The menopause is the menopause, which in turn is a new stage in a woman's life. Such changes in he alth women should be met "fully armed", as menopause often brings a lot of unpleasant surprises. To protect he alth during menopause, a balanced diet is required along with additional support in the form of vitamins, and, in addition, trace elements, since even proper nutrition cannot cover the body's need for these substances. In our article, we will consider the drug "Ci-Klim" and reviews about it.

Considered a parapharmaceutical, used as an alternative to hormonal drugs for menopause in women. As part of a component of natural origin, the main active ingredient is a dry extract of cimicifuga from the group of phytoestrogens. The plant has an estrogen-like effect, withthere are no side effects and no weight gain. Qi-Klim also has sedative properties, it has a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system.
Phytoestrogen requirement
The main cause of women's aging is a decrease in the production of sex hormones. The main hormone of a woman's youth is estrogen. Starting from the age of thirty, the body produces less and less estrogen. Against this background, the metabolism slows down significantly, and the face with the body begins to change, or rather, to age. The skin, as well as the muscles, begins to lose elasticity with elasticity, wrinkles form and deepen, and the figure, in turn, noticeably grows fatter and blurs. It is at this moment that phytoestrogens come to the aid of the female body, which are substances found in various plants, for example, in cimicifuge. These substances serve as a kind of analogue of the female sex hormones.
For example, in the West, taking phytoestrogens, starting at the age of forty, is the norm, and women in their fifties there look much younger compared to many Russian women. Dietary supplements with phytoestrogens of cimicifuga are the most common for managing female age, not only abroad, but now also here in Russia. In domestic pharmacies, they are contained in the preparation "Ci-Klim". Reviews abound about him.
Why do menopausal women need vitamins
First of all, they take part in many metabolic processes. Vitamins also affect the processes that synthesize femalesex hormones. Among other things, beneficial trace elements not only affect the body as a whole, but also purposefully affect the symptoms. It is for these purposes that a whole complex called "Tsi-Klim" was developed for women during the onset of menopause. Reviews about it are mostly positive.
The ingredients of the created complex were selected in such a way as to provide the female body in this difficult period with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the composition includes various extracts, for example, based on cimicifuga and motherwort, which can further alleviate the symptoms of menopause. The main advantage of this remedy is that it does not contain any hormones. This attracts many women.
The drug "Chi-Klim" gives a woman the opportunity to move to the stage of hormonal restructuring of her body without a radical change in her usual lifestyle, contributing to good he alth during menopause through systemic regulatory treatment with nutrients. In addition, it is also recommended in cases of early menopause, including.

Let's take a closer look at the instructions for Qi-Klim and reviews about the drug.
The product is available in several forms:
- in tablets;
- as a cream;
- vitamins.
Composition of tablets with cimicifuga extract supplemented with potato starch, MCC, calcium stearate, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, macrogol-400, titaniumdioxide, red and brown iron oxide dye, polysorbate-80. Women note that it is most convenient to take the tablet form.
Vitamins "45 plus"
The composition of vitamins is distinguished by its naturalness, so they contain the following components:
- L-carnitine takes part in the metabolic processes of the female body, contributing to a better blood supply to the heart and brain.
- Rutin and selenium.
- Pantothenic and folic acid.
- Extracts of cimicifuga and motherwort. Cimicifuga extracts are, first of all, estrogens, which help to reduce the manifestations of menopause. Motherwort has cardiotonic properties, producing a slight sedative effect, which improves the emotional state.
- Vitamins C, A, and E.
- Vitamins that belong to group B: B1, B2 and B6.
Thus, phytoestrogens of black cohosh are a safe and effective alternative for hormone therapy. These components have a unique mechanism of action that is not similar to other phytoestrogens. The components do not bind to estrogen receptors and therefore are not able to increase the risk of developing female oncological pathology. At the same time, like other phytoestrogens, they contribute to the effective elimination of the manifestations of the deficiency of essential substances, and, in addition, the manifestations of the climacteric syndrome.
Qi-Klim Alanine
It is an anti-menopausal drug. As part of 1 tablet beta-alanine and auxiliary components. Very effective for hot flashes in women. Dosage - 1-2 tablets. daily. Continue the course from 5 days until the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes therapy is repeated. Side effects are extremely rare and may include itching and hives.
The regimen of admission is indicated in the instructions for use. Reviews to "Tsi-Klim Alanin" confirm the quick effect.
Mechanism of action
Means of vegetable origin. Cycloartan triterpenoids, including shengmanol, acetylsengmanol, have a hypotensive and sedative effect, myocardial contractility increases, but this does not affect the heart rate. In combination with saponins and phytosterol, they have lipid-lowering, antioxidant and angioprotective activity.
Estrogen-like action is due to the fact that the hypothalamic neurons bind to estrogen receptors (the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries system is stimulated). The secretion of GnRH decreases and subsequently the secretion of LH by the anterior pituitary gland decreases. Reduced release of gonadotropins eliminates psycho-emotional and vegetative-vascular disorders that occur in the premenopausal and menopausal periods.

