Every person knows that work that requires being at a computer has a negative impact not only on vision, but also on the condition of the spine. If you are suffering from pain localized in the neck, you can familiarize yourself with the exercises for the head and neck. You can perform them periodically while working at a computer. In addition, such exercises will be very useful for prevention purposes, in order to prevent the occurrence of pain in these places.
Head and neck exercises
This gymnastics complex was designed specifically for those people whose work is connected with the constant presence at the computer. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete these head and neck exercises. As a result, you will relieve tension, increase concentration, and improve performance, while eliminating muscle and headache. So,let's look at the most effective exercises for the head and neck.

To do this, you need to sit straight, keep your back as straight as possible, place your feet on the floor, and put your hands on your hips or on the desktop. The head should be kept straight, the back of the head should be slightly raised up. Chin - slightly lowered down, while not pressing it strongly to the chest. Relax your shoulders as much as possible, then lower them down.
During these steps, you should feel a stretch in the neck area. They will be very useful for the vessels of the head and neck. The exercise should be performed several times. Do this stretch as often as you can. After just a few days of regular practice, you will be surprised at the pleasant results.
So, we continue to consider exercises for the neck, to improve blood circulation in the head. To do this, it is imperative to make turns. No need to change position, sit straight, straighten your shoulders and try to relax your arms. The neck must be kept straight, while looking at the monitor.
Slowly turn your head first to the left, while the eyes should look as much as possible in the same direction, linger in this position, and then return back to the starting position. After that, a turn is made in the other direction.
The exercise should be repeated for several times in each direction. Such gymnastics relieves fatigue and also relieves stress.

Tilts to the side
What other effective exercises are there for pain in the head and neck? It is mandatory to include side bends in gymnastics.
To do this, sit straight, straighten your back, keep your head straight. The back should also be flat, legs apart on the floor. Shoulders need to be straightened, relaxed, hands can be lowered down.
Slowly tilt your left ear towards your left shoulder, feeling a pleasant stretch as you do so. The head does not need to be tilted back or forward. Shoulders should always be kept lowered. Pay attention to the fact that you reach with your ear to your shoulder, and not vice versa.
Return slowly to the starting position, then do the same for the other side. Repeat them several times. As a result, you will begin to feel how your neck pain disappears. Such an exercise for the head and neck with osteochondrosis is very effective.

Take the same starting position as in the previous cases. To perform this set of head and neck exercises, sit up straight in a chair, slowly lower your chin and press it against your neck. The back must be kept straight without opening the mouth. Hold this position for a short while, then return to the starting position. Lower your chin along with your neck, while trying to press it to your chest.
In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. Two types of bendingmust be repeated several times, after which the efficiency increases right before our eyes.
Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, relax your arms. The neck must be kept as straight as possible and look in front of you. When you are in this position, you need to slowly tilt your head back, lifting your chin up to the ceiling until you feel comfortable. Make sure that your mouth is closed during the exercise. Try to stay in this position for a while, after which you should return to the starting position.
Repeat this action several times, after which you will begin to feel a surge of strength and energy.

Drawing circles
This exercise is the easiest. To do this, it is necessary to carry out circular movements of the head. Please note that this exercise is a contraindication for those people who suffer from osteochondrosis, pain in the back, neck, and frequent migraines. In such situations, it is best to refrain from performing a full circle, and it is necessary to draw movements in the form of a figure eight. To avoid possible he alth problems, please consult your doctor in advance.
Twists and bends
Sit up straight with your shoulders and arms straight. Slowly lower your head, keeping your neck parallel to the floor. In this position, turn your head slowly, first in one direction, then in the other. The exercise must be repeated several times. As a result, you not only improve your memory, but alsoperformance.

Thai neck and head exercises
Thai exercises that you can do at work are also effective. However, people mistakenly call such gymnastics Thai, as the peoples of Tibet came up with the exercises. You can learn more about this gymnastics from the video. However, please note that you will need to stand up to complete it.

Other Effective Neck Exercises
The cervical spine is the most mobile of all, but over the years, especially with the wrong inactive lifestyle, mobility in this area is sharply reduced, and in some cases people cannot even turn their heads.
The spinal cord, arteries carrying oxygen and nutrition to the brain, nerve fibers that communicate the command center (brain) with almost the entire body pass through the cervical region. Even slight compression of nerves and arteries, not to mention pinching, leads to such very unpleasant symptoms as headaches, dizziness, tinnitus. In essence, the cervical region connects the spine to the skull, and it is very important that everything is he althy in the area of \u200b\u200bthe connection.
The specificity of modern life is such that a person spends a lot of time in a sedentary state, for example, working at a computer, etc. As a result, cervical osteochondrosis may develop and you risk getting headaches, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus,jumps in blood pressure. A constant static load on the muscles of the neck and vertebrae leads to the development of osteochondrosis.
Very often you can hear how mothers pull the kids: "Don't turn your head!" In fact, just the opposite is useful for the he alth of the cervical region, it is imperative to turn your head, regardless of age. This simple movement will help avoid the development of cervical osteochondrosis.
Exercise is effective as a preventive measure against the development of the disease and for strengthening muscles.

They are simple, take a little time, and most importantly, they can be performed when you feel severe fatigue, muscle tension and discomfort in the neck:
- Sit up straight, pressing your forehead against your palm, tighten your neck muscles. The exercise is performed three times for seven seconds (you can do without a stopwatch, just count to seven).
- Slightly tilt your head back, trying to overcome the resistance of the neck muscles, press your chin to the jugular fossa. You need to perform this exercise at least five times.
- Keep your shoulders and head straight, slowly, without sudden movements, turn your head as far as possible, first five times to the left, and then the same amount to the right.
- Dip your chin to your neck. Turn your head, first five times to the right, and then the same number to the left. Movements should be soft, smooth.
Exercise can be done while standing.
The key to successful prevention is consistency, if such gymnastics becomes an integral part of your daily routine, then problems withthe cervical spine will be bypassed.

If cervical osteochondrosis is already progressing, then exercises can also help, but in this case, gymnastics for the cervical spine is selected taking into account the recommendations of the attending doctor.