They are applied within 1-3 minutes.

Studying the basics of massage for beginners and practitioners, you can find out that the duration of the session is from 3 to 60 minutes. The specific time depends on the indications for the procedure.


The basics of classical massage are five basic techniques. These are techniques such as stroking and kneading, rubbing, tapping, and vibration. Each of them performs a specific function and carries some information.

palm pressure on the back
palm pressure on the back

That is why, knowing the basics of massage and massage techniques, you can make the necessary impact on various parts of the body, internal organs, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Let's consider the technique of performing these manipulations in more detail.


This term translated from French means "caress". The procedure begins with stroking. She ends up with them. Apply stroking after the massage agent is applied to the skin.

stroking movements
stroking movements

The technique for performing this technique involves smooth, soft, gentle and soothing movements that require stronger pressure in the direction of the heart, and somewhat weaker pressure from it. Such a tactic will activate the outflow of lymphand venous blood.

Studying the basics of classical massage, to which this technique belongs, you should carefully consider the position of the hands of the one who will perform these movements. Fingers will need to be pressed tightly against the patient's body. They are also applied to the skin and palms. Carrying out stroking movements, the massage therapist should not stop and take his hands off the patient's body.

This technique has several varieties. It is rectilinear, circular and wavy. When performing the first option, the specialist needs to put his hands on the patient's body and slide them up and down with smooth movements with some pressure. Each time you should cover more and more area of the body.

When performing circular strokes, the specialist needs to firmly press his hands to the surface of the client's body, performing smooth circular movements alternately with the right and left hands. Their direction is from top to bottom. After that, you should return to the starting position.

The undulating stroke technique consists of appropriate gentle downward strokes, which are performed after the specialist has reached the top of the back by running his hands over it using a straight line technique.


This technique, which you need to learn, learning the basics of therapeutic massage, is performed when the hand moves along the body, which should press on it, while displacing the underlying tissues. This leads to the formation of skin folds. When performing this technique, such a fold should constantly move in front of the hand moving along the body.

In progressrubbing with fingers, the base of the palm or the elbow edge. The movements can be spiral or straight. Comb- and tong-shaped rubbing, planing, hatching are used as auxiliary techniques. This technique is carried out before kneading. With its help, all layers of the skin are affected.


After performing the movements described above, the massage therapist needs to move on to a stronger effect on the skin and tissues. For this, a kneading technique is used, which is performed with the help of fingers, ribs and the base of the palm. In this case, the specialist will need to know the basics of massage in order to skillfully use the strength of the hands and the weight of their body. The peculiarity of this technique lies in the impact on the muscles adjacent to the bone.

neck massage
neck massage

Perform kneading, capturing with one hand the area that is exposed. The second will need to capture the muscles. After that, they should be rolled as if, while applying a slight effort. Next, the hands need to be swapped. That is, the first hand should carry out kneading, and the second presses the skin. Using this tactic, it is necessary to perform movements throughout the body.


The basics of the classic type of massage technique involve the use of a rather deep technique that has a reflex effect.

This is a vibration that is divided into continuous and intermittent. The first type of such movements involves communicating to the patient's body a whole series of oscillatory movements. The massage therapist's handshould press on the tissues without detaching from the affected area. She needs to perform trembling movements, the frequency of which will be 100 to 300 times per minute.

Stable or labile vibration can be used as additional techniques. This also includes nudging, shaking, and shaking.

massage movements with the ribs of the palms
massage movements with the ribs of the palms

Among the techniques of intermittent vibration are quilting, chopping, patting, tapping and puncturing. With their help, you can achieve vasodilation, increase the flow of nutrients and oxygen, reduce the sensitivity of nerve roots and other beneficial effects.

Baby massage

Performing a procedure for small patients has its own principles and nuances. Having studied the basics of baby massage, you can carry out both a preventive and a therapeutic procedure, saving the child from flat feet, torticollis, decreased or decreased muscle tone, as well as other pathological conditions.

One of the prerequisites for manipulations with children is their good mood. At the same time, the baby should neither scream nor be capricious. Otherwise, the child will receive stress, which will lead to a weakening of the immune forces of his growing body. The basics of wellness massage for the smallest patients also indicate that it is strictly forbidden to conduct a session if the child has:

  • high temperature;
  • illness;
  • hernia.

Duration and intensity of the procedure, as well as the strength of the impact forbabies can be different. Everything will depend on the following:

  • age;
  • development level;
  • presence or absence of previous diseases;
  • degrees of emotional excitability.

Based on the procedure and determination of its nature, it is necessary to take into account the behavior of the baby, constantly observing him.

mother giving baby massage
mother giving baby massage

If parents want to massage their child, it is necessary to study its preventive form. Moreover, it should be used only for a he althy baby. It should be borne in mind that the baby's body is very fragile. That is why the techniques of such a procedure should be studied by dads and moms very carefully. This will allow you to perform them correctly and not harm the baby.

Teaching parents the basics of medical massage is carried out by a pediatrician only in exceptional cases. In general, only doctors should perform such procedures.

Facial massage

This procedure is one of the most important aspects of skin care. Knowing the basics of facial massage will allow you to rejuvenate it by relaxing the muscles and starting the regeneration process. Performing this procedure allows you to relieve tension and stress. By performing the necessary manipulations regularly, you can achieve positive dynamics in the rejuvenation process.

woman holding her hand to her face
woman holding her hand to her face

Among the main facial massage techniques are stroking and rubbing, pinching and tapping, and kneading. Lifting procedures are considered the most effective methods. They allow soontime to get a good result.

Deep structural effect on the face and buccal massage. It allows you to train muscles, restoring their tone and muscles. You can get a positive effect by massaging the necessary lines from the inside of the mouth.

Taking into account the type of their skin, each person must individually choose one or another massage technique for himself. This will minimize unwanted effects such as redness or skin irritation.

Among the most popular massage techniques and techniques to restore youth to the face, kobiko and chiromassage have the greatest effect. The first is a procedure that combines rubbing movements with point patting of acupuncture points. They can also be used for wrinkles on the neck.

Hiromassage is a more gentle technique. It is based on Eastern teachings that consider all skin problems from the point of view of vital energy.

Independent massage is possible using the classical technique. The sequence of such a procedure:

  • application of oil to the skin with gentle pats;
  • massaging the cheeks in a circular motion in the direction from the wings of the nose up;
  • rubbing oil around the eyes;
  • lifting along forehead lines;
  • performing rubbing movements along the contours of the lips.
