Skin burn on the face is quite a serious cosmetic problem. Its occurrence sometimes provokes the application of conventional products intended for the care of the dermis, which contain powerful ingredients. They cause burns. In most cases, only the top layer of the skin is destroyed. However, if timely measures were not taken and the treatment is carried out incorrectly, then the pathological process can lead to damage to deep tissues.
If there is a burn on the face from the cream, what to do in such a situation? In a severe form of this phenomenon, its treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a dermatologist. If the burn on the face from the cream is minor and superficial, then it is not difficult to eliminate it yourself. To do this, you only need to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists and doctors.
What causes a burn onface cream? Among the main reasons that stimulate its appearance are the aggressive components of those products that are used in home skin care.

Chemical burns of the face are sometimes provoked by cheap cosmetics from an unknown manufacturer. Women who decide to save money on a purchase often suffer from such a dermal injury.
Another cause of burns on the face from the cream is the improper use of peeling preparations, which contain powerful acids. Experiments with such compositions in most cases end in trouble.
A burn on the face from the cream can also occur if the woman has not conducted a preliminary test of the drug. And this is a serious mistake that many ladies make.
You can also get a chemical burn from a face mask that contains active ingredients. In this case, the affected area is of considerable size.
Sometimes a burn that appears is mistaken for a normal skin irritation on certain components that make up the product. If this is true, then the unpleasant phenomenon will certainly disappear by itself after stopping the use of the cream.
Main symptoms
Signs of a chemical burn of the face vary depending on the degree of damage received. There are four in total:
- First. This degree can be determined by redness, inflammation, burning and pain.
- Second. In addition to the symptoms of the first degree, watery blisters also appear on the dermis. In this case, the body restores its skin much longer. If the burn area has taken the size of a child's palm, then you should seek medical help.
- Third. With a burn of this degree, deep tissues are affected. A scab begins to form over the wound.
- Fourth. This degree is characterized by damage to the deep layers of the skin and even to the bones.
First aid
If a chemical burn of the face from a cream is received, what should I do? In order to avoid negative consequences, you need to take simple measures. It is advisable to know in advance what to do in this case. Indeed, sometimes the use of the most harmless compounds can harm sensitive skin.

On the advice of dermatologists and cosmetologists, first aid should be carried out as follows:
- If you experience any discomfort, burning or itching, you must remove the composition applied to the face. To do this, it is enough to take a large amount of cool water. Wash your face for 15 minutes. This will relieve swelling and redness. Detergents are not recommended as they may contribute to additional irritation and pain.
- Remove moisture from the face. Skin must be completely dry.
- In the event that a face skin burn is received with a cream containing acid, its harmful effects should be neutralized with a soda solution (25 g per 200 ml of water).
- In case of injury caused byalkaline means, you will need to treat your face with a mixture of citric acid (3-5 g) and water (200 ml).
- Apply special preparations to the affected areas. How to smear a chemical burn on the face? To do this, it is recommended to use products whose effects promote tissue regeneration.
- To reduce pain, it is recommended to take painkillers such as Paracetamol, Citramon and Analgin.
In most cases, the above actions are enough to prevent serious consequences. After all, it rarely comes to severe degrees of skin damage when applying the cream. If discomfort or severe pain occurs, women immediately try to completely remove the remedy.
In the event that the drug, the use of which caused the burn, did not cause much harm to the dermis, you can cope with the consequences by applying traditional medicine recipes that have a gentle effect.
Depilatory burn
Removing unwanted hairs with a special cream is one of the least expensive and easy ways to get the desired result, which does not require any special skills. To carry out the procedure, it is enough to apply the cream on the skin and wait a few minutes. Next, you just need to remove the product along with the hairs. This ease of use does not mean that the procedure will be completely safe. After all, the composition of such creams contains active synthetic acids. It is under their influence that those hairs that are on the treatedplot. React with acids and the surface layers of the skin. This leads to the fact that there is a burn on the face after the depilatory cream. It is accompanied by burning and redness of the skin. Such a chemical burn on the face (see photo below) most often appears on the most sensitive areas.

That is why such products are strictly forbidden to be used in the area of the eyebrows and above the upper lip. It is especially dangerous to get depilatory cream on the mucous membrane. Exposure to strong acids can deeply burn through its layers within just a few seconds. The woman does not even have time to wash the affected area with water.
First steps for depilatory cream burn
But sometimes it still happens that a woman, having decided to remove unwanted hairs, injured the dermis. What to do with a chemical burn of the skin of the face caused by depilatory cream? First of all, you will need to remove clothing that is in direct contact with the affected area. After that, you need to start rinsing off the cream with cool water. This must be done within 20 minutes. Doing so will relieve pain and burning, as well as eliminate the risk of damage to the deeper layers of the skin.

