How to take vitamin C for a cold: recommended dose

How to take vitamin C for a cold: recommended dose
How to take vitamin C for a cold: recommended dose

Does vitamin C help with colds? The common cold is the world's most common upper respiratory infection caused by a large group of viruses. Transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, pathogens penetrate the larynx, nasal cavity, pharynx, where they actively multiply and cause cell death.

dose of vitamin c for colds
dose of vitamin c for colds

In parallel, toxins are released into the blood, provoking intoxication, which is accompanied by fever, aching joints, headache and general malaise. With normal immunity, a cold strikes a person on average 1-2 times a year, with a weakened body defense - from 3 to 4 times.

The role of vitamins during colds

Vitamins during the cold season are a necessary component of quality treatment, as they:

  • have immunomodulatory properties that accelerate the production of antibodies and destroy coldspathogens;
  • do not allow the penetration of pathogens into epithelial cells;
  • participate in the restoration of virus-damaged cells of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Vitamin C cures colds?

The most useful for colds is vitamin C, which stimulates the synthesis of interferons, which are responsible for antiviral immunity. At one time it was even believed that he was able to cure a cold. Is it so? The myth that arose in the 70s and encouraged parents to feed children “ascorbic acid” almost instead of sweets (in other words, vitamin C was used everywhere for colds) was debunked some time ago. The results of studies have shown that in large doses, ascorbic acid can reduce the duration of the disease by only half a day. That is, patients who took vitamin C during a cold were sick for just as long as those who did without it. Therefore, it is unlikely that this remedy plays a decisive role in the cure of the patient. American scientists recognized zinc as a more effective substance in the fight against pathogenic viruses, the use of which in an increased dosage reduced the recovery time by almost 2 times.

Or help you get well soon?

However, such a disappointing conclusion, which goes against the conventional wisdom, does not at all indicate that vitamin C is useless for colds. Ascorbic acid, which helps the cells of the immune system to more actively cope with infection and is a powerful antioxidant, is necessary in the course of the disease itself, as it facilitates the processconvalescence. Vitamin E also works as an antioxidant in the body.

shock dose of vitamin c for colds
shock dose of vitamin c for colds

If the task of ascorbic acid is to fight free radicals in the intercellular fluid, then vitamin E “hunts” for them at the cellular level. The daily requirement for this element, contained in meat, liver, lettuce, nuts, is 10 mg.

Foods containing vitamin C

Faith in the miraculous effect of vitamin C as an anti-cold medicine is firmly present among parents, each of whom, during the period of illness, tries to replenish the child's diet with lemons and oranges - products containing ascorbic acid. This substance is a component not only in citrus fruits, but also in vegetables (melon, bell pepper, tomatoes, peaches), fruits (apples, apricots, peaches), berries (strawberries, black currants). Of the products of animal origin, the kidneys and liver are rich in useful substances. Vitamin C is also present in herbs: eyebright, alfalfa, hops, yarrow, parsley, raspberry leaves, peppermint, burdock root, fennel.

vitamin C for colds
vitamin C for colds

Many mistakenly believe that vitamin C should be consumed as much as possible in winter, at the height of the cold season. This is not correct, since in the off-season the body's strength is also weakened and needs to be reinforced. A break can be taken in the summer, with its abundance of greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.

When should I take vitamin C?

You should know that the dailyVitamin C reduces the risk of catching a cold by 50%. The need for ascorbic acid occurs more often in comparison with other vitamins. This is due to the fact that with colds, such an element creates an acidic environment that is uncomfortable for viruses. For prevention, a dosage of 15-20 mg is recommended.

vitamins for cold season
vitamins for cold season

The shock dose of vitamin C for colds is 1000-1500 mg per day. The most effective for its use is the initial period of the disease, characterized by malaise, nasal congestion, sore throat.

Increased need for vitamin C occurs:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased physical activity;
  • recovery process after a serious illness;
  • poisoning the body;
  • at risk of infectious diseases.

Consequences of a lack of ascorbic acid in the body

What threatens the lack of ascorbic acid in the body? The deficiency of vitamin C is primarily indicated by human skin, which literally before our eyes will begin to decrepit and age. Also, the lack of ascorbic acid can be determined by the prolonged healing of wounds, scratches and other mechanical damage. Ascorbic acid deficiency still manifests:

  • muscle pain,
  • general weakness,
  • sluggishness,
  • apathy,
  • bleeding gums,
  • depressed,
  • small punctate hemorrhages in the area of hair follicles (most on the legs),
  • loose teeth,
  • heart pain,
  • hypotension (low blood pressure),
  • disorders of the stomach.

Daily dosage

What dose of vitamin C for a cold is considered harmless to the body? The daily requirement for ascorbic acid for the male half of the population is 64-108 mg, for women this figure is 55-79 mg. At the first manifestations of a cold, the recommended dose is up to 1200 mg of vitamin per day.

what vitamins for colds
what vitamins for colds

But it is worth remembering that the abuse of this substance with a normal diet can lead to an overdose, expressed in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, insomnia and excessive excitability. In some cases, the kidneys and pancreas may be affected. Also, an excess of vitamin C negatively affects tooth enamel and gastric mucosa. Therefore, in order to avoid possible complications, it is recommended to take it in the form of a drink, preferably through a straw.

Vitamins against colds

What cold vitamins can really help? This is vitamin B1. Peas, spinach, wholemeal bread are products containing this element, which restores the epithelium and nerve endings of the respiratory tract.

Vitamin B6 (in other words - pyridoxine) restores nerve endings in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which directly affects the rate of manifestation of painful symptoms (cough, unpleasant sore throat). Available in meat and cabbage. It is recommended to consume from 1.5 to 2 mg per day.

vitamins forcold prevention
vitamins forcold prevention

Vitamin PP (otherwise - nicotinic acid) has a small antiviral effect, activates blood circulation, regenerates blood vessels. Present in mushrooms, meat, offal (kidneys, liver), rye bread. The daily norm is 25 mg.

Vitamin A (retinol) - an important element for the renewal of cold-damaged cells. Daily requirement - 1, 7 mg. Present in beef and pork liver, butter, eggs, red and black caviar.

Essential vitamins for the prevention of colds, as well as useful organic acids, are found in all fresh vegetables and fruits.
