Perhaps one of the most popular hormonal contraceptives is Yarina. Reviews about this medication are mostly positive. The girls to whom the doctor prescribed it after examination and examination of the tests do not complain.
What is this drug? What components are included in its composition? To whom is it recommended? What effects, besides contraception, does it produce? This and much more will be discussed now.

Shape and composition
Before you go to the study of reviews about "Yarin", you need to list the components that make up the drug, and also talk about what it is.
So, these are small tablets with a diameter of a small pea, which are film-coated. One package contains 21 pieces.
There are only two main components of the component:
- Ethinylestradiol (30 mcg). It is a synthetic analogue of estradiol. It is aimed at replenishing its deficiency, as well as at normalizing the metabolic processes occurring in the body. Ethinyl estradiol also helps to reduce cholesterol in the body, reducethe amount of dangerous fractions and accelerate the utilization of carbohydrates.
- Drospirenone (3 mg). It is an active contraceptive component. It has antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic activity. The structure and components are very close to progesterone.
In addition, the tablets also contain additional substances. This is titanium dioxide used as a food brightening additive, as well as talc, cornstarch, lactose monohydrate and some other components that are inert from a pharmaceutical point of view.

How should I take it?
Before proceeding to consider the features of the action of "Yarina", prices, reviews of doctors and girls, it is necessary to list the rules that every woman who decides to start drinking this drug must follow. They can be identified in the following list:
- Open the first package on the first day of your period. On the blister, under each tablet, the day of the week is indicated for convenience. This will help you remember to take your medication.
- Take the pills at the same time. If a girl tends to be forgetful, then it is better to set an alarm clock.
- Did you have diarrhea or vomiting in the next four hours? You need to take a new pill. There is a possibility that not all substances have been absorbed.
- Did the girl miss her pill? So, it must be drunk immediately after discovering your oversight. Even if a few hours remain before the reception of a new one. Or even two at the same time.
- During the first seven days it is necessaryuse condoms. It takes time to "activate" the contraceptive effect. Of course, if you believe the reviews of women about the use of Yarina, who violated the instructions, then this can be neglected. Ladies claim that the pills begin to act after 1-2 days. Yes, the concentration of hormones rises after a few hours, but in the first days the body gets used to the drug.
- If a girl switches to Yarina from another oral contraceptive, in which there were 28 tablets (Jess, for example), then it should be started immediately after completing the pack of the previous OK. In other cases, the same 7-day break is necessary.
- In cases where a woman decides to start drinking OK because the hormonal patch or vaginal ring no longer suits her, the first pill should be taken on the day that any of the above has been removed.
- If before using "Yarina" the girl took a course of mini-pills (contraceptives containing only progestogen), then you can not wait for the end of the package. They are allowed to stop drinking on any day and immediately switch to taking the contraceptive in question. But additional protection for one week is mandatory. The same applies if a girl switches to this contraceptive from contraceptive implants, injections or an intrauterine device.
These are the basic rules regarding the instructions for use of Yarina. Reviews let you know that this drug never fails and provides reliable protection against pregnancy, if taken correctly.

Operation principle
In the reviews of women about Yarin, a lot is said about the effectiveness of the drug. Many do not understand exactly how the pills work, so in general terms we should talk about this.
Drink the drug every day, at the same time. Each new tablet is a source of substances that replenish the hormonal balance of the female body and “deceive” it, as a result of which it works as if the ovulation process has already occurred. Naturally, the egg just doesn't mature and leave the ovary.
The combination of ethinylestradiol and drospirenone inhibits the process of ovulation. If a girl's blood remains concentrated, this is what happens:
- The viscosity of cervical mucus increases. Sperms simply cannot enter the uterus.
- Endometrium changes. Even if fertilization somehow occurs, the fertilized egg will not take hold.
If you believe the numerous reviews of women about Yarin, then regular, correct intake of the drug also helps to establish the menstrual cycle. Soreness is reduced, bleeding becomes much less intense. Accordingly, the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia is minimized.
Drospirenone, which is part of the composition, helps to reduce fluid retention - swelling decreases, which means that body weight does not increase.
Contraceptive for skin problems
And it really is. As mentioned earlier, the Yarina contraceptive pills, reviews of which will be considered a littlelater, have an antiandrogenic effect. It is shown not only to protect against pregnancy, but also to reduce the symptoms of acne (acne), the risk of seborrhea and skin oil production.
Many do not understand this action. In fact, everything is logical. Most often, it is hormonal imbalance that causes acne. And the components included in the contraceptive pills contribute to the stabilization of the sebaceous glands.
The effect is not that long-term - permanent. After all, Yarina is a monophasic drug. The level of hormones in the female body remains the same throughout the entire cycle of taking the medication. Accordingly, the imbalance is eliminated, and the girl forgets about skin problems.
Could they reappear? No, if you believe the reviews of women about Yarin. Even though the instruction implies a 7-day break after the completion of the package, the hormonal background simply does not have time to break in one week. However, this time is enough for the concentration of hormones in the girl's body to decrease, and his cleansing begins, accompanied by menstruation (more precisely, their similarity, called withdrawal bleeding).

