RANC method - description, features, indications and reviews

RANC method - description, features, indications and reviews
RANC method - description, features, indications and reviews

Life expectancy and he alth depend on the normal functioning of the brain. Most pathologies are a reflection of violations of its centers. The centers can be activated through the reticular formation. The influence on all departments and centers of the brain and the improvement of their performance and functional activity is the RANC method. Most doctors are skeptical about the method of treatment, but patient reviews prove its effectiveness.

What is the essence of the RANC methodology?

nerve centers
nerve centers

The name is an abbreviation of Restoration Of The Activity Of Nerve Centers and translates as restoring the activity of nerve centers. So what is the RANC method and what is its essence?

It is based on the connection of the trapezius muscle, located in the back of the neck and in the upper back, with the reticular formation. The peculiarities of muscle innervation make it a unique platform with which it is easy to control the brain centers. In addition, there are no nerves and organs nearby that can be damaged during therapeuticprocedures.

You can activate the nerve centers by exposing them to a powerful stream of pain impulses. Painful stimulation of certain areas of the trapezius muscle with the help of injections causes the transmission of impulses to the brain stem, after which they are transmitted through the fibers to the brain centers. Under the influence of the energy flow, the brain centers change their activity. Tense sections reduce it and less oppress the centers subordinate to them, the process of self-healing starts. The process continues for four weeks, causing a progressive therapeutic effect.

It is not completely clear how the restructuring of brain functions proceeds, however, the fact that the "reboot" of the nervous system helps to get rid of many diseases is an undoubted fact.

What is the RANC method: readings

Disturbances in the interaction between the parts of the brain and regulatory systems lead to a weakening of the body and the development of various diseases. Due to the fact that the reticular formation is an integral part of the brain, it is also subject to destruction. Stimulation of neurons in the brain and dorsal brain can lead to the restoration of impaired functions. Moreover, the prescription of the pathology does not matter, it is possible to heal a patient even with severe chronic diseases.

In clinics, the RANC method is used to treat the following pathological conditions.

  • Pain in the spine (neck, lumbar, between the shoulder blades, chest).
  • Articular diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis).
  • Neuritis of the sciatic nerve (sciatica).
  • Hernias and protrusions of the intervertebral discs.
  • Neuralgia of the trigeminal cranial (trigeminal) nerve.
  • Migraines caused by trauma.
  • True angina.
  • Tic and other dyskinesias.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Consequences of circulatory disorders in the brain.
  • Stuttering.
  • Idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome.
  • Suprasegmental autonomic dysfunction.

The method helps patients with cerebral palsy. The disease itself, of course, is not completely cured, but it helps to facilitate rehabilitation. Effective is the use of osteochondrosis.

To whom the method is contraindicated

Unlike most methods of therapy, this method is narrowly focused in terms of technique. There are many positive aspects to this.

  • The patient does not get tired of numerous different procedures.
  • Therapy does not involve the use of radiation equipment, so it can be used at any age.
  • No antibacterial and hormonal therapy, which has many side effects.
  • The doctor performing the procedures does not need to have additional special education.

Those who want to know what the RANC method is, contraindications to it are also of interest. There are no absolute reasons why this therapy cannot be applied. But there are relative contraindications, and the doctor reveals their presence in the anamnesis.

  • Allergy to components of the solution for injection or iodine.
  • Fear or intolerance to intramuscular injections.
  • Inability to stay in one position for 10 minutes.
  • Intolerance to sharp pain.

It is also necessary to measure blood pressure before the procedure, in case of its strong increase, injections are canceled or postponed.

How the therapy works


To achieve the effect of "rebooting" the nerve centers, a short suprathreshold pain stimulus is used. Therefore, the method can be called pharmacological hyperstimulation. Treatment procedures according to the RAN method are intramuscular injections in large quantities.

After the diagnosis is made, a treatment regimen is prescribed - the number of injections is signed. The procedures are performed by a neurologist.

  • On the back, using a cotton swab dipped in iodine solution, markings are made and tense muscle areas are marked.
  • A pre-prepared solution is injected into the muscles at a depth of 5-10 mm at the designated points. The composition of the injected mixture is 50% solution of analgin and saline in a ratio of 1:10. If the patient is allergic to these components, the use of magnesium sulfate 2, 4% solution is acceptable.
  • Injections are administered to all marked points without exception in one procedure.
  • The maximum amount of analgin solution administered per procedure is 4.0 cu. see, a solution of magnesium sulfate - 2.0 cu. see

Due to the fact that there can be many injections (depending on the pathology) and they are quite painful, they are performed as quickly as possible. The injection sites are well treated with iodine solution, so there is no fear of developing an abscess with one syringemake up to 15 injections. The doctor, who has the necessary skill, takes no more than 4-5 minutes for the injections themselves. The results are visible almost immediately, the pain subsides, the mobility increases.

How effective and safe is the method

RANC method
RANC method

The method is considered new, at least for the layman. The principle of treatment is similar to acupuncture, when with the help of a weak long-term regular pain effect on special areas of the body, a stimulating effect on the functions of the nervous system is exerted. But unlike acupuncture, after the RANC method, positive changes are observed not only in places subjected to invasive effects, but also in the reticular formation, starting the process of self-regulation.