How to anoint a chemical burn on the face? To get rid of discomfort and treat the affected area, it is necessary to lubricate the painful foci with a gel based on aloe vera extract. It is recommended to apply this drug every few hours. The gel should be kept inrefrigerator to keep it warm. Chilled product reduces redness more effectively and relieves burning sensation. Treatment of a chemical burn of the face can also be carried out with the help of aloe juice, if this houseplant is in the house.
You can also use medicinal ointments. What else to do with a chemical burn of the face? It is recommended to drink more water. The liquid entering the body will moisturize the skin from the inside, which will significantly speed up the process of its recovery.
Don't know what to do with a burn on the face from depilatory cream? It is recommended to mix chilled milk together with turmeric powder, bringing the composition to a thick paste. The resulting product should be applied to the affected area. Turmeric is an excellent antiseptic. Milk will help maintain the balance of fluid in the skin.
How to treat a chemical burn on the face from depilatory cream when the wound starts to heal a little? In this case, it is recommended to apply vitamin E to the affected area. Such procedures will reduce the risk of scarring.
In the event that the skin begins to bleed or a liquid with an unpleasant odor is released from the affected area, you should immediately contact a specialist. These symptoms are a sign of infection in the wound. If medical assistance is not provided, the condition can only worsen.
Compliance with some rules
In the event that a facial skin burn is received with depilation cream, it is important to remember that:
- Do not use a scrub or rub the painful area with a washcloth, as this will worsen the condition of the skin andlead to infection in the wound.
- It is strictly forbidden to seal the damaged area with a plaster or apply a tight bandage to this area. Constant access of air to the skin will allow it to recover faster.
- You need to avoid the sun. When exposed to its rays, the wound received during the burn will begin to deepen even more. In the event that it is not possible to constantly stay in the shade, it is recommended to apply sunscreen around the affected area.
If a chemical burn of the face has already been received from a depilation cream, what should I do next? You can no longer use this tool. Also, do not use even a small amount of depilatory cream at the same time as other methods of hair removal.
Methods of folk therapy
How to cure a chemical burn on the face? If the lesion is insignificant, then a remedy based on honey will allow it to be eliminated. This bee product has many benefits, including the elimination of pain, stimulation of tissue repair processes and the removal of inflammation.

The preparation of such a remedy should be carried out in stages:
- Heat honey (20 g) in a water bath. Exposure to heat should completely dissolve the sugar grains.
- Beat the yolk until white. After that, it is sent to already chilled honey.
- Add 20 ml vegetable oil to the mixture.
The resulting composition should be applied to the face and left on its surface for 25 minutes. After that, the product is removed with a cotton pad slightly moistened with water. Next, wash your face. For this procedure, you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile. It is recommended to use honey remedy three times a day. The duration of such therapy is 7 days. As a rule, this time will be quite enough to eliminate the signs of a burn, as well as to initiate the process of active restoration of the affected dermis.
Another traditional medicine recipe includes ingredients such as 50 g of olive oil, boiled egg yolk, and 40 g of natural wax. How is such a remedy prepared? The beeswax is added to the hot oil. The egg yolk crushed in a blender is placed in this mixture. The composition is heated over low heat for 5 minutes and cooled. Apply the mixture on the face 3-4 times during the day until obvious improvements occur.
Chamomile infusion is also quite effective. They need to gently wipe the burnt area.
Cosmetologists recommend paying close attention to any burns, including those that were obtained as a result of using a cream designed to care for the skin. If a lesion occurs, it should be treated with special preparations that will eliminate pain and prevent inflammation.
How to get rid of a chemical burn on the face? Consider the most effective drugs that are used to restore the dermis.
This cream for chemical burns of the face allows you to effectively deal with injuries of the dermis receivedfrom exposure to chemicals. It is recommended to apply such a remedy immediately after the aggressive preparation is washed off. On the face cream "Panthenol" must be applied in a thin layer. Apply the composition up to four times during the day. Such a number of procedures will significantly reduce the risk of scars and scars. Before applying the cream, the affected dermis is treated with an antiseptic.

Panthenol has no contraindications. It can be used by pregnant women and those who have sensitive skin.
Among the features of this drug, it is worth noting its ability to quickly regenerate damaged skin tissues. At the same time, such a cream has no restrictions on the use. By acting on tissues, it promotes the activation of collagen production in them. This leads to the fact that the skin begins to recover naturally. The only contraindication to the use of this drug is the occurrence in a person of individual intolerance to some of its components.
This drug has a triple effect on the affected tissue of the skin. Among them are soothing, restorative, and also protective. The agent applied to the skin leaves a thin protective film on them, which helps prevent infection from entering the wound.