Diuresis increases, secretion of digestive glands increases, smooth muscles of the intestines and urinary tract relax, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects appear.
Results of application
According to reviews, Qi-Klim helps women achieve the following results:
- Achievementgood he alth during menopause.
- Increase vitality and energy.
- Improve the absorption of calcium in the body.
- Body weight control.
Drug Benefits
The drug "Ci-Klim" has a number of the following advantages:
- Affordable price of a drug that is not inferior in quality and efficiency to its Western counterparts. The average cost of this product is three hundred rubles per pack.
- 100% natural composition. The drug is distinguished by the presence of active ingredients. For example, it contains a standardized cimicifuga extract along with the amino acid beta-alanine.
- Lack of hormones, thanks to which Qi-Klim does not cause the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors, such as cancer of the uterus or mammary glands.
- Clinically proven efficacy, and, in addition, the safety of the drug "Qi-Klim". The best clinics of the country acted as research centers.
- Scientific expertise of the drug was carried out by the best scientists in the field of gynecology.
Benefits of phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens are substances that are isolated from plants that have a similar structure to female sex hormones. These substances have an estrogen-like effect. Thus, the phytoestrogens of cimicifuga, which are part of Qi-Klima, contribute to the elimination of manifestations of estrogen deficiency in women aged forty to fifty years. Thanks to their content, it is possible to cope with the following unpleasant symptoms:
- Flashes and night sweats.
- Availabilitypalpitations.
- Disturbances in sleep or falling asleep.
- Emotional irritability with tearfulness.
- Decreased mood.
- Fatigue
- Aging and dry skin and mucous membranes
Reviews of Qi-Klim tablets and vitamins confirm this.
As a result, phytoestrogens, which are part of the preparation, contribute to the achievement of the following positive changes:
- Improves general well-being and mood.
- Increases efficiency with vitality.
- Hormonal aging is slowed down, and, in addition, skin aging.
In numerous reviews of Qi-Klima, women recommend taking it.
Indications for use
The product is recommended as a biologically active food supplement, which has a general tonic effect and is required for women in menopause, and, in addition, against the background of a surgical intervention that the organs of the reproductive system have undergone.

Contraindications for use
The presented drug should not be taken in the following two cases:
- Presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Development or risk of estrogen-dependent tumors.
With great care, this remedy is used in the presence of any violations of the liver, and, in addition, with epilepsy, diseases and injuries of the brain, and so on. The use of the drug inthe above cases is possible only after consultation with your doctor.
Tsi-Klim tablets, according to reviews, are usually well tolerated.
Instructions for taking the drug for menopause
This drug should be taken one tablet once a day. Take the remedy with food for two or more months. According to clinical studies, the therapeutic effect of this remedy does not develop immediately, but gradually, manifesting itself approximately three weeks after the start of therapy.
Special Instructions
The drug should not be taken without consulting a doctor. Against the background of the slightest change in the nature of menstruation, and, in addition, with prolonged menstruation or other newly emerging complaints, you need to contact a specialist.
If pregnancy occurs, stop taking the drug immediately. The presented tool does not affect the driver's ability to drive a car and other mechanisms that require increased concentration. The only requirement is that it should only be taken at recommended doses.
Side effects
According to women's reviews of Qi-Klima, some allergic reactions are not excluded while taking the drug. In rare cases, pain in the epigastric region may occur. In addition, a slight increase in body weight is likely.
Extremely rarely, according to reviews and instructions for Qi-Klim, there may be a feeling of tension in the mammary glands along with menstrual bleeding.
Expert reviews
PoAccording to doctors' reviews of Qi-Klime, the composition of the drug contains, as already noted, an extract of the cimicifuga plant, which is a source of natural phytohormones. The so-called phytohormones help eliminate the manifestations of estrogen deficiency along with menopausal disorders, for example, it is possible to deal with hot flashes, sweating, irritability, sleep disturbance, dry skin and mucous membranes, and so on.
Thus, in the presence of such symptoms, which mainly manifest themselves at the age of forty, you can already start taking the Qi-Klim tablets. Reviews of doctors confirm this.
The age of onset of the menopausal transition can vary somewhat, but generally occurs after the age of forty-five.