The method does not imply direct impact on the affected organ, nerve or tissue. The diseased organ does not suffer additionally from the effects of drugs, medical instruments. There is no need to think about possible complications, as often happens after surgery or a course of taking various medications. In addition, after therapy, there is absolutely no need for rehabilitation, on the contrary, the method itself helps to recover better and faster. For severe pathologies such as Parkinson's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, the RANC method helps to reduce painful symptoms.

In the first days of therapy, general he alth disorders may occur. Loss of strength, malaise are associated with changes and restructuring in the body. Side effects are mild, short-lived and do not occur in everyone. And here is the effect of the treatmentobserved immediately.

Application of the method in neurology

sciatica disease
sciatica disease

The RANC method was developed and successfully applied by a neurologist from Krasnodar Andrey Ponomarenko. At the very beginning, therapy was used only for a small number of diseases associated with disorders of the central and peripheral NS.

The most common neuralgic pathologies are sciatica and trigeminal neuralgia. Diseases often occur in older people, when there is a significant decrease in the activity of nervous activity. The vast majority of neuralgia are idiopathic pathologies, i.e., with an unclear cause of origin. this greatly complicates therapy and makes prevention impossible.

After any excitation of the nervous system, the usual calm mode is activated and the muscles return to normal tone. After tension, stagnant foci of excitation remain in the brain, preventing a return to a normal level of activity, the muscles are in constant tone. There can be several such foci and they can be located in the most inaccessible places of the brain.

The RANC method allows you to activate stagnant places by indirect impact on them. The patient does not need to spend time on various examinations and at the same time endure pain and waste time.

Does the method help with Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's Syndrome is a neurological disease caused by the destruction of neurons that produce the precursor hormone for adrenaline, dopamine. Hormone causesfeeling of satisfaction, has an important impact on learning processes. Its production increases with a good mood, pleasant sensations (delicious food, sexual pleasure).

Traditional methods of therapy, in particular, medication, further exacerbate the pathological condition. What happens when the activity recovery method is used to treat Parkinson's disease and does the RANC method affect recovery?

The disease is associated with disruption of the nigrostriatal pathway. It is one of the most powerful dopaminergic systems in the brain. When injected into all painful areas, the neurons of the extrapyramidal system, located in the region of the quadrigemina of the midbrain, are activated. After several sessions, the activity of the nigrostrial system increases.

Unfortunately, if the death of neurons is progressive and aggravated by some external factors, it will not be possible to fully restore the production of dopamine. But significant improvements are observed in the form of a decrease in tremor, an increase in motor activity, and muscle hypertonicity decreases.

Pain management


One of the most common complaints when referring to a neurologist are pains of various localization (head, lumbar, limbs) and nature (aching, shooting, paroxysmal). Unpleasant sensations can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases: migraine, osteochondrosis, sciatica, neuralgia, spondylosis.

One of the main directions of the RANC method is the treatment of pain. Usually the occurrence of discomfortindicates the chronicity of the pathology, its transition to a severe form. Such pathological conditions are difficult to treat, while the symptoms become acutely pronounced. Traditional methods are effective, but very lengthy and include a set of measures. And without this, an exhausted body can hardly cope with such an influx of procedures. The pain does not go away in one or two days, patients are disappointed and drop out of treatment.

The method of restoring the activity of the centers of the nervous system helps to get rid of pain very quickly, regardless of its causes. Pain, especially headache, is associated with spasm of areas of the trapezius muscle. The introduction of injections helps to relieve spasm and relieve pain. Nerve centers begin to recover. Reflexology launches self-regulation and elimination of failures in the parts of the nervous system.

Treatment of joint diseases

joint pain
joint pain

Diseases of the joints are the second most common after cardiovascular diseases. Pathologies do not affect life expectancy, but significantly reduce its quality. Untimely or inadequate therapy leads to disease progression and frequent relapses.

Articular diseases are etiologically divided into infectious, inflammatory, autoimmune, degenerative-dystrophic. The process of recovery of any of the types depends on the state of the immune and nervous systems.

Constant physical activity on the muscles and joints stimulates the nerve centers, which as a result are in constant tone. This leads to an increasemuscle tension, vasospasm, impaired innervation. Pathological activity of neurons is the main cause of chronic pain. Moreover, painful sensations lead to additional stress and, as a result, the destruction of neurons, the extinction of their activity.

The RANC method is one of the effective ways to treat joints. The doctor, conducting point injections, activates the nerve centers responsible for the functionality of damaged muscles and joints. Then injections are made into the trapezius muscle, stimulating the nervous sections to vigorous activity. The effect of anesthesia is observed after the first procedure, the harmonization of neural connections occurs within a month.

Reviews on the treatment of pain with the RANC method

Opinions about the method of treatment of Dr. Ponomarenko are ambiguous. Negativity is associated with novelty, people tend to distrust unfamiliar unusual things, especially when it comes to their own or the he alth of loved ones. In addition, the RANC method is very simple in technique, and in medicine, as a rule, everything is very complicated.

In positive feedback, patients first of all note a quick relief from pain. Those who have been treated for a long time assure that the disease does not return. The correct application of the method helps to forget about various pathologies in a short period.