Impressions after the start of admission
Girls, leaving feedback about "Yarina", often complain about the changes that occur to them after the start of the course. It should immediately be noted that this is quite normal, since the body gets used to the drug. Here are some of the manifestations girls face most often:
- Mood swings. It may beapathetic-melancholy, and then suddenly change to positive-optimistic. Or vice versa.
- Nausea and dizziness. Girls who leave reviews about the contraceptive "Yarina" say that these manifestations are observed a few hours after taking the first pill. This is fine. About 75% of the substances are absorbed within two hours. The body begins to react to the ingestion of unusual components, and the result is nausea.
- Swelling or breast enlargement. And this seems to be not bad, but the sensitivity is greatly increased - even slight touches bring discomfort. The sensations experienced by the girl are compared with aching pain, as before menstruation.
- Increase in body temperature and fluid retention, resulting in swelling.
- Very little brown discharge. Seeing them, most girls start to panic. It is worth calming down - they pass in a few days, and after the start of the next package, this will no longer be the case, as the body will get used to the hormones.
- Lower libido. Occurs against the background of all of the above consequences. In the future, it also passes.
In general, all of the above may simply be a reaction of a weakened organism to the drug. Do not forget that the "start" of the package falls on the first day of menstruation. When there is a cycle, the girls do not feel very well anyway, and then there is also a new pharmaceutical compound, so far unfamiliar to the body, begins to enter the bloodstream.
The most important thing is not to stop taking the pills. About itall the doctors who respond to the reviews left by the girls persistently repeat.
Instructions for the use of "Yarina" implies taking all 21 tablets for 21 days in a row. Violating the course, the girl will only make her body worse. The hormonal background is a very delicate mechanism, and it must be handled with care. Of course, if the pain is unbearable, then it cannot be tolerated. But in this case, you need to go to the doctor.
Reviews of women after 30 years about "Yarina"
It can be said that the drug in question is universal - it is prescribed for both very young girls and older persons.
Comments left by older ladies, I would like to consider separately. But we must immediately make a reservation that everything is very individual. What some people experience is completely unknown to others. So, here is what information can be found in the reviews of women after 30 years old about Yarin:
- Women who have already given birth and who have taken pills for several years after the appearance of their first child report problems with conception. Contraceptives seem to block the work of the ovaries. Young girls recover faster, but older women have trouble conceiving.
- After giving birth, in women who are initially prone to varicose veins, taking the drug causes discomfort, manifested in discomfort in the leg. There is a risk of thrombosis. Many change the drug.
- Women who start taking pills soon after childbirth notice the appearance of bloody discharge that lasts a very long time, and alsoregular bouts of dizziness, nausea and bad mood. Plus, skin problems are added to this - unpleasant oiliness and acne.
- Also, many women who started taking Yarina after 30 years old, in the reviews, note the appearance of a great desire for food. Appetite practically does not go away, and this does not suit many, as the result is excess weight and cellulite.
There are women who agree with what has been said, and some do not even understand what it is about, as the drug suits them. In any case, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you need to start taking OK only after they are prescribed by a doctor. And he does this after an examination and a thorough study of the tests.