How does the drug work?
Cimicifuga extract has a central mechanism of action. It affects the exchange of neurotransmitters of the nervous system, such as serotonin and norepinephrine. Therefore, Qi-Klim eliminates various menopausal symptoms in the form of hot flashes, sweating, palpitations and sleep disturbances. This drug is safe for long-term treatment, since phytohormones of cimicifuga do not cause stimulation of the endometrium and mammary glands, so there is no effect on the risk of developing estrogen-dependent tumors.
Reviews on tablets "Ci-Klim"
As for the reviews about this drug, we can say that there are a lot of dissatisfied opinions and complaints, but there are alsopositive comments. So, let's find out what the women who happened to take it say about this drug.
Opinions are often negative
Women who experience irregular periods and hot flashes in their 50s report being dissatisfied with this drug. In particular, it is reported that at first everything goes as it should: the effect is felt almost immediately after the start of use, for example, hot flashes disappear quickly, and menstruation comes on time. But, unfortunately, in many cases it happens that instead of ending on time, menstruation continues with a vengeance. For many, it got to the point that they had to turn to decoctions based on nettle for help.
This is also noted in the reviews of Qi-Klim 45 Plus.
Some women are not afraid of this effect, and they continue to use the product further. Those who took the risk, according to stories, after some time found some black clots in the secretions. Of course, you can’t bring it to such a state, because otherwise you can’t do without calling an ambulance.
Of course, this effect of taking the medicine is not pleasant, but in this regard, it should be emphasized that the instructions for use say that at the slightest change in menstruation, women should stop taking it and consult a specialist.
According to doctors, the Qi-Klim tablets sometimes cause side reactions.
Many patients complain about this drug and say that it artificially increases estrogen levels,because of which the natural work of the body is disrupted.
As the ladies write in their reviews of vitamins for women "Ci-Klim 45 Plus", they are sure that while taking this medication, women experience an increase in uterine fibroids along with breakthrough bleeding. In addition, according to them, the drug causes breast swelling.
In connection with such comments, many women are sure that this is just an overly advertised remedy that not only does not help, but, on the contrary, can only harm he alth.
What other reviews are there about Qi-Klim 45 Plus for women?

Losing to other means
Ladies who have something to compare with report in their reviews that the drug, in terms of its effectiveness, is significantly inferior to other similar means. In particular, it is noted that even after doubling the dose, women do not feel any relief at all. And it happens, rather, even the opposite. So, women report that while taking this medicine, they have increased sweating along with the number of hot flashes. It is especially difficult to endure such a state at night.
Helps some
Despite the large amount of dissatisfaction around this drug, it must be said that there are many positive comments.
Many people, as you can see, are skeptical about the products of the Evalar campaign, thinking that it is just a publicity stunt, and as a result, nothing helps. But some women report that by their own examplemade sure that this is not the case. For example, it is reported that after the onset of menopause, women managed to cope with unpleasant symptoms, which the drug greatly alleviated.
Women also talk about the noticeable effectiveness of the drug, thanks to which it was possible to alleviate periods of sweating, which were reduced from twelve to two times a day. In addition, according to the stories of customers, the drug helped them cope with excessive irritability, which made it possible to become a calmer and happier person.
Women also say that they tolerate the intake of "Chi-Klim" quite well, and, in addition, they plan to continue taking these pills. In this regard, many women advise others to take this drug, especially if there is a fear of hormonal drugs.
Here are reviews of the Qi-Klim vitamins in tablets in abundance.
Unspecified side effects
But let's get back to the complaints, since, as already noted, there are much more of them than positive reviews. Another claim to drug developers from consumers is that the instructions for use of the drug do not contain important information regarding possible side effects. For example, in the instructions there is not a word about an increase in hunger, the appearance of edema and other unpleasant symptoms. The developer uses the general phrase "individual intolerance", without specifying how it can manifest itself.
Disgruntled women believe that the drug has negatively affected theirorganism. In this regard, women are convinced that it is better to undergo hormone replacement therapy, which, of course, will be much more expensive, but without gaining extra pounds, acne and other negative effects.
Reviews of Qi-Klim vitamins for women often mention this.

The cause of women's misfortunes or a well-thought-out publicity stunt
Continuing the theme of dissatisfied reviews about the Qi-Klim vitamins for women, it is also worth mentioning that in some reports women call the drug the cause of their misfortunes. They explain this conclusion by the fact that they were hooked by an advertisement from the Evalar company, which promised that due to the effect of the remedy, women would be able to look thirty at the age of fifty.
Those who drank the Qi-Klima Alanine course for such purposes, according to reviews, regretted several times that they had contacted this drug at all. In particular, it is reported that against the background of his admission, severe bleeding opened, as a result of which women ended up in the hospital with all the ensuing consequences. Some even had to survive the operation. Women say that, as the doctors explained to them as a result of the treatment, they messed up their hormonal levels with the help of Qi-Klima.
Those who have suffered such negative consequences from the advertised remedy urge the rest to descend from heaven and to earth and stop believing in advertising noodles, which, apart from their own benefit, does not pursue any other goals. Therefore, many women try to avoid dubious andharmful drugs, so as not to regret it later. And, of course, before buying this or that pharmaceutical product, you must definitely consult a doctor and read reviews about Qi-Klim Alanine tablets.
Today, there are many pharmaceuticals, whose action is aimed at alleviating the unpleasant symptoms that bother women in the menopause of their lives. One of these means is Qi-Klim. The presented medicine is very well advertised, but, as most reviews on the Internet testify, it, unfortunately, does not inspire confidence in itself. Women talk about directly opposite effects, which are increased symptoms of menopause, weight gain, bleeding and other unpleasant, and sometimes even dangerous consequences. In this regard, it is worth emphasizing that no matter how tempting promises in advertising may be, you cannot prescribe this or that drug on your own, you need to coordinate everything with your doctor, since the body of each woman is individual.
We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews for Qi-Klim.