The ointment has no restrictions. However, when applying it, you need to be careful, avoiding contact with mucous membranes.
This medicinal ointment improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, thanks to which it has an excellent regenerating effect. The drug saturates the layers of the skin with pantothenic acid and helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes. Applying this ointment to the lesions eliminates pain. It is advisable to use this cream on the recommendation of doctors, because it contains some active ingredients that can cause irritation.
La Cree
This is an excellent regenerating agent. Its active ingredients are panthenol, as well as some medicinal plants, including licorice, chamomile and string. In addition to them, the cream also includes avocado oil. Thanks to its healing ingredients, the cream perfectly relieves irritation, eliminates pain, and also helps to restore the surface of the skin after first-degree burns and minor injuries.
Already a small amount of the drug, which is recommended to be applied once a day, will significantly alleviate the condition. Apply the product to cooled skin and apply until the problem disappears completely. As a rule, such a course of therapy is 5 days.
This cream has no contraindications. Its use is not prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. No side effects were observed during the use of the drug. It contains no hormonal and antibacterial substances.
Relief of the condition after applying "La Cree" is felt almost immediately. In cases where the resulting burnshallow, it is possible to restore the surface of the skin with its use for only a few days. In addition, this cream can be used constantly, because it does not cause any addiction.
This drug stimulates the restoration of tissues damaged as a result of a burn. Its main active ingredient is dexpanthenol. The use of this tool contributes to the rapid healing of insignificant burn surfaces. To eliminate wounds, the cream is applied to the face no more than twice a day. The minimum course of treatment is 5 days. The specific period of therapy depends on the depth of the lesion of the epidermis.
This cream is contraindicated for those people who are hypersensitive to its main active ingredient. There are no other restrictions on the use of the drug.
Relief comes after a few minutes. At the same time, the burning sensation stops and the pain syndrome is eliminated. But the reddening of the skin does not go away immediately, but only after a few days.
This ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent with an antimicrobial effect. Its active ingredients are methyluracil and chloramphenicol. This combination of ingredients allows you to get the fastest result, which leads to the fact that damaged skin areas are restored in the shortest possible time.
A small amount of ointment is needed to treat a burn on the face. Apply it 2-3 times a day on the damaged area of the epidermis. Carry out treatmentneeded within 10 days.
This remedy is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to its components. It is allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as small children. Side effects are extremely rare and are expressed in the form of allergic reactions.
Recommend ointment "Levomekol" in the presence of deep wounds with purulent discharge. In this regard, it can be used to eliminate second-degree burns, when blisters form on the surface of the skin. A few minutes after applying the ointment, the pain subsides. Further, the inflammation of the damaged areas is gradually eliminated.
This drug stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues of the skin, and also improves blood circulation. Its main active ingredient is a derivative obtained from the blood of calves. The product is available in the form of tablets and solution. It is used orally, as well as intramuscularly and intravenously. This drug is recommended in case of severe damage, to activate the processes of restoration of the dermis.
Contraindication for use is:
- pulmonary edema;
- heart failure;
- oleguria and anuria;
- fluid retention.
Side effects of this drug are manifested in the form of allergies. And sometimes these reactions are quite strong.
Relief after using this tool can be felt in the first days. If the skin is damaged, it is used as an additional medicine,promotes rapid healing of wounds and elimination of burns.
This drug is a homeopathic complex remedy. It contains such active ingredients as milk lipids and sea buckthorn oil, beeswax and tea tree oil, as well as vitamin E. The drug helps to quickly and effectively eliminate facial burns.
When carrying out the treatment, the balm is applied to the damaged areas 2 or 3 times during the day. The skin must be clean and dry. The course of therapy - until complete recovery.
Use the balm is not recommended in case of individual sensitivity to the components that are in its composition. A possible side effect is an allergic reaction.
Improvement occurs in the first minutes after applying the balm. Pain and burning sensation go away, and after that the epidermis tissue is gradually restored.
Surgical options
For 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree burns, surgery is required.

Only in this case it will be possible to maintain the elasticity of the skin, the mobility of the facial muscles, and reduce the formation of scars. During the operation, the surgeon removes the dead epidermis and drains the blisters.
After a burn
How will you need to take care of your facial skin during the course of treatment?
- If the forehead was burned, it should be protected from contact with hair. After all, curls will certainly bring pollution and irritate sore skin.
- Fundswill need to be applied thinly.
- Preparations based on alcohol will dry out the epidermis. In this case, the skin will get even more irritation. Do not use iodine. It will cause more burns.
- To bring recovery closer will allow a compress, which is moistened with tincture of kombucha. This natural remedy accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin.
- First degree burn will not require any additional measures. After all, it will not leave scars on the face and will pass within a few days. In the place of a healed wound, a thin layer of dead tissue forms, which after a while will come off by itself.