About long-term use
Most girls have been taking the same birth control pills for years. And the method itself is simple - high reliability of the contraceptive, ease of use, clear instructions.
In reviews of Yarin, the price even refers to the advantages of this drug by many. The cost of one package is about 1,100 rubles at the moment. It's not cheap, but there are birth control pills that cost two, three, or even four times as much. "Exluton", for example, costing about 4,000 rubles.
But there are girls who are concerned about the question: is it possible to take birth control for so long? Will they have the same effect a few years later? Yes, and this is said in all the reviews of doctors. "Yarina" is a hormonal drug. It has no other activesubstances. The body simply cannot get used to hormones, as they are substances of organic nature.
Moreover, according to WHO recommendations, it is advisable to start taking contraceptives a few months after the onset of the first menstruation and continue until the onset of menopause. That is, stop a year after menopause. And take breaks for pregnancy and breastfeeding if a woman is planning children. That is, on average, the duration of taking contraceptives will be about 35 years.
In our country, of course, few people follow this recommendation. But in Europe and the United States, contraceptives are used by about 50% of women. And "Yarina" is one of the most popular OK there, which has high reliability, and has also passed the test of time and tens of thousands of girls.
True, there they are sold exclusively by prescription. But this excludes the unauthorized prescription of drugs. That is why abroad, almost no one encounters side effects from taking OK, since everything is done in accordance with medical recommendations.
Features of Yarina Plus
Surely everyone has heard about this version of the contraceptive. To understand how it differs from the usual one, you should pay attention to the reviews of doctors left about Yarina Plus.
In simple terms, this version of contraceptive is distinguished by the presence of calcium levomefolate in it. It is a biologically active form of folate that is quickly absorbed by the body.
It is believed that this particular contraceptive option is better for women planning after cancellationdrug to get pregnant. The additional substance included in it does not allow the occurrence of a lack of folic acid. This is important, since it is its deficiency that leads to pathologies in the development of the fetus.
By the way, one package of "Yarina Plus" contains 28 tablets. Of these, 21 are active combined, orange. On them you can see the embossing "Y +". The other 7 are supplemental vitamin pills.
If you believe the reviews left about Yarina Plus by women after 30 years old, then getting pregnant after canceling this contraceptive really succeeds quickly and without problems. There is a so-called rebound effect - literally after a couple of months, the ovaries begin to work more actively, as a result of which the chances of the origin of conception increase significantly.

"Yarina" for delay and postponement of menstruation
Surely every girl in her life has had such a situation: some important event is coming, but also the onset of menstruation is approaching, which is guaranteed to ruin everything.
Many in such cases begin to try different ways to delay or, conversely, early "call" critical days. And the girls who take Yarina are lucky - they may not even consider this a problem, since it is solved in a jiffy.
To prevent menstruation, you just need to start drinking a new pack at the end of the pack without taking a break. The blockage of ovulation will continue. When the right moment comes for menstruation, it will be possible to take the required break, and then continue the unfinished packfollowed by the opening of a new one - so that 21 tablets are obtained.
Of course, this is not recommended. This is stated in all the reviews of doctors. Yarina's instructions must be followed, but such situations do happen, and since there is no other way out, then you can neglect it once.
Some girls do it differently. They decide to start drinking OK spontaneously in order to quickly "block" ovulation before an important event, although menstruation should begin in just a few days. This can affect the body even worse. But, since we are talking about reviews of Yarin, it should be noted that the girls speak positively about the drug - an emergency "delay" works.

There is a certain list of diseases in which it is strictly forbidden to take contraceptives. This is stated in all the reviews of doctors about "Yarin". The price for neglecting such a valuable recommendation can be very high.
Contraindications include:
- Thrombosis of arteries or veins, as well as thromboembolism.
- Circulation problems.
- Angina, high blood pressure.
- Severe surgical operations after which a long bed rest was indicated.
- Migraine accompanied by neurological manifestations - hypersensitivity, impaired speech and vision.
- Diabetes mellitus with vascular complications.
- Active smoking.
- Pancreatitis, against the background of which the content oftriglycerides in the blood.
- Liver and kidney failure, tumors.
- Malignant diseases of a hormonal nature.
- Vaginal bleeding of unknown nature.
- Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy, breastfeeding.
- Increased sensitivity to contraceptive pills.
All this is also spelled out in the Yarina's instructions. Plus, the reviews mention this repeatedly. And for good reason, because many of the side effects and problems that occur after the start of taking the drug arise from neglect of the rules.

What do doctors say?
This question is asked by every woman who wants to start taking birth control pills. It is logical that many girls, having studied the composition plus the instructions for using Yarina, also begin to look for reviews.
Gynecologists say: fears regarding the use of oral contraceptives of the latest generation, to which these pills belong, are greatly exaggerated. They have far more advantages than disadvantages.
Through numerous studies, it was found that these OCs help cure PCOS, endometriosis and dysmenorrhea.
Regular intake of the drug helps to avoid oncological and inflammatory diseases, as well as the appearance of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and mastopathy. In women who took birth control, the risk of developing these ailments at an older age is much less than in those who did not drink OK. And probabilitythe occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy is an order of magnitude lower.
Many girls, after reviews of Yarina Plus, categorically refuse to drink this drug. They are afraid of the possibility of getting pregnant, which, in fact, is not. Yes, this drug contains fortified tablets and folic acid, but these tablets are still contraceptive. If you take them according to the instructions, then unwanted pregnancy will not occur.
This is about Yarina Plus. Reviews of women also lead some girls to give up the idea of starting to take the drug, because it has many contraindications. Yes, they are available, but doctors remind that antibiotics also have them. However, this was never a reason to refuse a doctor's prescription.
Well, there is no need to be afraid of taking birth control. You just need to pass the necessary examinations, get a referral for the drug and periodically undergo an examination by a specialist.